June 28, 2001, 11:07
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Congrats on the tree farm Walt-- You continue to be the tech leader- I have the turn and will play after work.
Foreman cbn of the Free Drones addressed the people on a public vidcast.
" Honoured citizens, I come before you to clarify some matters that have arisen from recent events. There has been a recent public announcement by the Cult that thay seek a truce. While we are considering this option we remain unequivocally at war with the Cult. Many of you lost sons and daughters in the massacre of 2172 and understand our reticence to trust the Cult.
Since that first attack we have gone to great lengths to upgrade our troops against the dreaded mind attacks of the Cult. When, for the very first time we entered cultist territory, they offered a truce with no explanantion, reparation or discussion of terms. Put bluntly, we find it difficult to trust the Cult regardless of their change in government. We are continuing to study their offer but unfortunately it appears that war may be inevitable.
We note that the Gaians have cited us as a faction to be watched and a possible world power. While we appreciate the compliment of an honoured friend, there is still much that we must do to ensure the safety of our society. We remain a laggard in technical research and need to improve our efficiency to better our economy. We must continue to work hard for the betterment of ALL the workers.
To all the factions of the world, we say this: We seek peaceful co-exstence. We have no intention of making war with anyone but if attacked we will defend ourselves and pursue our attackers. We seek no quarrel with anyone. all we ask is that the Free Drone sovereignty over its own lands be respected."
June 28, 2001, 17:21
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Turn to Tench.
Offical press release: The first advisor is saddened that the drones have refused to agree to peace terms without substantial compensation. The war will thus continue. The Prophet has called for the ecologically-loving factions to unite against the polluting drone menace to Planet. Better to squash such a horrible threat while they are small and weak-minded fools.
Overheard by a reporter:
First Advisor to his military aides: The weak-minded drones don't wanna benefit from peace. Give 'em hell, boys. Teach them what mindworm food means. I shall feed Domai to the worms myself.
Last edited by NorthSwordsman; June 28, 2001 at 17:38.
June 28, 2001, 22:58
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Year 2185 to Walt.
The conflict between the Cult and the Drones continues to be an interesting one to watch. It seems the current leader of the Cult is still paying for the foolhardiness of the prior leaders, and the Drones are harboring a bitter sense of vengeance.
Speaking of which, Lady Deirdre has sent an emissary to Aki Zeta 5 of the Cyborgs in an attempt to bring a formal end to our conflict. Unfortunately the Cyborgs tried to extort technology from us in exchange for peace, and we refused. Their reaction to our olive branch puzzles me completely. The psychological profile of Aki Zeta 5 suggests that she is a pacifist. Indeed, I figured she would rather go back to her research and domestic development efforts instead of wasting resources on a war she cannot win, despite their superiority in (non-psionic) military technology. And I might add that it was she herself who started this conflict. Why they see us as a threat is beyond me. Why they would choose the tough road of war over the easy path of peace is also beyond me.
As Tolstoy once wrote, "War, what's it good for?"
June 29, 2001, 00:10
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2185 to cbn.
"This money thing is pretty cool!"
Overheard in the lobby at the Morgan Exchange
June 29, 2001, 08:05
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turn to tench.
June 29, 2001, 08:25
Local Time: 07:25
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2185 is done and sent on to the Cult
Overheard at central command
" We have the latest dispatches from the Cult. They threaten to feed you to the mindworms. As well our spies indicate that they are further militarizing their bases."
"What of our armies"
" Task force Alpha continues to gain ground while Sword and Juno are preparing their attack plans. We are ready to implement our plans under Scenario C"
" General, these are fine plans and I am confident in your abilities but . . . . . is continuing this war the right decision ? They have offered a truce and their government is radically changed. I just can't bring myself to trust them."
" Well foreman . . . . You know the tactical situation. They are geographically close enough to send out a task force and land on our home island without warning. To be prepared for this we would need a massive army patrolling in all directions. Their truce offer was just that, an offer to stop shooting. We have no assurance that they will not sneak attack again and , as you are aware, attackers almost always have an advantage over defenders. Militarily, the best option is to continue the attack and reduce their threat."
An open message to the Cult
Honored first advisor
Your prophet once again attempts to mislead world opinion. We have not demanded any compensation but merely noted that you have offered none. Our position is simple. We were attacked. We gathered our forces and counterattacked. When our attacks begin to be successful, a truce is offered with nothing else other than the Cult's word regarding peaceful intentions. Sadly, while we respect you, first advisor, I am unable to trust your faction.
Throughout , we have acted with honour and candour. We would not accept a truce if we did not intend to respect it and felt that the best option was to maintain our vendetta status while we considered this weighty decision. Our last dispatch did promise to consider the idea and keep talks open.
Your prophet's response has been to insult us and call for other factions to attack us. It is now obvious that war is inevitable between us. I will continue to send emissaries to the peace talks but I hold out little hope for a negotiated settlement.
June 29, 2001, 12:42
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Year 2186 to Walt.
June 29, 2001, 14:28
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2186 to cbn.
June 29, 2001, 18:12
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2186 is done-- 2187 for the Cult
June 30, 2001, 08:23
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Turn to tench
June 30, 2001, 11:07
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Year 2187 to Walt.
Journal Entry, Year 2187
Lindley, Head of the Mindworm Trainers
Arrrgh! The mindworms call out to me! They are in agony! We Gaians have broken our promise to them, they say!
For the past several months, they have been yelling at my mind, invading my dreams, shreiking, crying ... They demand to know why we have abandoned them. When I told them that I don't understand, that I would never betray them, they showed me ... images ...
Images of settlers expanding out like locusts in a field of wheat and corn. Images of rampant, unchecked, and deliberate expansion projects. Images of industrial supply crawlers roving through the hills, multitudes of miners, pollution, destruction ... thermal boreholes slicing through Planet's flesh and plundering at her heart ... a massive construction project next to the shores at Lucky Autumn, disrupting the aquatic wildlife ...
The worms tell me that unless we Gaians return to our promise, they will no longer assist us. They even threatened to disrupt our industries actively. My mindworm trainers out in the field have reported that their latest attempts to communicate with wild wormboils have failed miserably, and they were forced to defend themselves. Luckily the worms already under their tutelage have not revolted, and the trainers assure me that there is no chance of that ever happening, even if we drastically poured nuclear waste down a borehole. But that is of little comfort to me, especially as the worm cries continue to drown out my very thoughts ...
I must consult Lady Deirdre about this. Surely she too has felt what I felt ... hasn't she?
June 30, 2001, 18:20
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2187 to cbn.
"In the commons at Gaia's Landing stands a tall white pine..."
- Lady Deirdre Skye, Conversations with Planet
"White pine . . . I can make a nice bookshelf out of that."
- Morton Stanley, craftsman, Morgan Industries, overheard at a lumber sale.
July 1, 2001, 09:45
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2187 to the Cult
" Enemy units in sight"
"All units prepare to fire"
Radio intercept in the Drone Cult frontier
July 1, 2001, 13:42
Local Time: 05:55
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2188 to Gaians.
Cultic battle report: One "Free" Drone unit destroyed, minor damage to our forces. Estimate destruction of remaining units shortly.  Drone reinforcements spotted, exactly where we expected them to be.
WNN Vidcast: Today, our glorious forces destroyed part of a Drone attack force attempting to seize one of our holy cities. The drones refused our peace offering, instead choosing to show their true plans by attempting to force us to submit. We have not given up hope that a peaceful settlement will be reached, but considering the intractableness of the leaders of the faction, there seems little chance that peace will reign in the near future.
July 1, 2001, 17:19
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Year 2188 to Walt.
Private Conversation between Lady Deirdre and Head Trainer Lindley
D: Tell me, my friend, what is troubling you?
L: Have you felt it? Have you heard the worms cry out in agony?
D: (bowing her head in shame) Yes, I have.
L: Then you are aware that they are crying because of us? Because we are polluting Planet? Have we indeed broken our promise to Planet and her mindworms?
D: We have not broken that promise, I assure you of that. It's just ... it's a temporary measure.
L: What are you talking about?
D: Lindley, have you seen the news reports several years back? The construction of a Tree Farm by the capitalistic Morganites is a tremendous accomplishment for both humankind and for Planet. It proves that human progress can go hand-in-hand with environmental responsibility. Not only that, but this achievement was made by a nation whom we thought only saw Planet as a strumpet to be taken. Ironically, it was their Free Market economy, which ironically pollutes the environment, that led to the development of the Tree Farm.
L: But you are against a Free Market economy! Are you having second thoughts --
D: Absolutely not! Instead, Druid Tenchusatsu has suggested a plan he calls "Pop Boom." This involves starting new development projects, expanding the population growth boundaries in each of our bases, and managing all of the headaches associated with such rapid growth. This involves a temporary abandonment of our beloved Green economy, and that is the reason for the mindworms' cries of anguish that you ... that we ... have felt.
L: Are you sure this is wise? What of your daily conversations with Planet?
D: Not a day goes by where I don't feel the anguish. I plead daily with Planet, telling her that these are mere growing pains for us, that we need to do this if we are to prevail over the less ecologically-minded factions out there like the Morganites. Or the Cyborgs. Or even the honorable but misguided Drones.
L: How long is this necessary? Wouldn't the resulting overpopulation be just as bad for Planet, if not worse?
D: This current project is scheduled to finish next year. We may institute future projects. And although I have the same worries as you do, the Druid assures me that as long as each and every citizen remains devoted to our cause, there is no danger that the increased population will result in further ecological damage. In fact, it might help Planet, knowing that she'll have more friends fighting and toiling on her behalf than ever before.
July 2, 2001, 10:43
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Rolling, rolling, rolling...
2188 to cbn.
July 2, 2001, 12:59
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2188 is done and 2189 to the Cult
Drone battle report
One unit lost to a Cultic impact rover-- The Cult rover has been destroyed and the area policed. Units then proceeded to capture Wellness of Souls.
Drone broadcast
Despite claims that our forces were "exactly where they expected them" the Cult failed to prevent the capture of Wellness of Souls. Free Drone officials in a prepared statement indicated that they have been welcomed by the population as liberators as the people were finally freed from religious oppression. Workers showed an immediate increase in productivity as a result of vastly improved working conditions.
On a sad note tonight we must report the loss of the 88th squad. Military officials indicate that they fought valiantly against superior forces and that the damage they inflicted was a key to capturing Wellness of Souls and the subsequent destruction of Cultist units in the region. Citizens in their home base of Free Drone Central mourn their loss and our thoughts are with them.
External affairs officials report that there have been no movement in the peace talks. The Cult has made no offer other than that the Drones should "trust them". Given the acrimonious history of the factions, this is not considered to be sufficient security.
July 2, 2001, 17:07
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turn to tench
July 2, 2001, 19:00
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Year 2189 to Walt.
And now, a special announcement from Druid Tenchusatsu, First Advisor to Lady Deirdre
"In order to lay the foundation for a strong and well-trained Gaian navy, we are proud to unveil the completion of our secret project, the Maritime Control Center. Located on the beautiful shores of Lucky Autumn, this will serve as the new headquarters of our Gaian naval forces. The efforts of the hard-working personnel within the MCC will assist our naval units, both armed and unarmed, conventional and native, in increasing their strategic range, speed, and maneuverability. Not only that, but the newly founded MCC Academy will immediately begin training a new corps of sailors and captains. This will no doubt improve the formerly lackluster morale of naval units commissioned in the future.
"We are confident that the MCC will fortify the security and sovereignty of the Gaian mainland and help build a bridge of peace and prosperity to all of our trading partners overseas."
July 2, 2001, 22:24
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2189 is done and gone to the Cult
July 3, 2001, 01:32
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2190 to Gaians.
July 3, 2001, 03:50
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Year 2190 to Walt.
Official Spokesperson of Gaia's Landing
"We are very concerned over the Drones occupation of the Cult base, Wellness of Souls. We strongly urge the two sides to lay down their arms and work towards peace. We understand the harsh realities of war, but if the Drones occupy another Cult base, we will be ... forced to issue stronger warnings."
Personal Log, Year 2190
Gaian Defense Minister
I can see it now. Santiago is busy writing Chapter 29 of the Spartan Battle Manual entitled "Defense against Stronger Warnings." It'll probably be a very short chapter, too. No wonder our military is the laughing stock of Planet.
July 3, 2001, 08:15
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First Advisor's personal log:
I've just come from a prolonged shouting match with the Prophet that nearly resulted in the entire military staff and I being fed to his personal worms.
He is insisting that we use native units and not these "new-fangled polluting mechanical war machines" to fight our battles. I wish he would see the fact that the Drone's Neural Amplifier would just fry our worms whenever they attacked. The native units are more expensive and difficult to produce and require higher levels of support than the human units do, while the Drones can crank human units out assembly line fashion.
Unless we learn to adapt to reality, our attempt to assist Planet to full awareness is doomed. I know the Prophet has the best interests of Planet's intelligence at heart... but... the best course of action is to continue in this pattern until the Drones accept our peace offerings. Prophet will not accept a submission pact if it came to that. Nor would I, unless it meant the difference between life and death for the Cult. Dierde's group has seen the same thing I have, that we must adapt by whatever means are necessary, despite Planet's protests. It is only for a little while. Then Planet can flourish like never before. How do I make Prophet see this?
July 3, 2001, 09:28
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OOPS Double post
July 3, 2001, 09:28
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Personal Log of foreman cbn
I hate war. I hate for our people to be doing anything other than building a better society for our people. The death of every soldier wrenches at me as I think of the families. But what else can I do ? The generals say that war is the "best" option to ensure the security of the nation. The intelligence services indicate that the Cult cannot be trusted to keep any peace they offer. If I accept peace now, while the Cult remains strong, they would only kill even more of our people later. This war saves lives -- I have to keep telling myself that . . . . This war saves lives . . . This war saves lives
Time to go make a public vidcast . . . I must be strong for my people. . . I hope this is the right thing
Public vidcast to the people of the Free Drones
My people
We are engaged in a struggle with an unrelenting enemy and it MUST continue. I know that there have been calls for immediate peace but I consider the situation in the context of this story.
A man breaks into your home and shoots your brother and sister. At the time you are unarmed but you spend all your savings to buy a gun. A few days later you encounter the man just outside your home and you manage to pull your gun first. The man sees you have the drop on him and smiles saying, " Let us have peace with one another. Trust me.". Meanwhile he remains armed and his arm hovers in the vicinity of his gun. If you let him go, he will remain in the area, roaming the neighborhood.
Would YOU allow the man to remain armed in your neighbourhood? I think not. That is why we must push the Cult back from our boundaries. We must reduce the threat that they pose to our people. We must never forget the horrors of 2172 and fight to ensure that such an event can never be repeated.
Just as there have been calls for peace there have been others calling for the eradication of the Cult. That is a barbaric idea since the Free Drones support the self-determination of all of Planets people. We only fight with those that attack or threaten us. We fight for the security of our own people. We fight for honour and freedom. We fight to ensure that 2172 never happens again ! Never again !
(The foreman exits to the continuing chants from the frenzied crowd of "Never again")
Channel 10 News
There was a startling development today when the foreman gave the strongest pro-war message of this conflict. Indications had been that the foreman, a long-standing pacifist and isolationist, was going to offer some peaceful words toward the Cult. Instead he roused the crowd with patriotic fervour by invoking memories of the massacre of '72 as he portrayed the conflict as necessary to prevent its repetition.
A high ranking cabinet official indicated that the intelligence and military services held a four hour meeting with the foreman to stress the need of a strong unifying message in his speech tonight. It appears to have worked as DNN instant polling indicates that 78% of the Free Drone population support continuing the conflict.
In related news, military officials had no comment on the military goals or targets that would provide a level of security sufficient to end the conflict. In a prepared statement, General Workerbee indicated that military targets are classified for the protection of the troops and that national security assessments of the Cult threat are ongoing.
The diplomatic service responded to news of Gaian concerns about the war with a prepared statement indicating that they will be approaching the Gaians "privately through diplomatic channels and hope to allay any concerns of their honoured friends". Sources close to the minister indicate that an envoy was sent to the Gaians to discuss the matter.
Turning to local news . . . . .
July 3, 2001, 10:14
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Originally posted by Tenchusatsu
I can see it now. Santiago is busy writing Chapter 29 of the Spartan Battle Manual entitled "Defense against Stronger Warnings." It'll probably be a very short chapter, too. No wonder our military is the laughing stock of Planet.
Hey! Wait a minute! We Morganites have worked very hard to ensure that our military is the laughing stock of Planet. Don't go usurping our hard-won titles...
2190 to cbn.
Good turn rate, guys.
July 3, 2001, 11:41
Local Time: 05:55
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Posts: 910
Fine. I surrender. Never had a chance with all of the stupid mistakes the other players made.
Last edited by NorthSwordsman; July 3, 2001 at 12:04.
July 3, 2001, 12:49
Local Time: 07:25
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I removed a lengthy response to the post that North swordsman has since removed.
I have enjoyed NorthSwordsmans interplay on the boards and hope that he can see fit to continue. I understand the frustrataion of playing a tough situation as a replacement but I am trying to win a GAME here and letting up on a declared enemy when you have an advantage is not usually how you win.
Last edited by cbn; July 3, 2001 at 15:17.
July 3, 2001, 12:49
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Public Statement, Lady Deirdre Skye
"We humbly but urgently ask the Drones and the Cult to settle their differences peacefully. We also ask that the Cult take back their offer of surrender and that the Drones allow them to continue existing as a sovereign nation. It pains me to see the same mistakes made on Earth now being made once again on Planet. Yes, I realize that history repeats itself, but never before in history has humankind been given a chance to start anew on literally a new world. We must break the cycle of violence and conquest, or else we will all meet the same demise as Earth."
Comments made by the Gaian Defense Minister after the Public Statement
Personally, I'm skeptical there will be any peaceful resolution in the Drone-Cult conflict. I feel like we're acting like the United States back in the early 21st century trying to broker a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Despite their best attempts at peace, terrorists and vengeance-minded vigilantes always managed to sabotage peace with shameful acts of violence. There was basically no trust between the two sides, and who can blame them? If I were in the Cult or the Drones' shoes, I sure wouldn't trust the other side.
I admire the Lady's tenacity and willingless to work towards peace. I just hope she's not naive to the harsh realities of human nature.
July 3, 2001, 14:13
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Speaking of real-world parallels, this game is teaching me a lot about international politics, balance of power, trust vs. bitterness, etc. It would be a shame to see Randy quit out on us now.
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