April 15, 2001, 20:36
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Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Chinese Fantasy
I chose to play the Fantasy scenario because I needed something simple after my tutorial session came to an unexpected halt because of a non-activated "save" button. I figured a fantasy scenario would be simple because there would be no historical wrinkles the game designers had to take into account.
And it is simple. No minor nations. You start with only one province, and everything else appears to be a vast expanse of native tribes. There's a handful of one-province "major" nations scattered around the world, but I haven't found any yet. All tech level start at zero. And I have received no explorers or conquistadors or historical commanders--and I don't think I'll be getting any.
So the fantasy scenario is a lot like Civ, in that you start out with a single base with a puny 10,000 in population and no tech knowledge. But Fantasy advances more slowly than does Civ.
In the twenty-two years I've played, I have my starting province, seven colony cities, three non-citied colonies, and a whole bunch of trading posts. My "empire" extends north across the Amur River into central Siberia. I have a colony city in Yalu (North Korea) and a trading post in the southern-most Japanese island (which cost me an army of 5,000 men + 3 of my 5 warships just to locate). I've gone south along the coast of China to the Gulf of Tonkin and then west to the Bay of Bengal, with a fortified colony city at Bangkok. All my tech levels are at a lousy two, and my annual income is about 150 ducets.
My short-term goal is to press westward into India and meet up with the Great Moghul Empire. It's got land tech 3 (cannons), but I've got a half dozen diplomats and a monarch with a high dip rating. Maybe we can cut some kind of deal--or maybe they'll just kick the snot out of me. Either way, the First Contact should cause the game to pick up.
April 16, 2001, 02:08
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I, too, have been playing as the Chinese. My empire stretches from extreme northern Siberia west to Irktusk, and then all the land all the way south covering all of Indochina and moving West into the Moghul lands. I also have moved onto four japanese territories and taiwan. I've taken two territories away from the Moghul's, but right after each one I gifted my way back into their hearts, so no long term wars ensued. My largest problem was the revolting that happened due to the wars. It took longer to clean all that up than it took to beat up on the Moghuls. I am trailing the Iriquois slightly in overall VP's, but I can make that up with continued expansion into the Moghul empire, and into Russia.
One thing I found funny was when I traded maps with the Moghuls. They had somehow sailed around the world, or nearly. They got up into N. America (from India, in a straight line), and then their ships must have sunk. So either they had one amazing run with a fleet, or they sent about 20 different expeditions for no reason (they didn't settle any colonies).
April 16, 2001, 13:52
Local Time: 10:06
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Yeah fantasia is nice but its more of an afterthought I think. The Grand Campaign is the bread and butter of EU
April 16, 2001, 17:38
Local Time: 10:06
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quick note,on the scn site at eu ththeres an intesting random game generator that is quite intertaing in its own right and is a good guide as to what and where to find it you change for your own personal prefs
April 16, 2001, 23:50
Local Time: 03:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Sandmonkey -- How hard was it for you to get into Japan? When I tried, I got my butt kicked.
It's now 1528. I've discovered the Mughals and have been playing kissy face with them. I sent three personal gifts of 100 ducets and then arranged a royal marriage. I've moved relations from -200 to -33, but they still won't trade maps with me.
I've got three merchants in Delhi, so my income's gone up.  I've just invented cannons, and don't feel quite so vunerable. And I'm No. 1 in Victory Points, due to successfully carrying out a series of missions...usually easy stuff like holding onto a province or founding a colony.
Can't wait till I finish this so I can get start a Grand Campaign.
April 17, 2001, 00:52
Local Time: 10:06
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In the fantasy scenario, you don't need explorers, etc., because your ordinary units can do that job. Also, your chances of success in colonizing are much higher than in the other scenarios. This makes it fun to spread out like you do in Civ. Despite all that, the Grand Campaign is much better, IMO.
April 18, 2001, 03:27
Local Time: 18:06
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I have attempted this twice now, and both times a huge rebel force just pop up in Shangtung (home province) some time in 1502. WTF? I am not treating the peasants bad or anything.
April 18, 2001, 11:36
Local Time: 10:06
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Posts: 229
Try reducing their rice ration
It won't make them happy, but they can't fight well on an empty stomach
April 18, 2001, 18:32
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Zkribbler -
You seem to be a much better player than I am, I didn't meet the Mughals
until after 1600 I believe.
As for colonizing Japan... I initially tried in the 1540's on Honshu, but I was repelled by the natives three times, so I gave up for about 75 years. Then I came back with a large army and landed on a northern island (Hokkaido perhaps?) and successfully colonized it. Then I moved just south and colonized the northern-most province on the large Island. I took that and the one below it, and now I am moving on to Honshu. It's taken at least 30 years (I often lose track fo where I am trying to colonize, with 3-4 fronts open almost all the time) to get this far, but now I have almost all of Japan. Heh not really worth the effort, but I like the challenge.
I plan on getting 2-3 more territories out of the Mughals before the game will be over (does it end when you reach the required VP's? If so my game won't be much longer).
April 18, 2001, 23:47
Local Time: 18:06
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Is there any reason why the peasant scums are revolting in my home province? It's really silly if all that's based on a random chance.
April 19, 2001, 06:09
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liberation movements that create new counytrys can come about in this way,maybee something along those lines is going on.if so they have a time span, after which if a set number of provinces are not rebel held you dont get the new nation
April 20, 2001, 22:54
Local Time: 03:06
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Urban Ranger -- I think you've been having incredibly bad luck. Click on the church in the province to check the chance of rebellion. It should only be about 0-1%.
Sand Monkey -- I don't know whether I'm a better player than you or not. I've been purposefully expanding south and west in order to reach the Muhgals because I wanted to engage in diplomacy and trade.
I finally made it into Japan. In Oct. 1535, I loaded 15,500 infantry and 3,156 cavalry from Kyongsu (South Korea) onto 10 cargo ships. In March 1536, I arrived in the So. Sea of Japan and started disembarking onto Honshu. I was down to 13,219 infantry and 1,844 cavalry and 8 ships. In September, I was ashore with 5,379 infantry and 276 cavalry. The natives were so friendly, they did not attack. In October, 3 ships made it back to Kyongsu. In May 1537, I established a colony. Total casualties: 10,000 infantry, 2,900 cavalry and 7 cargo ships.
April 21, 2001, 15:24
Local Time: 04:06
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Yeah the losses I have sustained have been absurd. Do they attribute these losses to attrition or combat? Either way, when I check my stats, I have far higher losses due to attrition than to combat. A bit of a pain, but them's the breaks I supose....
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