June 5, 2001, 18:43
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Diablo II
I posted this thread specificely to help those that need help with Diablo II.
I have had Diablo II for just under a year now, and pretty much know every strategy in the game itself, and with any character, on what skills to use, etc etc.
anyway, if you are in need of help, just ask, and I will be glad to help you. Also, if any of you are interested, here are my characters names and levels in case you find me, or would like to find me on Battle.net:
Character 1: Amazon. Name: Rogue. Current Level: 55. THis character has lots of stuff to trade.
Character 2: Paladin. Name: Madmartagon. Current Level: 40. I have not played with this character in a while, cant remember much except I have a bunch of goooood paladin stuff, including armor, shield, and a nice legit scepter.
Character 3: Sorceress. Name: CHarsi. Current level: 41. I have not played with this character in a while like my paladin, so I dont know much about her, I think she has alot of gems to trade.
Character 4: Barbarian. Name: Aragorn or WilliamWallace, cant remember. Current Level: 29. I havent played much with this guy, dont remember.
Character 5: Necromancer. Name: cant remember. Current level: 16. I find the necromancer not very fun to play with, and so I havent played with him hardly at all. All I know is that he need some nice items, he sucks.
thats all the characters I have going right now. Just as a note, you will probably find my amazon (Rogue) on battle.net if any, since she is the one I have playing with at the moment.
Again I say, if you need help, just ask.
June 6, 2001, 12:35
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Was a big fan of the first game. Still haven't bought Diablo II, just to cheap or poor or lazy.
I am thinking of getting it this summer to mess around with until Civ, WarCraft, and a few other games come out.
What character do you suggest starting with?
June 6, 2001, 13:49
Local Time: 10:39
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Well first off, if you liked the first diablo, then you will go nuts over diablo II.
I would highly suggest going out and buying it soon, it is my favorite game right now and I never get sick of it, I would compare it with diablo I like this:
diablo > carrots
Diablo II > Ice cream
I am not joking, diablo II is like an expansion from a small country to the world, unlike the first one, you can play diablo II over and over, and it wont get boring, because each character is very different, and takes different strategies to beat the game.
Now to your question. If I were you, I would start with the paladin or Amazon, but I am not you, and I DO NOT want you to play them first just because I would.
Each character is very different, and you will want to start with the one you think would be the funnest:
1. if you like shooting with bows and useing spears and stuff, play the amazon.
2. if you like raising the dead, and cursing your enemies, play the necromancer.
3. if you like playing with a huge giant who can wield two weapons at once, then play with the barbarian.
4. if you like playing with one handed weapons, and shields, then I would suggest the paladin. this guy is a mixture of an amazon and a barbarian.
5. if you like spell casting, use the sorceress.
and also, just as a note, my favorite characters are the amazon and paladin, closely followed by the sorceress. but that is my personal oppinion, you do what you want.
June 6, 2001, 15:08
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Originally posted by Diablo, Bro. of Mephisto
Well first off, if you liked the first diablo, then you will go nuts over diablo II.
I would highly suggest going out and buying it soon, it is my favorite game right now and I never get sick of it, I would compare it with diablo I like this:
diablo > carrots
Diablo II > Ice cream
I am not joking, diablo II is like an expansion from a small country to the world, unlike the first one, you can play diablo II over and over, and it wont get boring, because each character is very different, and takes different strategies to beat the game.
Maybe for some people...
I haven't bought diablo II because I downloaded the demo first, and I couldn't get into it.
I think it's that stupid save system. I can usually only play for an hour at a time, and every time I go back, all the critters are ressurected, and the shrines have turned into other things.
instead of taking pleasure in clearing out the levels, it's a chore. Before I gave up on it, I had developed the habit of running to wherever I left off and ignoring the line of critters getting in my way.
instead of being obstacles, the monsters become annoyances in my way of getting back to the game.
Oh yeah, I never had the lust for equipment like I have in Diablo, either. I'm back to playing D1 after my try at the abysmally boring D2, and it shows me just how fun the original is. Tried playing them one after the other, and my whole house agrees with me.
I can never seems to store stuff, either. my stash is smaller than my backpack, for goodness' sake. that sucks big time.
I agree that the prospect of a larger world is appealing, but not at the price of having to fight the game for it.
Of course, a lot of people disagree with me, as evidenced by the sales...
I'm just trying to say that liking Diablo isn't a guarantee of liking diablo2.
June 6, 2001, 17:21
Local Time: 10:39
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You do have a point about the monsters coming back, and how small the stash is, and about the saving.
About the stash part...There will be coming out a Diablo II exp set, which will double the stash size, and its gold capacity, and I am not just talking about a little more gold, I am talking about this,
A lvl 99 player, can hold aproximately 500,000 gold MAX. In the exp set, I have seen in screenshots that a lvl 55 character can hold 1,280,000.
About the saving...it takes time to get used to, and after a while, you just get used to it, and it doesnt bother you anymore.
And about the monsters...That is why you move on in the game. In case you havent noticed already, there are WP (waypoints) in designated areas, that allow you to jump from area to area, for the exact reason of not haveing to travel far again and killing all the mosters over.
And lastly, you complained about the items...Believe me, once you start playing far into the game, alot more items start showing up. you probably havent found any unique items, ya know, those great items from diablo1, well, they usually dont appear in the game until about half way through, so you have to be patient. There are alot more items, believe me. there are, set items, which when the entire set is held on the character, special bonuses are given. there are also rare items, which are like uniques, except different in a way.
well, I hope that uplifts you a little bit.
June 6, 2001, 17:34
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I have to agree with you Father Beast, liking Diablo does not guarantee you will like Diablo II.
I dislike D2 for many of the same reasons as you do. The single player save system is worse than useless, they might just as well have said you can only save at weighpoints, because that's about what you have right now.  I also have to agree that somehow the lust for better and better equipment just isn't there to the degree it was in Diablo. True, the skill system is more complex, but that only really makes a difference when you want to have several characters of the same class and not have them all be just the same. I never got a character past level 23 or so, and I only played a few characters before I got BORED, so the skill system was wasted on me.
Also, the Realms are screwed!!!, or at least USWest is. As of the last time I played (about 2 months ago) they still had SERIOUS lag problems, even with my DSL connection.
All in all, IMO at least, D2 was a waste of money!
June 6, 2001, 17:43
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Originally posted by Diablo, Bro. of Mephisto
About the saving...it takes time to get used to, and after a while, you just get used to it, and it doesnt bother you anymore.
And about the monsters...That is why you move on in the game. In case you havent noticed already, there are WP (waypoints) in designated areas, that allow you to jump from area to area, for the exact reason of not haveing to travel far again and killing all the mosters over.
It appears that Father Beast and I share a common problem. We both can play for only limited times at a stretch. If the next weighpoint is more than an hour or so playing time away from the one before it, I have to schedule a special time where I can sit and play for that time 'til I get to the weighpoint.
Imagine playing for an hour, can't play longer right now, and you don't make it to a weighpoint. Next time you start the game you get to play that same hour AGAIN! No progress in the game, just clearing the same area, and hoping that you find the next weighpoint before you have to quit. If you miss it again, you playthe same area again...and again...and again...until you finally make it to that frickin' weighpoint. Maybe you like this, but to me that is BORING!!!!
June 6, 2001, 18:46
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I didn't post this thread so I could hear two people whining about how crappy Diablo II was.
June 6, 2001, 20:41
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ok, Diablo, I take your point about the expansion pack. I think I'll wait until the combined pack (game w/xpansion) comes down to 20$ or so. the I'll get it.
June 9, 2001, 18:15
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I have enjoyed Diablo II immensely--far too much, in fact. Until recently (when I forced myself to play some classic civ to break D2's hold), I had been playing at least three hour a day, nearly every day, for months. Not one character has yet to break level fifty, but to date I hold five separate acounts across three realms on BNet (I get bored easy, so I built a lot of varients, and spend a little time on each). All of the accounts on USEast are loaded, one account is loaded on USWest, and one character is on Europe. Most would be considered 'mules'. except that I play them nearly as often as my 'main' characters...
Top characters USEast:
Bannanarama--clvl43 spearazon, currently stalled on act 4 nightmare.
Despondant--clvl33 mace barb, currently stalled on act 1 nightmare (never did get WW...  )
Elwynne--clvl 32(?) archmage sorceress, currently doing well in act 2 nightmare (hydras are fun!!!)
Lotsalance--clvl 27 kindasorta zealot paladin, newly arrived in act 1 nightmare
IRS Auditor--clvl 26 zookeeper necro, semi-stalled in act 4 normal (special note: a lot of players, for whatever reason, have given this guy their old gear...)
Kujos--clvl 26 sword barb, well on his way in act 4 normal
Marialena--clvl 36 Bowazon, well on her way in act 3 nightmare
Thaeandra--clvl 14 piercing lightning/cold sorceress, currently in act 2 normal
Hephasto Junior--clvl 18 mace barb (blunt weapons mule, has Bonesnap), just arrived in act 2 normal
Phoenixchilde--clvl 1-25 bowazon (imbue mule)
Those are a few of my favorites...
Yes...I know...I have no life...
"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work...After eight years of this Administration, we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!" — Henry Morgenthau, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Treasury secretary, 1941.
June 19, 2001, 01:03
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Hey, I just recently started playing D2 again (with the expansion coming out and nothing better to do  ) anyone have any tips/skill plan for a wannabe bowazon??
June 19, 2001, 12:02
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the OTHER D2 thread
Aragorn there's some decent tips in the old thread at:
mostly on necromancers, a bit on other stuff
June 21, 2001, 01:32
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http://diabloii.net/ has a great deal of info on all things Diablo 2, including the expansion pack.
Did you notice, among other things, that:
Gambling uniques is not permitted in the exapnsion, and will be shut down in 'nornal' once it is released?
Rings can no longer leach mana, or amulets health, but 'imported items will retain those abilities?
That the time to gamble uniques and duel-leach items is RIGHT NOW???
...just thought I should mention this...
"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work...After eight years of this Administration, we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!" — Henry Morgenthau, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Treasury secretary, 1941.
June 21, 2001, 10:37
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And that also, these restrictions will come into effect the very next time you connect to battle.net, as patch version 1.08 includes them?
June 21, 2001, 11:46
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Damn...too late.
"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work...After eight years of this Administration, we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!" — Henry Morgenthau, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Treasury secretary, 1941.
June 21, 2001, 15:09
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Originally posted by Aragon
Hey, I just recently started playing D2 again (with the expansion coming out and nothing better to do ) anyone have any tips/skill plan for a wannabe bowazon??
I have a lvl 57 "bowazon", she rocks. I use in my left hand skill tab, ice arrow, it doesn't use as much mana has freezing arrow, and has more damage then cold arrow.
In my right skill I always use strafe, it rocks.
My valkyrie is maxed to lvl 22, I would suggest this to anyone else to plays the amazon, the valkyrie, when at a high lvl (like mine) makes a perfect deception when you are fighting those tough unique monsters, and she makes a good companion.
Also, lvl up your dexterity and strength, both to about 180-200, that is what mine is at, then after that, lvl up your life, believe me, it comes in handy at high lvls...at least, for legits. You stupid hackers out there, dont bother.
June 21, 2001, 15:16
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And yes, I knew about everything about the exp pack, its release date is on the 29th by the way, make sure you got a car...money...and video game store to shop at on that date.
And I downloaded the 1.08 patch yesterday, I personally like it, its alot more chalenging, but funner, cause you get alot more goodies in nightmare and hell...for example, yesterday night, I FOUND 5 FLAWLESS gems in nightmare act 4, within about 10 minutes!!! The only bad thing is, I lost my armor and my bow, but I got some more armor, luckily I had some extra in stash, but I am still looking for a nice bow.
I used to lvl up my amazon in hell act 4, but since the new patch, its made it too hard, and i have moved to nightmare act 4.
One thing I love about the new patch is that in your stash, you can hold alot more gold. I currently got 1.4 million bucks in my stash! Thats more then double I have ever had!
June 21, 2001, 15:46
Local Time: 05:39
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Have you been to DiabloII.net recently?
Looks like they're having a civil war over there...
"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work...After eight years of this Administration, we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!" — Henry Morgenthau, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Treasury secretary, 1941.
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