A major goof of my was when an american ironclad destroyed the musketer in Kazan (situated in my heatland a long way from the front). I clicked on the city and changed the production to build a new musketer. A few rounds later I got a message that the babylonians are just about to finish Adam Smiths' Trading Co. Fine i thought I'm almost finished with that myself, I just buy the rest with my limited amount of o's and beat 'em to it (I might add that this wonder is essential for my style of play). I couldn't find the damn city. Damn!! I built it in Kazan!!! I tried to get enough cash to buy it from scratch and started to sell city improvements to my left and right.
I feel about 100o short. The next turn the Babylonians built the important wonder and i was left with a civilization i chaos since I had sold all my temples...
Let's see where's the off-switch...
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Schopenhauer
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