June 22, 2001, 11:12
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Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Novice Needs Strategic Help
What settings (map size, difficulty level, etc.) do you recommend that I use for my first game of CTP II? And what strategy (government, etc.) would you recommend?
Here's some background to help you answer those questions.
Although I have played Civ, Civ II, and Alpha Centauri (but never at the two highest levels), I have not played CTP or CTP II.
My strategy for the Civ games has always been an attempt, using peaceful means if possible, to win by going for the tech goal, the space ship. I used subversion a great deal (creating dozens of diplomat/spies and then buying off units and cities without causing a war or diplomatic incident). I enjoy being subtle and sneaky. I find it a greater challenge than head-on confrontation, although I certainly don't mind an occasional skirmish. The main problem, of course, with an all-out war is that it detracts from my tech goal.
Well, having read through the CTP II manual, I was very disappointed to find that the game designers evidently didn't care much for the tremendous powers that diplomats and spies had in the other Civ games. If I have understood the manual correctly, it is impossible to win a city over to your side by subverting it! What a bummer! The nearest thing to it in CTP II seems to be forcing a city to secede from its empire and become "neutral," which is a horse of a very different color.
Nor can you buy off (or expel) an enemy military unit that is pirating your trade. To stop him, if the ruler of the empire to which he belongs repeatedly refuses to remove him, you have to declare war (if you want to keep your diplomatic reputation with the other nations by "following the rules of war") and then either kill or enslave him.
In Civ, etc., if I wasn't ready to declare war, I often bought off enemy military units that had stationed themselves within or just outside the borders of my empire.
So I'm going to have to change my strategy. Is anyone ever able to reach the tech (science) goal in this game? It seems designed to be very combat oriented, and I'm really not that familiar with military tactics and strategy -- or, in this game, with how diplomacy and other noncombat methods (slavery, etc.) work.
So -- can any of you help me out with any suggestions? I'd sure appreciate it. Having read through a number of your posts, I am AWED by your expertise, lemme tell ya! Thanks in advance!
And, er, how do I insert smilies into messages?
June 22, 2001, 11:43
Local Time: 07:00
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington Township, NJ USA
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You seem like a veteran Civ-game player.
Therefore, trust me, set the CTP2 game to Impossible and just play it. If you don't win, no big deal it was your first game. On the other hand if you do win... you can brag that your first-ever CTP2 game was won on impossible.
Based on my experience with the CTP2 AI, I think you'll earn those bragging rights with no problem.
- Skeeve
My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
June 22, 2001, 11:45
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Re: Novice Needs Strategic Help
What settings (map size, difficulty level, etc.) do you recommend that I use for my first game of CTP II? And what strategy (government, etc.) would you recommend?
For the very first game, i would recommend medium level, medium or huge map, 3rd hardest barbarians. Play it through, have some fun, kick the merry hell out of the AI.
As for strategy, it depend on how you want to win. It is very difficult to avoid conquering a civ or three. You will probably end up having nothing to build except units. (Though caravans are very useful if you want loads of gold)
Although I have played Civ, Civ II, and Alpha Centauri (but never at the two highest levels), I have not played CTP or CTP II.
Prince in Civ2 = Impossible in CTP2
My strategy for the Civ games has always been an attempt, using peaceful means if possible, to win by going for the tech goal, the space ship.
You will go to war. The AI will attack you, and it will be easy to beat them back and take all their cities. For the science victory you need to control 60% of the world between you and your allies. The best way to do this is to totally intimidate the weaker civs into an alliance, and destroy the most powerful, preferably on the other side of the world.
I used subversion a great deal (creating dozens of diplomat/spies and then buying off units and cities without causing a war or diplomatic incident). I enjoy being subtle and sneaky. I find it a greater challenge than head-on confrontation, although I certainly don't mind an occasional skirmish. The main problem, of course, with an all-out war is that it detracts from my tech goal.
With default settings, tech won't suffer from a major war much at all.
Well, having read through the CTP II manual, I was very disappointed to find that the game designers evidently didn't care much for the tremendous powers that diplomats and spies had in the other Civ games. If I have understood the manual correctly, it is impossible to win a city over to your side by subverting it! What a bummer! The nearest thing to it in CTP II seems to be forcing a city to secede from its empire and become "neutral," which is a horse of a very different color.
You can incide a rebellion in enemy cities, but this constitutes an act of war. (Not that it really matters unless you want a diplo victory.
Nor can you buy off (or expel) an enemy military unit that is pirating your trade.
If you download the PoW mod from here then you can capture enemy units after a battle.
To stop him, if the ruler of the empire to which he belongs repeatedly refuses to remove him, you have to declare war (if you want to keep your diplomatic reputation with the other nations by "following the rules of war") and then either kill or enslave him.
Yep  But war doesn't matter unlesss you try to win by diplomacy.
Is anyone ever able to reach the tech (science) goal in this game?
It is possible quite easily, but it needs an effort of will simply to not kill the AI before then.
And, er, how do I insert smilies into messages?
See the box to the left of the box which you type in? Click the smilie you want to insert, and it inserts it at the end of your post so far. ( To insert them into the post, you have to type them manually, hang your mouse over the picture, and you will see in the bottom left of your browser "javascript :smilie('XX')" if you type in the XX into the post where you want it, then it will turn into a smilie on the page.
EDIT: forgot: Don't play normal settings at all!
Play MedMod2, play Cradle of Civilisation, play SPQR scenarios, play succession games, use diplomod, use frenzy AI, download every mod you can, and try them all, see which one gives you most potential to win how you want. I would think that MedMod2 would work best.
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
June 22, 2001, 11:58
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I'd say to set it to Very hard, anything below it would probably turn you off the game for life 
Start with mostly water and islands, so that you have time to build up before meeting your neighbours.
I would go to Monarchy then Republic, Democracy, corporate republic, then virtual Democracy. Only go on to Ecotopia if you have too many cities or want eco-rangers.
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
June 22, 2001, 12:34
Local Time: 06:00
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Florida, USA
Posts: 367
I would have to agree. After playing the origional game for a year and then switching to the MedPackII. I have to reccomend installing the MedPackII right away and just playing it. It greatly improves diplomacy with the AI and just in general makes the game much more enjoyable and fun.
June 23, 2001, 02:44
Local Time: 03:00
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: San Francisco
Posts: 70
Thanks, guys!  I'll download and install MedMod2 and see how it goes. Will let you know in a bit.
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