
Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 05-12-2000 08:35 PM
Why do bananas not occur as frequently as pheasant? Why do rubies not occur as frequently as silk? In short, what is the pattern of special square distribution?
The reason is that the support terrain is much rarer. Jungle doesn't appear very much, and thus it's coincidence with specials is that much rarer.
I almost never (and I mean never) get to use a jungle special. For some reason, I get started at the poles damn near every game...

(Should we have entitled the thread, "Using Bananas is a crutch for Weaker Players!")
Awwwww BITE ME.
P.S. In these ridiculous P.C. times, I'm suprised that jungle isn't "Rain Forest" or somesuchshit. Spend a few days in it alone and then name it...