I don't really get excited about future games, as I tend to wait for reviews and friends' opinions before I get excited and really interested, plus I like to let the price drop a bit.
I only bought 1 of the 15 games I got this year on release date (Europa Universalis) mainly because it had been released in Europe. So I knew pretty much what it was. It was a mistake.
I'm really only excited about one game right now. That's Neverwinter Nights. If they do the whole DM thing right, I'll get fired and drop out of school

Of course I'll be done college by the time it's released
Some games I'll definitely take a look at.
Civ 3 of course. I'll eventually buy it, the question is when.
Morrowind mainly for the game itself. The scenario creator is a side note because I don't see any good games being created off it
Patrician 2 and Trade Empires.
Duke Nukem Forever, Return to Castle Wolfenstien, Soldier of Fortune 2. Of course I'll buy them a year after release so their price has fallen. Unless their something really special.
Age of Wonders 2. AOW rocks! For some reason when I first played it I thought it would suck.