June 4, 2001, 13:51
Local Time: 20:28
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Election Poll Room
Jerusalem Chronicle ......
This report has been filed by Clive Waterhouse;
. In what has been a remarkable landslide result, young Razter the Grand son of the Great Raz , has taken over 75% of the main vote. the opposition parties have been routed and were no where to be seen all night. There was great celebrations all over the lands of Israel at the announcement of the results. When the young Razter entered the Tally room he had the following to say;
"Thankyou thankyou, It is with extreme pride that I stand before you as the leader of the greatest politicla party in the history of Israel. We proved that our policies and our visions are what the people want , and tha tit is good for Israel. The opposition parties ran a good race, but the people have now given me a mandate to press forward with my stated aims. My first priority as your new leader, will be to travel to see the new leader of the Adriatic league and shake hands with a man who can lead this part of the world to greater glory. I have here a letter from there leader President Giuseppe Mazzini, stating his desire to form a United Nations Congress. As your leader I will take to him our firm commitment to get this up and running. We feel a UN would be able to solve some of the more needling issues such as the last great Buffalo confrontation. Unfotuantly , because we are so small in the world we wil lnot be able to aid the AL president in building the Congress, but he will know that we are behind him 100% of the way. As part of my journey to his lovely homelands, I will be taking with me the top ten leaders of Israeli Inductry and commerce to set up trade agreements with President Giuseppe's countrymen, the head of this delgation will be Israels long term friend and great benifactor Elisha Bendoolan, the leader of Israels largest Buffalo supply company. It is with great expectation of a booming Israeli economy that I will sign the agreement with President Giuseppe. After completion of that task I shall travel to Samarkand and visit with our great ally 'East' the Great. There I shall sign agreements for completion of a transcontinental transport system for the use of all our commercial trading and also tourists movement from one side of Asia to the other. This transport agreement will be the biggest expenditure yet by our small coutnry, but I firmly beleive that the fruits will soon pay for themselves. The next part of my journey takes me to the Great south land, Australia. There I will holiday with my close friend President Paul and his family, I will invite him to return with me to inspect how our country has flourished with him as an ally. There wil lb eno business in Australia as we already have all our deals with Paul signed up. It will be a celbration for me to meet the great man at last, grand dad Raz told me lots about him.
Then finally from Australia I will travel back to my home land. My people . my fellow Jews... Today is the begining of a new era.."
This messge was greeted by Loud Cheers !!!!! Then he continued;
"To show my great respect for my grandfather The Great Raz, I shall take upon myself the title he used and from hence forth I shall be known as The Great Raz II. "
Greeted by More loud cheers !!!!
.................................................. ...............................................
Unseen by all a dark sinister man slinked out of the tally room and overheard by the Newsboy outside he was heard to say
" I'll be back !!!"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
Last edited by Rasputin; June 6, 2001 at 17:48.
June 4, 2001, 14:28
Local Time: 06:28
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Raz, you gonna be playing as Israel again this week right?
You said something about not being able to after this week....any update on that?
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
June 5, 2001, 00:07
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Please Refer PM
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 5, 2001, 22:12
Local Time: 20:28
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NEWS Flash NEWS Flash.......
It has just been reported from Jerusalem that there has been assination attempt made on the life of The Great Raz II....
No details available at the moment.....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 6, 2001, 17:19
Local Time: 22:28
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Re: Letter sent to President Keating..........
Originally posted by drake
Dear President Keating,
I have recieved word that you have liberated our city of Skopje in recent years. We appreciate your army dispatching the red menace that has killed so many of our men. With your victory you have effectively disbanded the Norse and their barbaric organization and for this the Zulu thank you.
The matter that is raised of course is that Skopje is a Zulu built and Zulu owned city. It is an important strategic location for us in the North (our only as a matter of fact) and we would like it's safe return as soon as possible. For your services we are ready to reward you and your army. I have no formal offer on the table Keating, as I am not exactly sure what your country is in most need of at this time. I propose that we barter for the return of our city as soon as we can first meet. You have an open invitation to stay at our Capitol for these meetings, or if you prefer, a place of your naming. The Zulu have much to offer president.
Getting off topic, we have gathered 3 bands of traders from across Africa and they are going to depart for Australia very soon to trade their goods. I will get you more specific city locations very soon so your merchants can prepare for them. May luck and prosperity be with you and your country. We hope to hear from you soon.
President Keti
Zulu Nation
Reply from the Right Honourable Paul Keating:
DATED: 24 January 1192AD
Dear Mr President Keti,
Although our great nations have not yet exchanged maps I was vaguely aware of some folklore that suggested Skopje may have once belonged to the Zulus. I laughed when told of this, how on Earth could Zulus be living in icy Greenland?! But I trust you are a President of your word so if you can provide evidence that Skopje was once Zulu I offer the following proposal....
Considering the enormous strategic advantages that Skopje offers and the fact that it has been promised to my dear ally, the Mongols:
* the tech of Refrigeration
* your map
* another tech or the promise of NOT fortifying East Africa
I am in a pickle with my ally having promised it to them so the stakes are very high here.
I'm sure you understand.
Of course if you'd consider my world proposal to cede a city or two to Israel we may craft an alternative deal.
In addition I think some secret domestic activities within Australia that have occurred recently are very much to your strategic advantage...
Your sincerly Paul
BTW Raz, I don't think Radio has been invented yet
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
June 6, 2001, 17:38
Local Time: 20:28
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OOC ..
deity ..
Just the Israelis getting ahead of them selves i wil lfix that error up...
Back to the game ...
"Sir this message jsut i nfro mour sources at the Australai nEmbassy..." the young boy handed the note to his leader, Major Ben Dover.
"What is it David?"
"Apparently the Australains and the Zulus are engaged in some form of exchange of lands in Greenland"
"Oh what exactly?"
"The Australains apparently freed up a Barbarian city that the Zulus calim as their own, but noew the Australains hav epromsied that city to our allies the Monguls"
"The Monguls?? As if they dont have enough citys already !!!! The Great Raz II will be very upset when he hears this"
"but sir he is still in hospital, he is not to be disturbed!@!!"
"There will be hell to pay over this !!!"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 6, 2001, 17:59
Local Time: 20:28
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Deep in Israeli Secret Intelligence Room
"So this information comes from a valid source Joseph ?"
"Yes sir, we finsihed interogations only moments before. He made a full signed confession just before he died"
"ahh shot while trying to escape again ?"
"Yes sir, as they all do "
"good , good.. So now we know who shot TGR , and who he was working for. This is very serious Joseph, once news of this breaks there may be war !!"
"Yes sir I know, but the Truth must be known. We must inform TGR about this now."
"I will , I will. But we must be careful , you know what his temper can lead to, are the Israeli people ready for war with such a great nation?"
"Never the less, it is not our decision sir"
"Who esle knows of this information? Apart from you and I ?"
"No one sir, I conducted the interogation myself asd you requested."
"good good Joseph. I will inform TGR of your great work. For now I need you to start your next operation, we need to know more information about what goes in in Africa. Pleas ehead there immediatly and begin your investigations"
"Yes sir"
after Joseoh had left the room, Major Ben Dover thought to himself " Oh the wicked web we weave , when we first practice to deceive"
And with that he shot himself .......
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 6, 2001, 18:25
Local Time: 10:28
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Location: The fine metropolis of Baltimore, Maryland
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"Tony, always a pleasure..." said President Giuseppe Mazzini as he opened a small folder and pulled out a few letters.
Antonin Rossi, the cheif Foreign Minister of the Adriatic League simply nodded and smiled "Mr. President."
"I have here a letter from General Pagniacci, it says that Skopje was conquered by Australia, as we know, and that the Zulu are now asking for its safe return." he said as he looked over the letters again.
"Well" said Minister Rossi as he shifted in his seat staring blankly at the ground "This is quite a situation. From my perspective this is a cut and dry situation, I believe Australia should return the city for all intents and purposes."
"I have to disagree" replied the President "Why should Australia do that? They have no binding agreements, the city was taken by the Norse, Australia retook it, it is very much their territory. To think that the Zulus continue to hold a claim here is nearly-"
"Might I interrupt for one moment sir?"
"You already have Tony." smiled the President.
"Aye, I suppose I have. You must listen, the citizens of this town are Ethnic Europeans who are Zulu citizens. To think that the transition into an Australian government would work is quite hefty a hope, not to mention" he began pulling papers out of his leather case "This." he said as he handed a peice of paper to the President.
"What's this?" the President asked as he eyed the document.
"Its a transmission, numerous transmissions, between Australia and the Zulu Nation. Australia admits that they were already going to give the city to Mongolia. Can you imagine?"
The president stood silent as he read the paper "Well, this is quite interesting... as far as an official stance though I must say that I believe none is warranted from the Adriatic League."
"But sir, these people are Ethnic Adriatics!" replied Rossi "Surely the citizens of this country will take offense!"
"That may be so, but I can't make a move here against the sovreignty of these nations. We have no real stake here, we have no say here, we shouldn't have any for that matter. I really think we should wash our hands of this situation." said the President.
"Mr. President, you musn't be afraid to stir the political waters. The Pacific Pact is suggesting that cities be ceded to Israel from the Zulu Nation in exchange for Greenland. This has become a political situation, the world is going to watch and see how each side plays it, the world is going to watch and see how we play it." Rossi said as he rubbed his temples.
"I understand that, but that's not what drives me here. Frankly we have no say here, if you hadn't noticed our nation is not the Axis or the Pacific Pact, we are the Adriatic League. We have no clout here to even intervene. We won our war with the Norse, the Zulus were defeated." said the President as he arose from his seat.
"But sir, things are not cut and dry. Things are skewered and frayed and seen in differing angles. We can't decide things from a wholly Adriatic viewpoint. There are Mali viewpoints, Australia viewpoints, Mongolian, Chinese et cetera. That's what I am saying, I believe a meeting must be called between the Foreign Ministry and the party leadership, something has to be decided here, if the world looks to the AL we must have more than an omission of involvement...."
June 7, 2001, 06:32
Local Time: 06:28
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Posts: 2,372
Keti smirked as he finished reading the letter from Keating.
"Keating yet again has to bring up his ridiculous proposal of ceding cities to those damn Israeli rats! My god, by our last world survey, the Aussies have 46 cities. We have 36. I mean c'mon Keating, do the damn math, you're not even practicing what you're preaching!" Keti had gotten himself into a fury.
"He wants refrigeration huh? Doesnt he understand that it has yet to be invented yet? Are we not to enjoy our technologies that we ourselves discover before the rest of the world? His cities are already large enough without farming technologies, I don't even want to begin thinking about how much larger they would grow with our technology." Keti was frowning, his face was red and sweat poured from his brow.
"And asking us not to defend our most valued cities? What exactly are they smoking down under? We are acting only for the defense of our country and the safety of our people, what could possibly be his worry? And my maps! What does he need of my maps? The Zulu Nation is not a mystery. We have two main concentrations. One in Africa and one in South America, and of course we have a single colony in Greenland. That is all there is to the Zulu Nation......God this is ridiculous." Keti began scribbling furiously on a sheet of parchment...................
Dearest Keating,
Skopje is the Zulu Nations. The evidence I offer is my word, the word of the Mali and the word of the Adriatic League who were present at Skopje's original erection. Lets be honest Keating, your people have no rights to it.
Just for fun, let us pretend for a few minutes that Canberra recieved a brutal assault from a terrorist organization and crippled the military in that city. The terrorists then occupy and take control over the city. As your army gathers forces to reclaim the city, a Zulu ship arrives next to the city, destroys the terrorist threats and Zulu soldiers proceed to occupy the city. Now for the amusing part- the Zulus demand that you bow to several ridiculous demands in exchange for the cities return. What do you think you might do president? Would you submit to the demands of a nation that holds a city that is through and through Australian hostage? Or would you send the military in and vanquish the insolent and arrogant? I'm guessing you would send the troops in and recover YOUR city.
Treating Skopje as a prize is not the way to deal Keating. Your demands are not proper, and quite honestly, I was very insulted by them. Your lack of concern and empathy for the people of Skopje is disturbing. The citizens well being is what is most important, and their well being demands Zulu leadership.
You will have our utmost respect if you do the right thing and return the city to us. We will reimburse all costs of the battle with the norse, both military units and money. We will also be happy to tack on an additional 250 gold for being an honorable man and doing the honorable thing.
The people of Skopje are what matters President. Please stop using them and their city as means for bartering. For they will always be Zulu, no matter what flag may fly. Do the right thing. We will not forget it if you do.
May luck be wih you friend,
President Molefi Keti
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
Last edited by drake; June 7, 2001 at 06:38.
June 8, 2001, 00:21
Local Time: 20:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
The Israeli people continue to rejoice under the control of the Great Raz II , there were those that did not beleive that Raz II could live upto the economic leadership of his grandfather Raz I . But the following serves as an illustration of the great achievements of Raz II
1160AD Under The Great Raz I 1260AD Under The Great Raz II
Approval Rating| 71% | 75%
Population 3.95 mill | 4.56 Mill
GNP $471 Mill | $560 mill
Manufacturing Goods 126 tonnes | 136 tonnes
Land area 267,0000 | 308000
Literacy 64% | 64%
Disease 12% | 11%
Pollution 0% | 0%
Life Exp 56yrs | 58 yrs
Family Size 4.1 children | 4.2 children
Military service 2 yrs | 3 yrs
Annual income/capita $207 | $258
Productivity 60% | 63%
As can be seen , TGR II has improved the overall econmy whilst maintaining disease and pollution under control , and an increased majority at every election
The people are holding parties to celabrate there love for the president yearly now....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 8, 2001, 14:00
Local Time: 06:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
Keti sat befuddled looking at the headlines of his worldly newspaper.
-Australians build great Dam, power supplied to all cities
-Mongolia grants Women's Suffrage
"Damn those Pacific Pact bastards are good." thought Keti. "Why didn't we think of that stuff.....?"
Scene: Keti's Sunday morning weekly update in his personal office
*The Shaman knocked on the door*
"C'mon in Shaman, we have much to discuss about your latest great project." Keti motioned for the Shaman to sit.
"Well General, things are going as scheduled and our research is on the verge of completion. Our understanding of the human body and how to heal it are un-paralleled by any nation, even those in the Pacific Pact." the Shaman beemed in pride.
"So what does this mean exactly? Our doctors will be more able? Sickness and disease shall decline?" Keti asked.
"Sir, we're talking much more then that, we're talking about a cure for cancer! This discovery is not just a victory for us, but for mankind as well. Other nations will look upon us with awe when they realize just how truly wise we are." again the Shaman had a grin from ear to ear.
"Shaman, lets not get such a big head now. We need to remain modest as our systems of defense have yet to be completed. We don't want to offend anyone with your senseless gloating. The Zulu Nation and I applaude your efforts and we reward you in turn. I only ask that you keep your enthusiasm in check." Keti had a stern look on his face.
"Of course sir." the Shaman bowed.
"That is all Shaman, please send in Daku" Keti ordered.
*The Shaman exited the room and in his place Daku Kali, the kingdom's domestic advisor walked in.
"And what news do you bring Daku? I hear your plans for railing a central line in both Africa and South America are beginning to be implemented." Keti was smiling.
"Yes General, plans for a single line connecting all major cities in both our major provinces will soon be realized. We first need to retire all of the older workers who still use primitive technologies to execute their orders and replace them with more apt Engineers. After we do this, laying rail should be a simple task, for as you know, our infastructure is in great shape. Besides this plan, we are also going to start assigning workers to farm our fields. With refridgeration, our ability to gather and store crops has increased ten fold." Daku looked at Keti like a puppy waiting for a doggy treat.
Keti's smile was even bigger, "Thatta boy Daku. Like your father Rashi, you have a brilliant mind for these things. You keep up with the good work now and make sure my nation is taken good care of. We need these new rails to keep up our trading success, so don't let us down!" Keti dismissed Kali.
*As Kali walked out, a small group of men in uniform walked into the office*
"Good morning gentlemen, how are you treating my fine military? Have the obsolete units of soldiers been dismissed and replaced? Also, I heard that there were terrorists spotted off to the west of South America." Keti was serious now.
His Navy Admiral spoke, "Yes sir thats correct, there was a large galleon spotted off our western shores, only a few years ago. We suspect that it was there to cause trouble in nearby towns. We were in no way ready to chance another Skopje like incident and so we did the safe thing."
"And what was that Admiral?" asked Keti.
"We sent a Destroyer sir. The terrorists Galleon had no chance. They sunk to the ocean like a two ton anchor." the Admiral chuckled.
"Heh heh heh. Good work Admiral. We must put our foot down against Terrorism and let those cowardly bastards know that no one f*cks with the Zulu Nation!" Keti smirked. "So what of my Army Hafteem? You're taking good care of it?"
Lieutenant General Hafteem stood, "Well Molefi, there are only several units of pikemen left in the nation. Most cities have riflemen as their primary defenders, while some still have musketeers. I assure you that we will be completely up to speed very soon. Africa in particular will be very well defended in the coming years."
"And what of offense General?" Keti asked.
"Well sir, our nations safety is certianly our number one priority and for that reason, offensive units will not be slated to be built until we have riflemen in every city. Several cities have cannons in case a situation might arrive, but we really don't think that we're going to need them." Hafteem replied.
"Very good men. Keep up the good work and keep our soldiers strong and ready for battle. We can never be sure when another conflict might arise." Keti saluted them and they walked out.
*The final person Keti was supposed to be speaking with this morning, Trade Advisor Balum, was away on business, setting up trade negotiations with the Israelis. For this reason, the meeting was concluded.......*
Keti returned to his paper.........
-Adriatic League brings magnificent Trading Company to Amsterdam
"Hmm, not too shabby.........wish we had something like that.....we sure as hell could use it alot more then the Europeans........ah well......."
Keti lit a cigar..........
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
June 8, 2001, 23:43
Local Time: 22:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
Posts: 6,890
November, 1263 AD
Broken Hill, Australia
Saul had gathered all his Scientists together for the GATT - Great Aussie Think Tank.
Saul had always been in Paul's shadow but that's how he liked it.
deity had willed it thus.
Saul had many of Paul's qualities but also had a greater intellect and was a Math genius. Since the demise of the Great Library Saul had hatched a plan to compete on the world scene in the area of technological research. He was a success. No matter what other nations tried they could not compete.
He, along with his loyal scientific colleagues, talked to and fro about their plans. Saul assimilated the information and reformulated it into a brilliant holistic master plan that went beyond the science itself. He was such a great lateral thinker. He had so much respect.
No wonder he had received The Order of the Markus
Trade.... Arrows.... Size 50 cities.... I Am The Scum.... I love the Scumbag* Days... etc etc.....
1264AD - New Years Day
Samarkand, Mongolia
Saul was Paul's special emissary to celebrate the New Year with General EASTHAVEN.
They were seen to disappear and had very lengthy discussions.
It all remains secret but leaks began to occur.
Saul was partial to Middle Eastern herbs that enhanced his brilliance. It seems he has had visions of the future world. His Persian wife, Dame de Nostra, had a big influence over Saul - perhaps the only person capable of that. She was at the party too and was seen to enter the secret discussions with EASTHAVEN as well.
But she shoots off her mouth a bit. Apparently she is genetically connected to TGR.
She was heard to say that there would be a future world full of immense power and destructive weaponry beyond anyones understanding..... that there would be flying machines.... that other planets in the stars would one day be visited!
EASTHAVEN is a shrewd and wise leader. He and Saul had come up with an ingenious plan to maintain peace on Earth and be the first to colonise the planets!
This is all we have heard.
This is all Paul heard too.
Saul dismissed it as idle New Years party chatter when questioned by Paul back in Australia.
Paul wondered quietly though. Could it be done?
What would his allies do if Australia was in front?
What on Earth am I saying??
It's absurd - flying? In the air?
I'll believe that when pigs can fly!
* FYI The real Paul Keating referred to political opponents in Australia as scumbags
Hey Capo, now that the game is racing towards the latter stages would you have time to recap the rules for the Modern Era? And any other thoughts? Like your reason for wanting to join the Pacific Pact  ooops
Other Units
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
June 9, 2001, 05:00
Local Time: 20:28
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
From the History books
pg 211 ...
Chapter XIV
In the latter years or TGR II circa 1210AD, an agreement was finally reached with the great Mali people that the Israeli time honoured tradition of Buffalo herding in North Africa was to continue. This was greeted by great celebrations of the people who had for decades feared a war with the Mali woh were far more supreme in power and military. TGR II promoted his Foriegn affair officer Benjamin de Abram into the position of Ambassader to Africa.
The next major event in the history of the Israeli people was circa 1220 AD when it was discovered that the AL was dealing with the Axis allaince in preference to Israelis. Whilst the AL could get better deals from the Axis, due to the nature of the relationship between Israel and Axis powers and after AL had made approached to join Pacific pact alliance, the new Israeli foriegn minister Deborah Judah (the first woman to hold such a high office) , beleived this was underhanded treatment by AL. She thus advised the PAcific pact not to entertain any furthr ideas of allowing AL to join. This increased tensions between Israel and AL to the highest point since the DMZ crossing. Unfortuanlty it was about this time also that as the Foriegn office was being moved to larger premises, many TOP SECRET documents were misplaced and somehow ended up on the Desks of Axis Secret Service Agents. These documents were to reveal the plans of the AL to strom thorugh Israel and invade Africa, the documents revealed the true hatred of the Africans by the AL. Further leaks from the Axis powers , revealed that the AL had made approaches to them also to ally and destroy Israel. All of this activity led the Israeli government to shut its borders with Al for fear that any AL incursion may be bringing with it war. TGR ordered "all Adriatic League countrymen to leave Israel and move immdeditaly back to Europe. Any AL citizen remaining in Israel would be deemed a spy and would be arrested and charged as such. Free passage will be given for all AL caravans to return to Europe via shortest route, there wil lbe no trade bewtween AL and Israel" . This decalration took effect from 1 January 1260AD and needless to say tensions along the border increased again.
The saddest part of this era is of course the passing away of TGR II , a known philanderer he was killed whilst in the arms of one of his lovers. The Vice President Benjamin Disraeli took over till the next election, at which the son of TGRII, General Rasputin leader of all the armed forces, took control of his party and was elected in another landslide result. Generak Rasputin, also took the name The Great Raz and became known as TGR III. His 2nd cousin twice removed Dame de Nostra was at the inaugral presentation to the peopel of TGR III, and was heard to speak of things she had seen in the future of Israel, such as Mushroom shaped clouds hovering over major world citys, she spoke of great machines with long barrels looking like large rifles on wheels far greater than any cannon, she said she saw Israeli leaders, onecalled TGR X deploying these mechanical monsters along rail lines that circled the world.... She spoke of the only safe palce to be in these end times was in the great South land!!! But noone ever too kany notcie of what she said, after al lshe is married to an aussie ...
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 9, 2001, 05:21
Local Time: 20:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Top Secret Document
To the honourable leader of the Mali
From the President of the Israeli Nation Rasputin the Great Raz III.
Greeting our friend to our west. It is with some sadness that I hav eto inform you of the death of my father Razter the Great Raz II. His pasing has brought much sorry to the nation of israel. However I wish to inform you that as the new President I shall continue his great works and one of these uncompleted works I found in his office drawer. That is an unsigned agreement he wrote up shortly before he died, I have had it retyped and is included here for your perusal and signing.
This agreemnet dated 4 April 1260AD, shall be binding on the Israeli and Mali people. The Israeli government herbey proposes that the Mali and Israeli people agree not to use military force agaisnt each other unless this agreement is first broken by the other party. No military aid shall be given to any enemies of each nation whether at war or not. This agreement does not require Israeli nor Mali intervention to prevent Mali or Israeli enemies attacking.
Signed by the President for the Israeli people
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 10, 2001, 01:12
Local Time: 20:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
The Great Raz III greets news of the founding of a Zulu embassy in Yemen with great pride, for centuries the countrys of Africa have deemd the Israel people unworthy of having diplomatic contact, this breakthru in Foriegn affairs was equally matched by the establiashment of an Israeli Embassy in Mali. TGR3 anounces that he will soon establish an embassy with the Zulus, completing a great and historic moment. The next major hurdle is for Israel and the great African nations to open up commercial trade for the growth of all three ecomies. TGR3 suggests that the Africans build a railway to connect the Israeli territory of Egypt to the vast number of citys beyond. The Israelis have already completed their side of the railway. Unlike the people of the AL to our north , TGR3 feels that the Israeli people can trust the peoples to their west and south. At this point of time, due to the harmonious treatment we are now receiving from our friends to the west, there will be no hinderance of African Trade Caravans crossing Israeli lands.
Long live the Nation of Israel
Long live TGR3
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 10, 2001, 08:08
Local Time: 10:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: The fine metropolis of Baltimore, Maryland
Posts: 93
Piazza Venetia, March 15th 1270 a.d....
The sea of humanity churned and rolled like the ocean, the many voices mixing into a soft hum. This had been far more than the five hundered he had initially collected here in this public square, things have changed since then. President Giuseppe Mazzini, who was accused of conspiring agianst the Axis alliance with Israel, was politically obliterated at home and abroad, the latest election was a sham. There was no way Mazzini could possibly be victorious.
He smiled as he looked out accross the people, he always worked towards his goals but my God! Did he ever actually think, truly think, he would accomplish them? The new President Benso Cavour would be tough to crack, he was a Hawk, a military man. He wanted to take a hardline, but his own brother was a Communist. He was a womanizer and a drunkard, surely he could remove this last President... yes this would have to be the last president he thought...
He approached the edge of the balcony and kicked the pedastle (sp?) to the floor. He stood atop an old box and fixed his black leather gloves...
"Fellow Italians! As you know many changes have come to pass since I last spoke before you here. Some of you were present at the inception of the National Socialist party. Some are new, tired of everything that has occured in our nation lately, our proud and glorious nation has been tarnished by politics. Our proud and glorious nations slaves on rail-lines, slaves in the fields and slaves in the factories while the politicians take our pride and our glory and mangle them for the sake of greed. We stand now at the crossroads of our history. Many years ago the Adriatic League was a mighty nation, a feared and respected nation. Our army was unequaled, our mettle was untested. In a few short years men like Giuseppe Mazzini and Benso Cavour have taken that past and torn it to peices! Their actions are deplorable. Their social programs are laughable, these men are not leaders, they are leaches. My fellow Italians, this government, the once great entity under the late Napoleon Bonaparte has fallen into the hands of pigs and vermin. Some say I have a few things in common with our great Corporal. I myself am a Corporal in this army, true the politicians have felt it necessary to remove my title as I have served in Parliament once upon a time. But any good soldier will tell you, I remain the man I was. I fought in the terrible Contessa Massacre in Scandinavia. My hands" he said as he held them high in the air "Are blackened and purpled by glorious stench of honor and pride. I now turn to you, my fellow Adriatics, to follow in the footsteps of those who have gone before. The great Giuseppe Garibaldi who would never surrender to the Australians! The great general Pagniacci who lead his men against Israel and Mongolia in the great war, and finally the great Napoleon Bonaparte himself. Napoleon knew that this nation needed a strong, military-bred, leader who didn't have to worry about the petty squabbles of these weak politicians! Napoleon knew that the power did not reside in Venice, the power resides in the factories, on the rail-lines, and in the fields. The power lies in you my friends, the people of this country. I do not want the rich and powerful merchants like my Dove counterparts, I do not want to woo the old money that is the royalty like my Hawk counterparts. I do not go after money, to me money is useless. You are my resources, the people of this nation, you must return to the old honor that once lit up the entire planet like the sun, you must achieve the glory and honor that this nations deserves. I ask you friends, countrymen, join our ranks. Become a blackshirt! One day you will tell your children, who are fat and happy, who are well educated, safe and free of fears, that you had the glory and the honor to save your nation." he said as he looked over the croud.
"SALUTO IL DUCE!!!!" yelled some random man, the entire crowd began chanting.
Benito Mussolini looked at the crowd and smiled, this was far more than five hundred people. This was far more than he expected... this was enough...
"Let us take back what is ours, let us save our nation!" he yelled...
June 10, 2001, 19:36
Local Time: 22:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
June 11, 2001, 13:54
Local Time: 06:28
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Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
EASTHAVEN is a shrewd and wise leader. He and Saul had come up with an ingenious plan to maintain peace on Earth and be the first to colonise the planets!
Whew.......better not let the Axis hear about these plans.......  That could be hazardous to ones health.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
June 11, 2001, 15:14
Local Time: 10:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: The fine metropolis of Baltimore, Maryland
Posts: 93
March 15th, 1270. Venice...
"Would you look at this sir?" said Giacomo Timpano, the newly appointed Foreign Minister of the Adriatic League "This is going to kill us with Israel, Christ, this type of behavior should be deemed illegal!"
"Yes I know" said President Cavour with his hand gently massaging his forehead "Alright, make a release, a public release. Say that we frown upon this type of behavior but it can not be helped at this time."
"Sir they walk around with guns sir, they are fully armed and clothed in military garb. Certainly this type of action is illegal!" exclaimed Giacomo.
"There is nothing illegal about anything they are doing, all of this weaponry is registered. The demonstrations are perfectly within the parameters of our constitution-"
"The public square, come now sir! There were thousands upon thousands, that was a detriment to public safety and order. Surely you can find a way to end this, Mr. President you know full well that this will grow out of hand!"
"Well Giacomo, as you know I have a meeting with Mr. Mussolini in a few days, hopefully I can allay any issues we have with eachother I'm sure there was a miscommunication here or there. Besides you know full well I can't afford to jeopardize my relationship with the Military, Benito has that in his hand, they love him." he said as he stood and looked out of the window.
"This man is a racist sir, a blatant racist-"
"What do you mean?"
"You didn't read the paper this morning?"
"No time, why what happened?"
"Look at this" said Giacomo as he handed the paper to President Cavour "Front page, like I said Israel is going to take this seriously. The people sir, they love it, they want this type of action they want to stir the broth with the Jews."
"My God" said the President as he looked at the newspaper "Exile the Hebrews? Is he insane?"
"I know sir, and the sad part is the people love it, we conducted a poll and as of right now he would hardly lose to you, I think there would be only a three percent difference, and you were just recently elected. We have to handle Israel just right sir, if they are angered at us, this bigot, il duce, he'll win." replied Giacomo.
"This is ridiculous, what about the United Nations?"
"Well, its going to be in Amsterdam. This much we know, I suggest you appoint Antonin Rossi as the chairman of the UN. It will be quite bi-partisan, it will show that our government is strong in the face of this Mussolini and his Socialists."
"Christ, this is something I was totally unprepared for. How can you fight the people? If they want Il Duce they shall have him." he said as he slowly turned from the window "The world is entirely unprepared for this, this will change everything..."
Meanwhile just five miles down the street....
"So do we understand eachother?" asked the brother of President Benso Cavour, and leader of the Communist Party in Mali.
"I believe so, everything shall be put into effect. They won't suspect a thing." replied Benito Mussolini "The Jews, God bless their hearts, will take the blame for everything. By the way, nice work with the Chinese, quite the coup de etat as the French would say."
"Ah yes, the Chinese were quite accomodating."
"Hah, I bet they were. Have you spoken with your brother Benso?" asked Il Duce.
"I haven't spoken with him since I was a small child Benito, we don't seem to agree on anything, while he sits on his fat ass in his little palace, I am here in the desert starving to death and spreading the word of the people, with your support I'd like to spread the revolution a bit further though..."
"I have a meeting with him"
"Yes, in a few days I believe, I'm not quite sure. By the way, I visited Mexico and Nuova Italia, the word has spread from China. Socialism and Communism, they are generally the same Camillo. The transition won't be too hard." said Benito.
"Yours is nationalism, ours, ours is a global revolution. Yours is very specific, other than that the differences are hardly noticeable." said Camillo as he held out his hand "I must depart now, my ship is leaving for Naimey within the hour, tell your wife I said hello."
"Yes yes, I shall, she may still have a thing with you Camillo, I might have to kill you" said Benito as he smiled and shook Camillo's hand "Have a safe trip, write to me when you arrive in Naimey, I'll let you know how things went with your brother."
"I shall, hey, come with me."
"To Naimey?"
"No no, to the harbor, I have some fine cigars from Sydneyago-"
"No the Australians call it Sydneyago."
"The Australians can call it whatever they'd like, they call a peice of sh*t Paul Keating, so what makes you think they'd get Santiago right?" laughed Benito.
"Makes sense, join me though, they are very fine."
"Hmm, alright I've got nothing better to do, except that little thing where I run for President, but who cares?" smiled Benito as he stood up and exited the door with Camillo....
June 12, 2001, 16:41
Local Time: 10:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: The fine metropolis of Baltimore, Maryland
Posts: 93
History of the World; Week 14.
The next session of the History of the World Diplogame is only days away (like the banner?) and things seem to be heating up...
Will the United Nations create a kinder gentler Adriatic League? With the signing of the Judeo-African non-aggression treaty has world peace finally been achieved? Isn't it lame that I could only come up with two of these rhetorical questions?
Well, the answers to these questions y mas will be, uh, answered, yeah, in the upcoming session of the History of the World Diplogame!
And as always visit our website at www.geocities.com/history_of_the_world for all of the latest and greatest from the Adriatic League, Zulus, Israelites, Mali, Chinese, Aussies and Mongols, or skim through this thread to find out what's been going on.
Thanks for watchin, PEACE!
June 12, 2001, 22:01
Local Time: 22:28
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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Originally posted by drake
Whew.......better not let the Axis hear about these plans....... That could be hazardous to ones health.
That's the point! It's all nations health we are concrerned for...
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
June 12, 2001, 23:43
Local Time: 20:28
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Jerusalem Temple
" ... and so you see we are concerned with this information Raz, if these fascists come to power in AL they have sworn to our destruction"said Judah Abrams the Israelis secretary of state
The Great Raz jsut smiled knowingly " there is more to the world than just fear of these fascists my friend "
"But we must at least warn our border patrols to be alert"
"I have already done that Jude. As part of our banning of all AL movement in our territorys. If the fascists should take power , which they probably will, these Europeans are known for their swings in leadership style, we will be prepared to encounter them"
"but at what cost Raz, surely we should re think our policy on AL exclusion, they may feel pressured to break through a path through us to the African nations"
"they are free to sail across the mediteranean Jude, its jsut their past does not justify complete trust in them, perhaps in time this will change"
"You have not led us wrong before Raz "
.................................................. ........................
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 14, 2001, 00:21
Local Time: 10:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: The fine metropolis of Baltimore, Maryland
Posts: 93
Letter to Israel...
Office of the Foreign Ministry
United Adriatic Republics
Adriatic League
TO: Israeli Foreign Attache
FROM: The honorable Giacomo Timpano, Adriatic Minister of Foreign Affairs
It should be known that a new President, Benso Cavour, has taken office and is prepared to begin new relations with our Israeli neighbors. The Cavour Administration, as you know, is the first Hawk Administration in the history of the Adriatic League, and as such feels that we must establish new relations with our neighbors.
We understand that recent events, such as the border disputes, the trade negotiations, the breakdown of the railroad discussions, and the declassification of incriminating documents against the Mazzini Administration have severely deteriorated our already lacklustre history together. However, we are more than prepared to begin improving relations with Israel.
We note the latest treaty with the Mali and Zulu States as an indicator of Israel's intended path. Which is one of peace and understanding, we feel that now would be the best time to begin repairing relations between Israel and the Adriatic League. We would also like to improve upon our terrible past with the entire Pacific Pact, we understand the Adriatic League has yet to hold a positive relationship with the Pacific Pact, this we feel must change.
There may be concern on your part about the popularity of our former Corporal and Member of Parliament Benito Mussolini. These stories are mere propoganda on the part of the Falange, or Nazzi, party. The often racist and degrading iconography utilized by Mr. Mussolini are quite horrible. As most of his degrading words are directed towards people of Hebrew descent the chance that this man will assume power can not sit well with your Israeli citizens. I can assure you that the policies Mr. Mussolini intends on implimenting are very illegal and against the Adriatic Constitution, thus an insurrection by the Nazzi party is quite out of the question.
We hope that this transmission will begin a long strain of discussion that will finally yield a positive relationship between our peoples.
Thank you for your time.
G. Timpano
June 14, 2001, 01:12
Local Time: 20:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Israeli Reply
Foriegn Affairs Office,
Democratic Republic of Israel,
To: Giacomo Timpano, Adriatic Minister of Foreign Affairs
From : Deborah Judah, Secretary of Foriegn Affairs
It was with some trepidation that we received your latest letter , but after a full translation was done, we rushed it to TGR3 for his immediate perusal.
I have been informed to tell you that TGR3 was saddened to see the passing of the Doves from the AL parliament as he held many of their goals in high esteem. From what little we have researche dof the history of the Hawk party , TGR3 was very surprised to see such policies as contained in your letter espoused. Normally we would expect such peace talk form a Dove parliamnent, not one controlled by the Hawks.
However, the Israeli people under the Raz dynasty have shown to the world that we are a peace loving people; as evidenced by our recent proposal to the Axis allaince, (this is just a proposal as at present the Mali have not responded to our offer) and TGR3 wishes to continue on this same path. But we wish to advise the AL via your office that whilst we will agree to work together with the AL foreign office to come up with some form of proposal for sustained peace in our area, we feel that it may be too soon for our people to forget the Vilification used by the leader of Fascist party in AL and the amount of support he seemed to have from the populace.
TGR3 feels that as part of our reconciliation, that that mad man Benito Mussolini, should be arrested and thence put on trial for Race Hate Crimes. We would of course provide plenty of evidence that our 'Tourists' to the European holiday spots have gathered on their visits.
Once this mad man has been incarcerated, we will once again consider opening up our borders to AL trade. But TGR3 feels strongly that whilst that madman is at loose, he will stir up the radicals within your nation and perhaps conduct some form of terrosist activity within our borders.
Deborah Judah; SOFA
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 14, 2001, 09:51
Local Time: 10:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: The fine metropolis of Baltimore, Maryland
Posts: 93
Headquarters of the National Socialist Party...
Benito Mussolini, head of the National Socialist Party, stared outside of his window in Venice at the Colossus of Carlo D'Medici. He thought of how things must have been back in those days, the golden age of the Adriatic League. A loud knock was heard at the door, Benito quickly nodded to his guards to open it.
"Sir, President Cavour has arrived." said the soldier who entered.
"Yes, send him up, I am prepared." replied Benito.
The soldier nodded and quickly exited to fetch the President. Benito realized his day was finally here, it was just a matter of time before everything he had worked for had come to fruition, the President of the Adriatic League was waiting for him, a slight smile grew accross his face.
"Oh Benito" he said to himself as he lit a cigar "You have made it my friend..."
The doors then opened and in walked four soldiers in Adriatic uniform. They were flanked by two armed Black Shirts, Benito's private army. Behind them were two men in suits and the portly Benso Cavour.
"Mr. President." said Mussolini as he stood and saluted.
The President half-heartedly saluted back "Corporal Mussolini."
"Please, have a seat Mr. President" said Benito as he slowly sat in his chair and puffed his cigar.
"A pleasure Corporal" said Benso.
"Gio, please, escort all of these gentlemen out, I wish to speak with the President in private." President Cavour turned slightly and seemed worried, all of the men exited.
"I have quite a few issues I'd like to discuss Mr. Mussolini, primarily your-" said the President, he was interrupted.
"Would you like a cigar? They are very nice, from Cuba." asked Mussolini.
"No, I don't smoke, but thank you. As I was saying, your comments as it concerns Israel are not helping matters with the Adriatic League. Israel feels dispariaged-"
"Israel? Israel feels dispariaged? President Cavour, I must say, you seem to have lost your sack!" said Mussolini with a smile.
"What do you mean?"
"Israel, of all nations on this planet, has the least right to feel dispariaged, degraded, belittled any word you want to throw into it, they have the LEAST right to feel! This nation, throughout history mind you, has been able to cause the most problems internationally with little credit for it, the Jews are masters of deception President Cavour!" said Benito in a harsh tone.
"Ugh, Benito, spare me your racist propoganda, it may work on the factory workers and the farmers, but not on me. I'm a politician, I've got tough skin." smiled Cavour.
"Don't be so arrogant, do you know your history?"
"I like to think so."
"The first Adriatic King, Carlo D'Medici. He had to handle a situation, well, attend to one concerning Israel, do you remember what it was?"
"The um, Egypt, it was the situation in Egypt. What does this have to do with anything, that was thousands of years ago."
"We nearly went to war with our African neighbors Mr. President, and that is just the begining. The Great War, surely that can't be too vague in your recollection."
"Yes yes, what about it?"
"Well, you know how it started-"
"Yes yes, Ausralian ship, is there a point to all of this?"
"Temper temper Mr. President, the people can't possibly like that."
"Ugh, you cocky bastard, on with it man!"
"Well in order for the ship to have navigated to northern Africa, it would have had to navigate the Seuz, no?"
"If my geography serves yes" replied the President.
"Israel, they control the Suez, how is it possible that a fleet of Triremes went unseen through the Suez canal? It lies right between Bethlehem and Jerusalem, two of Israel's greatest cities." said Benito.
"Well, that does seem quite suspicious, but Mr. Mussolini, we both know that Israel went on to join Australia so it isn't that strange." retorted Cavour.
"Mr. President, how can you be so naieve. Israel not only allowed Australia to provoke the war, and thus capture Cuba from which this cigar comes, as well as Panama and the Yucatan, but also convinced us to fight Mongolia so they can recieve India, and turned on us while we did so. This state, Israel, it can not be trusted, the Jewish people can not be trusted."
"Well, your logic makes a lot of sense but things just aren't, well, we can't allow our bad blood to run for centuries Mussolini, someone must start the peace process."
"Argh, you and your peace, you and your politics. Its hell to my ears. They're doing what they've been doing since the days of the great King Carlo D'Medici. They are doing underhanded things Mr. President, and allowing the blame to be on the shoulders of another." said Benito as he stood up from his chair, and began pacing behind his desk.
"What do you mean?"
"Let's see, our friend Giuseppe Mazzini. You remember President Mazzini right?" asked Benito.
"Certainly, what about him?"
"I'm sure you've been briefed, so spare me your 'oohs' and 'aahs' when I tell you this. Israel lied to the world, Israel released some fake documents to the Axis just because Mazzini wouldn't be forced into buying railroad from them. The money-grubbing Jew loan sharks! And you, you and your Hawk party, allowed it to happen!" said Mussolini.
"Benito, first of all those documents, you have no proof at all that they are fake. Secondly we didn't allow it at all, we have no control to allow or disallow anything. The fact is, Parliament remains in Dove hands, but the Presidency is all we've got-" he was interrupted.
"The only reason you have the Presidency is becuase you allowed an Italian, a brother, to be destroyed by the Jew. You used that to your advantage, politically, instead of binding together in a harsh time, you used this Jew propoganda against your brother and allowed him to fall." barked Mussolini.
"Christ Benito, you actually believe your own rhetoric. When was it? Contessa? Did that make you so bitter? You could have been President right now Benito, you had everything in your favor. The people loved you, you were a folk hero. The criminal turned soldier, turned patriot. Now you're just some old bald man in a Corporal's uniform. An insane bigot, bent on power. You want to make the Jew out to be a scapegoat so you can seize control of our great nation. I can't allow it Benito."
"What are you going to do Benso? Arrest me? That'll just help the cause, that will show that you are a Jew-loving anti-Italian. The people will loathe you. Keep in mind, the Jew ruined Mazzini, they will ruin you. They want to see our nation in shambles, they only hate me becuase they know I am strong, I will stay strong for the people of this country." he said as Benso stood up.
"You don't think any of the anti-semitism has anything to do with Israel hating you Mussolini?" asked Benso.
"They know all of what I say is the truth, history is on my side President Cavour. Your days, their days, are numbered..."
June 14, 2001, 16:37
Local Time: 10:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
Houston, we have a problem...
Well, hopefully this is nothing we can't handle. But Prometheus' grandfather has suffered a heart attack and thus Prometheus will not be able to join us tonight for our session.
We should be fine getting a substitute for the Chinese tonight, but if anyone would like to make a bid for the spot they may do so now.
As usual we have a starting time of 8:00pm EST (US), however it would be nice if anyone could be a little early to try to get more time in the session.
I hope I speak for everyone when I wish Prometheus' grandfather a full and speedy recovery.
June 14, 2001, 17:24
Local Time: 20:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Yes you are right, all our best wishes and prayers go out to him.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 14, 2001, 18:06
Local Time: 20:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Turn up
As usual I am first on the scene and no one else turns up early !!!!
Apparently everyone thought it optional to turn up early.. the posts above re early start time were obviosuly not meant to be taken seriously
East running very late too....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
Last edited by Rasputin; June 14, 2001 at 20:04.
June 14, 2001, 21:51
Local Time: 10:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
Serious OOC message here...
Alright, tonight was a bad night for HOTW, but definitely something we can bypass without much problems.
Easthaven, you are one of the best opponents anyone can have. Unfortunantly, you have been quite unreliable in the past few weeks and as founder of the game I have to let you go. Its nothing personal, but I am quite sure you'll take it that way. You've been a really great player.
With that said, we are now looking for a replacement for Mongolia. I would like to personally extend an invitation to Dangime, who despite his best attempts, was not able to really play tonight. But I could tell that he was dedicated to the task, so Dangime you've got the Capo's blessing if you'd like to take over for Mongolia.
Otherwise, anyone else out there please try your hand at HOTW, its a great game, so hopefully next week everything will work out. Let's try to start an hour earlier this time, so instead of 8:00 pm EDT (US) we play at 7:00 pm EDT (US), so hopefully everyone can make that time and we can (try to) make up for this past week.
June 15, 2001, 01:54
Local Time: 10:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: West Memphis , Arkansas , USA
Posts: 566
Capo if you need a sub for prom or east next week i should be available, i'd like to be permanent but i've been banned from diplogames throughout the internet
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