Replacement player wanted for 7 player OKFIII
OKFIII is a 7 human player game that had a 2160 accelerated start. It is currently in 2219. (D:AP discovered, fusion yet to come). We are looking for a replacement for Xwaste, the Gaian player. Gaia is currently 4th on the power graphs. (Big-Canuk(Hive) 1st, Misotu(PKs) 2nd, Tau Ceti(Drones) 3rd, and gaia, and the others(Googlie, Redfred, and Jschwab) close behind in a group. We are all very fast players checking our mail and playing at least 2 times/day. When rolling we have turned in a day, and often turn 3 times/week. The original thread is here:
The current thread is here:
Please apply here.