
Originally posted by Sortub on 04-26-2000 11:23 PM
Another query-
Does anyone know know the computer calculates a spy's chances for success in sabatoging a city improvement? Sabatoging an improvement in a capitol city? Counterespionage?
And when a or diplomat sabatoges a unit, what is the attack/FP value?
How much does veteran status affect any of this?
Veterans are 50% more effective than non-vets when they perform any task.
If any spy successfully sabotages a unit, that unit's health is cut in half.
Counterespionage: Diplomat 20% chance of foiling attempt to steal your tech; Spy - 40%; Vet spy - 60%.
Spies cannot 'attack', and have no FP; they do have 10 hit points, however, so they can defend (however weakly).