May 26, 2001, 21:12
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One feature that I hope fraxis used is an auto launch for nukes. This would work so that you can aim a nuke at another country and if they use a nuklear strike against you your nukes would lanch before it was even your turn. This would also serve as a deterent becase you would not want to launch your nukes if you knew there were no ways around the consiquences.
May 26, 2001, 21:33
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This is excactly what was in CTP2. I only ever saw it in use in the deatente scenario. It would be good though in a game that you actually keep playing up to the modern age
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
May 26, 2001, 21:35
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It would be nice if you and some allies could actually cordinate a nuclear strike also.
May 26, 2001, 21:47
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Yeah I heard somewhere that they were going to improve the military diplomacy so you can actually say you bombard from the south and I'll attack from the north.
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
May 26, 2001, 23:04
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mutual destruction again.
i just saw Pearl Harbor, great movie for those who haven't.
in it a Japanese officer is talking to a general (shogun) and says:
"The American fleet has been utterly crippled, congratulations general, you are truly a brilliant man"
to which the general replies:
"A brilliant man would have found a way not to fight a war"
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
May 27, 2001, 00:31
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I wish you could also target units with nukes, and so that units can shake the nukes off by changing profiles in cities.
May 27, 2001, 00:37
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You should be able to target an empty tile on the map as well.
May 27, 2001, 00:55
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Maybe you could have many nukes waiting in something called a missle silo, and then you would aim it at some city or piece of land. Then, there would be auto launch, if that country attacks you or you good click something that would launch all your nukes at once!!!
Just some ideas, but that would make it more intersting. I can't wait until FIRAXIS tells us how the nuke system will work!!!
May 27, 2001, 00:58
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whats wrong with nukes being units?
im not a CTP / SMAC junkie :-/
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
May 27, 2001, 04:20
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Pearl Harbor, that movie was so anti-Japanese. And it was the "Admiral" btw. All in all, it was a pretty good movie......despite Ben Afflect. That guy's such a queer.
Anyway, back to the nuke thing. I think that you'd first need to develope some kind of missle warning system before being able to have auto-launch. Also, you'd need to develope long-range ballistics (the first nuclear bombs had to be delivered via bombers).
May 27, 2001, 05:59
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I wish you could also target units with nukes, and so that units can shake the nukes off by changing profiles in cities.
You should be able to target an empty tile on the map as well.
I think this shoul only be possible for tactical nuclear weapons, or?
I mean, nobody in the real world would use an ICBM to wipe out enemy units, or to attack an empty area...
May 27, 2001, 09:01
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Yeah. It should be at least two different kinds of nuclear weapons:
1) "Hiroshima bomb" - dropped off bombers and having a limited range.
2) Intercontinental nukes.
May 27, 2001, 11:11
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im not a CTP junkie, is the whole subs-carrying-nukes thing out?
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
May 27, 2001, 12:59
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Yes you would want to target empty space many times.
The reason being a nuke could get two closeby cities in one shot or kill more stuff in one shot.
May 27, 2001, 13:35
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Mabey that could be a new technology or wonder. The ability to find out wither or not a nuke had been launched at you and than respond. As for the nukes with the bombers you could auto order you bombers to launch there nukes.
Also for diplomacy I think you should be able to make a pact with 4 or more civs saying, if anyone one uses Nukes we will all declear war.
May 27, 2001, 14:13
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Originally posted by manofthehour
Mabey that could be a new technology or wonder. The ability to find out wither or not a nuke had been launched at you and than respond. As for the nukes with the bombers you could auto order you bombers to launch there nukes.
Also for diplomacy I think you should be able to make a pact with 4 or more civs saying, if anyone one uses Nukes we will all declear war.
I like your ideas!!!
I think that there should be different advances for nukes, like the first advance would require you to drop the nuke on them, and the second advance would be that you could launch a nuke from a nuclear silo or something for intercontinental warfare!!!
May 27, 2001, 14:58
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In CTP2 so could threaten to 1.Embargo 2. Destroy a city 3. Declear war. If they have threat in CIV3 use Nukes should be a threat.
May 27, 2001, 15:28
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Originally posted by manofthehour
In CTP2 so could threaten to 1.Embargo 2. Destroy a city 3. Declear war. If they have threat in CIV3 use Nukes should be a threat.
I think they are considered a threat now!!!
May 27, 2001, 16:40
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Nukes should definitely create more options in the diplomacy screen. Nukes are such unbalancing factors in the real world and in the game that diplomacy should be changed by their existence as well.
May 27, 2001, 18:31
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Nukes in Space?? i.e. on satellites. Multiple nukes could be held up aimed at specific cities and fired as soon as the enemy nukes are fired this way you might destroy the enemy nuke while it's still in enemy space.
Also: Bushes SDI defense system. Anyone know what this actually is?
Or maybe The Civ3 teams gone into a flowery phase in life and have decided that nukes shouldn't be in the game.
Thermo nuclear warheads   : Lets cause some earthquakes babee!!
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
May 27, 2001, 19:10
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May 27, 2001, 19:37
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Nuclear explosions should be BIG not as big as SMAC. Also the cracking world thing would be good. Maybe not great chasms appearring but maybe creating a crater. hills leveled , plains turned into deserts that sort of stuff. Cities should also lose a load of buildings and SDI defenses should only work 40 - 50% of the time.
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
May 28, 2001, 01:55
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Well I think that there needs to be a defence to the nukes that you know will work. The explostions should show the destrution they cause. They should be able to change the squares aroung them.
May 28, 2001, 02:08
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There should be a defense!!! But we won't know until FIRAXIS tells us!!!
May 28, 2001, 02:36
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It's too simple to build nukes - first you should have to build a silo in the city that you want to produce the nuke (oppose to manhatton project), then have access to plutoium; which should be rare (trade - last civ 3 update), and finally permission from the united nations (if avalible).
Defence Suggestion: SDI defece should provied 50% city defence, Anti Ballistic Missiles Base should provied an extra 50% and you could bargain gold amounts in exchange for a cease fire against the attack for a limited time.
Global Warming: Global warming should have a more intense affect on the terrain as meantioned before. As well as doing permanant damage to the city and destroying some buildings.
Finally spies should be abel to propose nuclear threats towards cities and demand large sums of money.
May 28, 2001, 13:01
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Well I think that the United Nations should proved kinda of a blessing. If you don't get this blessing than other civs should be mad it you. Also I assuming that Nukes will need a good because all of them do. the good that the Nukes need would be quite the Monoply indeed.
May 28, 2001, 14:51
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Originally posted by Alex 14
It's too simple to build nukes - first you should have to build a silo in the city that you want to produce the nuke (oppose to manhatton project), then have access to plutoium; which should be rare (trade - last civ 3 update), and finally permission from the united nations (if avalible).
Defence Suggestion: SDI defece should provied 50% city defence, Anti Ballistic Missiles Base should provied an extra 50% and you could bargain gold amounts in exchange for a cease fire against the attack for a limited time.
Global Warming: Global warming should have a more intense affect on the terrain as meantioned before. As well as doing permanant damage to the city and destroying some buildings. 
Finally spies should be abel to propose nuclear threats towards cities and demand large sums of money.
I like your ideas!!!
I think that plutonium should be a resource that you would need to make a nuclear warhead. Also, you would need to build a nuclear silo to hold the nuclear warhead in. Maybe you could be a nuclear silo outside your cities, but in your borders!!! (Kinda of like an Area 51)
May 28, 2001, 15:04
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Thats da reason we must always test them when playing!
Its da darka side of us men, seeing that nice gloomy mosharoom!
Just like him Truman and his friends... but they didn't play da CIV, they killed many children who is now in their grave and cannot play CIV3, how bad !
And if the USA-CCCP coldwar escalated, BOOM, you wouldn't sit here, Sid would be a gone... -you would never ever have played CIV , think about it!!!
May 28, 2001, 15:22
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No one ever said they wanted 2 nuke the world. There is a diffrence.
May 28, 2001, 16:45
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Maybe FIRAXIS will post something next month on nukes, since they haven't really mentioned anything about nukes yet!!!
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