July 1, 2001, 01:43
Local Time: 20:21
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910 AD: Noticing that his predecesser had been a little leniant on the lazy Australian people, Rooboy II reduces wages by half, as well as increasing the work day from 10 hrs to 12 hrs. The people also seemed to be a little obese, so he cuts rations from 5kg to 2 kg.
920 AD: Geometry is discovered by the scientists in the Snorf Academy, adjacent to the Ponds Institute. They decide that Hullmaking will alow the construction of vessels to traverse the raging oceans that surround the islands. The same year Academies are opened in Iratland and Jonnyopolis. Rooboy II gives orders to kill the bastards on the southern island near NSJ.
930 AD: Snorf begins producing a settler to found a city somewhere, possibly on Van Diemen's Land (the southern island), where NSJ is located.
940 AD: The last remaining barbarian is slaughtered.
950 AD: Aargh builds City Wall because there is nothing else to produce.
960 AD: NSJ is rioting. Hoplite re-enters town centre in an attempt to exert martial law.
970 AD: After 10 long years of rioting, people decide to return to their homes as if nothing had ever happened. Rooboy II couldn't give a toss about these backwards southerners.
980 AD: Yawn
990 AD: Settlers say "auf weidersein" to Snorf. They are stoned for speaking some weird dialect.
1000 AD: Young builds city walls, and removes N.S.W. from it's title, as it wishes to become more cultured.
1010 AD: Young, Aargh and Iratland are currently producing catapults, but Rooboy II's last order to his no.2 was to change production to longships when hullmaking is discovered. Work day is once again increased, the lazy Aussies must now work 14 hours a day. Boredom once again kills the leader of the Aussies, apparently the 18th time such a fate has befallen the leader of the time, and hopefully the last.
Waiting on a Sunday afternoon, for what I read between the lines, your lies. Feelin' like a hand in rusted shame, so do you laugh or does it cry, reply?
July 1, 2001, 03:30
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"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
--P.J. O'Rourke
July 1, 2001, 16:26
Local Time: 05:21
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Posts: 80
Indonesia Found!
1010 AD
The King has died without an heir. Many barons vy for power, including the long time fisheries minister, Pilfur, famous for his constant cry for "more nets! more nets!". He uses those nets to entangle his adversaries and takes the throne.
After a decade of research, hullmaking is developed! Boats are ordered into production in every coastal city. Pilfur inteds to build the world's greatest fleet. Land is scarce. Pilfur plans to find it and seize it.
"Find What?" Demand his detractors "There is no other land".
The "Platypus" is constructed and sets on an epic journey to find a new world. It sails out over the eastern horizon, manned with only the bravest of sailors.
Will it ever be seen again? Will it fall over the edge of the world?
A second boat, the "Dolphin" is constructed at Iratland and sets sail in the westward direction.
Nervous sailors on the Platypus spot a giant sea serpent off the port bow, which they call a "squid".
New Zealand is founded on the southern island and a phalanx is garrisoned there to protect it. It takes full advantage of the fish nets already there.
As Pilfur waits for his boats to return with news of great new worlds he realizes that he will need more boats and more foolhardy sailors to crew them. But all the idiots - er - brave men have already departed. Nobody else is willing to go.
Pilfur turns his eye to those who ridicule his great plan. Enslaving them (slavery discovered) and sending them on the perilous journey should silence them, and will certainly show them he's right. There is more land out there. There is. There is. There is.
Is there?
THERE IS. The Dolphin lands at the new world and dispatches some explorer archers to investigate and map it.
Meanwhile, the Platypus continues to sail further east, dangerously close to what is thought to be the edge of the world.
Mines are build across the empire to speed up production of the rest of the great Australian Fleet.
Barbarians appear outside New Zealand. Fortunately phlanx units are prepared for them.
The Dolphin explorers find natives in the new world willing to sell Australia their land for a few small shiny trinkets and to join (Archer unit) in Australia's exploration of their neighbouring tribes' land.
The Platypus finds land! And not only land, but a whole thriving civilization! The people call themselves Indonesians and appear to be incredibly advanced and powerful. Their city is massive (size 17!!).
With this news, Pilfur is proven right about the other worlds and fuffils his goal as King. He steps aside for others to decide how to deal with those other worlds.
July 1, 2001, 21:02
Local Time: 10:21
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Re: Indonesia Found!
Originally posted by Pilfur
1010 AD
Pilfur inteds to build the world's greatest fleet.
Their city is massive (size 17!!).
With this news, Pilfur is proven right about the other worlds and fuffils his goal as King. He steps aside for others to decide how to deal with those other worlds.
I think are fleet will be composed of museum relics =)
I found in my last game, That when I found another civ in 1300AD! It was better to trade techs with them.  so maybe instead of charging in with all bows blazing we should trade some of their techs for our massive stockpile of gold. We do have a massive stockpile of gold don't we?
I'm actually looking forward to my next turn =). Though I might be gone. If it's anytime past July 13th I'll be in France basking in some glorious sunshine thinking of the next three weeks that will be excactly the same.
Just me lying  in the sun  without any worries  until  the guy selling sunglasses walks over me.
Reader: Enough enough already...
Just hurry up and get through your goes!
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
July 2, 2001, 02:05
Local Time: 20:21
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I find it highly insulting that an Australian city be named New Zealand.  Our farmers only shear them, not shag them!!  Only kudding!!
I'll have a pound of whatever Darkknight is on too!!
In regards to the Indonesians, is there a city named Dili anywhere?
Waiting on a Sunday afternoon, for what I read between the lines, your lies. Feelin' like a hand in rusted shame, so do you laugh or does it cry, reply?
July 2, 2001, 05:46
Local Time: 10:21
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Someone must of given you that pound....
Good call Pilfur, on naming a city after NZ. It seems all my efforts...sob...are finally being....recgonised...
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
--P.J. O'Rourke
July 2, 2001, 06:34
Local Time: 20:21
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Waiting on a Sunday afternoon, for what I read between the lines, your lies. Feelin' like a hand in rusted shame, so do you laugh or does it cry, reply?
July 2, 2001, 15:14
Local Time: 05:21
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July 3, 2001, 13:15
Local Time: 10:21
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you'd never get a game going around the globe like that, Real Life (TM) would get in the way, and thats ignoring crashes, mail outages, disconnections and other internet annoyances. but thats irrelevant anyway, my idea was to run one game simultaneously in 2-4 areas of the world. Take USA for example, they would not pass the game on to anyone else but in their zone.
I only originally thot the 72 hour rule could be reduced coz of the fact ppl in the same zones would probably log on roughly same time so there'd be minimal delay between passing it on.
maybe we could get started organizing soon so that its ready when existing games are complete, im on break now for 3 weeks
btw without making any jokes, for i disrespect ppl not on location but personality (and possibly profession eg politicians), but being youngish i've only heard (noticed) the double header jokes the last year or two. everyone I ask cant tell me what they're on about. someone care to explain?
July 3, 2001, 13:52
Local Time: 06:21
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Looks like we're walking on eggshells guys!
Hey, Pilfur, that was a great summary.
Is it safe to say that Boredom is officially dead in the Australian empire? Mortality rate of our leaders should go down quite a bit.
Whoever plays next, try and be careful not to upset the Indonesians by keeping troops or ships in their territory! They will probably pummel us.
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
July 3, 2001, 21:01
Local Time: 10:21
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I don't think anyone in Irelands online at the same time as me =)
We'll beat those Indonesians someday!!
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
July 3, 2001, 22:34
Local Time: 20:21
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Location: Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Posts: 73
Waiting on a Sunday afternoon, for what I read between the lines, your lies. Feelin' like a hand in rusted shame, so do you laugh or does it cry, reply?
Last edited by rooboy; July 3, 2001 at 23:07.
July 3, 2001, 22:59
Local Time: 05:21
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 149
Yea it sounds like new Zealand took the same spot (and my fishnets) for my island cottage. But thats ok, im in the market for a one square island so it could be kinda like a resort and also safe from barbarians.
my second summer class political science just started up and in the remaining 3 weeks of class i have 3 10 page research papers and 3 quizes due each with about 100 questions. Also the entire textbook is asigned reading. I watch the history channel for fun and i tell you that this is the most boringest book i have ever read. The worst thing is i took this as my fun class  I dont know what i was thinking
July 4, 2001, 22:43
Local Time: 10:21
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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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The reign over the period 1100 AD to 1200 AD will be remembered as a fruitful era of unprecedented exploration. The Australian come in contact with new and much stronger civilizations. Namely, the Mexicans who treat us with disdain, the English who are humble and respect us.
1100 AD Indonesians offer to exchange maps and naturally we accept. Discover masonary and research begins on horse riding (hmmm whats a horse ... )
1130 Meet Mexicans.
1140 Meet English
1170 discover HR, research feudalism in line with science policy aimed at attaining beauracracy.
1190, archer exploring distant land meets wandering band of nomads, new city founded, Sinboy.
And thats it from me, we are now coming 6th (or 3rd last) ...
July 5, 2001, 13:47
Local Time: 06:21
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Wow! We're not coming in dead last anymore.
We've made some real progress. Now... if only we could get out of last place in science.
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
July 6, 2001, 11:54
Local Time: 05:21
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Oooo my reign is almost upon us....
July 6, 2001, 12:04
Local Time: 10:21
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Yeah Omni,I will play my turn on Saturday afternoon and have it to you ASAP after that.
Skeeve,will the player list be repeated after Omnigod has played his turn?????Thx
July 6, 2001, 23:05
Local Time: 10:21
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5 more people before me in *think think think* 6 days.
 Get a move on!
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
July 7, 2001, 08:06
Local Time: 10:21
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The reign of Gazablanca the 1st(1200 AD-1290 AD)
A young bloke called Gazablanca comes from nowhere to seize the throne.Here are his transcripts from his reign......
1200 AD
Settler sent on walkies to darkabode,to be picked up by longship and transported to the island SW of the mainland.The longship is set on its way.
1210 AD
Nothing much happens,except settler added to Snorf's build queue.Units continue to explore the islands around the world.To relieve the boredom,a beard growing contest is announced by Gazablanca which will be run in conjunction with drinking copious amounts of beer...........
1220 AD
A few of our explorer units are being chased around on the desert island south of the mainland by a stinky barbarian  .The longship west of the island is deployed to pick them up.Gazablanca vows to destroy the barb at another time.........  .Nothing else much happens......
1230 AD
Nothing much else happens yet again....Gaza orders a stop to the beard growing competitions after many people die in stupid ways after tripping over their hirsute facial rugs and toppling to their deaths.However,the beer drinking continues...........
1240 AD
Great news!!!!The feudalism advance is complete,meaning that Knights and Pikemen can be built.This is done so immediately in several cities.Also,a capitol building is automatically built in Snorf.The next advance to be researched is Bureaucracy,hopefully enabling a better type of government to be enacted-Republic.
The settler and a hoplite is finally picked up from Darkabode and is being transported to the SW island,and a granary is rush bought In New Zealand.
1250 AD
Gazablanca lazes around in his castle in Snorf.....he is growing ever more bored as nothing of any event is happening.He drowns his sorrows with yet more beer
1260 AD
Nothing of any importance happens.
1270 AD
Settler and Hoplite landed on SW Island-Longship sent back to Darkabode to await settler being produced in Snorf.This settler will then be transported to the other end of the SW island to colonise it.
1280 AD
Gazablanca City founded on SW island.Gaza toyed with calling it the Gaza Strip,but wisely acknowledged that there was probably somewhere else in the world with that name already......  A granary is started in this city.Also on this turn,2 new civilisations are encountered-the KwaZulus(while circumnavigating the desert island-they seem hostile)and the Nicaraguans(encountered one of their longships in centre of the map-seem a lot more friendly)Gazablanca gives gold to both civilisations as a greeting and also as a bribe for swopping maps in later turns.......
Also,Gaza uses the large public works pot to make improvements around the whole of the nation,including fisheries,ports and mines.
1290 AD
English city of Brighton found on forested island near the centre of the map....longship withdraws immediately.Nowt else of importance happens.Settler will be built next turn in Snorf though.....
And so after,a century of efficient(but sometimes boring  ) ruling,Gazablanca cops it.However,on his deathbed before this,Gazablanca predicts that his heirs will once again take up the throne.Omnigod is named as Gazablanca's immediate successor........and a beer is named to honour Gazablanca's reign,simply
named "Gaz's Evil Brew":.......
Last edited by Gazablanca; July 7, 2001 at 08:11.
July 7, 2001, 19:21
Local Time: 10:21
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a capitol building is automatically built in Snorf
Why Snorf already has a capitol from the start it does no good to build another one
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
July 7, 2001, 20:35
Local Time: 05:21
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Okay... finally my turn... just waiting for the file.... I'd love to play tonight.. but I don't have the file yet... hint...
May my reign be long and glorious.
Well short and acceptable.
July 8, 2001, 01:56
Local Time: 10:21
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Come on guys, get a wriggle on  Lets see a few more transcripts being posted.  The other posts are still of crucial importance of course  ....Such as this post...
But we do seem to be playing this game at record slow speed...
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
--P.J. O'Rourke
July 8, 2001, 13:49
Local Time: 11:21
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Still managed 6 pages of conversation though
July 8, 2001, 14:16
Local Time: 06:21
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I'll be ready and waiting as soon as Omnigod is finished.
It looks like I'll get my turn in before my vacation!
Then I'll be away from July 13 to July 20th.
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
July 8, 2001, 16:46
Local Time: 05:21
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I'll play my turn... but I need the file first... Gaz? what's up?
July 8, 2001, 17:32
Local Time: 11:21
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I'm away from the 27th July, and through most of August, but I should have played by then, and it might not get around again before September
July 8, 2001, 19:12
Local Time: 10:21
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I sent the file around 5.00 pm (GMT) on Saturday,so I have no clue why you didn't receive it by now...
I will send it again though.......
Oh,and Darknight,its me being a doink about the capitol building......I realised that the capitol is present in the first city built only after I posted.............I didn't realise that the capitol can only be rebuilt after gaining the Feudalism advance........DOH!!!!!!
Last edited by Gazablanca; July 8, 2001 at 19:17.
July 8, 2001, 20:12
Local Time: 10:21
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Again hurry up! pleez We had the game two finished by now
I'm off on the 14th to the 12th of August . Three weeks in France and a week in England
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
July 9, 2001, 01:50
Local Time: 05:21
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The year 1300 AD, and after the death of Gazablanca... the little known OmniGod took control of the Australians... his first order of business was to rid the Australians of all beer and liquor, he wanted a pure nation of science lovers. Beer was outlawed and the tomb of Gazablanca was thrown into the sea as an offering to end the tyranny of all the previous rulers with their beer and prostitution... the shackles were coming off, Omni guaranteed before he died... the Australians would be free.
The good ship "Lollipop" after many years of searching the high seas for land and food has come across an island below the equator 180 degrees from Snorf. The crew is sent from the boat to explore this new island... the men brag of real action on the mainland and all magazines are stowed away and the crew's excursion to the mainland is a pleasant one.
5 years later in 1305, the Nicarguans meet with the supreme Omni and demand that all Australians leave the shores of Nicargua... thinking this to be fair, Omni demands an exchange to please his people... he asks for maps.. the deal is rejected and archers land south of Nueva Guinea in defiance of the Nicarguans. The longship "Invasion" moves westward to scout ahead for any Nicarguan troops in the area. Meanwhile, the longship "Snorf" has a course change and plots a course to the English city of Brighton.
The year is 1310AD and the city of Gazablanca City riots in the streets learning of the death of Gazablanca 10 years ago, and the prohibition of beer and the desicration of Gaza's tomb. A shrine in honour of Gaza built to cool the mob, and military archers are dispatched to Gazablanca City. Back in Snorf, the great scientific community discovers the plans for a Republic... Omni is pleased... and commissions the work scientific community to start work on a short project: Concrete. Up the road in Young, caravans are completed and Omni begins the recruition of diplomats to learn the ways of other leaders. Thousands of miles away, shore leave is cancelled for the "Lollipop" crew as raging Zulus are found to inhabit the island...
1315 was the year to be remembered as the discovery of the fabled city of Isandlwana of the KwaZulu tribe.... this great city is home to the legendary Forbidden City. Australians in the "Lollipop" sail past, hurling insults and rotten fruit at the city. Forbidden my ass they scream... we found you... stick out their tongues and flash thier fanny at the cannibal Zulus stuck in the city walls.
1320... out of Isandlwana comes a longship chasing the "Lollipop" crew away, but still discovering Swazi... another slum of the Zulus... the crew isnt' impressed but enjoys ridding itself of the rotten fruit from the long journey to this Cannibal island... actually it was reported that the Zulus were seen to be eating their own children... this was uncomfirmed but seemed reasonably correct given the new enligthenment of the Australians.
1325, the first of many diplomats were trained in Young and sent south to wait for the next passing ship to Indonesia. In the southern English island, the Australian archers marched into English territory around Brighton. Not liking the idea of a city smarter than Snorf, the archers vowed to sack Brighton.
1330, Omni enacts the governmental change to the Republic hoping to jump start a failing scientific following. In Snorf, the glass trade was changed to Semarary increasing profit from the trade route... the economy boomed and the sale of small lab kits grew.... beer was still prohibited and thus wasn't purchased. Parties were now known as science experiments and vagrant were feed beer (by special order of Omni) until they died, data collected proved that drinking 5 gallons of whiskey and beer chasers was detrimental to your health. The prohibition continued.
1335 AD, the Brighton invasion loomed closer.
1340, the English demand that troops be removed from the surrounding countryside of Brighton... again Omni, being a fair and noble leader agrees but demands maps in exchange... the English refuse and the archers lay siege to Brighton... 5 days past and the archers were killed by the lone mounted archer in the city walls... tired and afraid the near dead english archer hid in the lower city walls.... Omni learning of this tragedy declares war on England for killing his archers without cause. Later he would learn the archers "started it" but by that time, he didn't care... dam English he would mutter as he walked down the castle halls.
1345, the new government emerges from anarchy and the Republic is born. The Australians free to learn and love, explode in science and concrete is almost completed. The ship "Snorf" lies off the coast of Brighton ready to pounce when it learned of the death of the great Omni. They are torn between his death and his successor... they vow to sack Brighton for the deaths of Australian archers but wait to hear word from the new leader. It is said that on Omni's death bed he smiled knowing his people were free to be what they wanted to be now... freedom was Omni's legacy. Prohibition was lifted for one day to pay homage to Omni and then it was implace again... many camel accident deaths were reported and beer was found to be the cause.. the curse of Gazablanca returned with the death of thousands.
1350.... the Great Skeeve is named successor... will he rule in honour of Omni or become a tyrant... will he win the war against England or make peace... the citizens wonder... and wait for his lordship to answer..........
Last edited by OmniGod; July 9, 2001 at 07:04.
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