*chalks down another name*
Alright...so three now...
Just so people know...the playable civs are:
America (America, Panama, Iceland)
Warsaw Pact (Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Mongolia)
North Atlantic Treaty Org. (West Europe, Canada, Greece, Turkey)
China (China, North Korea)
India (India...lol)
Arab League (Mid-East to Algeria, Pakistan)
Neutrals (Just about everybody else)
Rebel Groups (Barbs who are...well...in any hot spots that come up)
I'm hoping that all of them could be played...but the Neutrals aren't that important.
That all depends on how many people sign up.
I wouldn't mind sharing my progress; it's when people ask me about stuff that I feel the need to keep working.
Nope...each of those maps is around 320000 squares. It's 200 up and down, and around 180 or so across. This is a VERY large map.
It's been through 4 different incarnations, this being the final when I figured out how they could all fit together.
BTW, on the Kalahari... I did South Africa very quickly, without thinking much except that I needed to make sure that the major plateau was there. I didn't think about it until after I'd placed all the cities...it's not and important area, or even one that more than a unit or two would cross all game. It would be an arduous task to fix it in the game -- that's a good 120-130 squares that would need replacing.
Here's a fairly decent screen of Europe.