What do you do, when you know that a computer player knows the frequencies of other human players, but it can't trade them, because you actually know them (but it's against the rules to use them) ???
And what about council meetings? Is there another thread on these MP matters!
I whish human-players-trade would be allowed from the start, as the game creators meant it!
Location: Newfoundland but soon to be Calgary, Canada
Posts: 960
Council meetings take a full round of turns to hold as each player gets the opportunity to vote on their turn. Etiquette in the games I am in dictates that the player "calling" the meeting posts the meeting topic and the respective vote totals on the Apolyton Board so that everyone has an equal chance to do some diplomacy. Players do the diplomacy via email -- some players will hold the turn for a day or so to accomplish some dealings. Players are requested to post their vote and updated totals as the turn progresses. This way everyone gets an equal chance and everyone gets to see the vote result.
As for the comm frequency thing I could have sworn that an AI once traded me a human player freq but that may just be my memory playing tricks. I do know that I have the option to give/trade any freq (Human or AI) to either humans or the AI.