I looked through this board and the archives and saw nothing like this, so here goes. But this may have been done before...
I was too busy to actually make formulas for this or anything.
First of all, corruption and waste do not increase on seperate continents or on different map sizes, not like it would but I checked anyway.
At 6 spaces traveling on one of the four squares whose entire side touches the square the capital is on etc... (ie northwest, southwest etc, not directly north south etc)
Under despotism, the 4th trade arrow is corrupted, and the 4th sheild is wasted.
Under monarchy, the 7th trade arrow is corrupted, and the 14th sheild is wasted.
Under republic, the 11th trade arrow is corrupted, and the 27th sheild is wasted.
Meanwhile at 12 spaces traveling southeast, northwest etc... (not directly north south etc)
Under despotism, the 2nd trade arrow is corrupted, and the 2nd sheild is wasted.
Under monarchy, the 4th trade arrow is corrupted, and the 7th sheild is wasted.
Under republic, the 7th trade arrow is corrupted, and the 15th sheild is wasted.
While traveling directly south, north etc, the results differ greatly. I have not completed these but from what I have done it is quite evident there is a significant difference.
Under Monarchy, 6 spaces directly north/south etc, the 5th trade arrow is corrupted. Thats one more arrow for the SAME distance from the capital (movementwise). Meanwhile the 9th sheild is wasted, this is a difference of 5 sheilds
Under Monarchy, 12 spaces directly north/south etc, the 3rd trade arrow is corrupted. Which is also one fewer for the SAME distance. The 5th sheild is wasted, which is a difference of 2 sheilds.
Although the difference may not be great, if you build multiple cities like this the gains can be pretty big. Also I have yet to do combinations, which get a bit tricky in their placement for ratios etc.