Boy, did this one drop off the radar! I finally finished. I nearly quit when I built GW instead of STWA (

), but soldiered on. Much worse results than last time, am I getting worse at this?
-4000 (13,39) Chariot (NONE)
-3900 (7,39) Horsemen (NONE)
-3850 Mongols destroyed by Persians
-3750 London Established (12,40)
-3700 (11,45) Pottery
-3650 (1,37) Archers (London)
-3500 London: Warriors
York Established (7,39)
Celts: Bronze Working
-3450 Celts: (Alphabet) No
-3350 Celts Alphabet for Pottery - No
-3300 York: Warriors
(19,41) Barb horsemen (kills chariot)
Celts: No
-3200 (0,26) Advanced Tribe (Nottingham)
-3150 Celts: War
(18,30) Barb Legion (kills warrior)
Barb archer kills horsemen
-3050 Nottingham: warrior
Celts: 46
3rd most advanced
-3000 Celts: No
Barb archers erase Nottingham
-2950 Celts: No
-2850 Horseback Riding
Celts: No (Currency)
-2800 London: Settlers
-2750 York: horsemen (rehomed to London)
-2650 Celts: Currency
-2550 Celts: War
-2500 Celts: 36
-2450 (24,32) 50 Gold
-2400 Celts: War
-2350 Celts: 9
-2300 York: Settlers
Celts: War
-2250 Persians: Warrior Code
-2150 Persians: War
-2000 Hastings Established
Celts: (Ceremonial Burial) War
-1950 Celts: Ceremonial Burial for Warrior Code
Warrior killed by barb chariot
-1900 Canterbury established (7,43)
-1850 London: Archers
Hastings: Horsemen
Persians: (Mathematics) War
-1800 Horsemen kill barb horse
Celts: 50
Barb horse dies attacking my archer
-1750 Celts: War
-1700 Persian phalanx dies attacking my horse
Persian catapult kills my horse
Barb king disappears (Grrr!)
-1650 Celts: War
-1600 York: Settlers
-1550 Code of Laws
-1500 Horsemen kill Celtic warrior
-1400 London: Settlers
-1300 Celts: 50
-1200 Celts: War
-1150 Hastings: Settlers
-1100 Celts: Withdraw
Persians: 100
-1050 Coventry established (13,45)
Egyptians: (Map Making) 150
-1000 Persians: War
-975 Persians: 100
-925 Canterbury: Settlers
York: Warriors
Celts: War
-900 Celts: 100
Persians: War
Persian archer kills my horsemen
-875 Monarchy, revolt
Warwick established (19,45)
-850 London: Settlers
Celts: War
-825 Monarchy government
Egyptians: Map Making
-800 Egyptians: Writing for Pottery, Masonry
-775 London: Diplomat
Egyptians: 25
Persians: 100
-750 Newcastle established (16,34)
Celts: 150
Persians: (Iron Working) No
-725 York: Settlers
Egyptians: War
Persians: War
-700 Persians: 100
-675 Oxford established (17,39)
Celts: (Iron Working) War
Persians: War
1st happiest (big deal!)
-650 Hastings: Settlers
York: Settlers
Celts: 200
Egyptians: 50
My horse kills Persian archer
-625 Persians: 25
-600 Warwick: Settlers
Celts: War
-575 London: Settlers
Egyptians: War
-550 Trade
My horse dies attacking Celt Settler
-500 My archer kills Celt horse
-475 Newcastle: Settler
-450 York: Diplomat
Celts: 50
-425 Liverpool Established (2,34)
Oxford: Warrior
Celts: Withdraw
Egyptians: (Mysticism) No
Persians: 25
-400 Persians: Iron Working
-375 Dover Established (8,38)
Celts: War
Persians: Mathematics
Bribe Celt archer (129), kill warrior
-350 Bribe Celt archer (129)
Egyptians: 50
-325 Bribe Carmarthen (57), 4 gold (76,36)
-300 Newcastle: Diplomat
London: Diplomat
Egyptians: War
Persians: 25
Celt Horse kills my settler
-275 Newcastle: Diplomat
Warwick: Caravan
Persians: War
-250 Oxford: Caravan
Coventry: Caravan
London: Caravan
Bribe Zulu trireme (122)
Celts: 50
-225 London: Hanging Gardens
Persians: 50
-200 York: Caravan
Celts: War
-175 Canterbury: Diplomat
-150 Polytheism
-125 Liverpool: Diplomat
Oxford: Diplomat
-75 (25,15) Nomads
-50 Newcastle: Elephant
Celts (Mysticism) No
-25 Dover: Elephant
Warwick: Elephant
Brighton established (28,30)
Celts: 50
Persians: 25
1 (27,9) 100 gold
Celts: War
Egyptians: War
Persians: 25
2 Celt Warriors die attacking my fortified archer on a mountain
20 Persians :mysticism
Luxemburg destroyed (2 gold)
Pasargardae bribed (216) 8 gold, 1 archer, 1 legion
60 Brighton: diplomat
Newcastle: diplomat
Japanese (the wheel) no maps, 200
80 bribe Arbela (108) 6 gold, The Wheel, phalanx
Norwich established (38,15)
Japanese: war
120 Giza destroyed, 3 gold
Karakorum bribed (324 gold), 23 gold, barracks, archer, phalanx
Leeds estasblished (28,24)
140 Three elephants die attacking Cardiff
Reading established (33,31)
160 Susa destroyed, 4 gold, Persians destroyed
180 Feudalism
London: Great Wall (Whoops)
Germans: 400
200 Germans: Literacy for Trade
240 Birmington established (40,20)
260 Germans: war
280 (53,7) 25 gold
300 Japanese: 300
Egyptians: 50
320 Japanese: war
Egyptians: war
Osaka captured (10 gold)
Kagoshima destroyed
340 London: Sun Tzu's War Academy
2 (!) barb leaders
Edo bribed (399) phalanx, warrior
Lhasa captured, 35 gold
Kells bribed (414 gold), archer, legion
400 Satsuma destroyed (Japanese destroyed)
440 Celts: 50
460 Cardiff destroyed, 5 gold, Celts destroyed
500 Konigsburg captured, 15 gold
Richmond established (71,29)
520 Hamburg captured, 18 gold, Construction
540 (71,39) Astronomy
560 Egyptians: 100
620 Berlin captured, 35 gold, Germans destroyed
640 Thebes destroyed, 12 gold, The Republic
660 Memphis destroyed, 7 gold
740 Alexandria destroyed, 4 gold
760 Chivalry
Bribe Pi-Ramesses (165 gold), 38 gold, phalanx, Egyptians destroyed