May 29, 2001, 11:40
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Turns of AXT033, fourth thread
Time for a new thread - here's a link to the old one
2216 to Hobbes.
To all faction leaders:
To say the Drones are disappointed in their former pact brothers would be a masterpiece of understatement. We just can't see their route of thinking right now with their absurd threats.
a) The Drones have 276 population. The Hobbits have 35.
b) The Drones have 25 air units. The Hobbits have 3.
c) The Drones have both the Cloudbase Academy, and the Hunter-Seeker Algorithm. The Hobbits have The Planetary Energy Grid.
d) The Drones have 27 bases. The Hobbits have 11.
Need I go on?
The Drones really don't want to go through with this attack. Indeed, they have extended their warm hand of friendship once more toward the Hobbits. But if this generous offer is refused, we fear we have no choice but to put our well-trained air force into action.
Also, for your information, there are two probes poised to mind-control Lagoon as we speak. Now, I really don't want to have to give that order, but unless the Hobbits back down from their ridiculous stance against us, we have no choice.
I await your response. If I do not receive a response by the time 2217 comes round, consider the Hobbits and the Drones at war.
I trust the other faction leaders understand our standpoint - we have no desire to go to war.
Foreman Mark13 of the Free Drones
P.S. To defend my actions, I was merely looking for a new base site, which was in my territory. I would argue that it is the responsibility of the faction in question to get the pod down, and expand their territory.
May 29, 2001, 12:07
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If I judge the current situation correctly, then the Drones are trying to f-o-r-c-e their former pact mates into a pact again. I draw this conclusion as the 'pact offer' are only followed with comparisons of relative military strength, nothing more. I can agree on the fact that the Drone leader Mark points out that the Drones are a very powerful military faction. But so the Cyborgs pointed out long time ago, nothing new with that;: except their open and brute willingness to use this power on their fellow factions.
The really new issue is the pact through superior firepower declaration from the Drones. Ergo: they want to create a satellite state (!). We Cyborgs are concerned as we don't see what separates our faction from the bullied one. In fact we identify very much with that faction at this moment of unveiled unhumanity.
The Prime function Horus now states the Cyborg point of view:
There must be now satellite states on planet, I do urge the rigth for all factions to choose their pacts and treaties without threats of violence.
Anyone against?
Last edited by Horus; May 29, 2001 at 12:14.
May 29, 2001, 12:16
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Prime Function,
You have clearly misjudged the current situation. To make it clear, the Hobbits declared vendetta on the Drones last turn, by destroying a road connecting the two factions. Whilst I agree that thi is solely their choice, they must accept that if they continue in the current diplomatic tone, they will come to a sticky end. I have suggested a treaty of friendship, no more, to cease the hostilities, and be done with it. As previously stated, we are not trying to cajole, or threaten our fomer pact brothers into signing anything, simply that a continuation of the current state of vendetta would result in an outright war - one they cannot possibly hope to win.
In short, if the Hobbits want to carry on their hostility againt us, that is fine - but they must also accept the consequences of such an action.
A satellite state is not our intent - if we wanted that, we would have attacked the Hive.  We would just like to be able to settle this dispute without having to resort to bloodshed.
Foreman Mark13
May 29, 2001, 18:19
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Like many old earth dictators from the 20th & 21st centuries, the Drones seem to believe that they may do as they please without being held responsible for their own actions. Yes Mark, that prepared base site was in your land (after you moved the border), technically you have the legal right, morally and ethically, you did not. Despite your protests, there was plenty of land for you to expand west or south, without trying to encroach on Hobbit territory. Your subsequent post, boasting about your actions only shows what kind of person you are. As I have repeatedly said to you, I do not wish war. I destroyed a road that I built that led directly into one of my cities, a reasonable action by all accounts. I have refused a treaty and will continue to do so, I will never treaty, trade, pact or vote for you ever again. You have shown your true character- treacherous, untrustworthy, unethical. I have offered a truce as a witness to my non-agression toward you. That is the sole concession that I am willing to make to one of your character. Be warned, if you chooose war, you will not gain a satellite state, we will fight to the bitter end, pursuing a "scorched earth" policy if necessary.
I call upon all factions to witness the true nature of the Drone faction and ask them to renounce all pacts, treaties and trade agreements with the Drones, that they may realise the unacceptability of their actions in civilized society. Is this the kind of society that we need? Did we not leave such agression, pomposity and treachery behind on earth?
May 30, 2001, 00:42
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2217 to Horus. The Morganites are very concerned about the recent outburst of violence. We are glad to see that hostilities will end now and hope that Drones and Hobbits can live in peace together.
May 30, 2001, 04:49
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The move is forwarded to the Drones in more than one way. We the Prime function do not need to inflitrate the Drone network to recognize their view on other factions.
We hope that a mere truce is sufficent as our relation with the Drones for some time on. Mark stated previously that all are free to exercise their own politic without fending off Drone jets in the air. So I assume that it is ok to Truce the Drones.
May 30, 2001, 15:20
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It seems I underestimated the Prime Function's gullibility. The complete fabrications spread by Hobbes have clearly distorted his view of things.
In any case, Hobbes' pledge to never pact, treaty, trade or talk to the Drones again is one step too far as far as the Drones are concerned. Therefore, the Drones are now at war with the Hobbits. Early indications show that the war should last no longer than eight years - with minimal Drone casualties.
The other faction leaders - do what you will. But the Drones will not be messed about in any way, shape or form. Whilst Hobbes has been given martyrdom status by many of his followers - but the hate that seethes through Drone bases toward the Hobbits is very real. Let this serve as an example to any faction leaders who may choose to cross our path - we will not tolerate it in the slightest.
Foreman Mark13
2217 to Hobbes.
May 30, 2001, 18:37
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Mark: Recent unprovoked attacks only prove to those around you what kind of a megalomaniac you are. You attack a faction because they pursue a policy of isolation, just wanting to be left alone? "Hate seething through Drone bases?" Why? Because I destroyed a road? Let history show that the innocent Hobbits have not caused a single Drone casualty- ever. Your self-righteous psychotic rantings are laughable- and you know it. If this is what it takes to win and dominate Planet, then we Hobbits want no part of it.
Turned to Paul.
May 31, 2001, 00:37
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2218 to Horus
May 31, 2001, 02:28
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Turn sent.
Well the Drones have brougth their point forward in no uncertain way. We can conclude that the Drones have teached the University a lesson. They will not destroy any more roads, that's for sure.
But I do pledge the Drones to stop were they are, otherwise it would be a show of wanton destruction - and that will not do for the leader of Planet to fall out in such a way.
So enough of this, let intelligence rule.
May 31, 2001, 08:53
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Well the Drones have brougth their point forward in no uncertain way. We can conclude that the Drones have teached the University a lesson. They will not destroy any more roads, that's for sure.
The attack on the Hobbits is in retaliation to the Hobbits' general belligerence, rather than any specific act of war.
But I do pledge the Drones to stop were they are, otherwise it would be a show of wanton destruction - and that will not do for the leader of Planet to fall out in such a way.
The Drones will stop whe the Hobbits decide to come to their senses and sign a treaty, and not before. I would call anything less than that unacceptable hostility, and of no benefit to we Drones whatsoever.
So enough of this, let intelligence rule.
Ha! Contrary to popular belief, we Drones are not as simple-minded as people would have you believe - despite putting less funding than the Hobbits into scientific research, we still churn out four times the amount of data the Hobbits manage.
I will decline to stoop to the level of senseless Hobbit propaganda displayed above.
Foreman Mark13
2218 to Hobbes.
May 31, 2001, 18:42
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My propaganda? Despite given space you have not responded in any way to our accusations. (Of course you can't- you're guilty.) With great reluctance the peace-loving Hobbits have offered a treaty to the war-monger Mark. By your actions- past and future shall you be judged.
Turned to Paul.
June 1, 2001, 00:30
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2219 to Horus
June 1, 2001, 02:57
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Turn sent.
Good to hear that The Uni accepted the Drone demand on a treaty, this can only mean peace (that is if all of us keep our words and shun a Holocast on the Hobbits of course).
I am sorry to say that I am going for a vacation in two weeks now. It's a bit unfortunate now when the game is going and all. If you just can't wait, but Tau Ceti on the case and he migth get a stand in or do some turns himself - I trust his ability to do so.
Anyway, see you soon.
June 1, 2001, 14:30
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The Drones would like to express their utmost relief at not having to go through with the offensive against the Hobbits. The signing of a treaty will at least give us some profit for our tolerance.
I need not remind the Hobbits exactly what will happen should they step out of line over the coming years.
Horus - sorry to see you go. I don't know about everyone else, but I am happy to wait the two weeks Horus will be away. I am thoroughly enjoying this game at present, and it would be a shame to see the present continuity break.
2219 to Hobbes.
(just to go with current trends):
June 2, 2001, 01:55
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2220 to Horus
June 9, 2001, 18:26
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Hah, turn sent. If we're lucky, then we will manage to do another turn before I take of again!
June 11, 2001, 00:36
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2221 to Horus
June 16, 2001, 17:16
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Ok, back on track and the turn sent some hours ago!!
June 21, 2001, 09:16
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What's up? I have sent Mark the turn some days ago. Giddy up!!
June 21, 2001, 09:18
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Not received, sorry - have also mailed.
July 9, 2001, 19:17
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2222 on to Paul.
July 10, 2001, 01:01
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I don't have time to play this now. I will play when I come home from work in about 6 hours.
July 10, 2001, 06:53
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2222 to Horus
July 10, 2001, 13:47
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Turn sent to Mark. As I said in an e-mail, sorry to hear that you have to quit Mark - but you do got my full understanding. I had to quit a game called Utopia more than a year ago. It was like drug, truly.
July 11, 2001, 07:41
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Well yeah, that's the trouble. It's a shame, 'cause this game's a lot of fun right now. Still, it looks like a replacement will be forthcoming shortly, hopefully.
All the 2s to Hobbes.
July 11, 2001, 15:55
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On to Paul.
July 11, 2001, 21:50
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2223 to Horus
July 13, 2001, 01:44
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I did send the turn 14 hours ago, I din't have the time to report it then.
July 13, 2001, 15:17
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My replacement in this game will be SITS, who I have relayed 2223 to. Could Horus please send future turns his way.
Consider me a fully subscribed lurker from now
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