Buildings should be able to research techs and produce units
I don't like the fact that in the earlier games a city could only focus on building one thing. How about letting different buildings produce different things. I think being able to have multiple factories would be a start. Then you would have a build queue (I think that's spelled wrong) for each factory. Barracks would produce military units but would require a Weapons Workshop. Then the Barracks would be able to produce and possible "retrain" or "upgrage" units when better weapons were discovered. Buildings would be built by your labor force and would have queue's.
Different techs could be researched by different buildings as well. A "Defense Contractor" could work on improving technologies. For example, once flight is discovered, a defense contractor/research facility would work on discovering different discoveries in the area of Flight, like Jet Engine, Radar, etc. Then other technologies could be researched simultaneously by other buildings. The Weapons Workshop could research improvements to firearms or earliers in the game, it could design different types of swords, spears, etc. This makes a lot more sense then one tech at a time.