August 28, 2001, 09:51
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Originally posted by Darkknight
If I had anything useful to post I would
But I don't.
So I'll just Spam.
But in a just cause.
I'm at 500 posts!!
Congratulations Darkknight!
Nice Avatar - where did you get it?
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
August 28, 2001, 18:19
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Originally posted by Sean
Who's sending me the file?
I just did. Luckily I am still on the ball, aye. 
Still reading the boards and all...
Thanks Sean!
I'll probably play my turn tonight or tomorrow night (my's 9:15am now)
September 2, 2001, 21:37
Local Time: 18:21
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Sorry guys...I've been really busy (didn't forsee this), and didn't have time to play the turns. I won't be free for at least another 2 or 3 days, so I'll pass the turn on to me_irate.
September 4, 2001, 12:35
Local Time: 05:21
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Posts: 149
i have recieved the file, if all goes well i should play tonight.
September 7, 2001, 23:21
Local Time: 05:21
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Posts: 149
hey all, sorry for the delay, i have been busy and havent got around to playing. So because of this i plan on imposing the 72 hour rule on myself. (i believe this is a first) It apears as if a someone has subverted bobs rule b4 he could come out of retirement. But anyway the file is on the way to johnny. Good luck and maybe i can get in next turn.
September 9, 2001, 06:36
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That makes 4 of us in a row that could not play the file in ir row...
Seems like this succession game is coming to a grinding halt
Though it has clearly been slowing up for a long time...
Might be time to throw the towel in.
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
--P.J. O'Rourke
September 9, 2001, 10:10
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me_irate, you sent me an e-mail, but the file was not attached. I want to see if I can play this game.
September 15, 2001, 11:57
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me_irate, it his been a week and have still not gotten it.
Where is the game???
Hey, time warp is happening again!
September 20, 2001, 15:45
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I'm enacting my new rule. It's even worse than the 196 hour rule I used earlier this game.
I'm enacting the 300 hour rule. What's taking so long, irate?
September 20, 2001, 17:11
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I vote for you to play now
September 20, 2001, 21:03
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Originally posted by Jonny
I'm enacting my new rule. It's even worse than the 196 hour rule I used earlier this game.
I'm enacting the 300 hour rule. What's taking so long, irate?
Bombard his email address....
I should have kept a copy of the file, then I would be able to send it on....
September 20, 2001, 21:08
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Maybe Sean still has a copy of it?
September 21, 2001, 13:23
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Maybe Sean still has a copy of it?
Luckily, I do. And still check the boards.
I seem to be making a habit of this...
Its on it's way.
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
--P.J. O'Rourke
September 22, 2001, 08:02
Local Time: 05:21
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Posts: 149
hey all, i have been very busy as of late. My apologise to all i have delayed. But i did send the file, i didn't get any error messages, so i assumed that it went through. But as a very wise person once told me when you "assume" you become the first three letters. I believe i might still have the file. i will promptly send it to jonny and steve. just icase it doesn't want to go through. If no one gets it in the next day email me and ill try again, i dont have much time to check forums lately. Hopefully this time it will work. By the way im withdrawing from the game, since i dont have the desire to play anymore. Good luck
September 26, 2001, 14:27
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I was unable to check my e-mail for a couple of days, but I do have the file. Actually, I have two copies! I'll see if I can get the game going, but my computer is 4 yrs old. (did expand to bigger hard drive once, and upgraded operating system) I probably won't have much luck.
September 26, 2001, 15:04
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OK, I just saw the Sucession Game III Poll thread, and instead of me playing it, I'll just send it on to Chris.
September 28, 2001, 11:56
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October 1, 2001, 07:55
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No, SG-3 is NOT dead!
Here's the first Hundred Years of Scarlet Biro rule, written up as promised. Anyone who wants to submit policy suggestions, or take over, let me know soonest, or I'll get on and do another hundred years sometime towards the end of the week.
The Ancient Chronicle of the People of Australia continues…
Just before he died in the late nineteenth century, former President Biro finally despaired of the way the Australian Empire was being run. A resourceful sort, he set up a secret society to infiltrate the highest echelons of power, and prood Australia back towards sensible policy.
The transition to the Corporate Republic played right into the hands of this secret society. It quickly incorporated itself as "Scarlet Biro Pty Ltd" and began investing funds. By 1940, Scarlet Biro was able to stage a leveraged management buy-out of the Australian Corporate Republic. Scarlet Biro's directors pledged to run the ACR in accordance with the sound management principles of the Founder, and report back to the wider community from time to time.
Highlights from the first hundred years of the Governance Record of the Scarlet Biro Era are given below:
1940 - Consolidation of the transfer of power. Studying the records. Nothing much happened.
1943 - Complete military reorganisation to more effectively use the existing military budget, and enable move to a state of war without increasing overall expenditure. Forecasters predict a decline in military spending, as some high profile military acquisitions are cancelled and the proceeds put to improving the economy.
1948 - The first fruits of the New Military Policy. After a series of skirmishes, a flanking manoeuvre allows Australian forces to break the ongoing stalemate on the southern frontier, capturing Nueva Guinea from its Nicaraguan defenders.
1954 - Responding to mounting concern about the slow pace of scientific advancement, Scarlet Biro's Board of Management launches the National Schools Scientific Advancement Program (NSSAP). Funding is earmarked to support more scientific specialists across the Empire.
1955 - Air Force bombers, transferred to the Nicaraguan theatre in strict secrecy, inflict a punishing aerial bombardment on the Nicaraguan city of Managua. Grounds units move in and capture the city with minimal casualties. The news is offset by a setback - the loss of Australia's oldest fighting warship, an ironclad, and also the loss of the Navy's only aircraft carrier to cowardly Nicaraguan submarine wolfpacks. Fortunately, the carrier's aircraft were all ashore at the time. Defence sources decided not to replace either vessel.
1957 - After Air Force bombardment, Nicaraguan Juigalpa (the last Nicaraguan city on that Empire's homeland) is captured.
1965 - Despite further cowardly sinkings of empty cargo ships by Nicaragua's wolfpacks, troops are landed on the Nicaraguan island of La Rosita. The city is captured after further aerial bombardment by the Air Force. A minor naval refurbishment programme, designed to supply two anti-submarine PT boats is announced.
1969 - The National Schools Scientific Advancement Program delivers its first results. Global Economics is discovered, and the programme is stepped up. Most cities are instructed to build mass transit systems to reduce pollution. Management reforms to the labour allocation process ensure that no Australian city will pollute the environment again.
1972 - Landings near Rio Blanco achieve their aims. The Nicaraguan city is captured after the now well-practiced aerial bombardment from crack RAAF squadrons.
1974 - The minor naval refurbishment programme scores a major success. Depth charges annihilate a Nicaraguan wolfpack wrecking Gloucester's fishing grounds. The RAAF destroys Nicaragua's last battleship as it is sent to menace waters around San Carlos.
1977 - Nicaraguan La Cruz falls to barbarians, and is liberated in the name of Civilisation by Australian forces.
1980 - Nicaraguan occupied Portsmouth liberated by the Australian Army. The NSSAP delivers advanced infantry tactics to the military. All new infantry and machine gunner builds are converted to Marines units.
1982 - Nicaraguan Bonanza captured.
1989 - Computers are discovered and cities instructed to use the new technology to further the scientific effort.
1993 - The final holdout of the Nicaraguan government in exile, occupied Stratford, is liberated by Australian troops operating with support from Air Force Bombers operating hundreds of miles from their customary fighter cover. War Trials of interned Nicaraguan Submarine Commanders begin. An unexpected diplomatic success is almost lost in the celebrations - The Kwazulu Empire is pressured to handover St Ives, captured from the English generations ago, to Australian administrators for the sum of 10,000 gold. This consolidates Australia's hold on Little Nicaragua. Australia prepares for peace, now that the long war against Nicaragua is over.
1994 - The brief peace is shattered by the drone of Mexican fighter engines. A small RAAF detachment, unprepared as it was, defeats a sneak attack by the Mexcans over La Cruz. Scarlet Biro's Full Board of Management for the Australian Corporate Republic declares war on Mexico, and vows not to rest until Mexico is made an example to all nations.
1997 - NSSAP researchers discover Quantum Physics. Sometime during the next two or three years, Australia overtakes Indonesia as the world scientific leader, but scientists cannot say exactly when this took place, as they were all celebrating down at the pub at the time.
1999 - Mexican Juarez captured, and, with the enemy concentrating on the southern front, Mexican Dover captured by hastily assembled forces (supported by the RAAF Northern Command's Bombers) operating out of Biropolis.
2000 - Mexican Shrewsbury (the last Mexican colony in the Southern Hemisphere) falls to Australian troops. Major parties commemorating the Millennium are held.
2001 - Further parties are held, when it is pointed out that this year, in fact, is the true Millennium.
2002 - Desert reclamation project begins on the former Nicauraguan mainland. Experts warn that the pace of reclamation will be slow.
2006 - Advanced Urban Planning discovered.
2017 - After extensive and slow troop redirections, landings are made without air cover near Mexican Sinboy, and the city is taken. It helped that RAAF Bombers were used to carpet bomb the area around nearby Arba Minch, thereby distracting the defenders and convincing them to reinforce the wrong area. Conservation is discovered, and experts note that the military, which has never been this successful before, is now only consuming 12% of the Australian GDP - down from 20% in the mid 20th century.
2022 - After a pause for rest and repair, Arba Minch is finally captured. Mexico has now lost all its overseas settlements. Experts note with concern that Mexico still has a powerful army, comprising battleships, destroyers, submarines, and fighter aircraft. Troop movements will have to be extremely cautious.
2025 - Supersonic Flight discovered.
2027 - The Australian Navy's sole battleship, and one of its three submarines are destroyed by Mexican forces. Experts note that with the rise of Air Power the day of the Battleship is probably over anyway, but the people are displeased.
2030 - RAAF Bomber Command is forced to suspend operations over Mexico City, as Mexican fighters cripple the bomber force. With Australian Air Power reduced to one third of its former strength, and the Navy suffering from its recent losses, a much needed revitalisation of the armed forces begins. The military will remain small, but will go hi-tech.
2036 - After a daring voyage, again conducted in tight secrecy, and this time heavily escorted by anti-submarine warships, a large force of tanks is landed outside Tampico on the Mexican mainland. The morale boost to the Australian People is immense.
2037 - Boldly, and without air or sea support, the tanks take Tampico. All Mexico struggles to cope with an invading force on its home soil. Large forces of well-equipped Mexican irregulars dot the landscape, and in fact commence shelling Tampico, without regard to the civilian population. Advanced Composites are discovered.
2038 - Armoured operations clear the country around Tampico of large, annoying, artillery formations.
2039 - With the completion of development in the Castaway Oil Fields, clearing of pollution deposits from the Australian mainland begins.
2040 - Armoured operations clear the country around Tampico of further large, annoying, artillery formations. Tampico is now considered secure. Interceptors and Bombers are sent north to Tampico to join the preparations to defeat Mexico at home. Stealth Aircraft and a new aircraft carrier enter production.
Statement of Intent:
Scarlet Biro's Board of Management aims to finish off Mexico, then settle down to re-invigorate the economy and further boost science, with the eventual aim of constructing a Gaia Controller.
Report Ends.
Chris Horscroft
October 1, 2001, 16:34
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How come I've been taken off the list. I haven't recieved the file in months??
Sean can we have an updated list?
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
October 2, 2001, 15:41
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Wow.. nice detailed and comprehensive summary Chris.
I'm actually looking forward to see how it all ends.
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
October 2, 2001, 15:55
Local Time: 05:21
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 1,775
Originally posted by Darkknight
How come I've been taken off the list. I haven't recieved the file in months??
Sean can we have an updated list?
There was a poll asking to throw the towel and stop playing this game, I suggest you to read it.
A couple of players like Chris and me wanted to continue to see the end. I have the file if you want it.
I continue playing it and I hope to write a summary like Chris does.
October 4, 2001, 15:55
Local Time: 06:21
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Location: Washington Township, NJ USA
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There's something I always wanted to ask, but forgot.
Is the population of Mexico City really 24 Million??
If so... WOW.
- Skeeve
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
October 4, 2001, 20:34
Local Time: 05:21
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Posts: 1,775
Well official is only 19.9 Millions but the true is 24 or more.
The capital (Federal District) is only 10 Millions, sorrounded by 20 municipalities realy big, like Cd. Nezahualcoyotl where I live with 4 Millions, Ecatepec 3, Naucalpan 3, Tlanepantla 3, Atizapan, Tultitlan, Atizapan, etc... that pass the 20 easy.
Here some pics of the city:
Downtown ->
Chapultepec castle ->
Downtown from air
Downtown looking to vulcanos (I live where the horizont line  )
The newest buildings
And this is and index of the streets
I live at the PL. 99, work at PL. 97 and go school at PL. 121
I need 1 hour to go to work, but people whom live at PL 32 need 2 hours, the trafic is awful at the mourning, and at night too.
October 4, 2001, 20:52
Local Time: 10:21
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So that means that the official population of Mexico city is 6 to 7 times that of New Zealand, and the real total is closer to 8 times NZ.
Chris Horscroft
October 4, 2001, 20:52
Local Time: 05:21
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Posts: 1,775
Yes Chris, I think is a quite big don't you think?
Look at the pic I post: The one from the left is called Iztazihuatl, at the right is Popocatepetl.
Iztazihuatl mean "spleeping woman"
Popocatepelt mean "Man in guard"
Looking at the Iztazihuatl from left to rigth the image look like a girl sleepling: head, neck, chest, legs and feet (I'm going to search for a better pic)
And Popocatepetl is an active vulcano, that send somethimes a column of smoke and ashes to the sky, and is interpreted like a sitting man smoking guarding the sleep of his girl.
October 5, 2001, 05:32
Local Time: 18:21
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Great photos, ber!
I never stopped to consider the size of Mexico City until you posted that picture of your downtown area. That's huge, man!
Singapore is only about 4 million people, and we're a city state, but that's like only 1/6th of Mexico city's size!
btw, there are some plans for CGN to relaunch next month, but the focus will be civ3, of course.
October 5, 2001, 09:41
Local Time: 20:21
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Location: Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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Impressive stuff!
Australia has a population of 19 million, of which Melbourne contributes 3.5 million. I think Sydney has about 4 mil.
Don't we feel small now.
Waiting on a Sunday afternoon, for what I read between the lines, your lies. Feelin' like a hand in rusted shame, so do you laugh or does it cry, reply?
October 5, 2001, 12:25
Local Time: 06:21
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Well Ber,
That was the most detailed and thorough answer to a question I've ever received on Apolyton forums!
Thanks for enlightening my perspective.
Living in the suburbs of Northern New Jersey practically in the shadows of Manhattan's skyscrapers (minus 2 now  ), I guess I've forgotten that other places are just as crowded and in fact, even more so.
Say, I bet you know a lot about Aztec history, too.
Maybe in our succession games we should have played the Aztecs!
- Skeeve
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
October 5, 2001, 13:45
Local Time: 05:21
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Posts: 1,775
Any time Skeeve, if you need something else just ask
And yes, I know a lot of Aztec history, we learn it at primary school.
rooboy, you are not missing nothing with your "small" cities, I have think a lot of times to change myself to a smaller town, mainly 'cos all the problems of this city are multiplied by the amount of people whom live here.
Cool phoenix, but I read somewhere that CIV 3 wil not have multiplayer options, so what will be the main theme at CGN?... maybe the strategy and scenarios, right?
October 6, 2001, 19:56
Local Time: 10:21
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand.
Posts: 689
So that means that the official population of Mexico city is 6 to 7 times that of New Zealand, and the real total is closer to 8 times NZ.
Yeah, the NZ population is 3.8 million, (where edging towards 4).
So, 19.9/3.8 = 5.2368
& 24/3.8 = 6.3158
Not quite 8 times, but still much much bigger than New Zealand.
PS, add another  for that downtown photo.
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
--P.J. O'Rourke
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