Originally posted by 007
Hej RON, how serious Cyberware is about making $ on "MD"?
cause if you are serious i'd be glad to comment.
'Cause next year when a whole bunch of people will buy CIV III and then cool off it will be time for u.
But if you remain to be in "alternative civs" (not a big deal game)
you won't sell it.
Comments are
always welcome.
We are serious about producing a very good game. If it sells well or not is less important to us. Of course, it'd be
nice if it has lots of sales

That would give us more resources to produce our next game. I must admit I'm a bit tired of trying to produce a 3 year project on a shoestring budget, heh. I would
love just once to have a million dollar budget for a project
Graphix and marketing r 2 big keys. If your game won't be truly 3D there is no hope too.
Marketing depends a lot on whether or not we are picked up by a publisher. If so, the marketing level will be up to them. If not, we'll attempt to do it ourselves, though we'll not have many resources to accomplish this, unless we manage to sell a fair number before-hand.
As for graphics, I agree with you to some extent. Graphics don't make up for bad games, but even good games usually need a decent level of graphics work (although I can think of exceptions). We are gearing up our graphics work now. Since many of our systems are now working, we can start making them look nice. It was hard to do graphics at first, because we were unsure of what the parameters for them were going to be. Now that we know most of them, you'll see more effort going into making the game look nicer.
As for 3D, we already have a globe. How much more 3D do you want?

We will be adding some 3D effects to the main screen. Most notably in the form of city, stack, and resource icons, as well as world improvements (like bridges and such). It looks pretty 2D right now, I will admit, but keep in mind that the entire system is done in 3D, so it is only the work of a bit of modeling and texture mapping to make the world map icons 3D.
Can you imagine looking over the globe than screen zoomes down (instead of just changing screens) to a particular baral. And on batal field the camera flies around showing explosions or hand to hand combat. And then again smoothly zooms out.
What you are describing for the battle screen is essentially what we have planned. It will be 3D in nature. The city screen, however, needs its own screen, for it shows different information than the main screen (I assume that's what you're talking about). Our city screen map will appear in a manner similar to Tropico or Sim-City, where you place buildings in a 3D isometric manner.
Besides Manifest Destiny is a bit too long and involves complicated words - hard to remember. Even "Call to power" is long, but that's OK 'cause the words are simple - easy to remember for avarage consumer. And I also haveing problem making a picture in my ming - how to imagine to manifest destiny. I must give you that is sounds beautyfull, really classy and glamoures, but you won't sell a million copys with this name.
Okay, fair enough. But I would point to Europa Universalis. There is an awkward name if I ever heard one, and it was something of a hit. Manifest Destiny is a concept (world rule is your god-given right and duty), which fits our game very well, and it's unlikely to be changed now.
IF u can't afford graphix - do it offshore.
I'm a graphic designer myself and know alot of people in Russia and Ukraine who are kick ass specialists and will work for penies (i mean it, the don't make $ at all, and will jump on any oportunity). Let me know if it sounds interestin, I know i can organize it (i'm ukrainian myself, live in US)
I'd love to have more artists. But we probably can't afford them, even at a very low cost. Our resources are already stretched extremely thin as it is