July 5, 2001, 19:21
Local Time: 20:29
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Originally posted by The Capo
Either I smoked entirely too much weed that night, or Raz is a bigger fiend than myself...
both ...
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 5, 2001, 21:43
Local Time: 20:29
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damn knet didnt turn up
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 6, 2001, 08:29
Local Time: 06:29
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Just wanted to say that last night was great! My interest was rekindled for the time being and I'm once again excited. Glad I got the sack to step up and play. The Zulus need a strong leader.
I will update the site with the newest stats soon and I'll post the latest Zulu story as well. Much needs explaining.
Everyone have a great weekend!
Capo, please work on a sub for next week.  Hope the happy buzz is still going
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
July 6, 2001, 11:10
Local Time: 10:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
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OOC Update...
Alright well last night was a good session and seemed to flow perfectly, I apologize for cutting its potential length by a half hour but I had something that required my immedeate attention.
But anyway, the session was great and I think the game is finally going to progress smoothly from now on (knock on wood).
But we have a few pressing issues, well one actually; the Mali require a human leader. Don't get me wrong, Akbar Imam is a stand-up guy, but I think a human would do better.
So with that said I'd like to see Kent respond again and say that he will play and everything is butter, don't know what happened there but I'm sure there was some miscommunication somewhere. So Kent you are more than welcome to join our swaree. But hey, if anyone else reads this it'd be cool of you to volunteer your services.
Another thing I'd like to stress but won't make a huge deal about is our website. I believe we are the first Diplogame with an official/all-encompassing website. Drake's diplogame had a website dedicated to a single tribe but other than that ours is the first and only so far. Drake works hard on it and I advise everyone check it out. But also I think it'd be nice if we actually started contributing EXCLUSIVE (not on this thread) material to the website. Providing pictures to add to your tribes personal page is always a nice touch.
But if you don't have time for that I think we all understand. Posting here is just fine and dandy.
Anyway, good session. Everyone try to get some material to drake for the site and I hope to see everyone next week...
"Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.
July 7, 2001, 20:08
Local Time: 22:29
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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Great session gang!
Paul could see that everything was going well.
The Aussies were a very happy breed. Flush with money and new toys to play with. And, they were breeding like rabbits.
A strange apathy was gripping his nation though.
Tensions were raised when the AL declared war on the Mali. The stories of galantry and bravery stirred the Aussie military and thoughts turned to the history books. The AL had been our enemy and now they were fighting our other old enemy.
Maybe the Chinese could escape the tyranical influence of the Mali now.
Maybe even ....
We best prepare ourselves for global 'complications' whilst our War Academy still has legs.
Paul ordered two things:
1) A military buildup for rapid deployment to any world trouble spots - the Mali were not worthy of any support from us and our respect for AL fighters is legendary.
2) Preparation of all improvements required to field units in a modern war - it is believed we will soon have Armoured fighting tanks (terrible and powerfull mobile guns)
Paul was still pre-occupied more than ever, by the vision of Saul and his wife, Dame de Notre - the middle Eastern socialite.
Could it be possible? Massive destructive power where one bomb could wipe out an entire city? On the one hand Paul was being political and responding to the nationalist sentiments of the Aussie people but on the other hand was really more interested in developing his new technologies fast.
For now much resourcing would go into the military.
But if any other nations looked like developing the capabilities of these visionery weapons he swore to himself that they would be destroyed before they could be produced.
The Chinese Communist movement he respected greatly and he assured the Chinese of his friendship. But, Democracy was the Aussie way and would remain so whilst Paul reigned Supreme.
Hmmmm, interesting times indeed.
What will the Zulus do?
Their once great nation has sunk into chaos again.
They ignore the plight of their pathetic Mali allies.
But new leadership is born in Zululand and the dynamism of the new world order will continue to become turbulent.
Amidst all this, his alliance with the Mongols from time immemorial remains rock solid - a lesson for others to learn by.
And our other allies, the Israelis, remain strong friends despite different political perscpectives....
Much is brewing.
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
July 8, 2001, 12:14
Local Time: 10:29
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Adriatic International Transmission...
Adriatic Socialist Republic
Adriatic League
Office of the Foreign Ministry
Hon. Furio Berra
TO: Foreign Ministers, Embassies, and Attaches.
FROM: The Honorable Colonel Furio Berra.
Let it be known that the newly elected President, Benito Mussolini, has taken it upon himself to end the war with the Mali. We feel that once the Mali enter into proper leadership the province of Libya will be returned with a small fee of reparation for the lives of our men and the resources utilized on such a noble persuit.
Further, it is understood that the newly elected President and his National Socialist Party are an area of concern throughout the world and I will accordingly issue the following statements in that regard...
Firstly, the Jewish populations of this planet should not fear the new power of Benito Mussolini. Political times have changed and the old Israelites, under the sadistic SunTzu, are no longer in charge of the new Israel. Relations between President Mussolini and Dictator Hitler have been more than positive and should be a sign that the Adriatic League is taking it upon themselves to improve relations with all nations.
The construction of the United Nations, started under former President Benso Cavour, is nearly completed. Upon its completion we ask that all nations of this world sign into the United Nations charter. Various chair positions will be given to some nations with executive abilities for each in the specific areas assigned to such cabinets. Hopefully the United Nations will serve as a beacon of order and freedom throughout the entire planet.
We hope that the new President Benito Mussolini will have great success in achieving his goals of peace and prosperity, while our National Socialist Party has yet to establish the proper government in the Adriatic League, Benito Mussolini will continue to work under the current Constitution until our goals are achieved.
Viva la Europa. Saluto il Duce.
~F. Berra
July 9, 2001, 03:05
Local Time: 20:29
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Somewhere near the Israeli Capital of Jerusalem...
Adolf Hitler, leader of the Fascist Party of Israel, appeared on the balcony of his luxury villa overlooking Jerusalem Square, home of the Democratic Union Party, led by President Rasputin.
For the past 8 years , Adolf had risen through the party from errand boy to its overall leader. He was a charamatic leader with great speaches that rallied the common man. His youth brigade had now been armed and any aggitators or rebels at his speeches were removed. He had not run in the last election as he felt the time was not right for his Nationalist PArty (Nazis to his detractors) to take power.
But now, since his campaigning over the last 4 years, the support was growing for his party. He had convinced many that President Rasputin was spending too much time away from Israel , galavanting around the world, visiting all the luxorious holiday retreats in the South Pacific allegedly siring over 30 illegetimate heirs, to over a dozen women.
These stories released to the masses and the details of how small Israel was in the eyes of the world led many Israeli citizens to yearn for a better leader, and Adolf knew that was he.
In an hours time he would win the National Election and he would gain leadership of all the Israeli nation. He knew his first immdediate action would be to disband all other parties, he would become over all dictator of Israel. Under him he would re-arm the severly depleted Israeli army and make the world respect them. He would not let the Israeli people be pushed around like the previous leaders.
Adolf smiled, he knew this was going to be his finest hour
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 9, 2001, 03:20
Local Time: 20:29
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Israeli National Tribune
April 1310
It is with great excitiement that this news paper announce the formation of the new Israeli government under Adolf Hitler. His party od Nationalists, have pledged to take our country back to grass roots, the way we shuld have been, No more high class superioty shown by those supporters of the previosu President Rasputin.
June 1310
Rumours and innuendoes arising fro mthe south regarding slaughter of member sof the Democratic Union party are of course false and misleading, Those people spreading these lies wil lsoon be arrested and jailed for slander of the great Nationalsit Party,
October 1310
Ex-Preisdent Rasputin was arrested last night for attempting to lead an uprising agasint the legally elected Nationalsit party and its leader Adolf. Unfortuantly he was shot trying to escape and died of his injuries in hospital later.
Jan 1311
The Nationalist army has rounded up the last of the rengades who have been fighting a dirty war against our nation. President Adolf has declared he will soon announce new laws to prevent this happening agian to our peaceful people.
Apr 1311
The new lawss envoked last month banning all politicla parties that dont swear allegience to the President have been further strengthened this week by the newly named Fuhrer Adolf Hitler. The new laws mean that Adolf is now able to remain leader for as long as he lives with out any further elections.
Jan 1312
More rumours are surfacing from those who hate our nation, that some form of "Concentration Camps" have been built in the desert to the East of Iran. These Camps are actually Industrial Work places. The employees there are volunteers. They are all detainees rounded up over the past 2 years that would otherwise have been foced to goto jail or worse. They are given the option of continuing to contribute to the Israeli nation or pay for their crimes.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 9, 2001, 03:32
Local Time: 20:29
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An Open letter From the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler to all Nations
As you all know, the peaceloving Israeli people were forced to take action agaisnt the Mali people last decade after many unprovoked border crossings and immense build up of cannons along our western border. The tension in this area dates back thouseands of years since the Mali people refused to share the Northern African plains with the Israeli settlers searching for more food for our people.
The Mali governement which changed to Communism shortly before this aggresion began refused to meet with our Security Service (SS) personel and therefore we have launched preemptive strikes against them.
We noticed that the Mali also during this time foolishly declared war on the Adriatic League , and the AL, being totaly sworn to the destruction of Communism, launched a world wide campaign agains tthe Mali. Whilst not sharing the AL's hatred of Communism, we did meet with their illsutrious leader and formed a joint treaty to remove the Mali from claimed Israeli territorys in North Africa.
A few weeks ago the Mali people threw out their corrupt Cmmounsit party and replaced it with a democrastically elected leader. This thus placated the AL and rightly so they signed peace with them.
However this is not the end of the Mali/Israeli war... Their units are still withing striking distanc eof Jerusalem and are still occuping disputed land... We shall not stop till we can get reaassurance from Mali that never again wil ltheir cannons be pointed in our direction.
We do wish however to acknowledge to the Zulu leader that our armies will not leave the Nile valley and enter any Zulu land or any further Mali land without further provacation
May peace eventually reign in Africa.....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 9, 2001, 10:40
Local Time: 10:29
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Basement of an Adriatic Prison...
"You know you will never get away with this, right?"
"Hah hah hah, who in their right mind would punish me for this? I am above the law, I am the law. Giuseppe, come!"
"Yes sir?" said the young soldier.
"Escort the Cavours into the incinerator, from there you know what to do."
"Yes General Mussolini." said the young soldier as he saluted il Duce and pushed the large cart to which the Cavours, Benso the Democrat and Camillo the Communist towards the large doors to the incinerator.
"Giuseppe." said Mussolini.
"Yes sir?"
"There's no need for guns, you'd just waste bullets. The incinerator should do well itself."
"Yes il Duce." said the boy as he pushed the men through the large double-doors. They swung for a while and eventually stopped, a smiling Mussolini proceeded to walk up the stairs into the hallway. He looked down the long chain of cells, some with arms hanging out, and began to walk.
"Criminals. Scum. Heathens. Demons... that is what you are my friends. Your capitalist society, your pathetic excuse for a capitalist society, has made it so harsh so terrible that you can not possibly function." he said as he stopped and looked up towards the other two floors of cells.
"Piss off! You f*cking pansy!" yelled one of the guards...
"Anyone else have an opinion of me?" asked il Duce as he placed his pistol back in its holster. "Some of you have been in this decrepid dungeon since you were early teenagers. Some of you only shortly. But I know all of you despise this place, all of you loathe it, the stench is horrific, the view is dark and regular. This is not life."
"Saluto il Duce!!!" yelled one of the prisoners, the rest laughed, it was clear this comment was made in jest.
"Saluto il Duce... yes, Saluto il Duce. My fellow Adriatics, you have not been forgotten, you were imprisoned under the laws of traitors to our people, you have been imprisoned by those who wish to remove you, a threat to their perfect existance, from society. I am now offering a chance to be part of something great, I am offering you a chance to make a difference. And more importantly, I am offering you a chance to become free men, make money, and kill people!" there was a strange silence, then one man began clapping... soon others followed suit, until the entire block was clapping for il Duce.
"You did well sir, good show." said Giuseppe.
"Aye, I know. Giuseppe, see that one there? The one that mocked me with the 'Saluto il Duce' business?" asked il Duce.
"Yes sir."
"Have him removed, that type of attitude will not fit with our new outfit."
"Yes sir. Saluto il Duce!"
July 9, 2001, 10:54
Local Time: 06:29
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Mysteries revealed: The truth about Keti and the election of a new leader....................
It was years ago when the Zulu Nation once again fell into anarchy. Keti and his advisors had disappeared and the lack of leadership on the lower tiers of order shown through. The people, angry about the lack of leadership and their discouragement with their place in the world began rebelling. The government was un-able to retain order and the democracy fell. The capitol was abandoned and the countries production came to a virtual standstill. This went on for more than 50 years. It will go down as a very dark patch in the Zulu history.
It wasn't long after the government fell that a band of hunters came across Keti and his advisors, hung to death in the thick Congo jungle. Evidence pointing towards the Mali and the communists was found but nothing was solid enough to bring up charges. Had the investigators been able to prove that the commies were in fact behind this, there might have been real problems for the Mali.
Keti was a most loved leader and his people were both saddened and outraged when they heard the news. Mobs would have certainly entered Mali with aggressive intentions. It would have been very ugly.
Upon the announcement that communist China would be leaving the Axis, the Zulus, a pure democracy, immediately decided that they must sever ties with the commies fully. In what would become the last meeting with the Mali as an ally, the **** hit the fan. The newly appointed Mali leader was brash and angry at the Chinese for breaking the Alliance and became even more infuriated when the Zulus suggested that our nations seperate as well. Negotiations were terminated when the Mali's temper began to get violent. Relations with the Mali are tense to say the least.
So who is the new Zulu leader you might ask? And why has this secret been kept so tightly? It has been kept quiet because the newly elected Zulu President is a woman! Ms Jula Kamma of Cape Town, who's strength lays in her knowledge of foreign nations and modern science, as well as her contagious charisma won her the election in an overwhelming fashion. She promised to restore stability to the recently turbulent Zulu Nation and improve the horrific lack of trading with asian and european countries. She will finish the massive African and South American infastructure project and continue to clear forests to stimulate growth in both the congo and amazon. The pathetic Zulu military will be strengthened and rebuilt from the ground up. Priority will start shifting from defense to offense, and the Navy will be given a large grant to build new, combustion powered submarines to protect the Zulu coasts. She has also increased the capitol's defenses, as the last two Zulu leaders have been taken out of the capitol in violent fashion and she wishes not to have the same fate.
More on Kamma and the recent find for the cure for cancer, as well as the recent erection of a college dedicated to Sir Isaac Newton coming soon.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
July 9, 2001, 18:31
Local Time: 20:29
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Ok guys it is with a saddened heart I have to inform you al lthat I will be unable to play the session this week... I have to work all day Friday so unfortunatly cannot attend.
The game has just come to a crucial cross roads and whilst I will understand all your guys refusal, I have a request to make, could you possibly take a week break and allow me to rejoin the following week. I know , I know, this is yet another stop to the greatest game ever. But I feel that any sub would not understand the precarious position I have placed my nation in and the plans I have for it. It would totally undermine all I have done with my pitiful little Israelis for the past 8 weeks. I have a plan that is coming to fruition and reaaly want to be there to see it through. However , I know a lot of you just want to keep playing, I know a lot of you will say , what the heck, he is only the smallest civ so who cares, we did let the AI run the Mali why not a sub or AI for Israel?
I would just state my credentials over the past 8 weeks.
I took over the smallest civ, one that no one else would have done, A civ surrounded by 3 large neighbours over twice our size in all things that count. We had no room to expand into. We were a nation regarded as a rogue by one alliance and hated by another nation. I beleive you also realsie that the Israeli nation was probalby doomed till I decided to permanetly sub for them.
4 times I had to play this game after coming off a 12 hr Night shift a sacrifice I made for the game sake. Twice I knocked back oppurtunities to earn extra money doing overtime to play the game.
This is why, in Israels finest hour, I plead for a week break to allow me to continue as their leader.
But as I know how much you guys love this game, I wil lunderstand, although be disapointed, with your decision to play on.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 9, 2001, 18:49
Local Time: 10:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
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OOC Message from The Capo...
Alright, alright. This is our current situation; Rasputin can not play next week and has asked us to take a week long break in order to accomodate this, he has given MANY good reasons why we should go with this decision, but has also listed a major reason why we should play on. So that is in the air.
Further the Mali have yet to see an official leader, nor have we really taken steps in that regard. So I am thinking that perhaps another delay would be a wise decision. However at the same time this game took a big hit of adrenaline, therefore to stop now would be to ruin what might be a nice little rush for the game.
Rasputin is more than correct when he said that this game has finally hit the crossroads, the political make-up of the planet is completely different from what it was during the "Colonial Period" (American Land Rush, Mali-AL War, the Great War). So its a big decision to make here. The game is very delicate as far as the political make up is, and I'm sure this make up will continue until the space age when things will again change.
So far I am personally putting in my vote to have a delay in the game, however I think this issue should be put to vote. Since Rasputin will definitely agree to delay and I already have, the vote is 2-0 in favor of delay.
In the meantime I will try and find a permenant sub for the Mali, or at least a temporary. Possibly we could find a proper sub for Rasputin to contact and make decisions with, if not I am sure there will be a way to cater to the plans of Rasputin.
The issue may be that he is worried to tell everyone his plans, which is why he can't get a sub because the plans may go into the wrong hands, or maybe he just feels the way he would handle it would just be perfect. Either way I'll try and get a hold of Rasputin and see what we can come up with. In the mean time vote on the situation.
July 10, 2001, 09:16
Local Time: 06:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 2,372
I think it's a bad idea to not continue on if we can. Last week brought back interest to the game. Taking yet another week off is only going to let the flame burn down again. We've gotten subs for everyone to this point and continued when we can and this week shouldn't be any different in my opinion.
As a note, since I don't want you to think I'm a man without convictions, I will be absent for Thursday August 9th's session and I fully intend to get someone to cover for me.
This game is still in it's first half. We're probably looking at atleast another 6 months (just a guess). We need to kick this puppy into gear and continue playing. "The show must go on"
(I will agree with the group's decision no matter what it is and not bich this time I promise. BUT, this decision should be made by tommorow night at the latest. If we don't have an overwhelming "no" vote for this week, I will be there Thursday night and I will be upset if we decide not to play at that point. So Deity, Pro and East, please weigh in. And capo, whats the story with kent?
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
July 10, 2001, 11:00
Local Time: 11:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Norway, Oslo
Posts: 109
I am VERY SORRY for me not to show up last session. I was forced to work over time because the project i was worhing on had to be finished the morning after. Hope you guys can find it in youre heart to forgive me.
I have accepted to take over as tha Mali leader.
So if it still is ok for Capo i will play from the next session.
It would be nice if someone sent me the save file so i can
get an overwiew of my civ, so the first turns don't take like an
July 10, 2001, 12:26
Local Time: 06:29
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Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
Great kent, thanks a lot! If you don't have the scn files, you're going to need them as well. Get in touch with capo, as he usually manages these sort of things.
Now that we have a mali player, I dont think theres an argument as to not playing this week. Everyone can not be present every week. Thats almost a fact. I'd suggest that you just get a reliable sub raz and hope for the best.
But I'll still wait on the vote.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
July 10, 2001, 20:18
Local Time: 10:29
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Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
Shalbim Farmlands, outside of Cairo...
"Alright men, remember, you are not only fighting for the Adriatic League today. You fight for freedom!" said Corporal DePalma as he slowly rode his horse towards his under officers.
Only one batallion of infantry and of artillery were present at the battlefield, the Mali had much less. "Sir, have you prepared the battle plans?" asked Field Marshall Pagniacci, son of General Pagniacci.
"Yes, its quite simple. We have much more soldiers present, the Mali don't stand a chance. They may take down one of our garrisons, if even that, but the day is ours. Skirmishes south of Koutiala almost garauntee total victory. Hand me the binoculars." responded the Corporal as Field Marshall Pagniacci handed him a pair of binoculars.
"See there sir, the Mali have lined up quite thinly, I suppose as to appear larger. We should try and take out their right and hit them head on, hopefully we can scatter their troops."
The Corporal stood silent, holding his bincoculars by his hip. "Send an officer, let us hear their terms..."
"Commander Al-Whaif, the Europeans wish to hear our terms of surrender" said Field Marshall Khartum of the Mali People's Republic.
"What is this? I am wholly unprepared, any word from Timbuktu?" asked Commander Al-Whaif.
"No sir, nothing."
"F*ck. What'd you say they wanted? Our terms of surrender? Surrender to what we have no terms!" barked the Commander "Look at them, the white man is so arrogant, they hardly have an army worth fielding and wish for surrender!"
"Sir, our numbers are much smaller sir, we only have the colonial militia at present."
"Shall we recieve reinforcments from Koutiala?"
"Sir, their numbers are smaller than ours, and the Adriatics are pushing from Mantucci." replied the Field Marshall.
"Allah help us! What is this? A war, has war been declared?" asked the Commander.
"Sir, as I've said, there is no word from Timbuktu either way. We have already sent a message home that Adriatic troops marched north from Nuova Monaco, but there has not been sufficient time for any type of response." the Field Marshall looked to the ground and then up at the men "I think we are in for a fight here sir..."
July 11, 2001, 17:22
Local Time: 11:29
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Location: Norway, Oslo
Posts: 109
When are we playing?
No one has told me the play times.
can anyone tell me?
I am in the Central European time zone...-
July 11, 2001, 18:14
July 11, 2001, 18:40
Local Time: 10:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
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Alright alright, let's figure this out...
I'm trying to figure out what the wisest decision at this point would be...
On one had we have Rasputin, who has taken up the task of ruling the Israelite empire, and has done more than I think the entire group assumed one could do with this nation. He has personally requested a one week delay due to the rising tempo of the game, he says that it is important that the Israelites are ran by their regular leader during this time. Clearly a lot has occured in our last session, so this is true.
On the other hand the game has experienced nearly two months of straight up problems. Drake has made it clear that it could ruin the streak we have undoubtedly started. That is also a very strong possibility.
The current vote is 3 - 1, in favor of delaying the game a week.
Rasputin, Capo, Easthaven and Drake have voted. Which means that Deity and Prometheus (and Kent if we count his vote) have yet to put in their votes.
It is Wednesday, clearly too late to really think this over much more so I am going to make a quick decision barring Rasputin's change of mind as far as this goes. We will not continue with this week's session, but I ask that everyone please try and prepare themselves for a special replacement session, hopefully during the weekend so nobody has an work issues.
But clearly, this could raise more issues. So we really need to figure out what we are going to do here. I guess what I'm saying is, for now we are going to skip this session barring further discussion, so PLEASE get here and make your voice heared. Rasputin, this doesn't give you a free ride, I'd like you to find a sub for this week as if we will play, just in case something changes. Alright? Promise me you'll do that, or else I may have to do something you may not necessarily like, I am not trying to step on your toes here, just trying to do what's good for the game and the group.
Ugh, I hate being in a situation like this.
July 11, 2001, 20:25
Local Time: 04:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 252
Well I would like to play tomorrow and vote for continuing…. But if we are not going to play tomorrow and we are going to try to make a special session, you will have to tell me by tomorrow night what time or I will not be able to get someone to switch shifts with me since I do work during the weekends.
July 12, 2001, 00:18
Local Time: 20:29
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
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how bout play the following night/day.. is friday night US time an option I am dfiantly free for a long session Saturday morniing, I think deity may be involved in another diplo game at that time though... I plead for another time / day this week..
Sat night for a sunday morning is bad for me (another night shoft) but i will play if that means the only day...
is there any other night during the week we can all play , mon tue wed, before next thursday... ???
But I will not see this game stop all together, if a sub for me is all that is requiered to keep drakes interest up then go for a sub, i dont know of any civers so deity will probably hav eto find one, i wil ltry to catch him on ICQ tonight...
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 12, 2001, 03:45
Local Time: 22:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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I vote we play on....
... but as I said to Capo on icq, I'll not be too upset if there is a delay or another session scheduled - selfish reasons, but if all are ok to play (cept Raz, we should play).
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
July 12, 2001, 04:53
Local Time: 20:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 14,475
well i gue sits upto you guys, see ya next week
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 12, 2001, 08:27
Local Time: 06:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
Kent, the game is today and it usually starts bteween 7 and 8 American Eastern Time, so it's probably plus atleast 4 or 5 hours up in Norway. I'm guessing your start time would be close to, or after midnight. Hope thats not an issue.
Not every single one of us can make every session. To halt a session because one person (regardless of what country! Nothing to do with size or importance!) cannot be present is a bad idea. Because if we make this exception for one, we need to make it for everyone else. I've already stated that I wont be here for a session next month. I would like everyone to take a week off and let me return to my civ the way I left it, but for the good of the game I don't think that should be done. This game is literally just starting. We still have a HUGE commitment of time and energy in the near future! We need to stay consistent and play every week, unless more than say 2 players are not going to be present.
If we don't play tonight, I will expect that we'll also be taking a week off the second week of august. I assume others will have other time off or vacations soon, and we'll have to grant a week off for them too. See what I'm getting at? One person, whether it be me, capo, deity, east, pro or raz, or kent if he joins up, should not hold up an entire week because they can't be there. We need to get the mentality to keep this game moving. We need to keep playing.
Capo, you talk to kent and get him everything he needs I hope? (the saved game / scenario). If you get a player to agree to join, you gotta do the followup.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
Last edited by drake; July 12, 2001 at 14:23.
July 12, 2001, 10:25
Local Time: 11:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Norway, Oslo
Posts: 109
The time is ok as long as the sessions don't last for more than 2-3 hours.
My vote is to wait for Raz.
Capo: Can you please send me the scn file and the last sav. file
so i can get an overwiew of my civ.
July 12, 2001, 13:57
Local Time: 10:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
Alright, let's figure this out...
Upon further review of the situation at hand, and after careful consideration for all parties involved I think it would be best if we played tonight rather than omit this session.
This is nothing personal against Raz, we all appreciate his committment to this game. But at the same time we can't let one person's issues effect the group, Drake is right, if we allowed this to occur we'd have to do it for everyone else who couldn't make a session, and I don't think any of us would agree to that.
So tonight we are going to play, I know its short notice but everyone please show up an hour earlier so we can try to tie up any loose ends, and I'm sure there are a few.
As far as the Mali go, Kent will be able to play this week, I've heared, but will not be able to continue as he lives in Norway and the time difference is just too unbearable (he would start playing at around 1 or 2 in the morning!).
Tonight's roster looks like this, I think:
Capo - AL
Drake - Zulus
????? - Israel (I've asked Markus)
Kent - Mali
Prometheus - Chinese
Deity - Australians
Easthaven - Mongolia
So hopefully Markus will agree to play, if not I'll have to search pretty hardcore for a substitute. If we can't find a player for Israel we don't play, its that damn simple. I know "the show must go on" but we have to put on a good show, we aren't playing another session with AI. That's our situation right now.
Ugh, just when things were starting to seem good, this.
July 12, 2001, 16:09
Local Time: 10:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 1,721
I don't get home till 5:30 - 6 pst....... otherwise sure
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July 12, 2001, 17:21
Local Time: 20:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
OOC ..
Sorry guys for the interuption. Only happens once every five weeks as my shift rotates through days/nights... Play on and may the Israeli Nazis wipe the floor with you all
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 12, 2001, 21:09
Local Time: 20:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
In a lonely prison cell Adolf looks out of his window and sees his nation being run by a usurper...
Not for much longer he mumbles to himself.. No much longer.....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
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