GURPS Alpha Centauri, the (pen & paper) RPG adaption of Alpha Centauri is now in playtest at Steve Jackson Games' (the publisher) online RPG magazine Pyramid ( Playtesting for pen & paper RPGs is somewhat similar to beta-testing computer games - the first draft of the manuscript is available online to read for Pyramid subscribers, and soon a message board will go up where the playtesters can comment on this draft, especially about aspects they feel are illogical, don't reflect the source (the computer game, in this case), and whatever they think would make the book a better RPG supplement. Playtesters who have made significant contributions to the process will recieve name mention in the book and a free copy.
Just thought you'd like to know...
(And incidentally, if anyone subscribes to Pyramid magazine because of this, please give the referral bonus to "jhubert"...
