
Originally posted by D4everman on 05-21-2001 08:23 AM
I picked up a copy of this game because I needed something to take the edge off of my Civ cravings. I've played a lot of SMAC, and CTP2 sucks so I bought this game. I know it has a hight learning curve, but I can't load my troops onto transports in the tutorial. I tried following instructions in the manual, but it didn't work. With the ships in either an adjacent sea square or port not one of my soldiers can board it. Any advice?
First, wellcome to EU - A good decision.
1. You have installed the newest patch (1.09)?
2. Are you loading too many units?
3. You don't need to klik on the boat as target for unit movement, sea zone is enough.
Answer to problem number 2:
- Each unit has a weight 1000 men = 1 weight and 10 cannons = 1 weight. Weight is calculated upwards, so 11 cannons = 2 weight.
- Each boat has a loadcapasity: 1 transport = 2 load/weight capasity (IIRC), 1 battleship = 1 load/weight capasity
unit weight > fleet load/weight capasity => The unit can't do it, so it doesn't move or even try it.
The army's total weight you can see in the unit's information window as a small boat and value. That value must be <= Fleet load/weight capasity.
P.S. Good luck with the learnig - it's a hard job

, but worth it
