Interesting points. I should have admitted up-front that I have never tried anything but the tree stragey. It's so darn easy. So, take into account that rather significant ignorance.
-"How many Crawlers can one build in the same time it takes to build a TF or HF?"
Probably four or five? ButI'm building those two improvements anyway.
-"there is a 'faction wide' effect of these facilities"
I did not know that! Very cool. Is that feature at all documented?
-"Good to see you are still around."
Same to you. I miss typing F
ritz on OT.
-"crawlering out of radius boreholes"
I realize that you are losing half, but you do get the nice toggle option. (And you only get one resource for any crawlered square.) For example, don't you hate it when you do a partial purchase and miscalculate by just a mineral or two? Just switch a crawler for one turn. Of course, there is also the abilty to do a serious rush-build. If you have your cities and boreholes on a mag-tube network, you can really get creative.
I do put in tidal harnesses with enout ocean squares, but what you are describing sounds like an in-base terraform (since improvements like inducers only work in-radius, right?). So, I'm not sure that is an either-or choice.
-"three boreholes as that too involves considerable terraforming time"
Yes, but what else do my formers have to do once the roads are in? Building forests takes no time, and some happen all by themselves (another attribute). I have one per base after building the WP, then another a bit later. The third one only comes in after the HF, which again I build anyway.
-"I didn't think you harsh at all."
Glad to hear it, but I'm being way over-mellow for this on-topic thread!
-"if you build a HF . . . that point is kind of moot."
Not really. My point was that people tend to crank up production and get eco damage that way. Not only do trees mitigate that (I think?), but if they get fungused it's not a big deal.
Anyway, I'm just yammering.