July 8, 2001, 08:24
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Turn 2196 is done (no time for storyline right now) and on to the Cult
July 8, 2001, 08:45
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2197 to the Gaians.
July 8, 2001, 13:38
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Year 2197 to Walt.
Personal Log, Year 2197
Captain Riley, Sword of Gaia
My sailors are taking some well-deserved shore leave while the ship is undergoing repairs at Lily of the Valley. I must say, this is only the second time I've ever visited this colony, and the last time I never even got a chance to look at the Uranium Flats. Already the once untamed Flats are now showing signs of development. Though in typical Gaian fashion, our workers are extra careful to follow the contours and patterns of Planet's lands, avoiding where the psionic advisors say is ecologically sensitive.
Meanwhile, I have just received an e-mail from the Defense Minister. It has been hastily composed and consists only of a single sentence, "Our Vendetta with the Cyborgs has finally ended." The D.M. was unavailable at this time, but once he is, I'll be sure to ask him the terms of peace and what this means for our ship. I really doubt that we'll be decommissioned despite the fact that we are no longer at war with anyone anymore. I have a bad feeling that our services may be needed again very shortly.
Speaking of which, I just noticed that in the Planetary Leadership Reports, we Gaians have just been rated #1 in the area of military strength! No doubt the top brass will want to give us medals, ceremonies, and other forms of recognition for our part in this achievement. But I can't but wonder if somehow this "achievement" was only made because other factions have either disbanded their troops or lost them in battle with their enemies. I wish I could see the look on Lady Deirdre's face when she realizes she's the head of the strongest military on Planet, at least for the time-being. Maybe the budget for our military will be slashed, as if it even had much of a budget in the first place. LOL!
Intelligence Report, Year 2197
(Note: The Defense Minister did not have a chance to open this report until after the peace treaty went through.)
For some odd reason, the massive buildup of Cyborg troops at their home bases has been reversed. Also, the Cyborgs have switched to a Free Market economy and shifted their focus away from military projects toward domestic ones.
Furthermore, the attitude of the citizens suggest that they are becoming very weary of war. Our infiltrators among the citizens have confirmed this new attitude first-hand. There are even rumors that Aki Zeta 5 herself is willing to talk peace.
July 8, 2001, 20:27
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2197 didn't make it to me: the email was attachment-less. I've emailed Tench, but Tench, I'm just posting here in case you look here before checking email.
July 9, 2001, 11:13
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2197 to cbn.
July 9, 2001, 11:25
Local Time: 07:25
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Walt obviously got the turn since now I have it. I will play at 1800 Apolyton time after work. In the meantime . . .
Foreman cbn's personal log
Those generals are at me again to increase the military budget. They say that the Cult cannot be trusted to keep the peace but now have added complaints about our failure to keep up with "Gaian Military prowess". They say we need more ships to compensate for the Gaians super-fast cruisers and the IODs ability to lurk through fungus. NO matter how often I point out that we are at peace with the Gaians they don't seem to listen. They keep mumbling about maintaining the balance of power or some such.
The Free Drones have pledged themselves to an intensive tree farming project in the interests of protecting the Planet. The Free Drones see this as a worthy endeavour in its own right . WE trust that the threat of grave consequences by the Cult was a reference to the ecological risk and was not a reference to possible military action. Our peace has been fragile and I hope that it may be maintained.
July 9, 2001, 18:48
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2197 has passed-- 2198 starts for the Cult
July 9, 2001, 20:37
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2198 to the Gaians.
Planet Cult Offical Press Statement:
We wish to reassure Foreman Cbn of the Free Drones that the statement was not intended to be a statement of future military action against him. We are aware that the military of the Free Drones has little faith in the negotiation abilities of the Foreman to procure a lasting treaty. To date, we have kept the treaty obligations for 6 years now without any intentional breach.
The statement was directed toward those of Planet who wish to plunder the mineral wealth of this lovely world. There will be grave consequences to the environment and relationships between factions if these courses of action continue.
We therefore urge that all factions adopt a "Green" stance toward Planet to preserve the way of life of the native species of this world. Unlike those of Earth who were torn away from their land, the native species will defend themselves against this incursion, with serious and grave consequences to us all.
Last edited by NorthSwordsman; July 9, 2001 at 20:55.
July 10, 2001, 01:09
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Year 2198 to Walt.
Personal Log, Year 2198
Druid Tenchusatsu, First Advisor to Lady Deirdre
Seems like the Spartans are now at war with the Peacekeepers. I knew Santiago and Lal would never be able to get along. This time, however, even Lady Deirdre knows that cries for peace will not be heard, since Santiago is clearly being the aggressor here. I fear we may be called upon to defend the Peacekeepers from the warlike Spartans. Either that, or the Spartans will declare Vendetta on us anyway, since I sense they aren't really fond of us in the first place, despite the peace treaty we signed several years ago.
July 10, 2001, 10:21
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2198 to cbn.
July 10, 2001, 18:21
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2199 to the Gaians.
July 10, 2001, 22:22
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Year 2199 to Walt.
Journal Entry, Year 2199
Lindley, Head of the Mindworm Trainers
The worms are celebrating the completion of several Tree Farms on the Gaian mainland. They pull me into their world. They sing new worm songs, which has now taken on joyous, melodious tones. They dance around me ... I dance with them. They welcome us, their honored guests, into the celebration, along with "earthtree" and "earthflower" and "earthfarm." I see images of harmony between our plant and tree hybrids and Planet's wild fauna, fungus, and towers. Everything looks more beautiful than I could have ever imagined it ...
... and then all of a sudden the images shift dramatically. I see waste. Pollution. Waters clouded by industrial wastes. The air shrouded by dark smokestacks from factories. Human development tearing at Planet's delicate skin, raping her, ripping out her heart, her vital organs. The fungus, Planet's immune system, tries desperately to fight against the polluters, the insensitive, but they are too strong, too numerous for even an entire Planet to combat ... AAARGHHH!!!
I shout in desperation, "This is terrible! Who is doing this? Are we doing this? Have my people broken their promise to you again? I assure you, they mean no harm; they want to do what is best for both Planet and humans together!"
The worms reply in unison, "no ... once you just like that, but no more. we forgive you. you now our friends again. we now help you with food and treefarm and energy. you now doing well without hurt us."
"Then tell me, why are you showing me this? Who is it? Who is doing this?"
And then they answer ...
... and I tremble. For I know our dedication to Planet will soon be tested ...
July 11, 2001, 08:54
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News at Noon report
In an address to the Sierra Club at Whipsaw Base today the Free Drone minister of the Environment made a number of sweeping announcements designed to heighten environmental protection. he stated, " these initiatives will place us at the forefront in terms of protecting Planet and we welcome the input of other factions as to how we might better protect the environment we all share".
The minister announced a 7 point plan which involved:
1. The completion of 2 Tree farms within two years with a further six within a decade
2. A moratorium on new boreholing until a complete environmental assessment of the effects has been completed. The Free Drones wish to announce their support for a panel to include representation of all factions and of the native life and to be co-chaired by the Gaians and the Cult.
3. An intensified forestation plan
4. The completion of Centauri Preserves and Temples of Planet as soon as possible. The Free Drones expect that the Gaians will make the appropriate technologies freely available to all factions since they are so concerned about these issues.
5. An immediate move away from a Free Market economy. The Free Drones have adopted a Planned economy to lessen environmental damage.
6. A research grant for mindworm research.
7. The declaration of North Island Planet park. This large patch of fungus within Free Drone territory (due North of the land of the Morganites) will be maintained as pristine and untouched land to preserve natural habitat.
This far-reaching initiative exceeds the measures taken by any other faction to protect Planet from industrial development.
Later that evening Foreman cbn did a vidcast address to all the people of Planet.
" My fellow citizens,
Today we were pleased to announce the strongest environmental protection plan that Planet has ever seen. WE share the concern of the other factions and hope to work with them to protect the environment we all share. Thats why we call all factions to join us in setting up a world wide impact assessment panel to review industrial development. We propose boreholing as the first topic in what could be a review of all activities on Planet. We acknowledge the greater knowledge of the Cult and Gaians in these matters and ask that they use their expertise in setting up such a panel.
WE do not wish to just talk about the environment, we are taking immediate steps to implement our plan. We have rejected Free Market government and prioritized tree farms. The Free Drones are proud to announce the first totally pristine parkland on Planet.
We now call on the other factions of Planet to show their resolve as well. WE have set out our plan and are willing to consider suggestions as to how we can do more. I challenge the other factions to set forth their plans rather than just talking in generalities. The first step would be a pledge to share technologies that allow better pollution reducing facilities. Citizens , you too can make a difference. Speak up and raise your concerns. Planet will be better for it."
In other news the Channel 6 has learned that the Free Drones are nearing completion of a secret project know as the Longevity Vaccine. While we have been unable to ascertain details as to its purpose an unnamed source did say that the Free Drones will become much more "content" upon its completion. We are informed that it will be completed in 2199.
July 11, 2001, 11:07
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2199 to cbn.
July 11, 2001, 13:37
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The Free Drones note that the Morganites have been struck speechless by the environmental initiative of the Free Drones. We hope after the shock wears off that they will examine their own options in this regard.
July 11, 2001, 16:03
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Among much fanfare the Free Drones heralded the new century (although purists continue to argue that the new century begins in 2201). At celebrations at Free Drone Central, Foreman cbn saluted the other factions for their committment to peace.
July 12, 2001, 00:12
Local Time: 05:55
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Turn 2200 to the Gaians.
Planet Cult Offical Press Release:
We are heartened by the actions of the the Free Drone faction in taking a step towards a more environment-friendly stance. We applaud the Foreman's foresight and wisdom, and condemn those who have not had the same attributes toward Planet.
Personal Log, First Advisor:
As we enter into the last year of our first century upon this wonderful Planet, I contemplate the damage we have caused by our actions. I am amazed that Planet has not responded in a more violent fashion that it has to date. The Prophet insists that our given role is that of defender of Planet. I concur. The only question is, when and where?
Planet Cult Offical Military Press Release:
Major Harkness, the commander of the 1st Worm Battalion stationed at the FreeDrone-Cult border, was found guilty in a military tribunal this morning of deleriction of duty in connection with an attemped border crossing of several men and women on their way to a local "watering hole". Harkness was stripped of his rank, given an dishonorable discharge, and assigned as a tender of fungus on the north continent.
Planet Cult Offical Military Press Release:
6 men and women of the 1st Worm Battalion on duty at the Drone-Cult border were apprehended attempting to cross the border enroute to a local recreation center. As stipulated in Military Order #FA8320-21b, they were duly executed after a brief trial.
July 12, 2001, 02:30
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Year 2200 to Walt.
Public Proclamation
Druid Tenchusatsu, First Advisor to Lady Deirdre
We hereby announce our Pact of Brotherhood with Walt of the Morganites. Not only has Walt demonstrated great concern for Planet's well-being with his development of the first Tree Farm, but he has also offered to help us upgrade all of our Network Nodes to avoid the Y2.2K bug.
E-mail to Foreman CBN of the Drones
Druid Tenchusatsu, First Advisor to Lady Deirdre
I apologize for responding to your e-mail in such an untimely fashion. I must admit that my schedule is quite full, but I still place top priority on maintaining healthy relations with you. Please do not take this as a sign to the contrary.
I am quite pleased that you have instituted major environmental programs as of late. Certainly your industrial capacity is the envy of Planet, but as we all know, the hidden costs of such production is pollution and environmental destruction. And in the long run, this no doubt hurts us all as visitors on a possibly sentient Planet. Of course, we Gaians want to be a shining example to the rest of Planet, demonstrating that humans and Planetlife alike can not only exist together, but also work together for the mutual benefit of all. Your recent attention to Planet's environment warms my heart, and I'm sure it will also warm Lady Deirdre's as well.
However, I do not know why you find the need to warn us against violence. Certainly you know about Lady Deirdre's long-standing policy against war. In fact, we recently brokered a peace agreement between the warlike Spartans and the erratic Peacekeepers, despite Commissioner Lal's previous demands for us to join them in war. And by the way, I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but Lal also demanded that we join him in his quixotic Vendetta against you. We refused, of course. Later we broke our Pact with the PKs, mainly because I suspected Lal merely wanted to use us to fund his "peacekeeping" (hah!) military operations. My fear is that they may extort energy from us and threaten us with war. I hope and pray that they don't, but if they do, we will do everything necessary to bring a swift end to such a war and minimize the casualties.
I must admit, however, that there is a small but vocal group of radical citizens within our nation who are calling for direct action against Planet's polluters. They are advocating eco-terrorism, mind control, even outright war to harass and destroy those who they believe are enemies of Planet. Now personally, I do not share their views, because the end does not justify the means. In fact, eco-terrorism is perhaps the most hypocritical act of any Gaian, and if any of our citizens engage in such heinous crimes, I will personally hunt them down and bring them to justice.
Finally, you are right that our empaths have been greatly distressed recently over the state of Planet's ecology. I do not pretend to have any telepathic abilities; I am an administrator at heart, and my title as "Druid" is only a formality. Therefore, I cannot begin to understand the mysterious xeno-psychology of the mindworms. That is Lady Deirdre's area of expertise, not mine. Yet she has been rather busy herself as of late, consulting the senior empaths, taking long trips into the Planet psyche (sometimes for many days at a time, emerging ematiated and malnourished), and withdrawing to her private gardens often. I do not know what is troubling her, but because she has left me with the bulk of her normal responsibilities, I have not found the time to ask.
In conclusion, I hope this e-mail allays any concerns you may have regarding our hopes and intentions. Let's schedule a face-to-face meeting via vid-comm in the near future. I wish to hear how your nation of Free Drones are doing these days.
July 12, 2001, 05:10
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Honored first advisor
I welcome and appreciate your kind words. We hope,with your technical assistence we may join you in a greater understanding of Planet. I would like to raise 4 points that I would like to address:
1. Are you willing to freely share ecological technology since it is your stated purpose to assist Planet so?
2. Are you willing to designate parkland in your territory (NO DEVELOPMENT WHATSOEVER) as we have done ?
3. The use of the word "warn" in your public response to a private communication sounds more ominous than anything I said. I am well aware of your long-standing reputation for peace but had heard troubling rumours that the ecological devastation caused by some on Planet was a real concern to you and you might find yourself forced to act in a military fashion. I merely offered the notion that military action would likely cause more ecodamage than any damage you were trying to prevent.
4. Lastly, our production methods are the LEAST environmentally destructive on Planet. WE have instituted production efficiencies and programs of recycling and reuse that mean that ANYTHING we build requires less minerals or energy than the same item constructed by any faction, including you. Simply put, we use less resources to accomplish the same goals. Any look at our empire will confirm that we have forested heavily and are now relying heavily on the tidal harness for energy. A tidal harness has no negative ecological effects and is a clean source of renewable energy that depletes NO natural resources. Our government has made its share of errors in the past but our environmental policy and practice is as far-reaching and forward thinking as that of ANY other faction on Planet.
July 12, 2001, 19:58
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turn to tench.
July 12, 2001, 20:48
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E-mail to Foreman CBN of the Drones
Druid Tenchusatsu, First Advisor to Lady Deirdre
Thank you for your quick and civilized response. Unlike before, I will respond to your correspondence in a more timely manner, starting with this one.
To address your questions one-by-one:
1) I'm afraid I cannot divulge top-secret information, even technologies that improve the environment. Some of our senior advisors are worried that should an unscrupulous leader obtain such technologies, they would use it as a license to increase industrial production and return to their former levels of pollution.
2) I am pleased to hear of your declaration of North Island Planet park. However, I don't believe in arbitrarily claiming a patch of virgin territory far off the coast of my mainland and declaring it a "park" just for the sake of token environmentalism. Instead, real environmentalism involves sacrifices and major changes in lifestyles. This differs sharply from the so-called "environmentalism" of the early 21st century. Back then, scores of citizens claimed to be environmentalists, but drove ancient Rovers called "Sport Utility Vehicles" which needlessly wasted fossil fuels of the time. Then when the prices of those fuels skyrocketed due to overconsumption, they quickly abandoned their environmental beliefs and demanded increased fossil fuel drilling. You know the terrible wars and destruction which followed just for the competition of such limited resources. We must never make that same mistake again on Planet as humans have made on Earth.
We believe that our system of Green economics is the best way to take care of Planet's ecosystem. We lose the economical benefits of a Free Market, and we lose the growth and industrial benefits of a Planned economy. In fact, living conditions in a Green economy are necessarily harsh and growth boundaries are so restrictive that population growth takes a substantial hit. But in exchange, we naturally improve our empathy with Planet and make environmentalism a core character value of every citizen. The side benefit is an increase in economic efficiency due to the integrity of all of our citizens as well as their dedication to the Green cause.
I must admit that we are not slavishly dedicated to this Green system. In fact, we occassionally switch to a Planned economy so that we can micromanage the expansion of our growth boundaries and allow for Population Booms. But we make sure to switch back to a Green economy once we decide that the growth boundaries cannot extend any further. I have heard that your nation is strongly opposed to a Green economy just as Lady Deirdre is opposed to a Free Market. I have to wonder why you are so opposed to this system. Does it run contrary to your egalitarian ideals, or is there something else I'm missing?
3) I understand your concerns and wish to apologize for overly alarming you with the word "warn." By the way, I was not aware that our correspondence was being made public. My impression was that our e-mails were being sent securely and privately. Perhaps some news agency feels it is important to breach this privacy in the shameless pursuit for a story? Maybe it's the work of the elusive Datajack Sinder Roze. Or maybe it's due to one of our engineers who spends way too much time playing video games on our Network Nodes. Maybe he hacks into our e-mails and publish them on open forums just because he is bored. I can't imagine why.
4) I am impressed that your nation is able to produce everything at a significantly lower cost of materials than any other nation. It speaks wonders of the efficiency at which your factories run, and our industrial engineers can definitely learn a thing or two from your foremen. Also, I am also pleased to hear about your extensive use of tidal generators and forests. Like us, you are demonstrating ways to benefit from Planet's resources without hurting the enviornment in the process. Yet as I mentioned before, true environmentalism isn't measured by the efficiency of your factories, but by the core values of the heart. Any efficiently run factory can still cough up smoke and dump waste. But it is up to each and every citizen in your nation to take up the cause for Planet. I see you have already taken many steps toward this cause, and I hope to see more. I'm sure Lady Deirdre would feel the same way once I inform her of your new environmental initiatives.
Last edited by Tenchusatsu; July 12, 2001 at 20:53.
July 12, 2001, 22:41
Local Time: 10:55
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Year 2201 to Walt.
Transcript of Security Camera Footage
Hallway just outside of Lady Deirdre's private quarters
(Druid Tenchusatsu walks up to the door of Deirdre's quarters)
T: Lady Deirdre, it's me. Are you there?
T: We need to talk. This is the time and day you told me you'd be available. Are you there?
T: (speaking into his wrist computer) Computer, locate Lady Deirdre.
C: (in a melodious, synthesized male voice) "Lady Deirdre is in her quarters."
T: Activate infrared bioscan and see if she's alive and OK.
C: (after a few seconds) Lady Deirdre's lifesigns are normal, however her pulse is slightly weak and her breathing patterns are slow.
T: Great, she's done it again. Activate security lock override, authorization "Tenchusatsu Rho-Alpha-Iota." Summon the medics and empaths to her quarters.
(Doors slide open to Lady Deirdre's quarters. The only light shining into the room is coming from the only bright object in the "night" sky, Hercules, a.k.a. Alpha Centauri B. The dim orange light goes through the huge curved glass wall and illuminates the room. In the center, Lady Deirdre lies unconcious, wearing nothing but her meditation gown, a silk yellow-green translucent wisp of an outfit. The Druid walks over, wakes Deirdre up, and slings her arm over his shoulders.)
T: Come on, Lady Deirdre, get up now. Time to head to the doctor's office again. (mockingly) You've got to learn to come back before dinnertime, young lady! I know playing psionic mind games with Planet is fun, but a growing lady like yourself could get hurt!
D: (slowly regaining conciousness, in a whisper) Druid ... I ... need to go back. I ... need to ... know more ... learn more. Don't worry about me, Planet won't let me go. I promise.
T: Yeah, well, that's exactly what I'm worried about, so you're going to the medical unit no matter what. We can talk later.
Boy, I never thought I'd get THIS carried away with our role-playing. Maybe I should start frequenting the AC Fan Fiction threads.
July 13, 2001, 07:43
Local Time: 05:55
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Posts: 910
Tench, I agree! I have to admit, "roleplaying" this whole thing certainly adds a great deal of zest and interest for me. I find myself looking forward to the next turn and seeing what everyone posts! This is FUN!
Personal Log, Fungus Tender Harkness:
After being demoted and sent off to this forsaken patch of fungus on the north continent, I find myself angry. Tending fungus isn't all that easy, especially when a spore launcher pops up outta nowhere and says "HI". I'm angry because of the unfairness of the whole situation. It isn't my fault those fungus lice wanted to cross the blasted border on their way to that idiotic bar called "Rosie's". I thought the Drones closed it down. Apparently they are still doing business unoffically.  At least they died for trying to get a drink. Doesn't make me feel any better.  Northswordsman is not a very forgiving or understanding fellah. Beats me what that kid Cha'Dawn sees in him as an advisor. Heck, a hatchling worm could do better. Then again, isn't that what Cheese Dong is? There must be a way to get rid of that advisor and supplant him. Then we can take our rightful place as the rulers of this planet.
July 13, 2001, 09:45
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Personal Log-- Huxley Soma-- Intelligence chief of the Free Drones
Sometimes I think the foreman is just too trusting of the other factions--- but I have no clear evidence that they wil be anything other than peaceful. Its just a feeling but these things are starting to pile up. The Gaians are making all kinds of noises about taking action to protect Planet and recent reports tell me there are two IODs in the vicinity of my coasts. While the first advisor seems trustworthy there are concerns about the attitude of Lady Deidre. Also both the Gaians and Morganites have expressed concern about the size of our empire. Then they pact. It might be just for trade but it could be a military pact as well. I'll have to get the computer division to run their scenarios if attacked by both. each is formidable alone . . . .
I really don't understand the foreman sometime. We could build a strong military so that we could be safe against military action. But NOOOO the smarty pants foreman decides its better to appease the Gaians with a whole bunch of environmental initiatives. Now with the recent pacting of two factions he had the gall to tell me I "worry too much". Heck thats what they pay me to do and I better stay alert since the foreman seems oblivious to any possible dangers out there
Cabinet memo to the Foreman from Finance Minister Paul Martin jr.
As requested I have compiled the estimates and budget requests from the various departments along with our recommended allocation. We have a projected revenure of 1.1 billion Dronars
DEPT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Request . . . . . . . . Allocation
Administration . . . . . . .275 M . . . . . . . . . . 260M
Public works. . . . . . . . 250 M . . . . . . . . . . . 250M
Intelligence . . . . . . . . . .150 M . . . . . . . . . . . 25M
Military . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 M . . . . . . . . . . . .150 M
Environment . . . . . . . . 400 M . . . . . . . . . . . . 400M
Parks and Lands. . . . . . . 40 M . . . . . . . . . . . 40M
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.915 Billion . . . . . . . 1.125 Billion
In accordance with your policy directive, Environment and Parks were provided full funding as was Public works to allow for needed infrastructure. Funding of the intelligence and military services has been cut drastically thereby making any new programs untenable for them.
Internal Military memo -- Identities classified
Recent budget cuts will cripple our military's ability to defend itself. The politicians are obviously also trying to pressure us into abandoning project Omega. Thankfully, the military is entirely free to allocate its budget as it sees fit.
To maintain the Omega project you are directed to
1. Close the Rover plant at Staples of Life
2. Close the military museum at Free Drone Central
3. Close the training bases at Whipsaw Base and Freedom Foundary
The politicians should know better than to slash our budget like this. Don't they know that the military understands the political process as well
One week later
Channel 10 news
Finance Minister Martin today announced special funding to allow 4 major military installations to remain open. The government had come under fire earlier this week when it was announced that budgetary cutbacks would result in the closure . . . . .
These closures would have resulted in hundreds of lost jobs in the economically depressed region Of East Dronesland. Local MSA's pledged that they would continue to fight for funding for the bases into the future as the military bases constitute the only major industry in those communities.
Last edited by cbn; July 14, 2001 at 05:54.
July 13, 2001, 17:09
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2201 to cbn.
Morgan Industries (AP): In a startling report, the Vice President of Census, Yen Ching Sternmeyer, today announced that the Morganites are losing waking population, and are having to supplement the population of their existing bases with newly-wakened cryogenically frozen colonists. When asked why Morganites are emigrating to the burgeoning bases of the Drones and Gaians, Sternmeyer expressed no opinion.
Morgan News, however, interviewed emigrees at the Morgan Industries trans-Planet docks.
One emigree, Harvey Hasselkopf, said simply, "It's boring here."
July 13, 2001, 17:55
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Turn 2101 to the Cult
July 13, 2001, 18:53
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Posts: 910
2202 to Gaians.
July 13, 2001, 20:33
Local Time: 10:55
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Portland, OR (rolling and very rainy)
Posts: 230
Year 2202 to Walt.
From: Department of the Interior, Head Administrator
To: Druid Tenchusatsu
Congratulations, my friend. We are now the most populous nation on all of Planet. I must say, your "Family First" program is really paying off. Increasing the child tax credit, prioritizing construction of Children's Creches even in our most remote colonies, improving our tourism industry, and meticulously expanding out our urban growth boundaries have all contributed to this success.
Unfortunately, I am concerned about the ... er ... how shall I put it ... You see, some people are taking this "Pop Boom" thing a little too seriously, and they're using it as an excuse to ... uh ... sow their oats all around the field, if you catch my drift. I understand that promoting fatherhood is a key part of your program, but I think they might be taking the theme a little too far. Even today, I watched a variety show on the vidscreen, and they were holding a contest they call the "Breeder's Cup," where couples race to be the first ones to have a child.
I know I shouldn't worry about this, that the citizens could use a little recreation now and then. But we've had to build more hospitals and train more doctors than ever before in order to deal with the births, the psychotherapy, and all the other headaches of overpopulation. Plus we are able to produce a bumper crop every year thanks to our Tree Farms and Lady Deirdre's "secret recipe" of 11 fungal herbs and spices, but how long do you think the food will last?
I know you're rather busy these days, so I won't waste any more of your time. Just get back to me whenever. Thanks, and I'll talk to you later.
July 14, 2001, 04:34
Local Time: 05:55
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 910
Cult Military Intelligence Memo #8923498572
classification: Ultra Secret
To: Ultra List receiptents
Recently, we obtained through clandestine means a copy of the proposed Free Drone budget for the next fiscal year, thanks to their press. We conclude that the budget as published hides much of their military agenda and spending within non-published "slush fund" items. All senior commanders and leaders are cautioned to continue to be on alert.
General Millings,
Chief of Intelligence
July 14, 2001, 07:01
Local Time: 05:55
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 910
Hearing between a sergeant and 2 troopers, Cult/Free Drone border:
Sgt. Robinson: Ok, Parsimmons, what happened?
Parsimmons: Suvako here insulted Raymie, my pet worm, sir.
Sgt Robinson: That's still no reason to be fighting. Suvako, what's your version of this whole thing?
Suvako: Well, Jack came up with that worm draped on his shoulder like so (demonstrates), strutting around like he was some kinda bigshot 'cuz he got a worm yesterday, and the rest of us don't. Then he tole' me to go get him a drink or he would sic his worm on me. I told him his worm was a (mumble, unintelligible), and he took a swing at me. Missed too. I popped him one and decked him. That's about it, sir.
Sgt. Robinson: What did you call the worm?
Suvako: A Free Drone slut, sir.
Sgt. Robinson (wincing): Suvako, you just... (sighing).... calling mindworms names is not going to endear you to anyone in command. Parsimmons, what kinda damage did you take? Was the worm hurt?
Parsimmons: Just a couple a' teeth knocked out, no big deal, they was rotten anyways. The worm hit the dirt, but gave Suvy a little bit of a blast.
Sgt. Robinson: Suvako deserved that, I think. Apparently it wasn't too bad of a Psi blast if you are still talking and walking. Suvako, how are you feeling?
Suvako: Headache. I'll live. Sir.
Sgt. Robinson: Suvako, go see the medics for treatment. You're on KP duty for a week. See Corporal Burns for your duties. Parsimmons, cool your mouth off. If you get in another fight because of this, you'll lose that worm... what did you call him?
Parsimmons: Raymie, sir.
Sgt. Robinson: Right. Odd name for a worm.
Parsimmons: Dunno. Just like the name. Reminds me of my brother back on Earth.
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