The Thirty Years' War by Tony DeNucci is the first ever scenario published by this aspiring Scenario Artist.
The Thirty Years' war is an interesting scenario to try and create, it comprised of many nations under many circumstances which could make it interesting to many people for many reasons

. I tried to give it a realistic approach while at the same time fitting to the constraints of the Civilization engine. This meant that some nations had to be left out or combined in order to make it flow better, thus some history buffs may not enjoy the scenario based on these merits.
The war itself was fought between 1618 and 1648, and included almost every single nation in Europe, including the Ottoman Empire (which is cast as unplayable barbarians in my rendition). The war begun in the small German principality of Bohemia in the city of Prague. Protestant rebels in the area were upset at the way the Imperial Habsburgs were running their principality and its subjects, and decided to rush the Imperial Palace tossing four Imperial officials from the window into a pile of.... let's just say waste...
From that point on one thing lead to another, which brought about thirty years of bloodshed which would historically lead to a 60% decline in Germany's population! Here are the nations available in Tony DeNucci's Thirty Years' War...
The Habsburg Empire - The Habsburgs gained their empire both through marriage and conquest. During the war they collectively owned Spain, the Rhineland, the Holy Roman Empire (which comprised of Germany and parts of Italy and Austria), Belgium and southern Italy. They were by far the most powerful entity in Europe. Their prowess is soon to be put to the test as a collective of Germanic princes has decided to confederate against them and liberate Germany fromthe Holy Roman Empire! Can you keep your decaying empire together, or will you allow the Protestants and wrest power from the Catholic cause?
The Protestant Union - This collection of German Princes and Dukes has decided it has had enough of the Habsburg Empire and their endless taxation! How long must Germany suffer under the shackles of Catholic oppression? How long must Germany endure the pangs of servitude under these people? Free the German culture and way of life from the terrible Habsburgs and establish a powerful German state!
France - Chaos and rebellion still hit France hard since the days of the Huguenot rebellion. However things are getting better for this continental force in Europe. The chance for French dominance to arise has now come as the mighty Habsburgs are attempting to crush a Germanic uprising in Bohemia, to consolidate power in the Americas, and to hold hegemony over Belgium. Perchance the time has come for the French to claim their throne in Europe?
The Kingdom of Sweden - (Includes Denmark). Gustavus Adolphus is the most powerful man in the Baltics, however the Polish are attempting to retake Estonia and Finland in order to challenge their crown. As the Germanic kingdoms rebel against Habsubrg dominance, these two combating powers choose sides, the lines are drawn in the sands. Sweden could come to represent all of Protestant Europe if their aide the Germans against the Habsburgs... or they could focus on the Baltic and once and for all crush the Polish offensive!
The League of Lyons - England is in civil war! Italy is in shambles! The Netherlands and Switzerland are fighting against the most powerful force in Europe! How could they possibly defend themselves from total annhialation? Easy, combine forces into the haphazard League of Lyons! Try as you might to keep this tentative alliance together, and maybe you can strike back and end the Imperial cause.
Poland - With a puppet King established in Russia, and an alliance with the most powerful European force the Habsburgs, Poland looks like they are in a good position. With only a war against the powerful Swedes and the impending war in Germany can this Catholic nation preserve its meager power?
Brandenburg/Prussia - King Frederick, the time has come to defend your German brethren against the mighty Habsubrgs. The only Germanic nations not under Habsburg control must combine forces to aide the German principalities. Will the arrogant German princes listen to Frederick and his brother the king of Brandenburg? Will the meager Prussian forces be able to withstand a Habsburg/Polish onslaught? Only time will tell...
The Ottoman Empire - (Unplayable). This Muslim nation may find this petty European squabble as the stage for its inasion of German and Poland. Can the Habsburg Empire and Brandenburg Transylvania withstand an Ottoman invasion? Or is Europe doomed to demise by its own infighting?
Command a nation to greatness, or fail a nation to defeat. The choice is yours. Will you defend Roman Catholicism? Or will you fight for Protestant freedom?....
Click here to download the Thirty Years' War by Tony DeNucci!!!!