April 13, 2001, 10:30
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Originally posted by Henrik on 04-09-2001 03:06 PM
I have gotten reports about some of the sounds being non-functional, please tell me if you have any problems.
I've just downloaded your 1655.scn and there are some non-working wavs.
The problem is that some of then are 11Mhz/8bits/Mono and they should be 22Mhz/8bit/Mono. I can easily fix them if you want.
April 13, 2001, 10:40
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This thread is getting confusing. Henrik, why don't you set up a seperate thread for your scenario? It would simplify my understanding of what is going on.
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April 13, 2001, 11:37
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I have done so now, I hope all confussion has been avioded 
And Waku: I have sent you a mail.
April 14, 2001, 00:56
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Am I the only one who thinks that a multiplayer playtest of the thirty years war scenario would be cool?
[This message has been edited by Henrik (edited April 13, 2001).]
April 15, 2001, 10:58
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I don´t the reason but everybody break their alliance, some idea to solve it.
Where are the other playtesters??

-No problem to control Northern Germany (by now)
I will made North German cities Danish, in fact in the Danish phase of the war they were Danish allies.

-French did the same (they were never friendly to me)
I don´t know but French are very agressive, I think that changing hteir leader character.

-I can't negotiate with the Imperials, I think this is historically unaccurate.
In Danish Phase, Imperials and Danish was in war and this is the reason of turn off the negotiation.
April 15, 2001, 13:07
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I haven't found any problems yet, that is why I haven't sent you anything since my early comments. I have played ten turns, and France is at peace. I feel kind of silly, because I couldn't understand why trying to take some independent cities would start a war with Spain, till I remembered that you put Spanish units in some cities!  Right now, I'm building France's infrastructure, through trade routes and the building of workshops and other resource producing improvements. I have landed an army in Britain, and will annex it for France soon.
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April 16, 2001, 09:14
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April 16, 2001, 09:27
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It is indeed Italy that I was after. But I did not provoke a war over those cities. Instead, I have taken the North Eastern Italian cities, while continuing to prepare France for major war. I think that taking Britain has advantages, the main being it can produce units without being harrased by the other powers. Against fortresses, only seige artillery seems to have any effect, so I will produce huge amounts of them, and they will be protected by Horseman and Pikeman. The updated version has been downloaded, and will be implemented when next I play.
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April 16, 2001, 10:10
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if I send you some screenshots of the pbem game could you put them in your web page??
mine is dead
April 17, 2001, 08:30
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April 17, 2001, 08:42
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It was fixed in the latest version I used, I havent checked whit this new one though.
April 17, 2001, 14:46
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[quoteThe events for others seem to be working fine, but I have yet to see one for France (Game date is early 1622).
I know but really French didn´t take part in the war until the last phases, only there is 3 (I believe) and 2 are provoked if Spanish conquer a pair of cities.
April 17, 2001, 14:46
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I just started playing the update and everything ran fine untill 1620 when I got the message:
Spain and France forms an alliance against the Protestants...
That is something we would like to avoid, right?
I propose making spain and France have Vendettas against eachother (this would be historical).
Oh and making the fortress a domain 3 unit would see to it that it cant be shiped around.
[This message has been edited by Henrik (edited April 17, 2001).]
April 17, 2001, 15:01
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playings as the imperials, I´m in 1622 and I killed all the protestants conquered all germany and Danish cities in the continent, also a city in the Copenaghen island has been conquered, I´m planing an attack on France and the mainland of Denmark
I´m having a lot of fun
my only complain is that in the turn 43 i´ve conquered cities that I´m supose to conquer in other parts of the scenario
April 17, 2001, 15:22
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That happens to me sometimes playing as the swede too.
I think( and hope  ) that you will have more problems when the swedish player enters the war.
Oh and Jesús i discovered some more typos:
Västeras should be Västerĺs (Västeras would mean "The western corpse"  in swedish, so that one you might want to change).
[This message has been edited by Henrik (edited April 17, 2001).]
April 17, 2001, 16:29
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I have quited the alpine power to Favourites.
I believed that French and Spanish are with vendetta each other, I have changed it.
What do you think about the domain3 for fortress? It doesn´t conviced me very much.
Shaka, knowing as you play, I am surprised that you haven´t conquered all Europe 
I think that could be a bit easy for playing, if I make defensive units stronger....What do you think?
City´s names corrected
April 17, 2001, 16:43
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Phase 1 - Playing Danish:
-I had to restore the order in Brunswick, this Germans had to know who's the boss now. 
-With the help of Commercial Docks I'll be able to improve my Army.
-As I suspected I was sneak attacked by Swedish, They didn't take me by surprise. One of my convincing priest duly taught the people of Stralsund who's to be honoured as their King  ME!.
-They did it again, someone should taught them a lesson! the shape of my economy allowed me to afford the costs to explain to the population in Kalmar that they weren't in Sweden any longer. In the meanwhile I keep my army increasing and unharmed in Northern Germany (just in case).
-French are always in War, Imperials, Spanish and now Swedish (they haven't built yet the Moulin Rouge  .
-Independents attacked one of my Caravans to Kiev, excuse more than enough to attack Kolberg.
-While Polish & Swedish are having fun together I took advantage to fortify/reinforce/evangelize Stralsund and Kolberg.
-Polish realized there was not Coastal frotress in Aarhus and attacked me by surprise. Once again I used diplomatic means to conquest a city (Danzig). I had an Army in Kolberg, but my units are too valuable to be sacrified. I've surrounded Stettin (Swedish), now I only have to wait to be
attacked by them.
-As soon as Franco-Swedish War ended my neibourghs sneak attacked me again (these guys will never learn) guess what... yes, Stettin bribed  . Now I feel quite comfortable in N/Germany as to take a look to Scandinavia where my Norway cities are now ready to massively produce units.
-Ha! Now that Swedish are getting into troubles with Polish, come to me asking for help. What they don't know is that I'm gonna exterminate them both, at least if Northern Germany keeps quite.
April 18, 2001, 00:40
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I just installed the latest update, and the batch file thing works now. The Merchant ship values are now zero attack, so that is also fixed. Spain's attitude towards France changed from friendly to all out war, so I can now campaign against a real power. The events for others seem to be working fine, but I have yet to see one for France (Game date is early 1622). A note: I don't review the events file before I test, because I want to be surprised by events, if any. After I complete a scenario I am testing, I look to see if the events malfunctioned in a scenario.
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April 18, 2001, 01:45
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Waku, I would really like to play this scenario multiplayer whit you (and I wont bribed into submission as easily).
I think it would be really interesting...
Infact as I have stated before I think that all nations in the war being played by humans in a gigantic multiplayer effort would be pretty cool (although I realize that this is probably not possible since not everyone has the time or the connection for such an effort  ).
April 18, 2001, 01:55
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April 18, 2001, 06:09
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Originally posted by Henrik on 04-18-2001 01:45 AM
...and I wont bribed into submission as easily...
I'm taking too much advantage of diplomacy in my game, I think it should be changed somehow, but I don't really know which would be the best way  (more expensive units, palaces, democracy,  ...)
On the other hand I think danish/swedish aren't very focused to German affairs, at least not as much as they should be imho. What about an scandinavian alliance? perhaps it's not historically accurate (not sure, Henrik help!  ) but this would probably make them forget their rivalities and pay a bit more attention to Germany/Poland. I also think danish map should reveal the whole German Empire.
April 18, 2001, 08:25
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Originally posted by Waku on 04-18-2001 06:09 AM
I will removed the alpine power to diplomating units, and I will make them more expensive.
On the other hand I think danish/swedish aren't very focused to German affairs, at least not as much as they should be imho. What about an scandinavian alliance? perhaps it's not historically accurate (not sure, Henrik help! ) but this would probably make them forget their rivalities and pay a bit more attention to Germany/Poland. I also think danish map should reveal the whole German Empire.
Yes, I think so, in Danish Player don´t mind a lot, because they were defeated very quickly and they hadn´t no more importance in German wars, but in Swedish, it is more important problem, but I hope that they will involve more with the event of Swedish phase. Does this happend????
Other problem are the Spanish who don´t usually attack Nehterlands and develop their power in mediteranean sea.
Any ideas to solve it???
What about the Catalonian, Portuguese revolutions?do they happend correctly?
What about the idea of making the defence units stronger?
April 18, 2001, 08:28
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i don´t know the way but i have write a sentence into the quote
I will removed the alpine power to diplomating units, and I will make them more expensive. ok?
April 18, 2001, 11:18
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Originally posted by kIndal on 04-18-2001 08:25 AM
What about the idea of making the defence units stronger?
I not so sure about this. As it is, only siege artillery seem to be able to survive an attack against a fortress in a city. As it is, I am forced to build many siege guns. Fr. Musketeers are useless. Defense is low, and attack is not enough to justify building any. I think that skilled players wouldn't bother building this type of unit at all.
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April 18, 2001, 11:23
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I thought so about my musketeers too at first.
But then I realized that when they are veterans they are good as units used for attacking out of cities and they usually survive a winning better than a dragoon (if its a though fight).
I still wouldn't change the defence values if I where you Jesús...
April 19, 2001, 08:44
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Phase 2 playing Danish
-Here Polish seem to have taken the baton from Swedish as they have expanded a lot through russia/ucraina. I responded their agression by capturing Königsberg & Libau in combined amphibious assaults (Dragons and Ind Musketeers).
-I've founded Holstebro in N/Jutland.
-Imperials activated their alliance w/Spanish. Spain declares war on me, but after a friendly negotiation with the Cardinal-Infans they signed peace to me.
-Swedish attacked me, I had to bribe Jönköping  and invade Dagö (against my will  ).
-Imperials attacked Minden from Münster and Willstein attacked Magdeburg, although I still hold those cities my army suffered lots of casualties (My Baltic plans will have to wait). Polish have recovered Libau (this city wasn't connected by road to Königsberg  ).
-I've finally managed to destroy Münster fortifications, the assault was even easier.
-Cologne wasn't so easy, some casualties.
-Something funny: Spanish & Polish signed a secret alliance against Protestant, two turns later Spain declares war to Polish 
-Swedish sneak attacked I occuped Aabo.
-Mainz! Bloody assault indeed!
-Spanish & Polish did again the funny thing 
-Trier was easier than Mainz
(spelling: reads: "siegue cannon" should read: "siege cannon")
April 19, 2001, 10:52
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Forget what I said about Musketeers. I just realized they are Marines. I will need them for sea assaults.
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April 19, 2001, 11:41
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Phase 3 playing Danish:
-Everyone got units from events except me 
-Messy Diplomacy: I've signed peace with Imperials
-Spain declares War on Imperials 
-Protestants asked me to declare war on Polish (I agreed  )
-I occuped Reval & bribed Pernau but I couldn't take Posen nor Thorn (I've underestimated these Polish).
-Protestants & Imperials sign a secret alliance against ME!
-Protestants declared war on me 
-I've taken Cassel but I'm getting too weak!!
-Aaaarghhh!!!! Too many polish! Danzig & Königsberg are being massively attacked by Polish. Fortunately their only Baltic Seaport is Riga and I can embark defensive units from Scandinavia.
-Ha! Polish bribed Königsberg! They forced me to make war to Swedish, I was planning attack Göteborg a long time ago.
-Bloody Hell!!! I've lost most of my scandinavian army in Göteborg.
-Polish & Spanish sign a secret alliance against ME!
-I nearly lost Trier & Mainz by a swedish army from nowhere! I've taken Örebro.
-I've lost Libau to the Polish! but I bribed back Königsberg
April 19, 2001, 11:53
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you need MGE to play the scenario, right?
April 19, 2001, 11:55
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