May 30, 2001, 06:33
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BTW, there should of been some discussion about what civilisation we were to play.
Australian is a poor choice I'm afraid...they are not very bright you see.
Seriously, we should of played a great civilisation.
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
--P.J. O'Rourke
May 30, 2001, 07:16
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Well done Skeeve, two whole warriors!
I agree with Sean. Bad idea on the Australians, but at least if we change the name of every city we found, then no-one will know...
Sorry about my intro post, I just assumed we were Greek, and I was feeling in a prosaic mood, I thought I'd write about the dawn of civ.
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
May 30, 2001, 07:33
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Yeah, sorry about the civ choice. 
I guess we could call ourselves whatever we want.
Or.. since it's only 3750BC I could start over with a different civ. My story will be essentially the same!
Because nothing really happens in those first 10 turns, you know.
I guess if enough of you feel strongly about it you could always use the Vote of No Confidence rule. Sheesh.. what a start that would be for me!
Edit: By the way, Wombat... I like the new signature! I could never forget the "Wombat Maneuver"! In fact, I can't wait to use it during my next reign.
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
May 30, 2001, 09:36
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Tell them to get stuffed!!  At least Australians don't shag sheep, like the people across the Tasman Sea
I do agree, however, that there should have been some consultation regarding the choice of civilization. Maybe we could have chosen an acient civ which no longer exists. Personally, I couldn't give a flying @#$% what civ we chose anyway.
Take it easy guys.
Waiting on a Sunday afternoon, for what I read between the lines, your lies. Feelin' like a hand in rusted shame, so do you laugh or does it cry, reply?
Last edited by rooboy; May 30, 2001 at 09:50.
May 30, 2001, 10:27
Local Time: 05:21
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Hi guys, I have the file but play tonight.
May 30, 2001, 12:05
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I shall consider myself officially reprimanded for not consulting with the team before choosing the Civ.
Official Excuse: I was just too eager to get started! 
Official Punishment: (Well, that's up to you guys! If I choose my own punishment, that would be as bad as choosing my own Civ!)
- Skeeve
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
May 30, 2001, 12:45
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Sorry to have to say this everyone, but I'm going to have to pull out of this one. I have a lot of other stuff going on, and I'm starting to get involved with the OCC too. Oh, i anyone would like to compete against each other in the OCC let me know and we can come up with a game setup for everyone to use. I'll be posting scores on my website, so let me know, preferably in the thread I started for it under CTP2/Mods. Thanks everyone!
May 30, 2001, 19:04
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You used those rods with hooks on string for catching tigers yes?=)
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
May 30, 2001, 20:10
Local Time: 10:21
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Hey I just found out what the wombat maneuver was. After looking through all the SG games on redstars site  . I'll have to try that!
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
May 30, 2001, 23:23
Local Time: 05:21
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Posts: 1,775
Hi guys, I'm still at office there is deathline to make a tax information file, I must wait for the user to finish so maybe a couple of houres more here.
If is too late maybe I don't play my turn, if that's the case then I'll send my file to the next player.
May 31, 2001, 05:31
Local Time: 10:21
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We might as well keep playing this file.
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
--P.J. O'Rourke
May 31, 2001, 12:36
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I dont mind, as long as I get it before Monday, when my 13-exams-in-11 days marathon begins...
I won't comment on the fact that it took an Irishman longer than anyone else to figure out the Wombat Manuever. Really, I won't. In fact:
Lets hope BerXpert can contact another civilisation, then I can manuever all I want
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
May 31, 2001, 12:39
Local Time: 05:21
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3750BC The old man die and BerXpert take the control of the 2 warriors and the huge city Snorf.
A group of people orginize in secret to form a second city they call them self settlers, but they are just a few and maybe will need too many years to complete their dreems of a free land for their families.
Warriors take out the five miles limit imposed by Apolyton I and launch to explore at east and west.
3725BC Some travelers tell to the west warriors that there are some extrange ruins, new expedition on the way to explore.
3675BC Nothing found in the ruins, just rocks with out meaning.
3575BC A great discovery at east, warriors find the limit of the Australian land in the middle of the jungle, the coast are rich in crab, they call this The Double Crab peninsula.
3550BC Traveleres bring news about a unknown civilization called Frenchs whom begin a big proyect the Ramayana
3500BC Near the 450 years old (BerXpert went to kindergarden with Skeeve  ) Apolyton II die  due a heart attack while working with the tax list: no gold, no science, no warriors, no new units
Immortal Wombat were working with him that night where the tax take the life of the 2nd Apolyton, his last words were: "please take the power for me"
May 31, 2001, 12:46
Local Time: 11:21
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Uncharacteristically in those ancient days, the new leader took longer than 5 minutes to cement his power, due to a vital piece of information (email) that has been sought for 18 times in the last hour. And yet the *information* is still not in the Immortal Wombat's in tray, despite the speed of light
Jus' kidding
May 31, 2001, 12:47
Local Time: 11:21
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Apolyton III
while editing my dp, it seems the *information* arrives, so I apologise again.
And so I don't get accused of spamming...
Herein lies an account of the reign of Apolyton III, Wombat "the Immortal"
Following the untimely death of BerXpert, Immortal Wombat takes control of Australia, and there is much rejoicing.
*yay yay*
- His first act as dictator, in 3500BC, was to invent lowercase letters, a much-needed research that enabled him to rename SNORF, Snorf. There was much rejoicing.
*yay yay* 
- ## editor insert, what does that acronym stand for then Skeeve? ##
- Before the year 3375BC, the warriors continues their exporation of the Australian borders, going anti-clockwise around. Then in that glorious year, Apolyton Wombat declares that enough production has accumulated in the labours of the population that he is able to publicly reveal how it is that civilisation will be a success over a nomadic lifestyle. He unveils the first Australian farm. It has been started in a sheltered river valley to the North East of Snorf, between two ranges of hills.
In view of the geographical layout of this part of earth, an advisor to Apolyton suggests research is changed from bronze working to ship building, so we can find a way to sail across the vast surrounding oceans.
- Then in 3325BC, a barbarian is sighted crossing the North-West passage into the outer regions of Australia. Immediatly, the northern warrior is recalled to Snorf, in case the city needs defending.
The farm to the NE is complete, and there is much eating, and rejoicing.
*yay, yay* 
- 3300BC. The southern band of warriors enters a ruined village in the hopes of finding food... Instead, they is ambushed, and outnumbered 3:1.
- After a lengthy stand-off (25 years), the barbarian hoard make their attack, and our brave men are slain, after a brave fight. The year of 3275BC will be taught to all young Australians as a dtae when the first lives were been laid down for Australia, on the shores of the great eastern ocean. And the people are sad. By now, enough people are fed up of life in Snorf to complete the shadowy group of "settlers", and they venture out North east, in search of fertile soil on the shores of the north ocean, by the jungle on Double Crab peninsula.
The northern warrior has reached Snorf, and entrenches. The barbarian threat is now great.
- 3350BC.
In view of the great barbarian threat, Wombat changes research back to Bronze working, and orders the execution of his advisor. He also persuades the populace that it is right to have compusory military service from 16, and a new warrior unit becomes his next great project.
- In the later half of the year 3351BC, Wombat disappears from the throne in Snorf, amid much controversy.
And there is much rejoicing
*yay yay* 
After a lengthy period of civil strife, lasting 24 years, a new ruler heed the call to power, and he is Darkknight, Apolyton IV.
Last edited by Immortal Wombat; May 31, 2001 at 13:33.
May 31, 2001, 20:18
Local Time: 10:21
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I got the file and will post tommorrow. I know one thing though. No Darkknight has ever come under the name of Apolyton, and never will. [cue evil cackle] .
Enough with the Irish jokes, I didn't play the first game and was too busy to check out all your posts.
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
May 31, 2001, 23:15
Local Time: 06:21
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While scholars are busy researching the meaning of the acronym SNORF, they ask themselves this question:
is SNORF just a
Name? ,
And, suddenly, they have the answer.
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
June 1, 2001, 10:09
Local Time: 11:21
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Hey, there was most certainly not an Irish joke in there. Some of my best friends are Irish.
Skeeve -
June 1, 2001, 11:58
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Well you did ask... :shrugging shoulders: Oops, no smiley for that yet.
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
June 1, 2001, 18:31
Local Time: 10:21
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Darkknight decided that Australia was filled with too many wombats so he brought diseases and plagues from a small island off the coast and unleashed them in wombat digs. Subsequently all wombats were wiped out. Immortal Wombat lay on his death poop and sighed 'Is this the end? will I bear no offspring!' He then promptly died but not before Ted the son of Bob (who owned the local carpentry shop in town) took a DNA sample from his left armpit. Ted who collected samples of dead things DNA tried mixing it with his great uncle Bulgarias DNA. A small weavel sized chunk of depravity was born. Ted fearing a repeat of "The night of the living DEAD!" quickly put it in his nitrogen cooled nuclear powered freezer and buried it underground. Darkknight was announced tyrannous villain for his quick thinking in soloving the pest problem.
3250BC: Settlers womble NE.
3225BC: Barbarian hordes approach Snorf!
3200BC: Barbarians capture Snorf!! Our civilisation has fallen. Our warriors were killed.
3250BC: Darkknight wakes up from his nightmarish dream! He surveys his empire and sees no hordes of barbarians. Settlers womble NE.
3225BC: Barbarian hordes approach Snorf! Warriors bribed to recruit. Just 13 gold left in treasury.
3200BC: Oh bollux! Barbarians used the river to attack snorf before new recruits sign up and defeat us.
3250BC: Darkknight wakes up from his nightmarish dream! He surveys his empire and sees no hordes of barbarians. Settlers womble NE. Our warriors move north onto mountains.`Not enough gold to bribe warriors yet.
3225BC: Warriors bribed in Snorf. Just 5 gold left in treasury. Barbarians move next to our warriors.
3200BC: Our warriors attack and defeat the barbarians. A sense of deje-vu has been lifted from Darkknights shoulders.
3125BC: Barbarians approach Snorf from the south but Snorf is now defended with two warriors! Aaagh! founded to commemerate our victories as this was the last sound of the defeated barbarians. Rations increased as Aaagh! is unhappy.
3100BC: Barbarians attack Snorf but are defeated. Two more barbarians come from the south. Hopefully we will survive!
3075BC: Barbarians move away.
3050BC: A barbarian fortifies to the south east of Snorf. The other moves north.
3025BC: One of our loyal warriors moves upriver and attacks the barbarian to the north before he can endanger Aaagh!. He easily defeats the damaged (??) barbarian.
3000BC: Another barbarian warrior comes up and the fortified barbarian follows him. Our brave warrior is now adjacent to two barbarians.
Whew close shave there! I thought it was one of those times where you can do nothing but die
Anyway I'll mail the file on in a sec.
EDIT: Aaagh! (not the city  ) I forgot to say how I took power!
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
Last edited by Darkknight; June 1, 2001 at 19:41.
June 1, 2001, 19:10
Local Time: 05:21
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I think this game will end to fast
June 1, 2001, 19:29
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ummmmmm...I'm not sure about this whole restarting turns thing. It doesn't seem very honourable.  And there really aren't any second goes for a real civilisation. Maybe we should conced defeat....  ...and start again.
See I told you the Austrailians are useless!!
And as for our earlier leaders...
These things never happened when I was running things...
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
--P.J. O'Rourke
June 1, 2001, 19:30
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NONSENSE!! We'll survive those barbaric dogs!!
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
June 1, 2001, 19:46
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NONSENSE (again) I didn't restart I just dreamed  . Really. I found a way out in the end lets keep going this game looks like a challenge especially with just two cities at 3000BC.
Honour. Pah! who needs it?
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
June 1, 2001, 19:55
Local Time: 05:21
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I vote for continue playing, is a real challenge
June 1, 2001, 19:59
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I vote we keep playing this game.
June 1, 2001, 21:08
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Your all good for nothing lousy cheats...
It's not a challenge if we restart when we stuff up...
I guess it is easier to keep playing this file,....
But I won't pretend to be happy about it
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
--P.J. O'Rourke
June 1, 2001, 22:53
Local Time: 20:21
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Location: Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Posts: 73
Waiting on a Sunday afternoon, for what I read between the lines, your lies. Feelin' like a hand in rusted shame, so do you laugh or does it cry, reply?
June 2, 2001, 08:29
Local Time: 10:21
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Here is the Transcript.
Sean takes power from Darknight after he points out a simple, yet obvious fact..."We are surrounded by ****ing hordes of barbarians". The Australian people, after years of stupidity rally around "Sean the Rational", in a last attempt to save the Australian civilisation. For the Second time in our history, Australia stands at the brink of collapse.
1) 3000BC. Sean shows is military genious by ordering the warriors outside the city of snorf to retreat behind the relative safety of our city limits, with the reinforcements. Thereby advertiny "Darkknights last stand". Snorff is attacked however. But by uniting our forces Sean has seen of diastour. We loss one Warrior, and the second one barely survives. (It was almost gameover again folks  . )
2) 2975BC.Start Ramayna in Snorf. (Sean is ever the optimist). Australia is out of any immediate danger.
3) Warrior built in Aaargh. Sent to explore (only gets as fare as Snorf before the end of Sean's rule.
4-8) Move warrior unit around the board.
9) Another Warrior unit is built in Aaargh. It is foritified there.
10) Warrior unit arrives at the outskirts of Snorf, and is order to head for the "dark lands", and explore.
Sean, burden by the incompetent rule of his forefathers (he didn't relise just how incompetent until he took over...), and the general stupidity of the Australian people, Sean decides to take up a Hermit lifestyle. The people are shocked that their beloved hero is leaving them, (he did save all Australia) and beg him to stay, (they are not bright enough to relise the contempt that Sean holds them in.). They let him go as Sean promises to return whenever Australia is dire need of his help, (as it was before, and will no doubt be in again). As Sean heads off into the wilderness he does not bother to appoint a new leader, saying that any one leader would be "much of a muchness" as any other leader. Rumour has it however, that a bright young lad by the name of od David has come of age recently....
Sean the Rational; Savior of all Australia.
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