Democracy is a lock for Miriam, because she has no penalties with it. I wouldn't stay Green for long, because you miss out on pop booms and Free Market benefits. For extra fun, run Free Market as Miriam with Abundant native life setting while Herculeus is in perihelion with two boreholes per base! Yow!!

Better get the Neural Amplifier first.
My Believer stratetgy has several phases.
2100-2110 Set energy to maximum economy. I set energy to 60% economy for most of the game, because of the research penalry. Try to compensate by having high economy. Later, when I have lots of research facilities built, I can go to 80% research.
2100-2120 Build tons of scouts and explore everywhere. Build lots of pods. Pods get built as soon as turns to completion is less than turns to pop growth.
2120-2140 Build 4 formers per base. Cover everything in forest and do advance terraforming in future base sites.
2140-2160 Go into SP mode. You probably don't have Ind Auto, so use formers instead of crawlers and disband them inside the base building the Weather Paradigm (your top choice for SP, for the ability to build condensors and boreholes decades before the tech is available).
2160 on: depends on conditions.