June 15, 2001, 12:50
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List of technologies in the game
This is where we attempt to guess at the technologies Firaxis has put into Civ III. To start it off, I'll put down the list of techs which I can cull from the tech advisor screenshots.
-Bronze Working (probably required for spearmen and phalanx)
Taken from here.
-Warrior Code
-The Wheel (required for chariot)
-Ceremonial Burial
-Mathematics (required for catapult)
The previous five were the only ones I could read on this screenshot.
-Feudalism (required for pikeman)
-Chivalry (required for knights)
-Printing Press (NEW!)
-Education (NEW!)
-Gunpowder (required for musketeer)
-Music Theory (NEW!)
-Astronomy (required for caravel: new requirement)
-Democracy (required for 2 units; possibly riflemen and a mounted unit: new requirement)
-Metallurgy (required for cannon)
-Navigation (required for explorer: new requirement)
-Free Artistry (NEW!)
-Theory of Gravity
-Magnetism (required for three units, probably galleon and frigate, possible English special unit "Man O' War")
-Military Tradition (NEW! required for unknown, probably new unit)
The last bunch were taken from here.
If any of you can confirm the existence of other techs, feel free to post 'em here.
June 15, 2001, 13:05
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I just hope that the tech tree is well organised. CTP2 having fascism as a prerequisite for democracy being an obvious mistake.
Fortunately a tech editor can overcome any minor flaws.
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June 15, 2001, 13:21
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Re: List of technologies in the game
Originally posted by KrazyHorse
-Magnetism (required for three units, probably galleon and frigate, possible English special unit "Man O' War")
Thanks, I was beginning to be afraid of Music Theory
Anyway, there is still reason to fear Highlanders armed with bagpipes as the Scottish special unit
De biais si je peux, de front si je
June 15, 2001, 13:42
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Glad to see that there are some new technologies reflecting the importance of artistic development to the strength of a civilization. I'll be interested to see what buildings/ Wonders/ units will be associated with some of these advances.
Music Theory a prerequisite to Radio?
June 15, 2001, 14:45
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I see Iron Working and Map Making in this screen. (IronWorkning Second from the left in the top row. Map Making: The one with a Ship (over a possible Horseback Riding (correct length, but I can't read it.)))
ACS - Technical Director
June 15, 2001, 15:20
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Well isn't it obvious that Music Theory is an important prerequisite to rock music? Along with electronics
Who knows what that will be all about, obviously allows some way of controlling unhappiness...
Speaking of Erith:
"It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith
June 15, 2001, 16:22
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Internet has also been mentioned as being a new tech. If riflemen are a unit for Democracy than I sure hope gunpowder has to be discovered before you can discover Democracy.
June 15, 2001, 16:27
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Most of the new technologies listed are related to culture, so I assume we will get more, including
Gramaphone/popular music/rock and roll
I hope that the Great Leaders concept is extended to science, trade and culture - although the discussion about whether the great leader should be the Beatles or Elvis may start a riot
June 15, 2001, 16:36
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Originally posted by TechWins
Internet has also been mentioned as being a new tech
The Internet has been mentioned as a minor wonder, not a tech.
June 16, 2001, 02:34
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The Internet has been mentioned as a minor wonder, not a tech.
Oh yeah, that's right. I don't know what I was thinking.
June 18, 2001, 13:27
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I managed to squint out a few more techs on this screenshot:
-Horseback Riding (required for 1 unit, almost certainly the horseman unit)
-Philosophy (seems to no longer require Mysticism)
-Code of Laws
-Linguistics (or something similar; they've renamed Alphabet)
-Literacy (I think)
-Iron Working (required for 1 unit, almost certainly the swordsman unit)
June 18, 2001, 13:30
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I forgot to ask: does anybody have any idea what the "T"-balls mean in this screenshot? Or why some of them have red crosses through them?
June 18, 2001, 14:57
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Originally posted by KrazyHorse
I forgot to ask: does anybody have any idea what the "T"-balls mean in this screenshot? Or why some of them have red crosses through them?
I think that they are placeholders for improvements that will be able by that technology. The on with red crosses is in that case most likely wonders that are made obsolete by that technology.
ACS - Technical Director
June 18, 2001, 16:09
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It's strange though; the placeholders for improvements are not separated from the unit icons. Good idea, Gramphos; I hadn't thought of there being an icon for wonder (or maybe even improvement) expiry.
June 19, 2001, 01:35
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Big Crunch - Regarding
I sure hope gunpowder has to be discovered before you can discover Democracy.
Didn't the Greeks invent Democracy about 3 or so thousand years ago ? (long before anyone thought of making rifles or firearms in a big way).
June 19, 2001, 04:52
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Didn't the Greeks invent Democracy about 3 or so thousand years ago ? (long before anyone thought of making rifles or firearms in a big way).
You are right, but I think Democracy in Civ 3 (just as in Civ 2) is the Western-style modern democracy, rather than the ancient one - after all in the Greek society only about 10% of the people had the right to vote - the remaining 90% - women, slaves and foreigners - had no political rights.
Still, it would be nice to have some sort of government representing that early democracy.
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- Frank Herbert
June 19, 2001, 16:03
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I wonder, what is the big picture? here
I believe it shows the tech tree, as it relates to the current tech
June 19, 2001, 16:39
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I believe it shows the tech tree, as it relates to the current tech
A slight "Duh" would be in order
Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo
June 19, 2001, 18:22
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Originally posted by Martinus
You are right, but I think Democracy in Civ 3 (just as in Civ 2) is the Western-style modern democracy, rather than the ancient one - after all in the Greek society only about 10% of the people had the right to vote - the remaining 90% - women, slaves and foreigners - had no political rights.
Still, it would be nice to have some sort of government representing that early democracy.
The Greeks came up with the idea of the Republic. Very similar to Democracy, but not quite. Democracy "evolved" out of the Republic.
June 20, 2001, 02:38
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The Greeks came up with the idea of the Republic. Very similar to Democracy, but not quite. Democracy "evolved" out of the Republic.
Well, I think this is exactly what they had in mind in Civ, but not exactly IRL.
The Republic was developed in Rome. The idea of Republic is that there is a strong leader of the nation (or two leaders, as the case may be - as with two Roman consuls) who is the real head of state. He does not normally consult the "people" and it advised by the "senate" composed of somehow chosen (age, family, wealth) more "esteemed" members of the society. The difference from the monarchy mostly lies in the fact that he is elected and normally for some short or medium-long period (such countries as Venice with the lifelong elected Doge being the obvious exception).
The Democracy is about the people ruling. Only in Greece the democracy was not exactly what we would expect today - but it was not Republic, for sure.
The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
- Frank Herbert
June 20, 2001, 02:43
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Didn't the Greeks invent Democracy about 3 or so thousand years ago ? (long before anyone thought of making rifles or firearms in a big way).
"If riflemen are a unit for Democracy than I sure hope gunpowder has to be discovered before you can discover Democracy".
This is what I actually meant by that.
Not in regards to the discovery of the gov't Democracy but to the fact that a riflemen shouldn't be able to be discovered before gunpowder is discovered. That is if gunpowder is still a tech. which I'm sure it will be.
A slight "Duh" would be in order
Or maybe it shows that same picture at a closer zoom.
June 20, 2001, 03:03
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I dont' know if it is there but a modern age tech advance should be cell phones.
June 20, 2001, 05:28
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The acquirements for making nukes are:
Theory of Gravity (for Flight)
Flight (for Rocketry and airplanes)
Radio (for Rocketry)
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear Power
C. Gerhardt
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June 20, 2001, 05:43
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I wonder how many technologies there will be in Civ3. As we all now it is a very important question, because we all love researching.
I counted the ancient ones to 21 and the Middle-age ones to 22. That makes em 43.
What do you think, how many will there totally be in Civ3?
June 20, 2001, 06:22
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Well off the first screenshot and using the video it came off, this is what I can see:
First Column
Bronze Working
appears to say I.Alphabet?
The Wheel
Warrior Code
Ceremonial Burial
Second Column
Iron Working (req: Bronze Working)
Writing (req: I.Alphabet)
Mysticism (req: Ceremonial Burial)
Third Column
Mathematics (req: Masonry, I.Alphabet)
Philosophy (req: Writing)
Code of Laws (req: Writing)
Literature (req: Writing)
Mapmaking (req: Writing, Pottery)
Horseback Riding (req: The Wheel, Warrior Code)
Polytheism (req: Mysticism)
Fourth Column
Currency (req: Mathematics)
The Republic (req: Philosophy, Code of Laws)
Fifth Column
The problem is, determining what this technology that requires Mathematics and Iron Working is...any suggestions?
Speaking of Erith:
"It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith
June 20, 2001, 09:11
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List of Techs
Could the tech "Military Tradition" be a requirement for the Great Leader unit that has been discussed?
June 20, 2001, 09:16
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Theology seems to be a requirement for Printing Press and Education. This is correct in a medieval European context (reformation -> pamphlets, first bible; theology -> universities), but not for eg. China. There should be an alternative for monotheism and theology, a secular ideology, Confucianism maybe.
June 20, 2001, 09:57
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Originally posted by Provost Harrison
Fifth Column
The problem is, determining what this technology that requires Mathematics and Iron Working is...any suggestions?
Its probably Bridge Building.
1 thing aint clear to me!
19th and 20th century bridges are build with the knowledge of Iron Working (steel), but the Romans have build bridges and aquaducts without using any Iron, but stone and wood, so why can we only build bridges after this Tech?
Please Firaxis, I dont wanna see this tech again. It doesn´t make sence!
C. Gerhardt
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June 20, 2001, 10:19
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I am not sure it is Bridge Building; it just seems to be one word. Besides that is obviously the ancient screen and we have seen the modern screen. So what happened to Construction and Trade for example?
And where the hell is Monarchy?
Speaking of Erith:
"It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith
June 20, 2001, 11:28
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Originally posted by Provost Harrison
Fifth Column
The problem is, determining what this technology that requires Mathematics and Iron Working is...any suggestions?
The fifth column tech could be construction. The word seems to be about the right size, although I don't know if it fits within the general scheme of tech advances.
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