Sieges/combat for newbie
What does the numbers in Sieges represent ?
The values in the circles represent Attackers Siege Strength (left)
and Defenders Siege Defence (right).
Highest present Leaders siege value +X
No Artillery at all -1
Artillery outnumbering Fortress Level
20:1 +1
30:1 +3
Siege Defence
Fortress Level +X
Rough Terrain (other then Plains) +2
i believe the their is further minus to the defense due to breachs in
the walls,but cannot find it in the database.This explains the large minus
numbers somtimes shown after a lengthy siege.i think each month has a %
to breach walls,which gives a + to assaults.Its mentioned in your save
game files as a +modifier if your in a siege.
As a side note if youve not looked at Land.csv, do so, it explains the%
gains per tech advance for inf/cav/art combat modifiers.See also naval.
csv. and the crt table for how casualties are inflicted.
If you know this already then ignore me, but to achieve more victorys
at less cost you may want to have several armies attack a few days apart,
when you invade, this allows the advance guard to engage and wear down
morale,then as main body arrives your morale is averaged out,and gives
you a better chance of victory,rememberthis works on land and sea,for
field battle and siege.