June 12, 2001, 14:59
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Just wondering...
So I've come here to play on your guys' settings, but how many of you could actually come to the zone and play on mine? (and no this is not a thread for the debate of which is better, just to see which of you have a multi-faceted game)
"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
- Epicurus
June 12, 2001, 15:15
Just another peon
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Not to belittle your achievements, but most of us here play mainly for the joy of the game. Most of the egos come here from elsewhere to brag. I really don't give a **** about multi faceted skills, I hate 1x1x games, it's like watching grass grow, and I hate games lower than deity level on large maps because they turn into settler spitting contests. I like playing on small worlds that encourage conflict over even the crappiest terrain.
The ZONE, naw, I like playing with friends, If by doing that you consider me less of a player, guess what? I don't give a damn.
This is not meant to as an insult, just trying to show the difference. While everyone here isn't like that, I think you'd be surprised how many do play their normal settings with pretty much the same group of 10-15 players. The company is almost as much fun as the game, abd I have never heard an accusation of cheating in our group. We don't worry about that, and that's one of the extra joys of the game.
I still have respect for the over the top competitive players that come here to brag.
But please don't insult us because we are not you.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
June 12, 2001, 15:34
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Yeah I have to agree with Rah. Being "good" isn't really high on most of the people's priority lists around here. Sure, there is competition and winning does hold merit and all, but having fun is what games are all about (or should be).
I've played civ arcade games (zone) in the past and I figured out, that hey this is pretty gay. Civ isn't about killing your opponent as fast as you can without any shred of diplomacy. I found that people who played that way were usually obnoxious, rude and "in your face". So I found my way here.......Here I met some people who like playing the game of civilization and have fun with it. And that's the way it is around here. Just a bunch of civ dorks (said in a most loving way  ) playing the game they love, nothing more, nothing less.
Sure I'm "multi-faceted" if you're asking if I know how to play civ arcade and win. But I personally don't enjoy it. Just as you think a slow moving large map game is boring, I find the mindless zombie method of playing civ to be just as boring.
But hey man, whatever does it for you. Do what you enjoy. I retired my zone name a few months ago.
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June 12, 2001, 15:56
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Rah, there was nothing in my post that was insulting, and if you took it to be then get some tougher skin. I wasn't asking for your life story, I was merely asking whether or not you guys can play 2x2x king as well as 1x1x deity.
June 12, 2001, 15:56
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Go Arsenal!!!
June 12, 2001, 16:10
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I wasn't asking for your life story, I was merely asking whether or not you guys can play 2x2x king as well as 1x1x deity.
Of course! Every single one of us can play that setting. You're missing the point. No one wants to. It's all about preference like I said.
Eyes is looking for a game. He needs a new b1tch. Why don't you go sign up
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
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June 12, 2001, 16:11
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Re: Just wondering...
Originally posted by Kuja
So I've come here to play on your guys' settings, but how many of you could actually come to the zone and play on mine? (and no this is not a thread for the debate of which is better, just to see which of you have a multi-faceted game)
Well Kuja... no it wasn't insulting, but it is the typical "who is better" or "are you guys wimps for not playing my settings" type of post that there have been way too many of here lately. Yes, people come here to brag... but rah is right... the hard core group of people here, whether it is the aussies or our group, or one of the other "gangs" just play for fun. Most of us could care less who has the "highest" ranking in "whatever" poll or ladder. We get together on a regular basis and enjoy civ and each others company. With ICQ phone, it's even been more fun
So please excuse what might appear as being thin skinned... just consider it a bunch of people who are getting sick of "I'm better than you nah nah nah" threads
Keep on Civin'
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June 12, 2001, 16:22
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For the first time I have to agree with ming...
When I first got into Civilization I was fortunate enough to happen accross the First Greek Civilization 2 Page (or whatever) so I kinda slipped into Apolyton, while most people go to the Zone first. I then went to the zone second and I was not impressed, the players were good (at their style) but the problem was they were generally *******s who try to shun everyone.
Here at Apolyton you get that to a degree, but its much different. Its like when someone you don't know calls you a queer and when your good buddy calls you a queer, the semantics are different. So I guess I like Apolyton more because we are more accepting of differing styles, we don't shun people...
Ya know, like how we accept Ming, a flaming homosexual....
BTW: Ming, why is "The Capo" my other name, not in service? Hmm?
June 12, 2001, 16:33
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When I want a game, and can't locate anyone else, I'll go Zone.
I hate the Zone.
Every time (yeah, Kuja 2x) if I start with 5 or 6 players, I'll be down to 2 or 3 inside of an hour.
Zoners! Bah!
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
June 12, 2001, 16:45
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Originally posted by Capo di tutti Capi
Ya know, like how we accept Ming, a flaming homosexual....
BTW: Ming, why is "The Capo" my other name, not in service? Hmm?
First, my wife and kids say hello
But seriously... I just checked the status of "The Capo"... and it shows as "user awaiting email confirmation" status. It has a different email address than the one you have... pm me the email address or password to prove you are "the capo", and I will help get it back up again for you... oh, and getting rid of your current Capo di tutti Capi logon, since you are only allowed one here
Keep on Civin'
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June 12, 2001, 17:46
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well, then you will have to forgive my brash attitude, as you all know the zone isn't famous for its manners.  but seriously, i've come here for competition seeing as how the zone has none anymore, and if you mistake the connotation of my words negatively, that's not how i mean it. now enough ass kissing and more game playing!
"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
- Epicurus
June 12, 2001, 19:22
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I will almost always play exclusively with people I know, why, because I'm sure they won't cheat, they're good sports and they know when they have lost, and will let me know if I've lost lol, which more often than not is the case. There are a lot of great people on these boards, great civ players too.... the game isn't just about winning or losing, its the company. If you read the conversations I have with people inside the game, you can tell the game is much more than the actual game.
June 12, 2001, 20:56
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The talent pool in the zone is seriously deplited. Me, Eyes, Arii, Markus, Oedo, Weird God have all either stopped playing zone games or the game in general.
The big problem with apolyton players is they play 1 x 1 deity. I just refuse to play any of these settings as my time is precious and I can find 100's of other things to do. Hitting a few arrows and enter every 3 mins is BORING to me. I want to rapidly change the face of the world and grow my capabilities in my limited time available, cant do it with either 1 move, deity or 1 production. On the other hand, they like it, so more power to them, but it is not a more skiffull way to play 1 x 1 deity, its just restrictive and reduces the differences in talent.
June 12, 2001, 21:55
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please... enough of your self-promoting babble old man. even on your best day you can't put yourself in the company that you named, and you couldn't even come close to beating me. we've played twice i believe and both were blowouts so save it! now back to what this thread was meant for...
June 12, 2001, 22:11
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hehehe Kuja you have to learn when to make strat look like a moron and when not to. Now is not a good time because he's working towards the same goal we are. Even though I agree with you, you need to play the forum game a bit better.
June 13, 2001, 00:53
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Originally posted by StrategicKing2
The big problem with apolyton players is they play 1 x 1 deity. I just refuse to play any of these settings
Because you don't have the skill to do it
June 13, 2001, 02:42
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The Diagonosis
As a degreed Psychology graduate, I make the following pronouncement:
Zone players have small penises.
It's the only answer.
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all things pass quickly away.
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June 13, 2001, 07:59
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The big problem with apolyton players is they play 1 x 1 deity. I just refuse to play any of these settings as my time is precious and I can find 100's of other things to do.
Why do I find this really hard to believe
Not a bad theory Sneak, they do seem to have little man aggressive syndrome.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
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June 13, 2001, 08:15
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diplo game
Of course Diety 1x1x games are boring if there's no diplomacy and the people are spread over a big world and have to expand for centuries first before they met another civilization.
Pherhaps you should try to play a diplo game with 7 human players. If possible on a limited map (Europe in example) with 'diplo' rules.
Then you'll suddenly find out that civilization is more then a game, it's a 'way of life' 
Diplo rules more or less mean that you need to be very good friends with 5 civilizations, have to ensure them about your good meanings, have to give them money and land and much talking, so you can attack the 7th civilization and just take a city or 2.
If you fail to play the diplo game you'll lose the war, since all 6 civilizations will turn against you and invade the land you've stolen, take 50% of the land you already own and occupy it like the allies did in the 2nd world war.
It's ways more fun to put your enemy under so much international pressure so they agree with your terms then just take 30 tanks and walk over him.
In the legendary eurodip game we played 1 or 2 years ago we just played 8 hours per week and we talked over the msgboard about every hour of the day. Posting maps with possible borders, alliances etc. etc.
Heck, why don't we just organize an eurodip reunion ?
Anyone overhere interested in such a game ?
Does anyone still have the euro map ? The scenario settings we used for it ?
June 13, 2001, 08:28
Just another peon
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My apologies Kuja,
After rereading your post, I realize that I may have read too much into it  We do get a lot that are very similar. Being subtle here is not the norm.
I only play 1x1x when I'm real desperate, and then wonder why I did, as I'm staring out the window, or falling asleep during the game.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
June 13, 2001, 10:28
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Yes CyberShy, I can see how a eurodip game is very different from a regular 1x1x deity game. You don't really have to worry about attacking or making units, just talking a good game and keeping your cities happy. So that kind of game, even though I"ve never done it before, seems a lot more bearable than the other 1x1x deity games.
And Rah, we are that different after all! We both only play 1x1x games when we are desperate. So if you just give us zoners a chance (ahem... some of them I should say) you will realize we aren't that much different from you.
June 13, 2001, 10:33
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diplo and units
You don't really have to worry about attacking or making units
Well, in fact it's quiet important to have enough units. Your diplomatic treats will be ways more impressive if you have an entire army ready for attack !
June 13, 2001, 11:11
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Yeah, cyber, theres a lot of mis-conceptions about diplo games huh? Though brains are more valuable then brawn in a diplo game, military power certainly comes into play.
Most importantly, diplo games are a thinking mans game....and patience is an essential virtue. (thats where a lot people have a hard time)
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
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June 13, 2001, 11:57
Just another peon
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Kuja, yes I'm sure there are quite a few similarities.
Over the years, we have probably had over 40 players play in our groups. We are always open to have new players join. Usually it's a matter of being in the right place at the right time. (when we have 3 players and need a fourth, since some of us feel that 4 is the optimal number. Enough competition and the turns don't take forever. ) To fall out of the group takes a little work.
You have to either,
1. quit early in games.
2. don't show up after posting that you would. (we do understand exceptions)
3. get bored with playing with us.
4. Consistent SLOW PLAY. (like taking 3 minutes when everyone know you only have 2 units to move, or regularly doing city maint during your turn, checking out the trade advisor for each caravan during your turn, you get the idea)
5. Don't like the settings we play.
Which are usually
no city bribe (unit are ok)
No alliances or tech trading. (stealing is encouraged)
small worlds/large continents.
Some people MISTAKENLY refer to the as "RAH" rules, but these are the settings that have evolved for most of the people in our group.
Posting in the Setting Up IP games thread is another good way to get games with a good number of the people here.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
June 13, 2001, 12:33
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First off kuja, we only played once, that is under your new name, and then only a few turns before I decided that I did not want to play you any more. State the truth. Furthermore, I am not putting myself in these players league, I am elevating them to my status. I am so far above you now its unimaginable. It would be like a cave man fighting a modern day soldier.(your the cave dweller) You are now, and always have been nothing, a talentless little dweb who does nothing but use the second computer at your side to map the boards. You play newbies for points and occasionally a real player for legitimacy. You have and can conceive of nothing new or original. You are, and always will be the same boring moron that you are today.
This person has changed his name often. He has been run out of Game league for cheating multiple times. If allowed in the players tourny he will cheat there too.
June 13, 2001, 17:05
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You know what, rather than dignify your ignorant, uninformed and idiotic statements with a response, I'll just tell you the same thing I told Zylka:
lol... ah... zylka... ever the thorn in my side... jealousy is such a tough pill to swallow isn't it?? May I remind you that I have never been proven to cheat? Despite your constant allegations you could never come up with a single shred of evidence... why is that? maybe because you are looking for something THAT IS NOT THERE! "oh but look at his record (50-4), surely he must be cheating." lol... nobody of those 50 wins was even good enough to hold my jockstrap. And as for you, we dueled to show you my true power and i believe i had trade, feudalism and monarchy all by 3050 BC. Admittedly that was probably the luckiest game of my life, but you still saw for your own eyes that I do not and did not cheat. Oh, and as for being kicked out of gameleague "multiple times", i was never forcibly removed by kwang. the only time i left gameleague was on my own choice so I could get away from your constant harassment. But guess what, I'm not running anymore
Zylka found it in his heart to still be my zonefriend, can't you???
"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
- Epicurus
June 13, 2001, 22:32
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Yes strategicking, you are at the pinnacle of your power. How can I claim perfection in light of you? Your game is at such a high level that you play games with drfell to work on trade and learn how it works (I know, he told me when you guys were playing). Who cares if you can't play any of the settings, who cares if you don't know how trade works, you are perfect. You are our 8 time gameleague champion.
June 15, 2001, 12:56
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wha tthe hell is gameleague, so many come here annouinciong they are gameleagues champs, do we invite them here to challenge us ?? but when they do come here, they refusee to paly our settings and want us to paly theirs, if we goto game elague i quite expect to play whatever settings they use there, but here at aoplyton respect our righ tto paly the game the waty we like and if you challenge us play our settings ....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 15, 2001, 13:24
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"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
- Epicurus
June 15, 2001, 13:44
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Which is dead, and now it's sewage seems to be spilling over in the form of Kujo, Strat, and...others.
The OWL's, consisting of Suas, Cavebear, and others have been away.
Hopefully they will make their appearance in MP.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
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