Somebody had a suggestion a while back (forgot who) about giving players a unit at start to explore with, in addition to their starting settlers. That could relieve some tedium, as at least the 1st several turns would allow for
something being done.
I still support Grumbold's(?) idea of having the 1st 2 settlers create larger than size 1 cities at start, + having some structures built in (i.e., temple, marketplace, maybe granary). Hey, the capital starts with a palace, right? And you don't always have Masonry at start. But it would affect the later game dramatically, allowing earlier expansion.
Also civ1 had civ tech discovery rates halved after 1AD. Perhaps civ3 could do something like that, but in reverse...slower research in the beginning but accelerated after 1500 or 1750 or certain discoveries, like industrialization or university...dunno how I feel about this idea, but I thot I'd toss it out there...
i'm actually a fan of micromanagement.

Die, heretic!!!