Yeah, I would like those after war diplomacy options. But they would have to include options to
rearrange land territories, give cities to any civ including a minor civ, impose a police/occupasion force, and impose limitations you maintain on the conquered civ for a certain amount of time.
As in the example with Germany.... let's apply it to CivIII....
You conquer 3/4 of German cities and land, then they surrender. In your terms of surrender (not peace) negotiations you decide you don't want to keep all their cities as your own nation.
So...(All in the diplomacy screen of CivIII)
You give their cities back to them.
You decide what their new borders (territory will be)
You may even make some of their cities into a new minor civ or keep some for yourself or your allies (like Russia did).
You decide that you will put an occupationary / police force in their civ.
You may also decide that you are gonna impose a restriction on that country for the next few years.
Depending on what you impose on them in the surrender terms, it could affect what happens to them.
Good surrender terms - good outcome
Bad surrender terms - bad oucome
(that is if you decide to give the land back to them, otherwise it don't really matter does it?

Then again if the Civ is just too agressive anyways, they may want another go at a war anyways.