March 29, 2000, 18:44
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Nomads Challenge for Civ 2
"Nomads Challenge" is a name for this challenge that Theben came up with and I thought it was a good name. Since originally posted in the OT and after some playtesting I've reworked it a bit. Here it is...
You may have as many cities as you like but you can't build one w/ your original settlers or any nomad settlers you get from huts. Basicly there are 2 ways to get a city, find one in a hut (I've never had such luck)or get units in huts and take a city from a computer civ. (Tip:wait until it's a size 3 city or you might just kill it off)
Once you have a city(s) you may build settlers therein and use those to build other cities. Basicly you may never use a 'none' settler to build a city. You may play the challenge at any level you wish but you should state the level when reporting your results. The more difficult the level the bigger the win of course.
Post any results or questions in this thread and good luck!
March 30, 2000, 05:12
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I have seen challenge like this once before. It, though, containd slight editing of rules; you make 4-2-2 unit called Nomads in place of settlers (it's still a Settle unit, so computer will place it down on first turn.) Settlers, OTOH, are moved to be the last unit. Nomads are unbuildable. Now, you have a good unit you can use to explore with and pop huts and so on. I had couple of quick fun games that way
March 31, 2000, 00:11
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That does sound like fun. Thanks Stefu, I hadn't realized it had been done.
April 1, 2000, 05:08
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I've been doing it wrong... I thought you said not to build any cities...
Anyway, I'm up to about 1800ad, leading in tech, wonders, and population (chieftain but I haven't built any cities)
April 2, 2000, 04:08
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CW, I changed it and made an announcement thread in the OT. Sorry you missed it but good going w/ your game!
May 12, 2000, 20:16
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bah, i only just now saw your reply Lancer  guess i have to pay more attention
anybody else tried this yet?
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May 13, 2000, 01:47
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CW, thanks for giving this a go btw, nobody else is trying. I tried for a while but maaaan...
it's tough!
Did you see Stfu's post? There is another, earlier challenge of the same type, but not w/ the original units.
Good luck, you're going to need it!
May 13, 2000, 02:16
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In the beginning its rough, but it gets easier later
I've gotten KhanMan to try it, he's going to put up some tips (they sound pretty good from what he's told me already)
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May 13, 2000, 02:20
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After CW told me about his version of Nomads (ie. you can never build a city), I tried some tactics out. Here's the preliminary results:
1. It's best played on a VERY large map, continents, or a premade map. If you start on an island you are screwed.
2. The ai is, of course, extremely dumb. If you spot a size-2 ai city that is defended, you can fortify a few units around the city, and, about 80% of the time, the ai will attack, even if it's a lone warrior.
Attack fails, unit captures city intact.
3. Demand tribute tends to work very well when you have a horde of non-units sitting around polishing their swords.
4. Warmongering and reputation-destroying tactis work well too...Sun Tzu's and chivalry and you have the game
5. Cold, hard Diplomat city-bribing is also fun, if you can take their capital, it's easy to get the rest...
6. Wonder-wizards never had it so good: by the time you get a city, you'll probably have enough money to outright buy a wonder or two...
7. Finally, it is "first pillage, then burn"
(don't be an idiot and switch those!
-KhanMan, nomadic lord of the Greco-German Sayen Mountaineers
May 13, 2000, 02:25
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good tips, Khan
now can anyone spot the not-so-subtle insult directed at me
anyhow, more ppl should try this, it can be very challenging, especially on the higher difficulty levels, and without reloading huts
May 13, 2000, 02:36
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Here's some more:
8. when you're units are exploring, try to spread them out as evenly as possible, so that you can cover as much ground without overlapping.
9. despite the first view, settlers are not useless in Nomads: you can use them to connect your cities with roads, which is vitally important, since they tend to be spread very widely, as you take cities from different civs. This will allow your horde of elephants/knights speedy movement.
10. on a similar note, as soon as your have a spare archer or legion, have it guard your starting settler: if you lose this settler before you gain a city, all your units won't matter, and you face the losing credits.
11. Avoid Republic/Demo at all costs. Even though most of your units will be "non", the senate's interference, as well as the inability to demand tribute, makes it worthless to warmongering Nomads.
12. About the beseiging tip earlier: if the computer refuses to throw away the last defender, and the city is pop-4 or higher, make one attack. It won't matter whether or not this succeeds, since it almost always get's the ai to wake up again and charge out to attack your units, leaving the city undefended.
13. The Nomads' Best Wonders of the World:
1. Sun Tzu's
2. Pyramids
3. Collosus/Copernicus' (yes, Virginia, those raving Mongol Huns have passed us in science)
Worst: Lighthouse/Magellan's
14. Build courthouses in every city when it passes size-3, and you will soon have a healthy economy.
15. The words that shall guide ye in your search for true Nomadic Mastery be:
"Oldcay Izardway Isway Away Ayensay!"
May 14, 2000, 21:18
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Hi KM, great ideas, what's the highest level you've tried this at ?
May 15, 2000, 02:10
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so far i've only had time to try it on chieftain.... but here's the powergraph anyway
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May 19, 2000, 20:37
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CW, are you the Sioux? If so, very nice...
May 20, 2000, 00:45
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yup, i am/was the sioux, i've started a new one on prince. i'm not going to post the powergraph as i'm only second
May 20, 2000, 14:09
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fine, fine here it is:
i'm the zulus this time. i've not found the persians yet, that's why they're still first
May 20, 2000, 19:54
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I see you've found the Mongols and the Germans.
May 20, 2000, 22:08
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Actually i'd found the french and the mongols, my allies, the egyptians, have been beating up the germans  . i've also been harassing the greeks and have the celts penned in
May 21, 2000, 00:02
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"Only" second...Geeez I never did so well...
March 26, 2002, 16:00
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cool, lookit what i've found
i wonder if i've still got the saves on my old comp
since i've just recently beat deity for the first time (  ) i'm going to give this another try
You cheeky sod :p - Provost Harrison, Puegot Porsche Interface Specialist.
Don't take that attitude with me, bucksnort. :p - Slowwhand, Texas Style List Keeper.
This obviously proves that Coldwizard = sivistynyt - kassiopeia, Wise Finn.
CW: Sometimes you're even bigger weirdo than kass... - Jeki, Wiser Finn.
March 28, 2002, 12:13
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Tell us how it goes...
You should try it on deity
I may give it a go if I have time 
But I'm horrid at computer games.
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March 28, 2002, 13:55
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Re: Nomads Challenge for Civ 2
I remember this challange from a ways back... but the rules were slightly different than those provided.
Originally posted by Lancer
You may have as many cities as you like but you can't build one w/ your original settlers or any nomad settlers you get from huts.
Basicly there are 2 ways to get a city, find one in a hut (I've never had such luck)or get units in huts and take a city from a computer civ. (Tip:wait until it's a size 3 city or you might just kill it off)
Not correct... if you got a city from a hut, you had to reset until you didn't get a city (some played you had to do your best to disband the city as fast as you could instead of reseting)
Once you have a city(s) you may build settlers therein and use those to build other cities. Basicly you may never use a 'none' settler to build a city.
Also not correct... You could NEVER build your own city, not even with settlers you created for cities you had captured. The only way to get a new city was to capture one from the AI.
You may play the challenge at any level you wish but you should state the level when reporting your results. The more difficult the level the bigger the win of course.
True, must most people tried it a Deity
It was a fun challange... the real killer was when the AI wouldn't build a city on the ocean for you to take... effectively ending any chance to win the game since you could never leave your original land mass.
It was a lot easier than one would think... the trick was indeed waiting until the AI cities got big enough so you could take them without distroying them.
Keep on Civin'
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March 28, 2002, 14:16
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Also not correct... You could NEVER build your own city, not even with settlers you created for cities you had captured. The only way to get a new city was to capture one from the AI.
yes, that change was my contribution to the challenge, at least according to my vague recollections of the OT thread
DC: trying this on deity is too challenging for me, i think i'll try king and leave deity for those with skill
You cheeky sod :p - Provost Harrison, Puegot Porsche Interface Specialist.
Don't take that attitude with me, bucksnort. :p - Slowwhand, Texas Style List Keeper.
This obviously proves that Coldwizard = sivistynyt - kassiopeia, Wise Finn.
CW: Sometimes you're even bigger weirdo than kass... - Jeki, Wiser Finn.
March 28, 2002, 21:43
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Ming- how do you usually capture a city? By what year, Tech and how many units do you have at the time?
How often are you successful?
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