May 7, 2001, 04:53
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I have won CTP2 two times(and after those I started to test MedPack). After my first win I was shocked. There was not that animated map which was familiar from Sid Meyer's civilizations. I mean when you win you will get the map and see every turn and conquests in that map. Every nation have it's own color. If I am sure that map did not exist in CTP1 either.
I loved that map most in civilizations games! I suppose that CTP2 does not have expanding/conquering information in savegame files? But does anyone know any ways(external softwares etc) to get that animated map to CTP2 too?
If you do know how the map could be got please add that possibility to MedPack too.
May 7, 2001, 11:45
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Hi Janilxx,
I am sorry to tell you what you ask is not possible. It is something that has to be hard coded into the game. That map has not existed since civ 1.
Timothy Pintello
May 7, 2001, 13:55
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After my first win I was shocked. There was not that animated map which was familiar from Sid Meyer's civilizations.
I never saw this civ replay map in Civ2 and CTP1 either. I have no idea how to add this feature without getting the source code from Activision or by decompiling.
May 7, 2001, 14:48
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Originally posted by Pintello on 05-07-2001 11:45 AM
That map has not existed since civ 1.
Timothy Pintello
It was in SMAC, and I bet it will be in CivIII!!!!
May 7, 2001, 17:15
Wes a question. I re-downloaded all CTP 2 items yesterday (Sun) and re-installed them. When I build the Horse Archer the sprite is the Cavalry unit from CTP and not the Horse Archer from your Mod in CTP. Is there something wrong with my computer? Or do I need to go into my files and change something?
[This message has been edited by joseph1944 (edited May 07, 2001).]
May 8, 2001, 01:12
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About the map...
Every savegame situation has the information where cities are. So if you would save the game in every turn in different name you could then use an external program that loads every savegame files in to memory in order and examines savegame situations and draws a map. And finally it would connect maps and makes them as a animation.
Any volunteers to do this  ? I would like to do it but I am programming at work 7.5h/day so I do not like programming at home anymore and I really do not have time either at home.
May 8, 2001, 01:51
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I checked your vids and that longer one was really pretty
Could we get one more list there? I mean list of testers  I want to be there and I want to become famous :-) Testers could be there in very small font
PS. Waiting new texts update...
May 8, 2001, 02:06
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Joseph, the Dragoon was a temporary unit used until Morgoth completed his Mongol sprite. Tom told me he would not be able to complete it any time soon, so in the next update the Elite Nomadic Horseman is gone, and its sprite is now used for the Horse Archer, just like it was in the Medpack I.
Jani, you are mentioned in the Acknowledgements section of the Main readme for your help in getting me the PSP crack. The video was put together before Martin's help with the mod, so I listed his citymod2 as one of the components of the modpack, and listed him again beside your name.
There have been dozens of people who have helped with play-testing, many of whom have come and gone over the months. I hope they all come back to enjoy the finished version of the mod. I tried to restrict the video to people who have contributed files specifically for the medmod. It still came out about a dozen people.
We are having some trouble de-bugging the slic code, so I can't say for sure when the next upadte will be up. It may be up in a few minutes, or it may be a couple of days more.
I am starting a new thread about a related matter, so check it out sometime.
May 8, 2001, 16:04
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Posts: 122
I haven't been following all of this thread, but is the weak military AI problem solved? In particular, is the following now possible?
1. You capture an important AI city in the heart of its empire.
2. The AI has tons of troops hanging around that region.
3. AI collects the troops and recaptures the city.
From my recollections of this pathetic game, the AI would send in a lone cannon to 'take back' the captured city, while the rest of its troops would flee to safer locales ... Perhaps this is something to do with its screwed up priorities.
May 8, 2001, 23:34
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Very great video Wes, excellent work!
Well, I look forward to getting to test the next text release when it becomes available, lot’s of new stuff to keep me excited. Keep up the fine work Wes. Don’t get discouraged, all those people will come back when the Public Version is released  and I am sure they will have a lot of input for you too  .
Joseph1944: Thanks a lot for your comment on my post over at the Civ III forum. It meant a lot to me  .
May 9, 2001, 07:14
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Originally posted by Dale on 05-06-2001 11:46 PM
Locutus, how's my English rate? 
Hmm, your English is (near to) perfect and your posts are (near to) perfectly clear, I'd say a 10
Little update on the SLIC:
Gedrin, Wes, Dale and yours truly are still working on the militia code, it's giving all sorts of trouble; some patience may be required as it could well be a while before we can find workarounds for some bugs in SLIC itself...
May 9, 2001, 11:32
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I may be a lone voice here, but it is my opinion after reading nearly everything about the evolution of Med Mod II including the correspondences between Wes and his co-contributors that while it may be nice to have free defense for the cities especially in the early game and when barbarians are a problem, it is not worth the dely, nor the effort which could be put into something else.
Although a great deal of work has been put into the code who does it really benefit? We know the AI can build its own defensive units just fine. In fact it's quite good at this. In addition shouldn't there be some sense of urgency to defending a new settlement? I find that exciting. I must either take troops from other locations along with the settler to protect them and then to protect the city or I must quickly build new defensive units once I sneak my settler to his/her new home. Either way it's a neat part of the game to me.
Release the public version. Then if there are still those who are interested in working on the milita code so be it. They could even run the presently available (but buggy) militia code as it is.
Wes, Polish, package and ship this baby... It's good, let everyone see it before there is no one playing this game any more, as they are all swept up in the soon to be Civ III frenzy.
May 9, 2001, 13:19
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Posts: 525
Militias represent less-well trained local troops who take up arms against invaders...they could take the form of a voluntary defense force or just local citizens who take up arms to save their families and their property...I think militias are a good idea, as long as they are not as powerful as regular troops.
May 9, 2001, 15:49
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Wes, Is PT boats Elite unit? Shows up on tech chart as Elite, and in unit chart as defensive. Did not show up at all in game.
according to tech chart can tearaform hills with explosives, not so.
Culverin still can't bambard water, chart says they can.
on tech chart, you might think about changing unconventional units to pink. The dr. yellow is not readable when printed out. the pink is only used for Tech branchs so would not be confusion on chart.
Keep up the great work, thanks to all you who are making this happen!!
noticed that when reloading game that all trade routs lost 20 gold in value, NOT GOOD!!!
[This message has been edited by preacherman (edited May 09, 2001).]
May 10, 2001, 00:34
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We still have not been able to figure out a militia solution, so I have asked Wouter to make a version of the militia code which will simply create a regular defensive unit of the current age when a city is founded.
The militia will no longer exist as a separate unit concept. I agree that they are not needed like they were in Ctp1, when the AIs routinely lift cities undefended. This new code will not upgrade units, or add more as a city grows. It will simply be a way of protecting a new city, which is something the AI still does not always accomplish (they are supposed to escort all their settlers too, but you often see them fail in this).
I agree that we have to move on, and if a solution is found in the future, we can always put it back into the mod.
Colorme, we have made the military actions of the AI a priority in our efforts, and the three things you outlined have been a goal of mine since the start, but I don't think I was able to pull that one off. I hope that we see a much more offensive-minded AI in this next release.
I did get rid of the "lone attacks", which were specifically included in the settings to "keep you off balance" as Richard (Azmel) once stated. I would love to see the person who came up with that logic in a multi-player game.
"Wes, Is PT boats Elite unit? Shows up on tech chart as Elite, and in unit chart as defensive. Did not show up at all in game.
according to tech chart can tearaform hills with explosives, not so.
Culverin still can't bambard water, chart says they can.
on tech chart, you might think about changing unconventional units to pink. The dr. yellow is not readable when printed out. the pink is only used for Tech branchs so would not be confusion on chart.
Keep up the great work, thanks to all you who are making this happen!!
noticed that when reloading game that all trade routs lost 20 gold in value, NOT GOOD!!!"
PTs are regular units, though at the beginning I thought about having them as Elite. I forgot to change their color. I also swapped the color of the Unconventional units and the Tech Branches, since players don't really need to see the branches, anyway.
The text looks correct as far as the terraforming. You may not have had enough PW stored up.
I corrected the Culverin. I thought that has done that weeks ago. Oh well, it's done now.
That's weird about the trade routes. I don't know what I can do about it, though. I will try and keep it in mind as I play-test this next round.
As soon as I get the simplified trigger from Wouter, I will post the update. With all the militia problems, I have not been able to verify the Elite code, but it is pretty straight-forward, so I don't think there will be a problem with it.
Btw, does anyone know if the Partisan code works?
May 10, 2001, 16:14
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Posts: 127
One small request:
When the final version is released, how bout compressing every single file into one big file and placing it with an installer so installation will be a little easier and there are no accidents. I hate have to read the readmes to find out where to put stuff, and its also a pain in the ass to download the files separately.
May 10, 2001, 21:25
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I already posted about that, and the consensus was that an installer was not needed. You just unzip all of the files into the main CTP2 folder. If you have any questions feel free to ask!
May 10, 2001, 21:47
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Alright no installer, but how bout creating one large zip file to download rather then cluttering my download directy with a bunch of seperate files to download.
May 10, 2001, 21:58
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UPDATE ALERT: New text update posted.
I figured out how to alter the old militia code to fit the new setup. Now you just get a normal defensive unit when a city is founded.
As far as a big download, I worry about people with slow connections like myself. The combined file would be over 20 megs, and I can only dl about 8 megs an hour. I use a program called Reget when I want to dl multiple, large files.
May 10, 2001, 22:29
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thanks for the update Wes! Another program that is pretty good for large downloads is GoZilla. It allwos you to resume downloads of large files at a later time.
May 10, 2001, 22:40
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Originally posted by Rhuarc on 05-10-2001 10:29 PM
thanks for the update Wes! Another program that is pretty good for large downloads is GoZilla. It allwos you to resume downloads of large files at a later time.
are these two programs free or shareware?
I use Getright (Yuck) it is shareware so I am looking for a free version somewhere.
May 11, 2001, 00:27
Local Time: 20:00
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You know, after looking through the new text files, and the new changes I'm going to HAVE to change my strategy!
When war was declared on me, I'd immediately move all but one defensive unit out of all cities and move to the frontlines. (In peace times I go with a small army to help boost the economy and research.  ) I'd then start building new units in these cities while the frontline troops rallied into stacks. Usually what happens to me is the AI actually gets a couple of troops round my rally-point (in the middle of HIS civ) and can often capture a city off me cuz it's only defended by one unit. For me, when I've rush-built the units I'd already started, I'd mearly recapture that city before sending to the rally-point.
Anyways, after all these changes I have to change that strategy! With the more agressive settings, half my buildings being destroyed in the capture, 1/4 of the city's pops running away and other such stuff, it's very likely that when I capture the city back there'll be nothing left! Or very little anyways. Oh dear, I'm going to have to build a defensive army AND an offensive army.
BTW, this is a GOOD thing!
Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."
May 11, 2001, 10:45
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Gozilla is a freeware. It doesn't expire or any other crap like that. It also has really cool download sounds! When you click a link to download a file it sounds the Tyrannasourus Rex off of Jurrasice Park. It has another cool sound when it is done downloading. Anyway, I would suggest getting this since it will make downloafing the Mod much less tedious. By the way, Wes, I haven't checked, but do you know does Apolyton's server support resume downloads?
May 11, 2001, 13:07
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Yes, it is possible to resume from Apolyton.
(The ModMod for CTP is 10mb, and the resume was very useful...)
May 11, 2001, 14:06
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THanks IMO. I can't wait for the final release of the mod to come out. From the sounds of thigns it realy makes the game both fun and challenging to play! One question for you mod makers. This might be too late to bring this up, but is there any way to bring back the old messaging system like was in CTP1 with the message buttons being displayed along the side? I liked that a lot better than the current system because then you actually knew when you had messages and they were much easier to get to. Thanks a lot!
May 11, 2001, 16:23
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Well I got a cable modem and can download 100 megabyte file in 10 minutes. I dont need that gozilla crap.
May 11, 2001, 20:04
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Wes, I gave you some help on terraforming, the tech chart is ether wrong or missing when it comes to terraforming avaibility times.
Swamp: Industrial rev (you have remove adv at Agricaltural Rev in file. Chart says available with Crop Rotation.
Desert: Agro Industry, chart says should be Crop Rotation.
Hills: Fusion, chart says should be Explosives,
Sand Hills: file says Fusion, not on tech chart.
Poler hills: file says fusion, not on tech chart. These two should be Explosives also.
Forest: Animal Husbandry, chart says Iron Working.
Jungle: Crop Rotation, chart says Iron Working.
Plains: file says Metal Working, not on chart.
Grass lands: file says Metal Working, not on chart.
Tundra: Avanced Composites,right on chart and in file but doesn't show up in game.
Glscier: in file Nano Machines, not on chart and doesn't show up in game.
I have checked everything using cheat mode. Not a problem where you want them, but chart needs to be right.
PT boats still never showed up, file looks ok maybe game.
Started playing with new update, game crashed to desktop three time but was retrivable each time. Did not notice what was happening at time of crash.
[This message has been edited by preacherman (edited May 11, 2001).]
May 12, 2001, 02:48
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Thanks for bringing up the terraforming problem again, P-man. I finally figured out what was happening. The designers changed some things in this area since Ctp1, and I have had trouble understanding it. It turns out that the enabling advances in tileimp.txt determine when the buttons become active on the PW tab. For everything except terraforming, they are also the enabling advances for that terrain improvement. In ctp1 they were enabled in the advances.txt, which still has some settings left in it for TIs which apparently don't do anything anymore.
For terraforming, adding and removing terrain is still enabled by the terrain.txt, as they were in ctp1. The settings in tileimp.txt just turn on the buttons for adding terrain.
Anyway, I corrected everything in the terrain.txt, and added a couple of things to the advances chart where it was needed. The listings in the advances chart tell when you can "remove" a given terrain. Sometimes different advances will allow you to add a terrain, but this is usually for undesirable terrain like desert which you should never want to add anyway.
1)There are not buttons for adding tundra and glacier, but you can remove them when you get the necessary tech.
2)When it says "Hills" in the advances chart, this refers to all three types of hills, since there is not enough room to list all three.
3)You cannot build railroads through mountains until you have explosives.
I figured out what was wrong with the PT_Boat, and Monitor as well. I had forgotten to remove the "can't build" flag from when they were going to be Elite units. You guys can remove that yourselves if you want to.
I tested the Partisan code, and it works properly, however the Elite code does not seen to be working. If any of you have received or seen any of the elite units, please report it.
May 13, 2001, 11:31
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Posts: 16
Did anyone see AI-to-AI activity? I've played to about 100 AD and have no AI-to-AI pacts and even cease-fire treaties. Of course I mean Medieval Mod.
May 13, 2001, 17:00
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In my playing of the mod so far I have seen a couple of cease-fire treaties, and one peace treaty. Other than that I haven't seen much, but I don't know if there is anything going on in the background with the AI that I don't know about.
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