Today I've:
-added the missing file type display to the file listing
-added the Age of Kings conversions to the DB
-added the HoMM3 conversions to the DB
-added Imperial Ambition (no changes since beta)
-added Roman Riots II (actual events, don't really remember a lot)
I might still return to Civ2 scenario making, but at the moment I am addicted to Europa Universalis.
I visited this site and tried to download a few scenarios, but none of them work, when I click on them it just brings me to the usual "page not found" display. I'd like to obtain Roman Riots II amongst others, I hope this isn't just a problem at my end?
How come no one discovered this bug earlier on my old List All page? I have a script which generates a path (files/misc, files/scenarios, files/modpacks) based on the file type. However, I wrote it back when I was only started to learn Cold Fusion and it used the first path generated for every file on the same page.