June 29, 2001, 15:55
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Need rookies for a SMAC/X game..
Let it be said that im not a rookie at SMAC/x (The thougest game i've finshed is in tracend dificulty playing as the pirates) but i've never played a multiplayer game..so i need to start as everyone, as a rookie. So..anyone wants to play?
P.S: I also want to play with not-too-expert players
June 29, 2001, 16:19
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Hi, I haven't played a single multi player game yet either, although I have joined one that hasn't started yet . I'd be interested, my favorite faction is the Gaians and I'd like to play as them.
June 30, 2001, 09:03
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I've forgot to say the rules of this game:
-Minimum of 3 human players
-7 players, if not human, Computer
-No blind research
-All kinds of victory on
-No spoils of war
-Giant Planet map
-No custom factions
-Do i forget something?
By the way, this is a smax game, if most human players have it. if not, the original
June 30, 2001, 09:17
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I am certainly not an expert, although I have played multi-player before (still in the first century). I'd be interested to join, especially with 3-5 human players. My favorite is Hive. I prefer the original game, but can play SMAX as well.
If you have no strong opinions on the subject I would propose no unity pod scattering, so we can concentrate on the game itself.
Looking forward to it!
July 1, 2001, 13:56
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Yes, no unity pod scattering would be ok. We are 3 now, so we should wait for 1 or 2 more and start. I would prefer a SMAX game. I would play as pirates or cyborgs.
July 1, 2001, 15:55
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I don't really want to join, I already have to many games going, but just a friendly idea: Make sure you do "Look First"...It's often forgotten, but it makes a big difference.
It hurts to be on the cutting edge!
July 1, 2001, 18:17
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Thanks...try to join anyway!
July 2, 2001, 08:24
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I haven't played a single MP game yet, and I probably wouldn't be very good at all - I tend to play classic game more like CivII than SMAC. What do I mean by that?
It's hard to explain - I like a nice fair game, so although I use crawlers I don't overspecialise - I rarely make things like energy parks. I have a pathological aversion to cheating, so as long as I know what is counted as cheating I won't. I don't do the loads-of-small-but-close-together-bases thing (what's the abbreviation again?)
If you want me I can play - my favourite faction is the Cyborgs but I would be willing to play as the PKs or possibly the Data Angels if someone else calls the Cyborgs first.
Don't expect rocket science, I can beat the AI but I've never played a human opponent before. I tend to be pacifistic. I should be able to play my turns reasonably regularly, given that I have finished school for the summer already.
This is a PBEM, right?
"Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman
July 2, 2001, 11:10
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Now that we are 4 i think we should start. will be an SMAX game if everyone is OK with that. I'll play as Pirates.
PLEASE, as this is a rookie game we all should be a bit pacifist, OK?
July 2, 2001, 14:55
Local Time: 11:12
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So is it OK for me to join then?
And are we using the SMAC Huge Map of Planet or the SMAX one?
"Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman
July 2, 2001, 18:01
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I'd only agree to pacifism if we all agree to do the same
July 2, 2001, 18:49
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Oh, forgot to post this, I'm going on vacation this saturday to the poccono's  It'll last for 7 days, so hopefully we can get a replacement player by then. I am still willing to play after the vacation is over so hopefully it won't inconvience the game too much.
July 3, 2001, 17:30
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i won't be online until saturday.. i hope you all wait until then..be good!
July 3, 2001, 22:13
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I'm playing several MP games at the moment but the furthest one along is 2140's. So I would be interested in joining a new game.
One suggestion is to get an experienced player to act as moderator. They would set the game up to our specification and offer guidance etc about MP. (IE there is a bug in MP about eliminating a faction and you have to do a certain proceedure.) They can also step in and do a turn for someone if they are on holiday or look for a replacement player if the game stalls.
The two moderators that I've had experience with are Misotu and Tau Ceti (although Tau might be a bit busy as he runs the tornuments.)
Another suggestion is to set the order of play so that we can increase turn time. Again the moderator can get help with that...
Let me know...
'No room for human error, and really it's thousands of times safer than letting drivers do it. But the one in ten million has come up once again, and the the cause of the accident is sits, something in the silicon.' - The Gold Coast - Kim Stanley Robinson
'Feels just like I can take a thousand miles in my stride hey yey' - Oh, Baby - Rhianna
July 3, 2001, 22:35
Local Time: 11:12
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I'm playing several MP games at the moment but the furthest one along is 2140's. So I would be interested in joining a new game.
One suggestion is to get an experienced player to act as moderator. They would set the game up to our specification and offer guidance etc about MP. (IE there is a bug in MP about eliminating a faction and you have to do a certain proceedure.) They can also step in and do a turn for someone if they are on holiday or look for a replacement player if the game stalls.
The two moderators that I've had experience with are Misotu and Tau Ceti (although Tau might be a bit busy as he runs the tornuments.)
Another suggestion is to set the order of play so that we can increase turn time. Again the moderator can get help with that...
Let me know...
'No room for human error, and really it's thousands of times safer than letting drivers do it. But the one in ten million has come up once again, and the the cause of the accident is sits, something in the silicon.' - The Gold Coast - Kim Stanley Robinson
'Feels just like I can take a thousand miles in my stride hey yey' - Oh, Baby - Rhianna
July 4, 2001, 15:10
Local Time: 03:12
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Posts: 2
Hey, I would like to play too, but I don't have the expansion (I am having a hard time finding it in retail stores in my area., and online shopping is not an option for me) I am fine with what ever you guys chose for rules, but I would like to be peacekeepers.
(P.S: I am not that good either and haven't played any multiplayer games)
July 5, 2001, 02:42
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Any place left? If so,I would like to pick Morgan.
Both MP games I was involved in ended early because one player misteriously stopped responding to messages and sending turns.
One in 2114 and one on very 1st turn
I am reliable player who will send at least turn per day.
Go Arsenal!!!
July 5, 2001, 09:52
Local Time: 06:12
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Whoa, that looks like 5, maybe 6 players? I was just commenting on the strategy boards that I too would like to play my first MP game. Seems like there might be enough here already, so I'm going to start another game-thread and invite the chap over from the strategy boards. I'll need an experiened MP mediator-moderator too. If anyone is available, note so here. I'm looking for a SMAC game with similar rules to above, but maybe a random map. Jump over to my thread if this game is full. If it's not full, count me in! Let's get a moderator ASAP as I think I understand why that is so important. Also, many people seem to play a bunch of PBEM games at the same time averaging 1 turn/day from what I can tell. That seems reasonable. I do wonder if a coordinating time to start and take turns would make 2 turns/day possible?
Last edited by Avenoct; July 5, 2001 at 16:15.
July 5, 2001, 15:37
Local Time: 03:12
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Posts: 2
Well, it looks like its full, (7 players!) but who would moderate this, and how does this exactly work (is there a special PBEM option?)
Tell me soon
(and 2 turns a day would be preferable, since well, the game would take a year or more if we played it @ one turn a day)
July 5, 2001, 16:35
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Im Back before I thought..
Well, first i would like to ask who can REALLY play SMAX.
If most can't, we could perfectly play SMAC. If SMAX, I would play as pirates. If SMAC i would play university. We Could start on friday, ok?
July 5, 2001, 16:39
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I forgot to say that the moderator thing would be OK but who would do it???
July 5, 2001, 19:56
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I have both SMAC and SMAX. Morgan is my pick either way.
Go Arsenal!!!
July 5, 2001, 21:03
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I'll withdraw my offer to play in the game as I have several on the go at the moment and it looks like there are a few people here who want to play.
As to your moderator I suggest you post your request to a new thread... Good luck.
'No room for human error, and really it's thousands of times safer than letting drivers do it. But the one in ten million has come up once again, and the the cause of the accident is sits, something in the silicon.' - The Gold Coast - Kim Stanley Robinson
'Feels just like I can take a thousand miles in my stride hey yey' - Oh, Baby - Rhianna
July 6, 2001, 06:49
Local Time: 06:12
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I'll suggest that you make this a SMAX game, which would bring your players down to about 4, for speedier play, and I'll necessarily have mine be SMAC, also at 4 or so players. This precludes me from playing in your game, but oh well, we'll just start a third if we need to! Hobbes has volunteered to Moderate my game, and I think NorthSwordsman is also available. If you do decide to go with SMAC, I'm definately still interested, and will play any faction, though I have to say I'd rather not be Miriam..chuckles..
July 6, 2001, 13:52
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SMAC it is!
Well, as i REALLY want to start playing lets start..I will play as university..mmhh..when do we start?
July 6, 2001, 20:45
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Hi, I'm going to the poccono's this saturday for a week and won't be back till the following monday. So I'm afraid I'll need a replacement player till I get back, although if you can't wait for one or just want to replace me permanently then that'll be fine too. Sorry I can't make it
July 7, 2001, 01:27
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so...i think we're ready..let's start! is everyone ok with their faction?
July 7, 2001, 05:42
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I can sub for Tai Mai Shu if you wish
'No room for human error, and really it's thousands of times safer than letting drivers do it. But the one in ten million has come up once again, and the the cause of the accident is sits, something in the silicon.' - The Gold Coast - Kim Stanley Robinson
'Feels just like I can take a thousand miles in my stride hey yey' - Oh, Baby - Rhianna
July 7, 2001, 22:32
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It Would be fine.
July 7, 2001, 23:36
Local Time: 06:12
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Maybe post the turns, who plays which faction and ask for emails? As I said I'll play anyone.
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