No opinions about the manual? OK, I add another bump-reply under this topic before it floats away into oblivion, from the main forum-page. Perhaps this goes without saying, but...
The Civ-3 manual should also have lots of SMAC-manual style screenshots, with partial sections of the Civ-3 interface, whatever is appropriate in order to explain this or that game-feature. Forgive the cliche, but these complementing pictures really adds a lot to the text-chunks. "...more then 1000 words".
In the Civ-2 "Official game-guide" ( yes, Ilkuul there was one

) every unit, city-improvement, wonder, tech-improvement & government-type was listed under its very own page, where it was thoroughly explained and described. In the best of all worlds, something like this should be added in yet another appendix-section.
But, perhaps this makes the manual to expensive and/or too big (especially if its supposed to fit in the new small game-box format).
If Firaxis is planning to use the new game-box format; how are they going to squeeze in the big tech-poster, without folding it to much?
Perhaps it would be better spread out the poster-info into a couple of double-sided mini-posters instead (which also would be more manageable to use, in front of the computer, by the way).
They can use the new small box-format, but perhaps then choose a twice as thick version of it, in order to to accomodate the expected hefty game-manual.