I read right here about OCC and tried my very first game (diety/ raging hordes/ 7 civs). Now I see I wasted some time by not sticking enough to the main goal, for example building wonders to avoid that any other civ might take benefit from it.
Anyway I want to thank the one who invented OCC, it's really engaging and I linke those short turns...
1. Are there any official rules or suggestions? For instance, which map level do you recommend?
2. I'm in 1952 now have 5 SS-structurals yet, being favoured by the fusion power bonus.
Assuming a city production of 80 and enough cash to rush-build at least some of the components, what would be the quickest way to AC? Is it better to max. out the amount of SS-Components or what is the optimum? You should also take into account that each component (with its required structurals) more will cost minimum 3 turns (perhaps even more) to build...
3. Is it really needed to make the other tribes allies? I think this could det me involved into wars I don't need...
4. Some idea that came to my mind (I guess someone has already tested it out, though): Have you ever resticted yourself only to build caravans/ freights and settlers/engineers? I think it should be quite challenging not to use martial law at the beginning - and likewise letting your city open for opponents...

You optionally could allow yourself some diplos (spies seem too mighty, though)