Howdy, ya'll.

Up until tonite, my strategy has been one of the perfectionist. But, tonite... muhahaha...
Okay, maybe it's late (almost 3am) and I'm exaggerating a litte. For a change of pace, I FORCED myself to switch to conquorer after hitting democracy. I built the SOL and switched to communism immediately. Up until that point, I had built a nice, thriving, 8-city Republic with a SSC and its substituents. In prep for the switch, I made sure to construct Sun Tzu and built a respectable array of units, mostly comprised of vet knights. (Thanks to those from whom I read that strat! I love those damn things: great offensive punch, can hold their own on defense, and superior blitzkrieg ability with the 2 mov't. I'm a convert.)

Made the commie switch and rumbled over the entire Mongol empire in less than ten turns using their roads against them as funnels of destruction, gaining steam with every city taken. They were no match for the speed and bute force of the veteran, advanced units.
Well, it's a lame story, repeated a thousand times over during every civ-er's storytime, but it's one I'm excited to tell. I thought I'd gotten all there was to get from this fantasic game, but I was sorely mistaken. My eyes are just now opening to the strategic possibilities of this game. Long live Civ!
Okay... I'm done.
[This message has been edited by Hawkx9 (edited June 10, 2000).]