June 27, 2001, 10:43
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Succession in the real world...
All right, there is a call for a new non-deity succession game. Anatolia's has garnered interest, and more people want to sign up. I'll start one to appease the apolyton masses!
Game parameters: MGE, Emperor, raging hordes, 7 civs, real world map.
How fair is it that I will know the map? It's not. Consider my first ruler as being a sort of mystic. It won't take too much exploration to reveal where we are. I have two maps in mind, and will take votes for which one those who sign up would prefer: - MapA is large and mostly land, ocean plays a minor role.
- MapB is a bit smaller and mostly ocean, navies will be important.
When you sign up, specify your preference of map. Both have much rough terrain, but also plenty of good terrain to work with.
Play will be 20 turns per player until (if) we reach 1750. At that point I'll decide if we have enough cities to warrant 10 turns per person.
The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
The gift of speech is given to many,
intelligence to few.
June 27, 2001, 12:05
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I'm in if you'll have me. First succession game, and I'm pretty much limited to weekends until August.
June 27, 2001, 18:18
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I would love to play but I will be away until 7th July so I could not take a turn until then. Either Map sounds ok for me , I will just adapt.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
June 28, 2001, 09:21
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I'll jump in. Doesn't matter to me which game I'm part of, so long as I'm not the one starting.
Now, I'm going to be out of town for a while in mid-to-late July, so I won't have access to Apolyton. I'm not exactly sure when this break will be, but I'll keep you posted. In any case, I won't be able to participate during then, so someone will have to go in my place.
...I suppose I'll go with the ocean map.
Edit: I'll also be out after mid-September. The reason is that school starts then, and since I'm going to a private school, I won't have much time for Civ or Apolyton.
Last edited by Vlad Antlerkov; June 28, 2001 at 11:26.
June 28, 2001, 11:03
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I'm in too, with the MapA (land one),... I can play until the end of July,...
June 28, 2001, 16:12
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count me in too please.. i prefer the mapb with navies....
lets try to be flexible and let these people who are unavaialble still paly , but let them join the lsit when htey return ...
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 28, 2001, 21:27
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The game is afoot!
I think there are enough people to start playing. Thanks for signing up! The list of players is: - Marquis de Sodaq
- Krazyhorse (weekend warrior)
- Hydey (after july 7)
- Vlad Antlerkov
- Rixxe
- Rasputin
If more want to join, it seems there might always be somebody in the list who needs a stand-in. We can adjust as needed. Votes for which map to use:
2 votes: abstain
1 vote: MapA (land)
2 votes: MapB (ocean)
This is voting american and french style! So the watery map wins out. Or do we want two concurrent games, one with each map? I could just start a second thread for the second map. I'll start up and post the save game tonight...
The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
The gift of speech is given to many,
intelligence to few.
Last edited by Marquis de Sodaq; June 29, 2001 at 12:16.
June 28, 2001, 23:34
Local Time: 05:09
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The Aztecs begin to write history...
we were given a starting position, other civs and resources were random
At the dawn of history, the Aztecs find themselves in very favorable conditions. They have a lovely lake home, with wheatfields nearby. They have knowledge of alphabet, ceremonial burial, and bronze working.  Montezuma de Sotlac has risen to chieftainship among the people, and decides to lead them to greatness.
4000bc - Settlers build the city of Tenochtitlan and begin working the fields. A nearby village intrigues the locals. In order to administer fairly, Montezuma de Sotlac calls together the elders in order to assemble a code of laws.
3750bc - The first Aztec warriors are outfitted and sent to meet the neighbors.
3700bc - The village to the south has many young men willing to join our army. They ride in chariots drawn by horses. They could kill us easily, it's good they are friendly and impressed with our knowledge... They head eastward, our warriors go west.
3600bc - The chariot stumbles upon a group of nomads! They turn out to be kin and go in search of a place to settle.
3550bc - The warriors find some valuable metals in the western mountains. Local merchants appraise them at 25g.
3500bc - Wise men complete the Code of Laws. Now that he has rules, Montezuma de Sotlac decides he ought to legitimize his leadership by creating a monarchy.
3450bc - The nomads settle down on the coast near the spice swamp, naming their city Teotihuacan. The chariots continue eastward.
3400bc - The chariot finds another group of nomadic kin roaming the river valley.  They decide to settle at the river's mouth.
3350bc - The nomads build Tlatelolco at the mouth of the river. The chariot continues eastward, our warriors leave the mountains to move north.
3150bc - Montezuma de Sotlac declares a new monarchy has been designed. It is only fitting that he should be the first king, he says. Anarchy sets in as pretenders vie for the new throne.  Wise men are ordered to devise a system of coinage, so that the economy may be set in motion. The warriors find more metal deposits, these worth twice what was found in the mountains.
3050bc - Montezuma de Sotlac beheads the last pretender to the Aztec throne, and declares himself king.  Celebrations ensue, maidens galore are sent to the palace for the occasion.  As the millenium comes to a close, our first king orders phalanx outfitted in the cities to defend against any greedy, jealous neighbors.
The royal demographers tell that our kingdom is the world's first, our king is the most popular, and the Aztecs are the greatest people by almost any measure. Pleased with how his long rule has gone, Montezuma de Sotlac then relinquishes the throne, trusting his fortune will continue with the next dynasty...
The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
The gift of speech is given to many,
intelligence to few.
June 29, 2001, 07:07
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Marquis- I only said that I'd be gone for a week or so in mid-July... I should be available after that. What I wrote down in my original post was a little misleading
June 30, 2001, 00:40
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During the slightly extended 1100 year reign of KrazyHorse, three new towns were founded, including the advanced tribe named "Montreal" which was discovered already in place. First Currency was discovered, and then Trade. When we ventured into another of the primitive huts known to contain surprises (both good and bad) we discovered knowledge of Mysticism. Other such huts included many horseman units, and in one case a friendly group of nomads. These nomads were set to work in the northeastern jungle region of our empire, altering the jungle terrain to grassland at a future planned city site. This site will take some time to become suitable, but will pay off the initial investment quickly, due to the surprising abundance of whales in that region. Immediately prior to the forced retirement of KrazyHorse, the Vikings made contact with the city of Montreal. Having just been created, this city had no defences, and the king was all too happy to make peace with the Viking emissary. The Vikings offered to trade our knowlege of Trade in return for their knowledge of Masonry, but it was deemed prudent to allow the next king to make such a decision. Immediately afterwards, our wise men discovered Writing, and the decision was made to work on Masonry next. If the next king wishes, we may acquire Masonry from the Vikings, and reallocate the resources we have put toward discovering Masonry to the discovery of some other piece of wisdom. The future looks bright for the Aztec Empire as we possess three settlers who may shortly found future cities, in addition to four exploratory units.
June 30, 2001, 01:21
Local Time: 21:09
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is hydey palying next or is he still away till after july 7 is so is the next palyer stepping upto bat ???
Just impatient to get to my turn
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
June 30, 2001, 10:03
Local Time: 05:09
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The Prosperous Reign of Antlericus I
The basic overview of my reign: A Wonder of the World is under construction; more cities are founded, including the one at that particularily choice spot KrazyHorse selected; a few local rebellions; and some developing of the interior. Now, the detailed version.
1900 BC- Xochicalco founded at (40,76). Texcoco and Montreal complete their Phalanxes; they both switch production to Settlers.
1800 BC- Rushed Settlers at Tenochtitlan.
1750 BC- Settlers at Tenochtitlan completed. Began construction of road to Teotihuacan.
1700 BC- Barbarian uprising near (52,58). Got 50 gold and Horseback Riding from huts.
1600 BC- Civ rankings: Aztecs 1st, Vikings 5th. Discovered Masonry; now researching the fine art of building pots and ceramics, called "pottery" by our wise men.
1550 BC- Tlatelolco builds Settlers. Got Polytheism from hut. Calixtlahuaca completes Phalanx; switches production to Horsemen.
1500 BC- Teotihuacan builds Settlers. Founded Tlacopan at (28,78). Got Archers from hut, sent it to Tlacopan, switched Tlacopan's production to settlers.
1450 BC- Got merc legion from hut. Found irrigated square nearby. Is it the Vikings?
1400 BC- Yeppo.  Found the Viking city of Kaupang. Settlers killed near Tlatelolco by barb Horsemen. Xochicalco finished Phalanx; switched to Settler production. Rushed Settlers at Tenochtitlan. We discovered "pottery" at around this time.
1350 BC- Civil Disorder in Texcoco. Found Literacy from hut. Tenochtitlan builds Settlers. I set them to work building road to Texcoco.
1300 BC- Order restored in Texcoco; rushed Settlers there.
1250 BC- Completed Settlers at Texcoco; switched to building Temple. Atzcapotzalco founded at (59,61). I'll admit, KrazyHorse did a good job selecting the site
1200 BC- Calixtlahuaca completes Horsemen, switches to Settlers. Got Settlers and 50 gold from huts.
1150 BC- Just noticed the river square under Tenochtitlan. God, do I feel like an idiot
1100 BC- Had the Settler that was building Tenochtitlan-Texcoco road recalled to Tenochtitlan. It's now irrigating. Founded Tzintzuntzen at (21,73). Some of these Aztec city names are just hilarious  Got 50 gold from hut.
1050 BC- Civil Disorder in Tlatelolco and Calixtlahuaca. Decided to start working on HG, by switching to Caravans in Tenochtitlan and the HG in Teotihuacan. On a side note, Tenochtitlan-Teotihuacan road complete.
1000 BC- Montreal builds Settlers. Order restored in Tlatelolco and Calixtlahuaca.
975 BC- The end of the 975-year reign of Antlericus I. May my successors do better... much better
Edit: AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! The savegame is too large to attach...
Last edited by Vlad Antlerkov; June 30, 2001 at 10:18.
June 30, 2001, 10:20
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OK, now that I've figured out how to compress a file using WinME, here it is (in .zip format):
July 2, 2001, 03:13
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OK, I was out this week-end, and I'm currently at work,... I'll take my turn tonight,...
July 2, 2001, 17:25
Local Time: 21:09
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cool i cna hardly wait i am next !!!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 3, 2001, 04:19
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I the savegame doesn't work on my computer, and I dont know why,... Here's the problem: It's impossible to open a 'City Screen',.. I have the latest version of Civ2 MGE,...
So, I think that it's Rasputin's turn,...
Sorry for the delay...
July 3, 2001, 07:09
Local Time: 05:09
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Argh! The problem's most likely on my end... does KrazyHorse's save work?
July 3, 2001, 08:43
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I havent tried it, I'll do it tonight,... But I tried your savegame on two different computers, and I had the same result...
July 3, 2001, 08:48
Local Time: 21:09
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And it came to pass that in the fullness of time a new leader arose from amongst the people and he was proclaimed King Rasputin I ...
As he begun his lifetime servitude to his people he had his council of wisemen conduct a demographic stufy of the nation and the following was revealed.
[list=1][*]48% of the people Approved of the leadership of their nation[*]The nation s population was 440000[*]The Gross National Product amounted to S18 Million [*]The mighty manufacturing industry could make 30 Tonnes of production each year[*]The claimed land of the nation spread to 293000 Sq Miles[*]only 32% of the people were literate[*]50% of the people were known to have diseases[*]There was no pollution anywhere in the nation[*]Unfortuanlty the peasants life expectancy was only 25 Years...[*]The Aztecs werea prolific breeders though with the average family having 6.9 kids[*]The peasants also were expected of there 25 years of life to spend 5 years in the military[*]The average Aztec citizen earned $8 a year[*]The nation received a 61 productivity rating from the wise men [/list=1]
King Rasputin , knowing that the Royal Familys life expectancy was far greater than the average citizen, set up new goals for the people. He wanted to see population increases , approval of the leadership improve, more manufacturing, and a greater average income for all. With these goals in mind he began his reign
975BC King Rasputin I rises to the throne.
950BC A group of natives were discioverd in the Western hills and were quickly traine dto form a legion of mercenarys. Exploration continued as the whole of the population dies and passed away to be replaced with the next generation
925BC More natives joined the nation this time training up as horse riders. More exploration continued to the north, west and south. The lovely city of Malinaco was founded. Another native tribe in the southern woods agreed to train as a legion too.
An emissary arrived from our neighbours to the north the mighty Vikings... King Rasputin I was not pleased with them building so close to our northen citys , but granted their request for peace after they offered their virgin daughters to join his harem. They also threw in 200 tonnes of gold to add to the Aztec Treasury.
900BC Another generation died another begins, much merriment at the palace as the king calls for more virgins.
875BC Word arrived back form the south that an advanced nation had been discoverd, they called themsleves the Babylonians. King Rasputin I offered them peace too, in exchang efor all their lovely daughters and 150 tonne of gold .
850BC King Rasputin decided he needed a great works in his honour and so visited the city of Teotihuican and granted the builders there funds to repidly complete the lovley gardens they were building.
825BC The Hanging gardens were vcompleted and the people all over the nation clebrated and praised King Rasputin I . The city of Tula was founded.
800BC The wise council came to the king and announced they had measured the lenght and breadth of the nation and copied the details onto paper and called them maps... King rasputin was pleased as now he could find his lost harem again. He tried to utter some deep thought provoking statements to the people but couldnt think of anything so set his wise council to think of something, he decreed we need some deep thinkers called philosyphers.
A wandering tribe joine dthe nation after being discovere dlost in the southern woods, they were immdetiatly set to building a road home.
775BC Fear of the Vikings and Babylonians made the people demand protection from king rasputin, and rather than fight all the peoples battlkes ( he didnt have time to do that and tend to his harem) he proclaimed a barrack be built to train his phalanxes... and so one was built in Texcoco
750BC The merry people of Tenochtitlan, procalime dthe firs tHarvest of grapes was complete and they promptly turned it into wine, word of this reached the vikings ears and they said they would pay large sums of gold for some, so camels were loaded up with the surplus wine and sent on their way.
A letter arrived for King Rapsutin claiming the population in hte last 200 years had grown by 160000, to 600000.
More natives discoverd to the north and they too became legions of Aztecs. Another native village donated 100 tonnes of gold.
725BC A magic force field of some sort was discovered to the north and west, it was impassable and so our exploring horesemn turned south and followed the force field down.
King rasputin I announced his intention to explore the seas and so the town of Xochcalco commissioned construction of the first boat.
700BC A very quiet period in Aztec history King rasputin was only sighted once.
675BC No sign of King Rasputin at all
650BC Another hundred years had pased and so another lettter arrived for King Rasputin , informin ghim that the population was now 700000, so the people knew what King raz had been doing for the last 50 years.
The wise council uttered deep thoughts and the age of Philosyphy was anonuinced. Another native tribe agreed to join the aztecs and be trained in horse riding skills
625BC With the sudden enlightenment gained from the philosyphers, the wise council annouinced that there was only one god... not the many that the people had beleived in for so long .. to encourage the people to beleiv ein olny one god, king rasputin decided to train his horsemen in the art of crusades...
600BC The wise council received word from a native tribe in the western hills that there was a better way to lead the people to riches and glory and that was as a republic with the wisemen to be elceted onto a senate.. King raz was dubious about this but allowed the information to be spread to the people. He removed his crown and the people were unhappy as usurpers made claims to the throne.
50 tonnes of gold were donated by natives ,
575BC Another native tribe asked to join the aztecs, and consul Rapsutin forced them into hard labour and they set about building the great northern road
550BC The city of Tamuin was created on hte western shores. More roads were commissioned as Consul Rasputin announced his policy of all roads leading to him.
525BC After 75 years of rebellion the people honoured Rasputin by declaring him the first Consul of the Aztec nation.
500BC Yet another tribe joined the happy people under Consul Rasputin and the City of Teayo was founded on the main river in the west. So to the city of Tzintunzten
475BC More natives were found in the western hills who had learnt to teach their people in large buildings they called universities, this knowledge was brough tback to the Senate and they proclaimed a day of feasting. The city of Cempoala was founded in the east.
A national day of mourning was held though on the 23 July 475BC as Consul Rasputin died at the ripe old age of 435...
In memeorial of his activitys the Senate released then following information
[list=1][*]62% of the people now Approved of the leadership of their nation[*]The nation's population was now 790,000 (almost double in 400 yrs)[*]The Gross National Product amounted to $45 Million (over double)[*]The mighty manufacturing industry could make 55 Tonnes of production each year[*]The claimed land of the nation spread to 523000 Sq Miles[*] 64% of the people were literate (a doubling in 400 years)[*]50% of the people were still known to have diseases[*]There was still no pollution anywhere in the nation[*]Unfortuanlty the peasants life expectancy was still only 25 Years...[*]family size was down slighlty to 6.8 kids [*]The peasants also were expected of there 25 years of life to now spend 7 years in the military (hence the slight decrease in family size)[*]The average Aztec citizen now earned a whopping $20 a year[*]The nation received a 72 productivity rating from the wise men [/list=1]
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 3, 2001, 09:37
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Originally posted by Rasputin
525BC After 75 years of rebellion the people honoured Rasputin by declaring him the first Consul of the Aztec nation.
Somebody forgot about oedo years...
July 3, 2001, 19:39
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what on earth is oedo years ???
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 4, 2001, 00:15
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450bc - Revolution! The corrupt senate is chased out of the court by Sodactezuma and his rabble rousers! The news reports quote him declaring the republic worthless. Production is abysmal, cities are wasting all of their food on road building crews. The western cities are stagnating, the eastern are corrupt. This must change!
425bc - Sodactezuma declares himself king. The common people rejoice, pelting former senators with tomatoes in the public squares. A wandering legion sends back scrolls explaining how the heavens work. This astronomy is brilliant, the wise men concur.
375bc - Another legion discovers a friendly village where they bank their gold. The intricacies of this system are forwarded to the court. The wise men think it will prove useful.
350bc - Horsemen stumble upon a village of masons. The teach the Aztecs the ways of construction. The wise men are amazed at the practical applications open to the Aztecs.
325bc - The citizens of Teotihuacan celebrate to honor the new king. Lovely maidens are sent to the palace for further celebrations.  The caravan of wine finally arrives in Trondheim. The Vikings pay 40 gold for the spirits.
300bc - A chariot finds a village of learned men. They explain why things fall and why water runs downhill. A full summary is sent to the palace. Sodactezuma asks the wise men to spend some time in the dungeon and think about why a bunch of dumb villagers seem to know so much more than they do. Our frontier legion exploring to the southeast meets the Chinese. They seem friendly, and are willing to buy peace for a measly 300 gold.
275bc - Two of our militias find young braves willing to train as legions in the mighty Aztec army.
250bc - Gems from the capitol reach Uppsala. We rake in 54 gold.
225bc - A Viking catapult squadron, heady with wine, decides to occupy a field near our lovely capitol. When asked to kindly piss off and desecrate their own field, they get in a tizzy and declare war! The nerve of some people...
200bc - The taxmen of Texcoco shake down merchants for 24 gold after a copper caravan arrives. The Viking city of Hladir is razed, and every citizen gets his head lopped off, save the prettiest young ladies. They instead get sent to the palace.
175bc - A spice caravan arrives in the capitol, taxmen squeeze out 36 gold.
150bc - Our northern armies converge on Trondheim, sacking it with little resistance! More maidens are sent to the palace for... ahem...
100bc - Chalco founded just south of the great river north of Trondheim.
75bc - Our valiant northern army sacks Kaupang! More maidens are rounded up. The northern frontier legion finds some friendly nomads. They start looking for a good city site.
50bc - A silk caravan arrives in Montreal. The king's thick-necked taxmen come away with 24 gold.
20ce - The northern nomads settle Tlalmanalco on along a great river with spice and whales at their disposal. Our central army sits on the hill outside Hladir. Nobody has yet bothered to train a diplomat to "negotiate" with the last remaining Vikings, in order to bring them into the fold. The army wants to raze the city, but our merchants cry foul. Tenochtitlan has a valuable trade route with the city, so it should be spared annihilation.
The court demographers report that Sodactezuma is the world's most popular leader, with a 60% of the 1.5 million Aztecs approving of him. The economy continues to grow, caravans are in production across the empire. The kingdom leads the world in production. Sodactezuma is impressed.
Old and gray, bowed with age, Sodactezuma finally passes on to the great ballcourt we will all one day see. The people mourn heavily, and wonder what will follow his illustrious reign...
The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
The gift of speech is given to many,
intelligence to few.
July 4, 2001, 01:08
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Can I join the fun?
Hey guys, is there room for another? Thanks.
A genunine Matt Gaston post.
July 4, 2001, 10:00
Local Time: 21:09
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just make sure you got right versio nto paly ...
i think the more the merier, but its not my game i guess ..
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 4, 2001, 12:26
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Uhh...I hope you guys realize that I can't play my turn until Friday evening. If you want to insert another player or two between then and now, that's okay with me.
July 4, 2001, 13:13
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damn KH why not, ??
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 4, 2001, 13:19
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I told everybody this when I joined. Look at the top of the thread.
July 4, 2001, 16:09
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doesnt answeer the why though !!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 4, 2001, 16:39
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The reason why is that I only go home on weekends. Right now, I'm living 5 days a week in an apartment that doesn't have a computer. Before you make a joke, I'm "working" right now.
July 4, 2001, 17:06
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I'll wait until KH and Hydey have taken their turns. (I'm going to be busy on Thursday and Friday anyway.)
On the other hand... Farmboy, maybe you could go ahead until KH returns...?
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