This was inpsired by the
'Anyone ever played peaceful to the end' thread. Any takers...?
The Olive Branch Challenge (OBC)
Race to A.C. without ever declaring war or taking an action which
directly leads to an AI opponent declaring war against you. The goal is to attempt to maintain (overtly) peaceful relations whenever possible, throughout the game.
Disallowed actions:
Sneak attacks or other combat actions against an AI player with which you are not currently engaged in warfare against.
Any combat action against an AI unit/city that you *are* at war with which is not directly related to the immediate defense of your units/cities.
Bribery or other diplomat/spy functions that harm the AI civs' units or cities which is not directly related to the immediate defense of your units/cities.
Provoking a state of war through any other overt actions. Common sense should be your guide, but some examples include:
- Refusing to leave radius of an AI city. (Exception: when an AI city is built so that its radius intrudes upon the radius of one of your own cities [see below]).
- Demanding tribute. Requesting a 'gift from your gracious ally' is still allowed.
The basic idea is that you will not (overtly) attack the enemy except in those cases in which the enemy (during a time of war [which you did not initiate]) directly threatens your units or cities. This does not mean that you cannot take hostile subversive measures against your opponents; by all means, you are encouraged to do so...
Allowed actions:
Bribing or taking an enemy city that has been built so that it interferes with one of you city's production radius.
Attack/bribe enemy units within (near) striking range of your units/cities. Note: in order to attack/bribe them, a state of war should exist (or at least cease-fire). If not, you must provoke war indirectly before attack/bribery. (Demand withdrawal...but not tribute, that's too direct

Attack/bribe enemy cities within the radius of one of your existing cities. If the AI pulls this trick, feel free to wipe the offending settlement off the face of the earth; however, you should still (indirectly) provoke war before taking action. This shouldn't be too hard in this situation, and it is permissible on this occassion to provoke declaration by refusing to withdraw troops (so long as they are within your own territory [your city's radius]).
Perform espionage. This includes embassies, tech steals, and bribery (related to the immediate defense of your units/cities.) Nukes, poisoning, revolts, or sabotage should be considered as direct military action.
Convince another AI to initiate hostilities against an enemy AI. Preferrably, you should only do this when you are already at war with the target AI. It is also allowable/suggested to bolster your ally with units/gold/tech to assist their fight (indirectly). It is not necessary to end the game with a spotless reputation.
Defend yourself. Any units which remain in the radius of one of your cities or pose a direct threat in a time of war are fair game. You should still get your enemy to declare war (by word or deed).
Recover cities taken by the AI. Like the previous example, you should still get your enemy to declare war (by word or deed). Do not use this as a technique to advance against the enemy. You should not build an undefendable city in enemy territory, and use it as an excuse to attack the enemy, and surrounding cities that are "by coincidence"

within the ('recovered') city radius.
Declare war against an AI that performs espionage against you. You should still only take direct combat action against that which directly threatens your units/cities. You may also expel diplomats/spies.
Any actions against barbarians are permissible, as is any support for barbarians against your enemies. (Can you 'gift' units to barbarians with whom you have established embassies???

Again, let your common sense be your judge. The challenge is to make it to A.C. without ever taking any overt action against your enemy, except in those cases in which you are defending/recovering what is rightfully yours...
Good luck,