June 15, 2001, 07:13
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its amazing some of the stuff eyes can do, anyone ever attempt to build cities as quick as he does whilslts still building all the wonders, and enoguh horses to explore map ?? i tried a game the other day 2x2x king level village only, i only built settlers and nothing else, i couldnt get anywhere near his type of growth... He is the greatest
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 15, 2001, 18:27
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Are you trying to imply that I cheat?
June 15, 2001, 18:49
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Rasputin, you just need more practice on those settings, that's all  Eyes certainly does not cheat if that's what you were implying. There are many factors that contribute to his skill, but mainly it involves: maximizing your resoureces, good early city locations, building only settlers/horses/warriors, and getting a fast government. He says he knows "other secrets to the game" but these are the essential ones that you should concentrate on without having to hurt your brain thinking too much
"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
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June 16, 2001, 02:21
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you know, i haven't made a post in a while. i've been sitting back and reading all this BS , and trying to figure out what the hell i was doing in gameleague.
when i first joined gameleague, things weren't this bad, Roc_Master started a tribe with mokers help called the Sayen Tribe. things were looking interesting, a new way to play an old game, sounded like fun. until the sh*t hit the fan, Roc left for Japan, the Sayen slowly started to crumble, even with Species/Woke's valiant attempt to save it. the disinterest of our Super Sayen-Moker, and the proven cheating of an original member Darkstorm, dealt the crippling blow that ended the tribe.
i joined a new tribe, an actual honorable tribe, with good, care\ing people, who "just wanted to play", no BS. that all was fine and dandy until the archies withheld valuable info about the map they hosted on. no way to prove it, just like the edited rules.txt of eyes. still a major blow to the stability of tribes. eyesofnight openly admitted that Kuja was a former cheater to me via ICQ, then denied it.
gameleague deserves to die, due to the non-participating administrators, and the loss of key players. cheating in the game is not the main problem, the people who play it are. for the most part, apolyton players are the type of players we were looking to play against, unfortunatly, the gameleague crowd has now moved to apolyton, thus corrupting the boards with gameleague BS.
in a nutshell, gameleague and apolyton are no longer separated, they are one, and i apologize to the core members of apolyton for that fact.
welcome back roc, some people here have changed for the better...
Where I've been
SAVE THE TREES...wipe your ass with an owl:)
June 16, 2001, 02:39
Local Time: 20:42
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Originally posted by EyesOfNight
Are you trying to imply that I cheat?
Not this time Eyes, i wouldnt do that without evidence
No i was simply statng the truth your way of building is incredible, i was jsut stating tha ti had tried all i could to get thatkind of growth but failed, i even tried altering a few things to help out...
You never post about how you do so well, so i was hoping some one else migh tknow and hel pme to learn more
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 16, 2001, 02:45
Local Time: 20:42
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Originally posted by Kuja
Rasputin, you just need more practice on those settings, that's all Eyes certainly does not cheat if that's what you were implying. There are many factors that contribute to his skill, but mainly it involves: maximizing your resoureces, good early city locations, building only settlers/horses/warriors, and getting a fast government. He says he knows "other secrets to the game" but these are the essential ones that you should concentrate on without having to hurt your brain thinking too much
well i keep practicing  when you say max resources are you referiing to max sheild? max trade? a balance ? i know in these trial games of mine only build setters/ warriors till i discover horse then send them out too. in regard to good early city, does he wander settler around to find good city spot or just build a city as quick as possible..
Whcih FAST government does he og after, i usually attempt to get to monarchy fast, with the only diversion being horses ..
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 16, 2001, 13:23
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well i haven't played eyes in a while, so i don't know his recent tendencies. but i would like to think i can build with the best of them, so for me it's a fast monarchy going horseback,ceremonial,alpha,code,monarchy. by getting a govt. faster than your opponent, that is a huge advantage b/c of the increase in resource production. when i say max resources, it really depends on what resources you have. when i'm building a settler, i try to get it out as fast as i can. and when you build your early cities, you want to build to the resources and fill in the holes later. what else... oh yeah, on king there is little need to defend your cities as long as you have exploratory units out. and if you do need to put guys in there to prevent unhappiness, just use warriors, they only cost maybe 2 turns at the most. hope this helps, ICQ me if you want lessons
"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
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June 16, 2001, 13:47
Local Time: 05:42
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Originally posted by EyesOfNight
Are you trying to imply that I cheat?
If he is, it's not like it's the first time it's been uttered.
I mean jeez, straighten that halo.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
June 16, 2001, 16:14
Local Time: 05:42
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Ras I only build about 4 horsemen the entire game. One of the keys to my success is that I"m able to make those horsemen last for so long while at the same time I'm able to force my opponent to over build early on. That's why you always see my opponent with his cities fortified because I'm always taking out undefended cities. But that then slows their expansion down incredibly. The key isn't to search out and destroy, the key is to trick your opponent into doing what you want to gain an advantage. All I need to win a game is a slight advantage and that's all I work towards. If someone gets destroyed early on, it's not because I went out to destroy them, it's because they weren't good enough to hold me off.
June 16, 2001, 21:04
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yes, one thing that eyes can do better than anyone else is play mind games with you
"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
- Epicurus
June 17, 2001, 05:12
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King of mind games
ahhh you are now talking to the king of mind games !!!!
I just suck at actual civ playing, but i can outplay many using mind games .....
Thanks kuja , will try a few tips you put there in my next trial game...
When you say build to the resources do you mean build on a resource square or jsut send your settlers out looking ofr the resources then build near them, then later build citys between them to fill long distance between any citys..
and eyes
do you build those 4 horse in any order.. like 4 in a row, or do you do settelrs inbetween... also what do you build whilst waiting for horse riding, this is not always avaialble as an early pick....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 17, 2001, 05:14
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one last thing eyes, how do you react to some one who also sends 4 horses out early and discovers your undefended citys first... !!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 17, 2001, 12:35
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I never build on a resource, never. I always build my cities on a grassland square next to the resource. The first horseman is built within the first 4 turns of the game. I build 1 warrior before the horseman while I'm reseraching horsebackriding. I usually have all the horsemen I need by 3500BC. What sets me apart from the rest is that I can make those horsemen last the entire game alot of times. Also, if you just throw down cities anywhere you aren't going to be able to do it. They have to be using the right resources at the right time and positioned a certain distance from your capital at the correct time, along with other things.
June 17, 2001, 12:36
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Rasputin, I think the best way to answer all of your questions is to seek out a very skilled player and play him. Save the game every single turn, and then after you get your ass beat, replay the game as his civ and take notice of everything that he does. That's what I did when I was a newbie, and it really pays off.
"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
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June 17, 2001, 12:53
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thanks guys i learning heaps from you both, i usually save the turns i play against others but rarely find much different from what i see to what i do, so there msut be some fundamental error i am making every game ....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 17, 2001, 13:36
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It appears we share a seat in the same boat... Even when I try to save games and see what the other player(s) do, I don't think I know how to interpret the difference. I see what they do, but I don't necessarily know how they do it, or why.
June 17, 2001, 13:44
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i think what i need some times is some one looking over my shoulder and ready to slap me when i make that error,,, i have followed strategy guides, turn by turn examples and still cant get same results ....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 17, 2001, 13:53
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lol, next time I'm in Australia I'll stand over your shoulder and smack you around when you make those errors
that goes for you too cavebear, where are you at in this world?
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