June 26, 2001, 13:59
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Game misconceptions, blunders, goofs, etc
The "how long to understand civ" thread mentions starting this so here it is...
Along the lines of "I remember trying to kill a buffalo with a warrior for about two hours on my first night and becoming highly frustrated with the whole experience", what are your favorite (funniest) memories of game goofs from your early days of learning Civ (I or II).
I started with Civ I, playing with a couple of friends, one kind of knew the game and the other was true beginner like myself. We either didn't have or didn't bother to read (more likely, but I don't know which) the manual. Anyway, these are some of the things I recall doing that now seem somewhat comical many years later:
1. Avoiding researching ceremonial burial, monotheism and construction because the each "made the people unhappy" and the advisors would "force you to build" temples, cathedrals and coloseums...
2. Accidentally discovering the the adjust trade windows (there use to be 2 of them) by bumping the +/- keys on the keypad with a beer (after having played quite a few games)... Also, we had know clue what "luxeries" where and thus decided our lowly peasants NEVER needed any...
3. Getting mad at the "bug" that wouldn't let us build nukes even though we had the proper tech!
4. Getting fed up with global warming game after game because we had no idea that you could clean up the pollution.
I'm sure that their are quite a few others that have slipped my mind but I'm sure someone will spark old memories with their post. By the way, we had no idea what our "goal" was for quite some time but still enjoyed waging war after war, discovering new techs, building new units/improvements, etc.
June 26, 2001, 16:58
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Re: Game misconceptions, blunders, goofs, etc
Originally posted by Albert B
4. Getting fed up with global warming game after game because we had no idea that you could clean up the pollution.
Ohh, that's a good one. I had a friend who was addicted to civ2. then he told me, "The only problem is that towards the end of the game, all your cities start starving when the land turns to jungle"
it took me a moment to realize he typically had nuclear war every game.
June 26, 2001, 17:25
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I guess this was more of a misconception than a mistake on my part, but at first I was afraid of the upkeep that temples colosseums, etc. cost, so I would never build them. To me, the best way of avoiding unhappiness was to build settlers so the city stayed below size 4. I looked at a saved game I downloaded, and was amazed; some of the cities were size 15 or larger, and were producing at a rate I would have thought impossible.
June 26, 2001, 17:27
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Note: the above occured in Civ 1.
June 26, 2001, 18:37
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In an early game I found the discovery of Radio allowed airports - so I built a few. Then, I really needed this unit the other side of the world. I pressed the "L" key only to be greeted by the message: You can't airlift ships silly
Now if that AEGIS had only been there the Mongols would never have ...............
June 27, 2001, 00:13
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A Victorian World gone MAD!
I played Civ1 for several years before finally breaking down, buying a better computer, and getting civ2. When first installed, I thought I knew what to expect, so I just dived right in. Forget about reading the manual.
I was captivated immediately by the Jules Verne scenario, and began to play that one to the exclusion of everything else. I noticed that after several turns the political/diplomatic/military situation would heat up, and little wars would start breaking out all over the place.
Then my government would fall!
I had no clue what was causing this. I thought it was a function of the scenario! Every game, I would tentatively try to fulfill the conditions of the scenario, and then boom! My government would fall and it appeared to me that this was the end of civilization as we knew it! The British Empire was always in Demo, so when it went to Republic or Monarchy, there wasn't enough money to support everything, and stuff would begin to disappear. The more stuff disappeared, the more difficult it got to pay for things. In desperation, I would always start up a war with the Continentals and, not having the sheer military might to really crush them, I would start pillaging everything with airships.
Civilization collapsed every game.
Later I learned about governments in civ2.
Lost in America.
"a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
"or a very good liar." --Stefu
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June 27, 2001, 00:45
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1) The perfectly swell city building without mining, irrigating or anything!! Only to find out, more resources COULD be available when one does the above.
2) NOT attacking the barbarians from fear of being "overrunned" by their armies.
3) Kept on clicking the citizens icons hoping they would automatically change to Elvis, Einstein... etc.
4) Building boats in a "small lake" city!  Thus wasting good shields on a useless trireme.
5) Palace moving from city to city... how should i have known what the "real" purpose was?
6) "Trying" to attack a plane with a submarine (Oh, yes... i did that!!!!!)
....) this list could be much longer, but i'll stop right here!
June 27, 2001, 01:11
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When I first lent my copy of Civ2 to my brother, I told him that's it's easy--use your settler to found a city, build more units, go on from there...
Two days later, I called him to see how he was doing--turned out he gave up three hours in; I asked him what the problem was, and he said "I moved my settler all over the place, but I could never find the city..
"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work...After eight years of this Administration, we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!" — Henry Morgenthau, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Treasury secretary, 1941.
June 27, 2001, 03:45
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First memories of Civ1:
I want my empire to look good. Every city should have a palace. I'll build it in all my 5 cities.
Lemme see. Irrigation on this lousy hill brings food. Mining brings more shields. I'll irrigate first, and mine later.
(turns pass)
Hm. I thought I irrigated this square before mining. Oh well, I guess I forgot. I'll irrigate it now.
(turns pass)
Hm. I thought I mined this square before irrigating. Oh well, I guess I forgot. I'll mine it now.
June 27, 2001, 07:01
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I played civ one for ages before I relised you could actually enact new governments (like monarchy).
Now I usually read the manual, or play the tutorial (if there is one), to get a grasp on a game.
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
--P.J. O'Rourke
June 28, 2001, 09:35
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Before I even started the tutorial, I read the manual front-to-back several times over, so I understood the game (or so I thought). In one of my first games, I had a horseman unit attack. It got promoted to veteran status, but it got damaged enough that it only had 1 MP. I thought that it was a "veteran" because it was old and slow...
Also, when I was experimenting with the cheat menu, I accidentally deleted my own civilization  And this was before I learned how to save the game
June 28, 2001, 11:02
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I was very young when I played Civ 1, I used to never switch govt since I didn't know you could. 
Then when I learned how to do it and switched into republic I came to the conclusion that Despotism was superior to all other govts, since all cities just started revolting in other governments.
Atleast I got funny looking advisors in the modern age
I would also constantly hit the games limit for units since I would build hundreds of guards in every city (but very few improvements), I remember something about getting upsett whit about my poorly defended city whit only 16 mech infs in
I can't remember any things like those in civ 2 right now (there must surely have been some), apart from the fact that I never built caravans (untill finding this site).
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June 28, 2001, 20:30
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I remember sending rambo cannons against enemy cities one by one and slowly losing ground to the AI in my first game.
P.S. Civ2 was my second computer game after SimCity 2000.
June 29, 2001, 08:57
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In my second game (my first game ended in just a few turns when a roman chariot came up, demanded a science, I refused, then it wiped out my only city) I lost a ship at sea loaded with a unit and a settler. Not knowing any better, I thought ALL ships could get lost at sea... needless to say, I wasn't a big fan of naval strength for a few games
Keep on Civin'
Civ V Civilization V Civ5 CivV Civilization 5 Civ 5 - Do your part!
June 29, 2001, 09:42
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June 29, 2001, 12:33
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Well, I had played Civ to King level and only then realizing what the "food box" did. Til then, I had just assumed that the game used some kind of arcane formula to decide when the civty growed. I thought that getting attacked effected it somehow, so I loved those barbarians.
"Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
"That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world
June 29, 2001, 13:01
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I remember making sure most of my cities were next to the ocean, or at least a pond, So I could build battleships to defend the city. want the unit with the biggest defense rating there...
June 29, 2001, 14:10
Just another peon
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There was one game before I learned the fundementals of proper hut management.
On the opening move, on a river (deity with two settlers, Settler1, built city before exploring with settler2. Moved up river with settler2 and 3 squares away (on the river) found a hut and tripped it the same turn. Barb horse pops out and kills settler2 without taking damage and uses it's remaining movement points to move towards my capital. No money to rush the warrior so the next turn.......Game over before I get a move in 3900.
Quickest game I ever played.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
June 30, 2001, 17:35
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When I first got Civ I, I didn't realize that you could actually fortify a unit in a city. So, I wound up with units running all over the areas around my cities. A barbarian lands and captures the city!
Also, I would take my starting settler and wander around, looking for a "perfect spot" to build my capital. Needless to say, I never found it.
June 30, 2001, 21:08
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This isn't really funny, but if you build the great library in your city in Civ 1 and allow a barbarian to take it over, you will then have a peace treaty with them. And sometimes it will trigger a bug that will make it so you get 3 or 4 techs a turn.
July 2, 2001, 12:20
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Manual, who needs a manual?
1. Thinking settlers could only build cities. My friend who loaned me the disk said to build lots of cities, and that Monarchy was the best government. Thanks. So one of my triremes wandered by Japanese territory and spotted all these roads and irrigation. "Well no wonder they're so well off," I sez, "they started off with all this good stuff."  When the Egyptians had it too, I figured out my problem.
2. Not knowing what the "city in revolt" symbol meant. Garrison city? Black Power? Een when my own cities revolted, I didn't make the connection.
3. Renaming cities. All the time. Whenever I took another civilization's city, I'd give it a Greek name. Besides really dredging my memory for Greek city/ village/ island names, it got very hard to remember where some of the cities were.
4. Missing the connection between trade arrows and science/ money. I followed the advisors' advice wayy too much and accidentally kept up with things. "Library? We like libraries, okay!"
5. Completely overlooking the importance of building wonders. I thought they were just for prestige. Even though I was the Greeks, no way was I going to spend 50 turns building the Colossos. What a waste!
July 2, 2001, 19:48
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not realisng the Damn AI cheats by rush building units in citys after you have killed all defenders, in an ealry game (small map) I moved all my units out of my citys via railroad to attack the AI and destroyed all of his citys bar one and that one i killed all defenders in. I thought woo hoo, next turn my first win , but then the AI cheated and rush built a unit that travelled down my undefended railline and took out half my civ on one turn ...
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 2, 2001, 21:43
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Oh man....
CivII...for the errr Playstation.
First game ever.
I had me quite a little Civ going. I had a few cities, lots of units and was progressing quite nicely. Except for the fact that I was on a big island. I sent out scouts on horseback to see if I could locate an isthmus. The closest thing I could find was a straight of 1 tile of ocean between continents... so what did I do?
I moved all my units right next to that straight, and sat them patiently untill I discovered the 'bridgebuilding' tech with which I could traverse that water. Ouch.
July 2, 2001, 22:42
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Originally posted by catullus
First memories of Civ1:
I want my empire to look good. Every city should have a palace. I'll build it in all my 5 cities.
Lemme see. Irrigation on this lousy hill brings food. Mining brings more shields. I'll irrigate first, and mine later.
(turns pass)
Hm. I thought I irrigated this square before mining. Oh well, I guess I forgot. I'll irrigate it now.
(turns pass)
Hm. I thought I mined this square before irrigating. Oh well, I guess I forgot. I'll mine it now.
Hey cattalus, what happened to the Nate Snitzer board? (the branching thread board) I posted there in March and then it disappeared. Are only cool people allowed there?
July 3, 2001, 17:40
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July 6, 2001, 19:34
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1) Had no idea how food was calculated and what that silly food box is for
2) had no idea what all those beakers and coins and trade thingies do
3) had no idea how to turn people into specialists. The civilopedia said: you can turn your civilians into specialists. >click here to learn how<. I clicked and read: click on the civilian to make him a specialist >click here to learn about specialist<. No need to say this got me to the previous page. A long itme has passed until I ofund those pesky figures
4) waht is this "fortify" option anyway?
5) hey, cool, lets use all my 1 movement units to explore the planet and all the rest could stay in my cities!!
6) roads? I don't need these, only wimps use'em!
7) why is this russian fortified unit blocking me, zulu shaka, from going north into the ME and eaurope and asia? Why when I move my diplo at it, I have to pay?
8) How do I earn money anyway? and science?
9) cool I have all sorts of wierd english words such as "luxuxuxurury" and such. I'll just get taxes.
10) these evil babylonians conquered a city of mine in this "chieftain" level! ugh!!! I'll make piece now since I'm weak, but I'll remember it!!!
11) What is that revolution option? That's scary!!! I won't have that!!!
12) why is this boat lost at sea? Hmm... I'lll just send another one
13) this carrier isn't attacking with it's planes! What do you mean she isn't loaded????
14) let's use musketeers and ski-people to attack fortified cities!!!
15) walls? that's SO obsolete
16) Hey! This food box is what decides how fast I grow !!!
(two years ago)
17) Hey cool!! You could switch between cities with these buttons (a year and a half ago  )
July 6, 2001, 20:14
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My Dear Lord -- my brat daughter has invaded the General forum!!
July 7, 2001, 18:28
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Civ=pi CivII=pi*d CivCTP=pi*r^2 CivIII=4/3pi*r^3 (hopefully)
Civ pi= It's coming
P.S. pi=(about)3.14159 Originally posted by Civ Pi(3.14)Fan
I love that sig, civpi
July 8, 2001, 13:47
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*sigh* it took me nearly 2 years to figure out that I could clean up pollution... and I read the manual!
I got Civ I in 1996... It took me until 2000 to dare to try Deity level... I won of course... but I suppose I shouldn't have been afraid.
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July 8, 2001, 17:36
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The main mistake I made when first playing Civ1 was to fortify every unit I built inside the city it was built in. Needless to say, my armies didn`t make a huge amount of progress.
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