June 15, 2001, 17:13
Local Time: 10:28
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Yet another OOC update...
I think I speak for the entire class when I say that Sun Tzu never ceases to confuse the hell out of me. Well, I dunno what his little bid meant, but if he wants to come on board perminantly he will have to speak with Deity and Co. since the Mongols are the business of the Pacific Pact.
But Deity, keep in mind that as founder of the game I will have to provide a replacement regardless of your consent if you can not find one by the time we begin the session, just fair warning.
So, with that said, I assume the roster for the upcoming session is a little something like this:
Capo - AL
Deity - Australia
Chris - Mali
Drake - Zulu
Prometheus? - China
Rasputin? - Israel
???????? - Mongolia
Which means we need a replacement for Mongolia, and we don't have any confirmation on the availability of Prometheus. Judging by the message I recieved from Deity on ICQ it seems that Raz is leaving, eh?
Those are the issues we must resolve before we continue with this all important and historic game. If anyone has any updates concerning these issues please fire back here in the thread, I'll be gone in around two hours for the beach, and I'll return on Monday. I'll try over the next few hours to clear this up, but like I said, if you make any segway yourselves please report ASAP.
June 15, 2001, 23:59
Local Time: 03:28
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Deity has invited me to join as the Mongols. I'd like to. I'm a very reliable player as Deity can attest.
June 16, 2001, 02:18
Local Time: 20:28
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Inside Temple in Jerusalem
A large gathering of true believers had gathered to hear TGR3 speak,
"My fellow Jews, it is with great saddness that I address you today. For a long time our Secret Service has suspected there have been forces at work in our midst , working to bring down our governemnt. These forces have been involved in some of the most darkest hours in our nations short history. These activitys included the attempted assassination of the Great Raz II , the handing over of secret documents to our enemies, the sabatouge of many public works.
Today my loyal followers in the military have rounded up nearly all the Treachourous rebel and htey have all been shot, those killed include the Vice President Absalom Jesse and over half the parliament. These people were ready to do anything they could to hand over our nation to our enemies. This must never be allowed to happen again.
As from this moment, my loyal followers have disbanded our parliament and we ar ehere to tel lyou that I am now taking ulitmate control.There has been a time for Democracy in our nation, but that time has now passed. I have dissolved all political parties and have taken total control of all our nation, the military are complety behind me in this, the church supports my move 100%, we must return to the fundamental basics of life. The church and state shall work hand in hand"
Loud cheers !!
"Yes I knew this would make you all happy, I shall be known as Rabbi Rasputin, the first Fundamentalist leader of Israel. Of course we will have some resisitance for awhile, we must all be prepared to press through for the next few decades as we take control of all of Israel..."
Loud cheers again....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 16, 2001, 02:22
Local Time: 20:28
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Will be unavaialbe for this week only, will work with Deity and Makeo to organsie a sub for one week
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 16, 2001, 03:35
Local Time: 22:28
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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Originally posted by Makeo
Deity has invited me to join as the Mongols. I'd like to. I'm a very reliable player as Deity can attest.
This is good news. Thanks Makeo!
Makeo is a very experienced player and will add much to the game. He always shows and never complains much about turn length or anything else. But, Makeo, we try to play to 5 or 6 min turns in this game - bit of a struggle for me
We've never been allied before so this will be interesting
Sorry to see EASTHAVEN go but...
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
June 17, 2001, 05:17
Local Time: 20:28
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are we maybe going to allow East to give us any reasons for not appeearing before executing him !!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 18, 2001, 11:35
Local Time: 06:28
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Welcome to the team Makeo. Glad to have you joining the game. Deity has said many good things about you.
As far as East getting the axe Raz? C'mon now. The guy missed two weeks without saying a word. Very un-reliable. Excuses are not what we need right now. We need to get this struggling game back on track.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
June 18, 2001, 13:48
I don't blame you guys for kicking me off, i probably deserved it, i would be frustrated too. Sorry about all the troubles.
Well it was fun
June 18, 2001, 13:57
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hey east, no hard feelings man, but as you know, you kinda screwed us over a few times.
Thanks for playing, when you were in the game it was always a pleasure.
see ya around.......
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
June 18, 2001, 23:06
Local Time: 04:28
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Posts: 252
Thanks for prayers and good thoughts my grandfather is recovering thankfully.
I am looking forward to the continuation of the game next Thursday, will be there at 7(EST).
Sorry to see you go East, it was fun to play with you.
and Welcome Makeo, look forward to having you as a western neighbor.
June 19, 2001, 07:56
Local Time: 06:28
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If anyone sees East online, or you see this east, could you get us the password to your civ? It's preferable that we just start over from the original week 14 save with a clean start, no hack. We didn't even play a whole year so I don't think it's really an issue......someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Welcome back Pro. Glad to hear that gramps is fine.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
June 19, 2001, 12:31
Local Time: 10:28
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OOC like it aint no thang...
Yeah, we need to get a hold of East so he can divulge the secret of Mongoloid Passwords to the rest of the assembly.
I hope I don't have to say this, but I will just so everyone is on the same page and it's addressed; refrain from putting a password on your tribe. I don't know if you guys ever thought of this, but do you think that the guy who makes our political maps GUESSES where peoples' countries are?
Right, he doesn't. Therefore when one puts a password on his tribe the guy (who really has NO civilization experience at all, this includes working and manipulating civ files) has to go through some minor problems just to get the damn thing open.
Its much better off if we all trust eachother, the password is pointless anyway since its so simple to crack (if one really wanted to cheat he could do so, regardless of a password).
Alright, with that said my understanding of our situation has changed, so let's see if this is any more accurate...
AL - Capo
Zulus - Drake
Israelites - N/A
Mali - Chris
Chinese - Prometheus
Australians - Deity
Mongolians - Makeo
If that's what we are currently working with, we must find a temporary replacement for Israel and its irreplaceable leader Raz. I believe Sun offered his services for Mongolia and hopefully he will remain available, as we all know he has prior experience with the Israelites.
But as always I will leave the sub finding business up to the alliance, in this case the Pacific Pact, but will look for back ups in case Deity and Raz can't find one.
I think that covers our bases for now, as always I'll check up on the thread and update everyone, and hopefully the same will be done by the rest of the HOTW crew.
As always, peace.
June 20, 2001, 05:37
Local Time: 22:28
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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East's password is:
But Makeo has had a disaster and can't make it this week.
EASTHAVEN promised me he would definitely be here this week.
A last chance imo.
I'm happy for Sun to play Israelis this week.
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
June 20, 2001, 16:40
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I will be available to sub  Just contact me
June 21, 2001, 13:22
Local Time: 06:28
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Well todays the day. We need t get this game back into gear as you all know. So let's do that tonight. Everyone try to show up early and hopefully we can play fairly late.
Thanks in advance
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
June 22, 2001, 01:57
Local Time: 20:28
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Rabbi Rasputin in hiding after major uprising gave power to SunTZu dynasty again, wonders how his nation is surviving !!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 22, 2001, 09:20
Local Time: 06:28
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I think your nation is just fine ras. Last night was another disaster. Connection problems, people getting knocked, tempers flaring.....it was ugly.
I think we only got in maybe 4 or 5 turns tops last night, so I doubt that much has changed.
OK Guys, this coming week has GOT to be good. The game is going to fold otherwise. It's just become too much work. It's all work and no play lately and we all know that all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.
So goddam, everyone shows up early next Thursday, around 7 est. We iron out tech problems early on and get playing by 7:30. This is a most attainable goal. I think we should try playing till 11:30-12 or so that night.
Lets muster the strength to try one more time....for the gipper or some ****.
 see yall then
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
June 22, 2001, 18:32
Local Time: 20:28
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I am available for long session this Friday (thursday night US) so lets all please commit now to a time and get there, earlier would be good too for a really long session, if some one doenst post here a time can Drake chase them up via ICQ and get an agreed start time posted here for al l7 players.....
Deity >> is makeo playing ???
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 24, 2001, 13:14
Local Time: 20:28
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so wheres all the posts from last session, whats up guys ????
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 24, 2001, 17:07
Local Time: 10:28
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My post Raz...
OOC - Drake I am going to send my website post and pictures as well as the political map to you ASAP, I've been really busy last few days that's all...
Presidential Mansion, Venice...
"Jesus Christ Giacomo! Have you read the papers lately!" exclaimed newly re-elected President Benso Cavour "I am being hounded my first day in office!"
"Sir, it isn't as harsh as it may appear, of course the press is going to try and hit you hard, you've got no actual negative content." explained his Foriegn Minister Giacomo Timpano, he calmly took the newspaper from the President, folded it and laid it down upon the large oak desk.
"Giacomo, nothing is the same, there is no longer respect. Argh, what happened to the days of Bonaparte!? When this job meant something more than a way to sell rubbish!?" said the President as he violently sat down in his large leather chair "Ugh, what news do you have from the Axis?"
"Not much sir, there is nothing really available at this time. Apparently General Keti was abducted, no body has been discovered but there are many entities claiming the act. The Mali claim to know nothing, although most reports would indicate he was taken into the Congo." explained Minister Timpano.
"Do we have any intelligence?" asked the President.
"Sir, not much, Sudan knows nothing. We are considering field agents at this time, but Ambassador Giancarlo says we should wait, he doesn't want this getting any bigger than it is. Sir, you know everything is going awry." said Timpano as he pulled out a cigar and lit it "Cigar?"
"No no, those things are dreadful, my brother likes them." said the President as he looked at a large painting of Napoleon Bonaparte.
"Yes, as I was saying. Everything is going awry, Communism, Marxism, its the way of Africa now. Its the way of the Axis now sir, and what can we do about it?"
"You are the Foreign Minister, you tell me."
"Well, its no secret that we have workings with them, the Pacific Pact knows full well where the Adriatic League stands, so there is no use making a secret of it."
"True" said the President as he turned back to Timpano.
"But, the times sir, I just don't know..." trailed Timpano as he shook his head, eyes wide.
"What are you talking about, you don't know what?" asked the President.
"I mean, you see how things are out here, here in Venice sir! The people are angered at you and at the government, they don't even vote sir! Mussolini has been released, this is the time to either make your mark, or to fade into the darkness. Sir, the world is changing." said Timpano.
"What are you saying Giacomo? Communism?"
"Oh, oh God no! Sir, Communism would never work here in Europe, what I am saying Mr. President is that perhaps it is time to change our friends." said Timpano, there was a long silence.
"Change our friends?"
"Yes sir, we must change our friends. The Axis have run their course, look at them now. They are ineffectual and slow, they have no leadership, the Mali are not the diplomats they once were. They are monotonous Communist beuraucrats, there is no room there for creativity in diplomacy. The Chinese are the same, the same f*cking puppets they always were and the Zulu, Christ it amazes me they retain such strength... the point is sir, the Axis is changing for the worst, I'm sorry but its been hundereds of years, the war is over..." there was another long and akward moment of silence in the room.
"Giacomo, I've known you since you were a small child. What you are suggesting is insane, I'm sorry but it is. The people would never go for this, it would drive them to Mussolini-"
"Drive them sir? Please, the only reason you won that election is because the majority of soldiers in this country wear the uniforms of the Democracy! Mussolini is going to achieve power, and he'll do it with the Communists' help. If we continue to placate them, placate the Axis they'll take us over from the inside sir!" yelled Timpano.
"What are you talking about?"
"The Axis, Global Revolution, they are bent on conquest. But they don't do it at gunpoint sir, oh no, history is on my side here. The Chinese leaving the Pacific Pact for the Mali? The inception of the Axis was underhanded backstage politics. General Keti, the only Democrat in the Axis alliance mysteriously dissapears. I wonder who was responsable for that little nugget? I'm willing to bet my salary it was Communists. Sir, you don't see it do you? Socialism, Communism, its the same damn thing. Mussolini will achieve power sir, he will be their 'neutral' white face to stand up to the Pacifics, just like King Ferdinand was. Its history all over again sir. And you are just going to sit on your fa-, your ass and let it happen?" barked Timpano.
"Giacomo, it won't happen. Can you imagine the feul Mussolini will have if I get into bed with the Australians? The Mongols, for Christ Sake Giacomo, the Israelites?" he rubbed his temples with his hands "They'll skewer me."
Timpano lifted up the latest edition of the Bosporus Bugel "They already are sir, they already are..."
June 25, 2001, 21:23
Local Time: 10:28
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Location: Washington D.C.
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This hurts me more than it hurts you...
Hardcore OOC - Listen, we've had three straight weeks of f*cked up sessions. I'm not dealing with another, I have so much other sh*t I could do with my life, and I know this rings true with every single other one of you clowns, that another session would be a mindf*ck of the highest caliber.
Basically, I am saying its now or never. If this f*cking game doesn't go through this week its over, I'm leaving you guys can continue but I'm f*cking out the door.
If anyone in this group, Chris, Makeo/East, Raz, Deity, Drake, or Prometheus DO NOT WANT to continue playing it just tell me right now and I'll ax this sumb*tch myself.
Look, I love this game, but the love is fading quickly. The enthusiasm is no longer there. This game is on f*cking life support and if you guys are just gonna half ass it each week then that's fine, but don't lead everyone else on.
So I guess what I'm saying is, someone give me some goddam effort or I'm straight leaving. That's all I gotta say.
June 26, 2001, 09:03
Local Time: 06:28
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Fair enough Capo. As you know, I feel the same as you. As much as I (have) loved playing the game, it has developed more into a chore than anything else.
I think with a few strong sessions, we could light the fire that we had going a few months ago, but I agree, it's needs to be done NOW, this week.
I'm not ready to give up on this just yet and I'm willing to give it a go. May the civ gods bless us with a good connection and for chrissake, everyone show up early and leave late.
I'll be looking forward to Thursday night.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
June 26, 2001, 19:12
Local Time: 22:28
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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I mean really, what is the problem? The game itself is developing just fine. It's up to everyone to make controversies within the storyline. I did it with my tri in the Med eons ago. Capo started the first war. GNGSpam manipulated behind the scenes! EAST and Sun fought brilliant defence in the first war. Drake has done nothing yet  I guess he just has to have nukes! Prom has played a steady game from a difficult start.
We can't throw all this away no matter what.
What are you going to do? Start another game? All games have connection problems from time to time. We've had a few non-stop 5 hours sessions in this game.
So, the last few sessions have had connect problems and a reliability problem from a couple of players. Capo was late last week. Capo and I got disconnected but we kept going - hot joining while others kept playing.
We sadly lack a high speed host.
The map seems to take forever to load but once we start it's OK, with 5 minute turns.
It's easy to make something a problem when really it's just the way Internet civ goes. Statistically we should have a good connect session this week.
This group is made of sterner stuff than this.
Bad connections don't take the 'fire' out of the game.
It's just an excuse! Come on - TALK POSITIVE.
We all invested so much in this top diplo game. It was brilliantly conceived by Capo with leading edge develoments in defining the Diplo style game.
I don't care how bad the connections are. I'll play on. This game will go down in the history of diplo-gaming only if we finish it!
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
June 27, 2001, 01:47
Local Time: 20:28
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
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Lets not let the technicalities spoil this, I have the smallest wekest civ in the game buty it is stil lenjoyable to play.. how many other game scan claim to keep you happym playing when you know your particular civ has no chance of ever being the biggggest and best...
Remember this game is for fun, and it is that...
But as Drake and the capo said, lets get some committment, I want to see 7 players listed for this Friday morning game before I waste my time sitting around...
Drake /The Capo please ICQ all and get them to committ to a time of start (early hopefully) then post here so we all know who is coming...
Deity >>> is makeo still interested. ???
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 27, 2001, 08:43
Local Time: 10:28
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Location: Washington D.C.
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Post, but a lil' OOC action first...
The Great Oracle, Bosporus...
Benito Mussolini, head of the National Socialist party in the Adriatic League stood in the slight drizzle as he looked upon the amassed crowd. According to his advisors some of these men and women had traveled from as far as Edinburgh and Novokazalisnk. He tightened his trademark black gloves and fixed his helmet, pulled the collar of his trenchcoat closer to his face and approaced the podium...
"Prison. It is not a fun place to be. In my younger years I had served time in a Mali desert prison. Bread and water, rats, shackles, disease; these things were the order of the day. It was a tiny pocket of hell amongst our great Earth. The Mali had reason though, I had assaulted one of their soldiers way back when, I was a young hot-headed man. Arrogant and proud of myself. That was many years ago, and it was many years ago that I made a vow to myself; Benito, I said, you will never again go to prison, you will never again make such a fruitless mistake, you will never again let your emotions capture your reason. My friends, just years ago I was sent to prison by our most 'honorable' President Benso Cavour. This was quite different though, you see this time I wasn't sent because my emotions got the better of me, this time I wasn't sent because I was some arrogant young man. This time my friends I was sent for an entirely different reason. The world is a funny place, one minute you are on top, the next you fall from grace. This nation knows this, this nation has lived this history. At one point in time your ancestors were the most feared and respected people on this planet, at one time your ancestors were the most prideful and honorable people on this planet. How ashamed they must be, I can imagine how they must hide their faces from the angels and saints of heaven, how they must wish that their god-given eternal life was stricken from them so that they must not gaze upon the pathetic state the Adriatic League has become! The last two presidents, Mazzini and Cavour are weak creatures. The last two presidents have not shown the world that great Adriatic mettle to which we are known. The last two presidents Mazzini and Cavour are slaves. They are slaves to money, they are slaves to politics. My fellow Adriatics, I was thrown in prison at the behest of President Raz of Israel!"
A hush befell the crowd as Mussolini held up a peice of paper, it was becoming soaked by the ever increasing rain.
"I shall now, for your benefit, read you this transmission. It begins with the opening ensign of Israel, and their little whore Deborah Judah... it goes on to say 'the mad man Benito Mussolini, should be arrested and thence put on trial for Race Hate Crimes' and it goes on to say 'once this mad man has been incarcerated, we will once again consider opening up our borders to AL trade'. Now my friends, this is quite a conviction made by myself and the National Socialist party. But I realize that I must not be saddened and ashamed, you must not feel nervous, to expose the evil and gluttonous men of our government is our right, nay, our duty as Adriatics! Thus my friends I say to you this; I shall run in the next election, which I admit is years away, find it in your hearts to gain the strength to put down this awful government. Support the Fascist party, we are the only ones that can return the Adriatic League to its former greatness! Viva la Europa!"
The crowd was silent and slowly began chanting "Viva il duce! Viva il duce! Viva il duce! Viva il duce!" A smile grew accross the face of Mussolini, he looked at his advisors who all smiled and and nodded, he then looked at the crowd and thrust his hand (nazi style) into the air...
the crowd burst in applause and did likewise, chanting "SALUTO IL DUCE!"
June 27, 2001, 13:20
Local Time: 06:28
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Posts: 2,372
A small band of hunters tramped through the Congo. It was a hot muggy day and the sweat poured off them like water out of a fountain. They were closely following footprints into the deep thicket and they crept ever so quietly......
At the back of the hunting party a Zulu sat upon a stump to drink from his canteen.
At the front of the party, the scout had spotted a water buffalo and was slowly moving into position to shoot it with his rifle......as he began to fix his sites, the utter silence of the forest was broken with a loud scream!
The Zulu who had stopped for a water break stood frozen beneath a large tree looking up. As the rest of the hunting party ran to their friends aid, they looked up at what the man had become so disturbed with. High among the trees, hanging off a long and sturdy limb were what appeared to be the rotting bodies of four Zulu Soldiers. Their hands were bound behind their backs and dried blood blanketed their uniforms.
One of the hunters broke the silence............
"Oh great mother of earth, is that................"
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
June 28, 2001, 09:08
Local Time: 10:28
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Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
You guys are going to hate me...
Alright, we have a problem. I had to go over to my grandparents' house for the weekend. I tried to bring all of the disks with me but forgot to bring MGE like a moron.
Therefore I just have the regular civ file here, but hey isn't there a file you can DL to turn regular Civ2 into an MP game? Yeah, but the map we use is a gigamap, therefore it is incompatible with my files. Which means we will have to find me a sub.
I apologize and realize this may very well ruin the game, but I am pleading with everyone not to let this ruin anything. I never thought I'd have a sub the entire time, Deity and Drake are the last core players with perfect attendence... I am now the weakest link (I hope Deity "gets" that joke).
Anyway, I probably just ruined the game, but I hope the crew is dedicated enough to carry on without their "beloved" Capo, I will definitely be back next week and will play whatever session the group wants... regardless of my p*ssy situation.
Aiight, well, good luck everyone, tell the sub that http://members.aol.com/nkreefer/hotw2.zip is where he/she can DL the files, if the sub hosts for some reason someone has to give him/her the new rules.txt.
Well, good luck men.
June 28, 2001, 17:37
Local Time: 20:28
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Damn damn damn ....
Wel lcant be helped everyone is human and makes mistakes, lets play anyway guys, and when his sub plays lets carve up the AL into tin ylittle pieces ... J/K
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 28, 2001, 18:14
Local Time: 22:28
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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Makeo may sub...
Makeo will be online soon and I've sent him a message asking if he can sub for Capo.
Makeo, you would be perect for this. Capo is an unaligned nation in lovely Europe; having previously attacked the Pacific Pact and lost their ally, the Israelis....
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
June 28, 2001, 18:20
Local Time: 20:28
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having a few connection problems this morning guys, very slow to connect so hope i can stay conencted to host !!!!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
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