June 12, 2000, 01:38
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City names with attitude
I am on the quest of collecting fun city names. Those of you who play lots of MP gimmie some good names you remeber.
My fav so far is "Bag's End" I love that!
Alex v4.6
June 12, 2000, 07:31
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My favorites are the ones that people are starting to use in MP games. When two settlers meet, and you get to lay your city down first, taking advantage of those whales or fishes...
"Screw You" or "Beat You" or "Ha Ha"
(Last time I used Ha Ha, somebody then built "Ho Ho, and "Heh Heh" right next to it)
June 12, 2000, 14:27
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I wonder if anyone ever named a city after Fenway park with the great wall....
June 12, 2000, 14:47
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I have to admit that renaming a city Fenway Park, when it builds the Great Wall is inspired!
However, for utter consistency to a theme, I would have to give the award to Vlad and the Vampires on Acid tribe. Some are generally ghoulish ("Bloody Nipple"); others are specific to their opponents (Owl's Death). I have to give credit to whomever plays as "Lord of the Ferrets" for using "Ferret" so often in city names.
June 12, 2000, 15:28
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My favorite is the old put the wonder in parenthesis after the city name city - so it shows up in the diplomacy screen as:
Moscow (building Manhatten Project)
June 12, 2000, 17:09
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Originally posted by Sten Sture on 06-12-2000 03:28 PM
Moscow (building Manhatten Project)
That is hilarious!
June 12, 2000, 17:32
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Originally posted by Genghis Al on 06-12-2000 12:02 PM
thats good stuff.
People somtimes name cities for what they do, science city, Production city stuff like that. Although this is a terrible idea in multiplayer it shows how names can be used strategicly.
Alex v4.6
Genghis Al:
**ROTFLMAO** That's like painting a big red bulls-eye on your city, especially in MP. Definitely not good in MP ... but if people out there actually do that, more power to ME!!!! Makes the job of tracking down key cities easier  .
Unless, of course, it's a misinformation function ... **paranoid laughter**
June 12, 2000, 17:43
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Before spies come along - if you spend a diplomat investigating a city, you can rename the place after his findings - so you don't forget. For example: 3M/NCF is Three Musketeers and no coastal fortress! 
SG (2)
June 12, 2000, 23:35
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This is all well and good, but I really want some names. Tell me more about this lord of the ferrets...
June 13, 2000, 00:02
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 thats good stuff.
People somtimes name cities for what they do, science city, Production city stuff like that. Although this is a terrible idea in multiplayer it shows how names can be used strategicly.
Alex v4.6
June 13, 2000, 00:52
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Hmmm...my most recent trend in city-naming in mp has been to spell out Homer's "Iliad", word by word, in ancient Greek, but that seems to be bad luck, since I never got past Book I.
In sp I used to play as the souix or aztec and name cities insulting parodies of the original names, but, sadly, they aren't printable...
How about a new strategy for mp-play: use each city name to insult your opponent/opponent's tribe...then, as you lose, watch the city names slowly change, one by one...
-KhanMan the lesserly-crazy Crazy Lesser Sayen
June 13, 2000, 05:55
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In one game I was trying to hide where my capital city was, so i renamed two of my cities as NONE(Capital). Then moved my capital to one of those cities.
June 13, 2000, 10:26
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For the Warlord of the lawyers army "Come to Judgement" maybe, or, "Injuncted" (for a mountain city perhaps)?
Any use to you? I might release my copyright - for a modest fee, of course. (One good MP tip apiece will do).
I've been thinking of trying MP and this thread may provide the incentive I need to do it.
East Street Trader
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June 13, 2000, 10:32
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Xin Yu still did it best. We were in a MP game, on different sides of an alliance, and we were looking for each others cities.
He had found my farthest outpost, but I hadn't found his yet. He renamed all his cities close to me "Boston", the same name as the city I had closest to him... Every time I went to check to see if my exploring units were still closer to my city... sure enough, it always said they were closest to Boston
Xin is the master
June 13, 2000, 15:47
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Sounds like a good time. Whenever I take over a city I rename it "Anal(old city name." So if I take Boston it would be changed to Anal Boston. Made me laugh when it said Anal Boston build a granary. Naming cities for whatr they do makes things easier for me. Like "mountain post" that way you don't start building things they don't need.
See you in court.
June 18, 2000, 20:49
June 18, 2000, 21:28
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Jeez, I hate the restriction on the size/length of city names. How many times do you come up one space short when typing in a brilliant name?
On the other hand, the nicest city names I've come across in a while come courtesy of A. Horse - he of the horribly underdeveloped ego, and familiar to many of you - who delights in modest city names like BowDown2Horse, Worship Horse, Blessed Horse, Viva Horse, etc. Brightens up a dull game.
Mono Rules!
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June 18, 2000, 23:11
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Maybe I've chosen my handle here so as to be able to call my capital: Tonicity  .
June 18, 2000, 23:23
My favourite cities names at the moment are:
LoVe THat HoRse
June 19, 2000, 03:51
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When Sten Sture introduced me to MP he used a couple of variations on the original Sioux city names. Wounded Elbow instead of Wounded Knee, Beer Paw instead of Bear Paw and so on. Later on I added a few myself, like Ricky Lake instead of Stony Lake...
I sometimes use Goody Hut for my cap followed by Hoody Gut, Another Hut, New Hut, Jabba the Hut etc... When I run out of ideas I look for city characteristics. Danger Hut or Front Hut in contested areas, Strong Hut for a well defended city, Whale Hut if the city has a whale...
Others are Untouchable, Invincible, but I also use combos like A mistake?, Anotherone? or Bad, Lousy, Worse...
June 19, 2000, 03:57
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Hm, after rereading my post (and AH's) I reckon' it ain't exactly city names with attitude...
Oh well!
[This message has been edited by Carolus Rex (edited June 19, 2000).]
June 19, 2000, 08:54
"Horse is GOD" is a city name I use and recommend to all of you.
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June 19, 2000, 10:51
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My naming convention is to name cities on the home continent after the local terrain--Whale Inlet, Wildwood (nearby pheasent), Vista (adjacent to a lake and a mountain), etc. Poetic, if boring. Other continents get different themes, so I can tell at a glance the general location of a given city; I'll often pick a state as a theme, or a fictional world.
If the city came from a hut and I'm planning to diband it for the NONE settler, I'll name it "Born To Die", "Shoot Me Now", "What City?", etc., so they stand out and I don't forget them.
June 19, 2000, 18:16
Surprised noone has mentioned the city names of the Great Raz:
North, South, East and West Raz, Slightly South West Raz, etc. etc.
June 19, 2000, 18:45
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I wonder if "Horse's Arse" has any attractions?
Hmmm. Better rephrase that. "Horse's Arse Anyone?"
No, no, no. Still not quite right.
"Kick Horse's Ass" Now that sounds like a good name.
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June 19, 2000, 18:56
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I think Alexander may have been less vain than his horse--definately a name with attitude.
June 19, 2000, 20:23
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Good thread, I like Mad Monks idea.
I once took the default names, and edited them to begin with a letter for their continent, so when I scrolled through the cities it would go one continent at a time.
aParis aRheims aTours bAvginon cCherbourg cRouen etc.
I use Canal Zone for a temp canal city, and Kanal Xone for the 2nd one.
I will change the name of captured cities to a spelling in keeping with the civ I'm playing. Exeter becomes Egzutar if I'm Babylonion, etc.
June 19, 2000, 21:31
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Since the computer will assign workers to food squares before gold, and I usually want them working the gold, I name a city with a gold square something to remind me that "there's gold in them thar hills". I've used Goldtown, Auroville, Zlatograd and other variations. I hate it when I open a city screen after many turns to find the stupid computer has taken a worker off the gold square that was the reason I built the city there in the first place.
June 20, 2000, 00:11
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When I used to play big map SP games I would get confused on the location of cities so I would name all of the cities in an area after the the teams in a particular sports league or musical groups with a similar style. So Abba would be close to the BeeGees, and Arsenal close to ManUtd, and the Pacers close to the Lakers.
It is also a good way to taunt in MP. How could your stronghold be over run by units from Barry Mannilow? Or if your opponent is a big Liverpool soccer fan and he is being attacked by Manchester Utd units. hehehe
June 20, 2000, 00:24
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I have no imagination, and use the default names, but I've been amused by some of the names I've seen on the other side. My favorite was in a 3-way game with oedo and Carolus Rex; oedo and I had an uneasy peace treaty, and my exploring horsemen stumbled into one of his cities. As I tried to move away from "Go Away", I blundered into "Get Lost".
Edited to correct redundant verbs.
[This message has been edited by DaveV (edited June 19, 2000).]
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