May 25, 2001, 16:18
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Game Three!!
With the close of Succession Game 1, and 2a, 2b in progress, it's time to think about GAME THREE.
The plan thus far is to start an all-inclusive game in which all current participants are included. We are considering a Gigantic map, played on at least Very Hard, but possibly Impossible (hmm.. sounds a bit paradoxical, doesn't it?).
We'll probably only get about 2-3 turns each, but that means each summary we write will be worth more. I particularly enjoy the humor that comes across in these posts! That thing with the Bob doll was totally hilarious.
Well, without further ado, here is my list so far:
1) Sean - (A.k.a. The Child Apolyton)
2) Skeeve - (Bribed England in shady Arms Scandal)
3) Phoenixcager - (Founder of GunPowder)
4) Octavius III - (The Resource Ruler)
5) Johnny - (Exterminated the Irish)
6) Immortal Wombat - (Founder of the Wombat Maneuver!)
7) Adam - (History records his rule as short but sweet)
8) Vivala - (Defeated the Germans with Democracy)
9) Rhuarc - (The Lost Emperor)
10) Berxpert - (The Scientist)
11) (The Unknown)
12) Mokael - (Told his people to "Spread and Populate" - slightly less famous than "Be Fruitful & Multiply")
13) TR|X - (The Also Unknown)
14) Redstar1 - (The Almost Conqueror of Athens)
15) David Murray - (His people ate too much and worked too little!)
16) Vilius - (The Also Also Unknown)
17) Jackazzstudent - (The Ruler with the Kidney Stones)
18) me_irate - (a.k.a. Bob the Bored)
19) Darkknight - (Bob of the Ages)
20) bj - (The ruler who brought the pages of history into, well, pages. i.e. the printing press.)
21) rooboy - (Often mistook for RobRoy - I don't know!)
Now I know some have dropped out, and perhaps some have been added, but we'll figure that out later. For now, just reply if you are "IN" or "OUT" for this next game.
Redstar - We would very much like for you to continue your updates with this next game on your web-site. That is great fun to read, but I know it's probably a lot of work.
For whatever you're able to do, thanks!
Okay, have a fine weekend, all! 
- Skeeve
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
May 25, 2001, 17:41
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I'm IN
What about a 7 turns per player, with out change it over any age? I think 2-3 is just a little bit 'coz if you want to start building a unit maybe you never see it finished, with 7 or more there is a chance to see more of your work overe there.
May 25, 2001, 18:49
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I'm in too
What I think Skeeve meant was 2-3 goes at our allotted turns. ie. the game will only go round everyone two or three times.
I don't mind playing with 21 people, but why not start two games, same map, same settings, same players, but with an a-synchronous start. Start one game at Skeeve, and the second at BerXpert. That way the gap wouldn't be too long between each go.
Any takers?
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
May 25, 2001, 20:22
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Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
May 25, 2001, 21:57
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Most definently in!
Increase the difficulty, and number of civs (I think we only had seven...), not to mention the mape size. I think the island idea is a good one btw...that'll force us to be more innovative
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
--P.J. O'Rourke
May 25, 2001, 22:35
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i'm in.
ps. is there a way to get this board to default email notification off? i have to untick it everytime
May 25, 2001, 23:33
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I'm in!...But schedule me later in the game.
bj, you can change the settings by clicking the 'control panel' link under the APolyton logo...and then clicking on the 'options'.
May 25, 2001, 23:38
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im in, i suggest 10-12 civs, even in late game a turn that last a few minutes because of the increased # of civs wont make much differece because were only going to play 10 turns by then.
also i would rather continue playing with smaller # of players per team. 5 or so. i find its sometimes hard to get into a game with 5 people in it and by the time i get my turn, so many things will have happened. but, its up to you all, im in either way.
May 26, 2001, 10:16
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12 civs is reasonable. I've played 16-civ games on CTP2 with no real problems until the Genetic age where things slowed down to a crawl - but it was still a bearable crawl.
Also, I agree it's hard to get into a 21-person succession game, but this is just for fun and we can get other smaller spin-off games going just like we did earlier.
I'm also hoping that Redstar will keep a log of our game on his website!
I'll wait a little while longer before starting. Probably another 24-36 hours. We'll do Impossible, 12 Civs, Barbarians on the Maximum (That should be fun!  ), Gigantic Map. (Also Islands).
I'll start us off at 4000BC, and let's try 10 turns each no matter what the year, as suggested earlier. That way we'll possibly get more chances to rule. The beginning years will not be so boring because Barbarians will be on Maximum. (Be Careful Apolytons!  )
By the way, Dave Murray is in, but he can't post at the moment. I'll handle posting for him if he sends me his summary.
Talk to y'all later! 
- Skeeve
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
May 26, 2001, 13:54
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By the way, Dave Murray is in, but he can't post at the moment. I'll handle posting for him if he sends me his summary.
Tell him to create a mudane and benign DL, so he can record his history, but stay out of the OT...
Lets play some serious SG
May 26, 2001, 17:36
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12 civs? Sounds like we will have to modify the game texts. Some of use could do with an exact (step by step) guide on how to do this (so it doesn't stuff up, and we are all useing the same mods). Will we be modifying the govt city limits as well?
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
--P.J. O'Rourke
May 26, 2001, 20:00
Local Time: 05:21
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only one i believe that will need to mod is skeeve(since he is first on the list) after that it just uses the sav. i think.
but incase someone doesn't know how (and it is necessary) here are the steps.
1. go to explore. (right click start, click explore)
2. go to C: programfiles/activision/call to power/ctp2program/ctp
3. look in the "ctp" folder under the "userprofile" file
4. double click "userprofile" the very top line it has "numplayers" with a number following it. simply change this # to the desired # of civs.
If you are having prob. make sure you are not in the windows start menu.
the reason i state this is i was talking someone threw how to mod files, i tried and tried to explain it to him but he simply could not find the activision folder. (C:Programfiles/activision) and i couldn't figure out where he went wrong. it turns out he was in C:/windows/startmenu/programs. he had swore to me he was in program files and that there was no activision folder only ctp2 and it was empty.
with this my faith in the common computer user was destroyed
May 26, 2001, 20:51
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I'm not laughing really  it's unfair to computer newbies.
What if we die? I'd say it would be a wee bit embarassing.
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
May 26, 2001, 21:13
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Count me in as well.
May 26, 2001, 23:09
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Count me in!
May 26, 2001, 23:57
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I'm in.
Waiting on a Sunday afternoon, for what I read between the lines, your lies. Feelin' like a hand in rusted shame, so do you laugh or does it cry, reply?
May 27, 2001, 04:28
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I want in!
I also want to be part of a MedMod2 SG.
Also, it would be interesting to have an SG with a set goal other than conquest, ie diplomatic or science victory.
May 27, 2001, 19:13
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I am IN! Be sure to post the number of turns each player should take, and any time limits that you think should be set. This way everyone knows before the start what the rules are.
May 28, 2001, 00:14
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I'm In
It HAS to be on impossible, anything else is too easy. And we should go for solaris, after destroying all but one city, or else it is again too easy and too short.
May 28, 2001, 17:49
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If you want to make the game more difficult and maybe more interesting set up a world of mostly water. We'd be cut off from many civs who could build up completely out of contact with us and may even get big.
May 28, 2001, 20:15
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Yeah with it all water and all island it's almost impossible to just go on a mindless rampage. You have to plan your sea and airborne attacks out
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
May 29, 2001, 08:41
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Hi all!
Sorry, I was away for the past couple days.
But it looks like you're all ready!
I'll update the list of who is in for this game by the end of the day. Also, I'll start the game off and play the first 10 turns.
My summary will post here on this thread.
By the way, it is my understanding that once I modify the game to allow for >8 civs, this modification will carry over to the saved file and therefore no one else will need to modify.
Obviously, the verfication of this will occur once I send the file to the next player.
Oh, hey, I just noticed new smileys!
Pretty cool. (but slightly irrelevant to this message... oh well)
- Skeeve
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
May 29, 2001, 10:28
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Are there going to be website postings for this game as well? I think it would be nice if there was, but I know it is a lot of work so I will understand if nobody feels like it. I can't wait to play this game! It should be pretty exciting!
May 29, 2001, 16:47
Local Time: 06:21
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Hi guys!
Okay, this is the current list of those expressing a desire to play in GAME THREE, in the same order of your posts: (That's probably the order we'll play in)
1) Skeeve -
2) Berxpert -
3) Immortal Wombat -
4) Darkknight -
5) Sean -
6) David_Murray -
7) bj -
8) Phoenixcager -
9) me_irate -
10) Jackazzstudent -
11) Johnny -
12) rooboy -
13) pilfur - (NEW PLAYER)
14) Rhuarc -
15) Vivala -
More players may be added later. I don't see a problem with adding as we go, as long as it doesn't become chaotic. I'll make the final decision just to keep the order here. Please look over your e-mail addresses and make sure they are correct.
Also, if I missed anyone - let me know.
1) Turn Length 10 turns (for the entire game)
2) Read the summary from the previous turn before you post so you'll have a sense of continuity and can incorporate the story.
3) Post your summary (even if it's brief) before mailing the file to the next guy. If you can't post a summary - we all have lives outside of CTP2 (I HOPE!), then just send a quick note to that effect. Records of your reign will therefore be lost to history.
4) Once you receive the game file you have 72 hours to play your 10 turns and pass it on.
5) As ruler you may do anything that you see fit. However - there may be consequences: see rule #6.
6) Any particular ruler's reign may be called into question after his summary (or lack thereof) is posted. Any player is entitled to call a Vote of No Confidence. A simple majority is all that is needed to obliterate this ruler's reign from history. The effect on our game is that the saved game file from the "No Confidence" ruler is deleted! Instead, we use the saved game from the previous ruler and pass it on to the next player who comes after the one voted "No Confidence". The "No Confidence" ruler will not be kicked out of the game, but will probably think twice about his next reign.
Here is an example of rule #6 in effect: - Player #4 completes his ten turns, posts his summary, and sends the file to Player #5
- Player #5 gives 90% of our cities to the enemy AI, and posts his summary and sends the file to Player #6.
- Player #10 who is reading the story with interest, calls a Vote of No Confidence on Player #5.
- The vote is Unanimous (with Player #5 abstaining)
- The current saved game file is deleted, and the file from Player #4 goes to Player #6 instead... and the game continues from there.
Of course, this means that we all need to hold on to our saved game files just a little longer. That should be easy, though.
Okay, that's about it. I came up with rule #6 after thinking about what could happen if someone joins our group and tries to crash our game. This should protect us... what do y'all think??
Unless there are no major objections -- GAME THREE BEGINS TONIGHT!!
- Skeeve
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
May 29, 2001, 17:10
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Try it with all ocean, all islands and at impossible. This should curb our mad quest for world dominance=)
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
May 29, 2001, 17:49
Local Time: 11:21
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The Beginning...
The nomadic tribes in the plains of the coast are hearing rumours from their neighbours that a group of humans have decided to settle their agriculture, to pen in the herds, and to build permanant homes in the plains land. They are wary of the new ideas, and many elders say the plan is bound to fail; and yet, as the tribespeople look on with interest at the "city" that has been named Snorf(  ), they can feel that this is more than just another passing phenomenon, because the "citizens" are progressing. They have more time to think, and they have started to become more powerful than the peoples of the plains. As more and more tribes take the same route as the Australians, the surrounding tribes become fearful, this new way of life is growing in a powerful manner, and those who do not conform will be left in the evolutionary gutter...
The mighty Apolyton dynasty has risen from the dust of the plains by the coast to take control of the settled Australia, and soon the fledgling civili sation will spread its wings to explore and conquer the world. Watch out world, the mighty nation ofAustralia will rise!
Last edited by Immortal Wombat; May 30, 2001 at 07:06.
May 29, 2001, 18:32
Local Time: 05:21
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Just to take note...
my email is:
don't forget the MX
May 29, 2001, 18:54
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My apologies  , I didn't see your post before I started the game, and I chose the Australians as our race.
The summary is in my next message.
- Skeeve.
P.S. I took everyone's comments and started this game on Impossible, with all Island, all water, and 11 civs + Barbs. The Barbarians are on Maximum, so watch out!
Here we Go!!
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
May 29, 2001, 18:59
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A HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA'S FIRST RULER: APOLYTON I, SKEEVE THE FIRST:- 4000BC Shortly after climbing to the top of the food chain, a band of scraggly cave-men decide to get together and form a village. After winning the customary "Dragging of women by the hair" contest, 17-year old Skeeve claims the right to rule. The fledgling village of Sydney is founded, but no one can figure out how to spell it. So they settle on one that they can spell: SNORF. Of course, Snorf sounds a bit like the noise they all make while eating - which is primarily what everyone lives for, so no one objects to that name for a village.
One day, while out fishing (Snorf lies on the banks of a mighty river), Skeeve contemplates whether there isn’t some easier way to catch fish than clubbing them to death. He gathers the smartest bunch of villagers together that he can find, and poses the question to them. At first, all they can think of it to build bigger clubs, but after a while they come up with a grand scheme to research something called BRONZE. It’s truly an intellectual breakthrough, and Skeeve is happy that he has such smart subjects.
In the same year, Skeeve decides that the village of Snorf must be defended with the best Warriors brandishing Clubs that can be trained. At least until this Bronch thing-a-ma-jig comes along… or was that Brunch? Oh well.
- 3975BC It’s been 25 years and still no Warrior troops have been trained. Perhaps the reason is that no one is capable of living past 25 years in this day and age, except for Skeeve – who for some reason has outlived them all to a ripe old age of 42.
- 3950BC 50 years and Snorf’s defense is Naked! Of course, in this day and age, people don’t seem to mind being naked – so what can you do? At age 67, Skeeve, has learned more than anyone alive, so he takes on the task of training Warriors himself.
- 3925BC At age 92, Skeeve is thoroughly frustrated with the training. Each and every warrior who learned to use the Club proficiently has gone and died of old age. In a stroke of brilliance, Skeeve decides to lower the age limit for Snorf’s National Guard to, say, around 5.
- 3900BC Well, things are looking up. After a disastrous year 3903 BC that has been dubbed “The War of the Clubs”, in which Skeeve’s first real troops of Warriors accidentally killed each other in mock-combat – which wasn’t so mock, I guess, Skeeve finally has his training program revised. From now on, Mock combat will take place against inanimate objects only!.
In other news, some culture called the “Incans” started some silly project called “Ramayama”. Skeeve doesn’t have the slightest clue what the hell that is , so it’s business as usual.
- 3875BC Skeeve celebrates his 142nd birthday by commissioning the first truly functioning Warrior Unit!! A grand parade is held throughout the dusty streets of Snorf! Injuries afterward are only counted at about 3-4 Dozen! Oh happy day!
- 3850BC Skeeve orders the training of another Warrior unit so he can send the first one out to explore. During explorations, the Warriors discover a large mountain chain to the south. It appears that one of these mountains is very shiny and reflects a lot of sunlight. Probably nothing important.
- 3825BC At age 192, Skeeve is showing some signs of slowing down. His memory begins failing as one of his close advisor’s reports hearing him say “Why don’t we get some Warriors already!!
Is it going to be another 100 Years!!”.
- 3800BC The first Warrior troop discovers that Snorf lies pretty close to a major inlet of the Ocean. However, it is still not certain whether it is an inlet to the ocean or just a very very large lake.
- 3775BC Age 242 and Skeeve just won’t die. He could quote the entire history of Snorf, but he can’t remember a single decision he made in the last 5 years. Obviously this is difficult to rule in this fashion, so an advisor named BerXpert is appointed as the short-term ruler. In the meantime, training of our 2nd Warrior unit is underway.
- 3750BC It’s a sad day, as Snorf’s founder, Skeeve, dies at the impossible age of 267. His last words are; “Tell them to find the secret of Brunch Works before it’s too late”… BerXpert gently reminds him that it’s called “Bronze Working”, but notices that he has passed. In the same year, Snorf’s 2nd Warrior troop is commissioned, and their first duty is honor guard at Skeeve’s funeral.
BerXpert takes over the village, and Snorf’s destiny is in his hands…
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
May 30, 2001, 06:27
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand.
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This is diasterous, I call a Vote of No Confidence!!!!!!
Just kidding Skeeve.
That must be the longest summary for the fewest achievements ever posted
Anyway, good to see we are off and running.
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
--P.J. O'Rourke
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