June 12, 2001, 12:52
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits
Here I am - looking at the thread title and wondering if the wombat was offering to join our collective - but no SG stands for Succession Game not Scouse Gits - such a disappointment ...
How old is sg{3} anyway?   
Anyway, you've seen my avatar choice if I did
Keep on civin' guys - looks good - should I buy this game?
Might just about be worth it if you can get it cheap now. MedMod2 or Cradle Of Civ or both together make the game more challenging, and succession gaming is keeping the game alive enough. It really depends how cheap you can get it, or how much you mod it. I have got my money out of it by playing around with scenarios and mods, but I would say it is probably worth about £20 if you're going to play MedMod or succession games.
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
June 12, 2001, 18:02
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Thanks for that Wombat - I might just invest ... now that CtP2 is in the bargain bin -- brat daughter (SG{3}) is 15.5 (next week!) she celebrates her half birthdays since she was born on Boxing Day.
June 14, 2001, 11:47
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Hey everyone, sorry it is takng me so long to finish my tun. I have been really busy lately. I will really try to finish my turn tonight and send the file on. If I don't get a chance to tonight I will go ahead and forward the file to the next person. Thanks!
June 14, 2001, 21:35
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Ok, here is my post, FINALLY!!! The stupid grass just had to be mowed tonight! (or so my father seems to think!!)  Anyway, her eis the reign of Rhuarc ?? ( I don't remember what number turn this is for me!!)
2250 - Warriors continue to explore.
2225 - Warriors continue to explore.
2200 - Warriors continue to explore. (You can't contain the suspense you are feeling can you!?!  )
2175 - Offer gift of gold to France to try to raise our regard with them. They immediately respond by accepting it and then asking us to remove our troops from their borders!!!  We accept, but only because at this point I think they could wipe us out!! We also traded maps with the French this turn.
2150 - Warriors continue to explore.
2125 - Finally!! We have discovered Ballistics!! Our scientists immediately begin work on discovering Stone Working.
2100 - Warriors continue exploring.
2075 - Warriors continue exploring.
2050 - City of Rhode founded to the North. It immediatley begins work on a Granary to aid in city growth. One of our warriors has discovered 277 gold left in an ancient ruin.
2025 Americans attack one of our exploring warriors with an archer who we promptly defeat!!
As you can see, my reign was mostly sheer boredom followed by: intense periods of excitement!!
June 16, 2001, 06:51
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Herein lies the transcript of the reign of Wombat III of Greece. In a parallel universe, a "cousin" of Wombat has recently led a nation called the Australians, so Wombat's fingers are tired from typing...
New settler in :
- Mountainside
- City now builds an Archer, as it is close to the American frontier
- Settler heads to the north coast
- Athens
- City builds Ramayana
- Settler heads for the great plains to the East.
A french pikeman (  ) was spotted east of our hoplite, guarding the pass to the east of the Grey Wombat Mountains.
New Settler in Troy goes eastwards, and Troy begins to construct a granary.
Explore. We meet an emmissary from North America and have a beer with him.
The Americans propose a cease-fire, and we agree, on the condition they surrender to us a map of their empire. They Agree, and we notice that they have ships.
We discover Stone Working, and begin research into Slave Labour, so we can se the French slavers, and build mines.
The Settler from Athens found the City Under the Grey Wombat Mountains on top of the east Hoplite guard, and begins producing another hoplite for defense.
Americans propose an exchange of maps, which we do not really need, but to improve relations, we accept.
Hoplite built in Delphi, which fortifies, and the city begins a shrine.
Mountainside builds an archer, and begins a shrine.
A french archer appears outside Argos, but our request that they withdraw is refused, even with a 500 gold bribe.
Warriors start to return from the outer reaches of the continent, laden with exotic goods, and maps of their journeys.
Argos builds a settler, and begins a granary. The settler goes east along the coast, letting the settler from Argos go inland, towards a pair of close-together sources of valuable spices.
2 farms are started around CUTGWM to improve growth.
Troy builds a granary, and continues a shrine.
Then Wombat dies a mysterious death involving a tea-cosy, having left his empire in the hands of a young lad named rooboy.
June 17, 2001, 03:29
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A young arrogant lad named rooboy takes the job. He demands he only work 4 hours a week, and that coffee and a large selection of biscuits and donuts be provided for him whenever he works. He also demands a butler, and his house be fitted with 1000 mirrors to enjoy his perfectly tanned and toned pectorils. With his huge majority in the Senate this bill is passed through with little hassle. The Greek people still must work 14 hours a day. He is a "Greek Adonis", however, many people consider him to be ignorant, as he cannot name the leaders of France, Native America and America.
Athens continues to work on the Ramanaya. When this is built the Greek people will really know what bled dry means.
Rooboy III wants each city to be defended by 2 hoplites and 2 archers, making capture almost impossible at this early stage. Warriors will be used as scouts becuase of their extended vision.
1725 BC: City of Funkytown is founded between Rhodes and Athens.
1700 BC: Hoplite from Delphi enters ruins partially hidden by timber, and discovers a long lost group of greek warriors.
1650 BC: Mountainside begins work on the Pyramids. Rooboy III is quoted as saying "Them boys is big!!", when announcing the major project.
City of Knossos is founded on the coast east of Argos, to provide a secondary port.
1600 BC: Slave Labour is discovered. Scientists start work on Jurispence, hoping that some sort of new more efficient government can be soon discovered.
1575 BC: City of Guido is founded south of the Grey Wombat Mountains. Guido was named after Rooboy III's middle name. The city of Guido is in a very important tactical position, in that it borders French, American and Native American territory. Production possibilities are very good here, and spice fields are also nearby.
1500 BC: Warriors entering ruins discover long lost "brothers" who form another warrior unit . Farmland is sighted, Rooboy III's advisors believe another civilization is nearby. Rooboy III is bored with ruling the Greek people, and decides to relocate full time to his bachelor pad up in the Grey Wombat Mountains where he entertains woman 365 days a year. Elections are held and....
Waiting on a Sunday afternoon, for what I read between the lines, your lies. Feelin' like a hand in rusted shame, so do you laugh or does it cry, reply?
Last edited by rooboy; June 17, 2001 at 03:43.
June 17, 2001, 10:20
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June 18, 2001, 12:24
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1500 B.C.E.
The election is a close race, but in the end Pilfur III emerges the next great Apolyton of the Greek people. He seems a competent but lonely man. He desires a mate, and sends his soldiers out to find him one, preferably blonde, preferably human. Scouts explore deep beyond French territory but don't find anything spectacular.
The pyramids in mountainside are well underway when Pilfur orders them dismantled, and their walls are dragged to the outside of the cities to form city walls instead, for protection from the Americans.
Scouts in the northwest find the great city of Berlin, a massive metropolis (size 10!) full of georgeous women with ladderhosen and beer steins. Pilfur immediately comes a runnin.
Meanwhile French mounted archers are seen passing by Athens and then re-appear near funkytown. More French units appear near the French-Greek border to the east. The people begin to get nervous, and city walls are ordered to be built all across the empire. Military units start to travel eastward as well.
Jurisprudence is thought up by Pilfur. Why are we letting people rape and pillage each other? Maybe we should have laws against such things. Yes law. Law should be fun.
The threat of possible french invasion has Greece's spirits just about destroyed, when the lovely Elke returns with Pilfur to Athens to be his wife. A great celebration is had, and the empires great writers record it as an epic tale of love, sex, and general grape-tossing fun. It is sold for eons to come by the name "Ramayana"
The scouts in behind the French territory find wandering Nomads, who have been searching for Greece ever since reading their copy of "Ramayana". They decide to join the Greek empire... but how to get them back across potentially hostile French territory?
Frederick, leader of the Germans finally puts down his beer stein and notices that his daughter, Elke is missing. He is told that she ran off and married Pilfur and he goes ballistic. War is declared between the Greek and German people, and Greek scouts are attacked. They bravely fend the attack off and hold their ground.
Pilfur thinks of the problems with the french and sighs, seeing them about to attack Argos. Pilfur thinks of the problems with the Germans and sighs, seeing them having declared war. Pilfur thinks of his wife Elke and sighs, seeing her undress. Pilfur isn't ever heard from again.
June 19, 2001, 09:22
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Heh heh,
I liked that integration of the "Ramayama" wonder into the storyline.
Now, where can I get a copy of that book!?
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
June 21, 2001, 08:39
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June 21, 2001, 11:18
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Ok Rhuarc, I'll play some time tomorrow.
Love the sig. (part 2)
June 21, 2001, 19:28
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Hey you lot started without me, No fair! =)
I think I'm playing two anyway so.
Have fun crushing th French and Pikemen before 2000BC, You're in for a tough time =)
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
June 22, 2001, 06:46
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Out of town
Hey everyone,
I am going to be out of town from this upcoming Wednesday to Saturday. I think the daes are June 27th -June 30th. If it is my turn anywhere in there just send the file onto the next person. Sorry about that, my schedule for June is pretty hectic. After june is over then I should be home and able to play regularly. Thanks a lot guys!
June 23, 2001, 16:30
Local Time: 11:23
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Autobiography of Wombat IV, Greek Despot between 1250BC and 1025BC
- 1250BC - Troop exercises, and parade of honour.
- 1225BC - Elephant mine started near Athens, Troops move towards Argos, where French archers threaten the citizens.
- 1200BC - Troy completes a city wall, and begins to build settlers.
- 1175BC - We meekly request a French withdrawal, and offer our map in return for their cooperation. They agree, and the threat to Argos is lessened. Research is changed to trade so we can begin roads. This is still needed on the way to Monarchy. A granary is rush-bought in Knossos
- 1150BC - French are seen to begin withdrawal, and Wombat is quoted as saying "Its well good". Troops move westwards towards Greko-German border.
- 1125BC - Archers from CUtGWM move to patrol eastern borders with France. The City begins to build city walls.
- 1100BC - Trade is discovered. Research is re-started in Drama. Exploiting the new technology, Wombat issues a 'Road to Rhodes' project.
- 1075BC - A slaver joins the archer troops moving westwards. M'side builds a archer unit and begins a bazaar.
- 1050BC - 'Road to Rhodes' is complete, and troops can now move three times as fast towards the German border.
- 1025BC - The archers to the east ungroup to spread more ground. Warriors on the forest peninsular enter a deserted village, and finds 282 gold. Settler founds Port Blub on the northern shore of the peninsula, and a shrine is rush-bought to stem the unhappiness resulting from distance from Capitol Hill. The first unit makes its journey along the Road2Rhodes, and the project is extended to Athens and Mountainside. Wombat sees the unstoppable coming of Monarchy and decides to do a runner, leaving Athens and heading towards a certain house in the Grey Wombat mountians, where ex-despots have a habit of retiring to.
June 24, 2001, 09:43
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Knowing that his ancestors were all womanising drinkers, Rooboy III decides that he will be forever remembered as "Rooboy the Boring."
1000 BC: Troop movement and road construction.
975 BC: Dito.
950 BC: Dito
925 BC: French continue pulling out troops.
900 BC: German city of Frankfurt is sighted, and will be a Greek city within 300 years.
875 BC: Rioting in Port Blub. Nearby warrior decides to enforce martial law.
850 BC: Drama is discovered. Philosophy is next on the hit list.
825 BC: Troop movement.
800 BC: All Greek cities are now linked by roads following the completion of the link between CUTGWM and Knossos.
775 BC: Units continue towards the German city of Frankfurt.
750 BC: Slaver on the outskirts of Strassburg. Another 2 headed for the krauts. Rooboy is not sure what to do, as he doesn't want to piss off the French until he knows the Greeks are ready to strike with force, so he leaves this decision with his successor. Bored of being boring, Rooboy hops away up to the Grey Wombat Mountains, and is never heard from again.
Waiting on a Sunday afternoon, for what I read between the lines, your lies. Feelin' like a hand in rusted shame, so do you laugh or does it cry, reply?
June 26, 2001, 07:29
Local Time: 05:23
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Posts: 80
750 BCE
Pilfur III takes power, because nobody else wants it. He doesn't either, but feels somebody has to do the job. Everybody is still feverish over this silly Ramayana book, which now has become a hit musical that sells out and gets standing ovations every night. Pilfur, who ironically shares a name with the leading character in the book, hates Ramayana, and takes up governance to get away from it.
675 BCE
Greek troops near Frankfurt, sole warrior unit makes a suicide recon mission to discover that the city is defended by two phalanx units and two archer units.
650 BCE
Pilfur spends many ours pondering life, the universe and everything. Philosophy is born. Greek wise men start pondering new systems of government, as monarchy is researched.
600 BCE
News arrives from France that they have built a system of roads that puts the newly created Greek system to shame. The great Appian way is built. Meanwhile, not to be outdone, Pilfur opens the first great place of learning in Athens. He calls it a "Library".
525 BCE
Conquest! Greek forces capture Frankfurt, and the generals quickly rename it Elke, in honour of the female lead in the Ramayana story. Pilfur resigns in disgust. All this work he has done, and this stupid Ramayana thing gets all the credit.
June 27, 2001, 04:11
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Pilfur, did you send the file to Rhuarc? I haven't received it from him, so I assume he has gone away before playing. Could you send the file to me please?
June 29, 2001, 05:16
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Tried to send you the file. It came back to me today saying it could not be delivered. I used the email address listed in the post on page one of this thread.
June 29, 2001, 06:51
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Ok, I've got the file, I'll play later on today
June 29, 2001, 22:57
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 That last summary was funny!
I'm enjoying standing by and watching this game unfold.
I only hope that the Ramayama doesn't surpass the Wombat Maneuver in notoriety!
- Skeeve
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
June 29, 2001, 23:09
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 Hey, look at that... I'm finally a PRINCE!
Dang, that took a long time.
Then again, at my post rate, I should be at the Deity level sometime around September of 2011.
- Skeeve
P.S. Well, does that mean I can have a custom Avatar now? I sort of like the Balloon-Ship, though. Maybe I'll stick with that for a while longer.
300 posts and I haven't even changed my signature once! Jeez... that's lame.
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
June 30, 2001, 08:44
Local Time: 05:23
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Posts: 80
Glad to hear you got the file Wombat. I was having trouble getting on here yesterday (was the board down?) and thought you were all still waiting on me.
Hey Skeeve, thanks for the kind words  This is fun. Actually, the story writing may be even more fun than the game playing. I thought SGs would be slow and dull, but they let you build an epic multi-author story through the gameplay. Very cool.
June 30, 2001, 08:58
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 I thought the "custom avatars" thing meant any avatar at all. heh. I had no idea I could just pick one now. This shows just how out of it I must be
Cool. Now I can shoot stuff.
June 30, 2001, 11:40
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500 posts for a custom avatar Skeeve, maybe by Christmas?
I only hope that the Ramayama doesn't surpass the Wombat Maneuver in notoriety!
Better not do 
June 30, 2001, 15:14
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Wombat V
The Reign of Wombat V, bringer of change, and maker of peace (eventually) - 500BC - A hoplite is rush-bought in Elke, and Wombat takes an early holiday (presses enter too soon)
- 475BC - Ramsgate is built on the coast near France, despite claims from shadow cabinet ministers that this will casue unhappiness. A hoplite and an archer unit are stationed there to defend the city, and it begins to build a granary. A road link is begun. Meanwhile, Troy begins a courthouse, and Athens begins Aristotle's Lyceum
- 450BC - William Wallace has nearly finished Aristotle's Lyceum. That two-faced philosopher
Wombat vows that one day the Lyceum will be ours. The Athens city authority pretends they were building pyramids all along, and hurredly changes its design.
- 425BC - A new farm for Mountainside is ordered. Street-riots take place in Elke, but the army move in, and after 25 years of bitter fights, the riot is quashed.
- 400BC - We have discovered Monarchy
Wombat is pleased, but hesitant to spring this on his citizens too soon. Guido starts a shrine
- 375BC - The City Under the Grey Wombat Mountains, and Troy start to build caravans. Knossos begins an academy, to further the Greek persute of knowledge.
- 350BC - Mines are constructed around Athens, to hasten the retreival of raw materials needed for "The Pyramids". Our slaver arrives at the gates of Strasbourg. The French dislike us, but have a great deal of trust in us.
- 325BC - The slave raid fails to capture any frenchies
, but the French foreign minister requests a complete withdrawal of our troops. We counter with a request for a small french border-city. The decline our generous offer...
- 300BC - Our slaver successfully captures slaves from Rennes. When the slaves arrive in Ramsgate, they waste no time in enquiring about the legendary Ramayana. Wombat, as is customary in the despotic bloodline, wasted no time in shooting (with a bow
) the most persistant 'troublemakers'. The french take this enslavement as an act of war. Wombat, not for the first time, regrets not reading the "manual", the slang term for the Book of Greek Laws, as defined by the Demi-God Activision Wombat, ever the pacifist, offers the french peace, and offers 500 gold to sweeten the deal. They agree, and now both respect and trust us. Argos begins a shrine, and Funkytown, an academy.
- 275BC - The french offer an exchange of maps, and we gratefully agree. Guido begins a bazaar. At this point, Wombat realizes his life will last not much longer and decides the time has come to make a revolution. He proposes to the people that they become a monarchy. Local barons will hold power, like MPs, he explains, only harsher. I mean, Jesus hasn't even been born yet... Far from the welcome response he expected, there was anarchy, and in the ensuing frenzy, Wombat was killed by a mob of angry Elkyites. They tied him down, and suffocated him with the Ramayana...
July 1, 2001, 03:30
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 Demi-God Activision
July 2, 2001, 07:32
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I'm back!!
Ok everyone! I am back, and I should be back for quite a while!! I just finished reading all of the summaries and it really looks like a lot happened while I was gone! Anyway, I'll be looking forwards to my next turn!!
July 2, 2001, 08:56
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After remaining on top of the Greek charts for 50 years with their hit, Anarchy in the G.E., the punk group Sex Swords splits up. Rooboy V, the former drummer for the group, is persuaded by his elder brothers that a new form of government named Monarchy will provide as much freedom for its people as anarchy, whilst increasing efficiency dramastically. He decides to run for emperor, and wins in a landslide.
However, he is blinded by the power he now wields. He halves wages, increases the workday to 14 hrs and cuts rations.
200 BC: Port Blub builds Granary, as does Ramsgate.
175 BC: Iron Working discovered, allowing the production of a new military unit called the samurai. Rooboy V decides Geometry might be handy in the future.
150 BC: Argos builds Shrine.
125 BC: Mines and farms built near Rhodes.
100 BC: First ever trade route between Mountainside and Port Blub is established. Will provide Greek Empire 159 gold per turn.
75 BC: Marathon is founded north west of Rhodes. Roads built all the way to the German border to speed up troop deployment.
25 BC: Pyramids built in Athens. Geometry is discovered, allowing the construction of catapults. Horse Riding is next in line.
1 AD: A disillusioned Rooboy V, sick and tired of government, is killed whilst climbing the Grey Wombat Mountains. News reports believes he died in an accident, but...
Waiting on a Sunday afternoon, for what I read between the lines, your lies. Feelin' like a hand in rusted shame, so do you laugh or does it cry, reply?
July 4, 2001, 01:21
Local Time: 05:23
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Posts: 80
Found in an Ancienct Scottish Library
The following was found amongst ruins of an ancient library, belonging to a people calling themselves "scotts".
Aye, 'tis a harsh land we be livin' in. Not only have we the Germans now to worry about, but also a new competitor. They call themselves the Greeks. We spotted them accross the battlefield. Aye. We were taking down the Germans at Stuttgart, west of Hamburg and pillaging their farms when we spotted strange men with nets catching the farmers an carting them away.
That was a while back now, in 40 AD. Since then we found their armies, south of the German territory, and discovered that they recently learned how to ride horses. They too hate the Germans and they seem to want to be our friends. But we should not trust them. We must coddle and destroy these brigands... before they move on to destroy us.
In 120 AD we saw them catch a German settler band and destroy them without mercy. It was barbaric. The women and children were slain before our eyes. Their leader, Pilfur, an ugly and ruthless beast of a man.
They pillage and rape the Germans, not a pleasant sight. But it provides the distraction we need. We've heard that they also have just discovered masonary (140AD) and are researchin feudalism. A wee bit behind the times, be we shan't underestimate them. We shall take Germany and Greece shall be next.
July 4, 2001, 01:23
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Posts: 80
Pretty much nothing happened during my turn this time, so I decided to try something new. American and French borders were quiet. Production of Samurais accross the empire. Gearing up for the big war with Germany. Next Apolyton, or maybe the one after that should be in great shape for war.
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