Location: Wellborn, Texas The Warrior Dennis Miller
Posts: 42
Ahoy: John Petroski
I really enjoy your scenario "The New Germany" and have been lookin to try "Der Antsieg und der Fall des Dritten Reich," but I have not been able to find an uncorrupted copy.
Could you please send me a zip file at dsevern@hotmail.com?
I'd be glad to send you a copy, although unfortunately I no longer have the sound file
Its late here and a night's worth of preparing for finals has taken its tole on me though, please email me at Vudak@aol.com and I'll send you along a zip shortly.
When you created the scenario...did you intend the USA to be so easy to take?
A pocket bship and a destroyer with one paratrooper unit were all I needed -I took the USA, when the UK was proving tough...plus I happened to have the forces near to iceland so I thought, well, hell!
Is this what you wanted? (I doubt it)
I recommend that players are not allowed to attack the USA directly...or that the USA gets stronger defenses in those early years.